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The Delta Variant [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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09-03-2021, 05:41 PM
9 days into this now, still running a 101+ fever. Breathing is difficult- winded like you ran up two flights of steps, but it never stops. This shit is pure evil. Can't taste nothing, eating is like chewing on a sponge.

I have no health issues, I don't smoke and this thing has put me down like nothing I've ever had. Easily twice as bad as the normal flu.

I did not want the vaccine prior to getting this- but if I could go back and do it again, I would get it for sure. I'll probably still get it in month or so from now to really peak the antibodies prior to the holidays.

Be safe out there, especially if you have health issues or you are a smoker.

09-03-2021, 08:58 PM
Hope you get better soon. That shit ain't no joke. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. I think I had it in Feb 2020 but they wouldn't test me at that point being that they was limited on the number of tests they had. I was down for 2 weeks pretty solid. We passed it around at work for a good 2 months. We had a Rep that had just returned from China that most likely spread it to us all.

Some people have mild symptoms, and others get it bad. Its crazy how it works.

You hear so many different things. If you get it the antibodies are the best, better than the vaccine I've read. There are just so many made up story's out there you don't know what to believe. Sure would be nice to go back to the way it was but those days are long gone.

09-03-2021, 09:01 PM
Then yesterday I was reading about the new variant "Mu". Said it was resistant to the vaccine.

09-04-2021, 11:21 AM
There is so much bullshit out there, thank facebook for perpetuating and even creating this bs. I got my vaccine the day I was eligible and same with my daughter. My wife refuses. She used to use the 'it's not fda approved' excuse and now that it's approved, she still won't get it.
Everybody, get your shot. Period. Nothing will happen to you, get the phizer. I had zero side effects, same with my kid. Too much hype, trump hate and lies circulating about this. It's just like a flu shot.
Hope you get better soon. I wouldn't wish this on my ex wife. It sucks and people are still dying because they refuse to get vaccinated. I don't get it. Speedy recovery.

09-04-2021, 10:06 PM
We just had a round of this go through my work again. Luckily the symptoms were very mild and all people I talked to who got it were vaccinated this time around. I got it last year before the vaccination. I was sick for 10 days. Another guy was sick for over two weeks and one guy lost his taste for 6 months. This was all before vaccinations. I’m surprised how this virus just keeps holding together, mutating and not breaking down. I can see this going on for years unfortunately. Hope you feel better and all stay well. I know people are taking more risk again.

09-05-2021, 11:20 PM
Screw that vaccine, I'll take my chances with the immune system I was given. You guys can make fun of me after I'm dead and gone. :flipoff:

09-06-2021, 12:02 AM
The efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine has fallen significantly with the delta variant and I suspect it will continue to fall with each new variant. Despite the story the media has spun the Pfizer jab is still under emergency use authorization and thus still receiving full immunity of law suits. The BioNTech version is the one that received the approval but it isn’t available on the market. The Moderna vaccine is proving a fair bit more effective against variants but that probably due to the fact that each dose contains 7 times as much mRNA as the Pfizer vaccine. Apparently the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is significantly more likely to cause an adverse reaction but it is still statistically very very safe.

I was on the bubble about maybe getting jabbed but seeing as how I am currently recovering from Covid I believe I’ll stick with what Mother Nature has provided.

09-06-2021, 05:26 AM
Screw that vaccine, I'll take my chances with the immune system I was given. You guys can make fun of me after I'm dead and gone. :flipoff:

Im with you. Already had it, lets see how it pans out. I don't want to be part of the next late night infomercial for a botched vaccine with all the side effects that are being suppressed.

09-06-2021, 02:42 PM
Screw that vaccine, I'll take my chances with the immune system I was given. You guys can make fun of me after I'm dead and gone. :flipoff:

I'm with you 1,000% ...

The Shit I've been through if a virus takes me out, It was meant to be ...

