Well, went Friday and as I said in another post edgewater let me down. I got my money back and was able to get a partial run in at least for some logging. I put a used set of injectors in that I had cleaned and flowed. One of them was suspect but I gave it a try as it seemed to clean up and work well. It was working right uo til I started it for the third or fourth time with the goofy kid at the lanes kept walking over like we were next, so I'd start it and then the idiot would walk away. So the time he actually was pulling us forward, it starts misfiring.
So I pulled out all the injectors and it turned out to be the suspect one and it was on the passenger side. I flowed and tested all of them while I had them out and they all work great except one. I put an order into Holley for 2 new 120lb inj and hopefully I'll have them before Friday.