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Thread: The 2014 Dirty Dozen Discussion Thread

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    The 2014 Dirty Dozen Discussion Thread

    This is the thread where you congrat someone, tell someone they suck, bitch, complain, call out someone, etc. If you do it in the et thread, I'll delete it, keep doing it, and I'll spank you.

    That said.

    Originally Posted by vinny5oh
    Here ya go.....

    Also, you can expect things to shake out at the end of this season to level the street-car vs race-car issue. We're going to pick a test and tune day at the end of the season, have all potential dozen members meet at a set location and DRIVE to the track and make passes. This will weed out the 5 gallon fuel cell race cars, prove their street credibility as well as keep the list local. If you can't make a test and tune session around here then you aren't local. We may recquire that all dozen list members attend the fall cruise-in as well to once again prove their street creds as well as their involvement with this site. We don't need one-post-wonders claiming to be a SBZ member, making the cut and leaving somebody off the list with more of a street car and more time on this site.

    So with that, I'll start the first round.
    "His car isn't really a street car" is something I hear a lot. Problem is, everybody's opinion on what a true street car is will be different. As the rules sit right now, a street car is defined as having license, tags and insurance. I made it this way only to parallel the NMRA Wild Street definition. This is probably the toughest one to call so making these cars come out on the street to stay on the list will make things more fair in my opinion. This can be accomplished by requiring the cars to drive to the track at least once and/or showing up at our big cruise-ins.

    Remember kids, this is for fun, bragging rights and a decal....nothing more. No big money prizes, no sponsorship deals, no trophies....just some good ole boys bringing out their cars and putting a beating on 1320 feet of tarmac!

    Thanks for reading

    This was Vinnys idea and we are going to respect him by keeping his rules and try and keep this simple....

    -A Participating member of Stangbangerz.
    **That means, you show up to SBZ events and get-togethers.


    **you are an active member on Stangbangerz forums (posting 100 things for sale is NOT an active member)

    -Runs must be made at a local T&T at Edgewater, Kil-Kare or Tri-State with fellow SBZ members witnessing them (these are our local tracks)

    -Times ran at NMRA Norwalk, National Trail, or Bowling Green will be eligible.

    -A Ford-powered Mustang/Capri with insurance, tags and registration matching the car. Pump gas, race gas, slicks, radials, whatever... But exhaust must run through a muffler of some sort. Turbos do NOT count as mufflers.

    -Owner may have help building his/her car, but they, the OWNER will race it. No hired shoes to race for them.

    -New Rule for Broke / Change combo. This always seems to be a problem. If you break or change your combo, you are not off the list. Everyone is always trying new things, and pushing the envelope. If you break, or change your combo, you still need to post up that you broke, or are changing your combo. When you bring the car back out (IT MUST COME BACK OUT), as long as you can back up your original time within 2% you keep your original time. If not, come the end of the year, the new time will be your time.

    -Cutoff - October 13th - This is for the guys that want to get ready for next year. Times can be added until the final running at Edgewater in November. However, if you want to start tearing down your car for next year. You may do so after the weekend of the 13th and not lose your spot, but you can still be bumped by a quicker e.t. Same holds true for those wanting on the list, car must be out at last once before this date as well. No end of the year 1 hit wonders.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Big Block Chevy engines should be allowed! Where all this began! Vinny
    1984 Mustang build @craig_btr on Instagram

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No BBC unless it is twin turboed.
    Quote Originally Posted by 89notch View Post
    I can tell you I don't have any time to commit here anymore. I have no problem stepping aside and letting someone else have my spot. I also don't have a problem bringing back banned members.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by evil8 View Post
    No BBC unless it is twin turboed.
    Hell yeah. DD's First 7 second member! Where all this began! Vinny
    1984 Mustang build @craig_btr on Instagram

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