09-08-2021, 10:28 PM
This "vaccine" is NOTHING like the flu shot. People react differently to these "vaccines" much like everyone is different in how they are affected by Covid itself. I'm high risk and I've seen enough to know I won't be getting the jab. I'll just give my immune system the tools to fight this as best it can and hope for the best as I feel that's where my best chances of beating it are.

09-09-2021, 07:56 AM
This "vaccine" is NOTHING like the flu shot. People react differently to these "vaccines" much like everyone is different in how they are affected by Covid itself. I'm high risk and I've seen enough to know I won't be getting the jab. I'll just give my immune system the tools to fight this as best it can and hope for the best as I feel that's where my best chances of beating it are.

This is really where I'm at as well. I think it's great if people want to get the vaccine, but there is too much documentation out now showing the risks of long lasting side effects especially folks with certain pre-existing conditions. Heart issues run rampant on my Dad's side and that's an ongoing issue I'm seeing with getting the vaccine. I personally think that everyone should be working with their doctor and be case by case situations. Like you said, Greg, there is no single fix for everybody.

09-09-2021, 09:03 AM
In the end, I'm glad I suffered through without a vaccine- I believe it prepares you for the upcoming variations of the virus way better than any vaccine can.

There will be no "sneaking in" with new variants. My body knows everything about that damn corona virus now, including how to instantly kill it. It will recognize that CV-19 immediately, even it's it's wearing a disguise of different proteins. The mu variant is a perfect example- if your protection is vaccine based, your body does not recognize it as a threat. They will need a different vaccine for that one.

Mu started in South America and it's here now. It's only 1% right now, but it's gonna take off if the vaccines do not protect you from it. The vaccinated, in general, are not taking any precautions with regard to masks and distancing anymore. Look at any sporting event.

At least there's only 120 or so possible variants of this thing.

09-09-2021, 08:43 PM
Glad to hear you fought your way through naturally, I'm sure it sucked. As you know, that's the best way to fight off any other variant that raises it's head. Nothing about this vax is like the one's previously. NOTHING. My wife had covid and symptoms lasted for about 6 weeks. I got tested and was clean. I stay up on my vitamins though, so evidently my immune system is working as it's supposed to.

09-21-2021, 01:35 PM
So, I'm seeing more and more vaccinated people getting COVID. My niece was vaccinated a month ago- she's got it right now. A co-worker was vaccinated back when they were first available- now he's got it.

The whole "I got a COVID vaccination so therefore I'm safe to be around others" should actually be "I tested positive for COVID more than 4 weeks ago and therefore I'm safe to be around others".

The "you have to be vaccinated" to return to work/school/whatever is complete bullshit. Vaccinations do not stop you from getting it and spreading it, it only makes the symptoms less severe when you finally contract it.

IMO, only a positive COVID test from at least 4 weeks ago ago is 100% proof that you do not have it now, and will not be spreading it to others.

09-21-2021, 03:50 PM
This "vaccine" is NOTHING like the flu shot. People react differently to these "vaccines" much like everyone is different in how they are affected by Covid itself. I'm high risk and I've seen enough to know I won't be getting the jab. I'll just give my immune system the tools to fight this as best it can and hope for the best as I feel that's where my best chances of beating it are.
Good luck you’re going to need it.

09-21-2021, 06:33 PM
So, I'm seeing more and more vaccinated people getting COVID. My niece was vaccinated a month ago- she's got it right now. A co-worker was vaccinated back when they were first available- now he's got it.

The whole "I got a COVID vaccination so therefore I'm safe to be around others" should actually be "I tested positive for COVID more than 4 weeks ago and therefore I'm safe to be around others".

The "you have to be vaccinated" to return to work/school/whatever is complete bullshit. Vaccinations do not stop you from getting it and spreading it, it only makes the symptoms less severe when you finally contract it.

IMO, only a positive COVID test from at least 4 weeks ago ago is 100% proof that you do not have it now, and will not be spreading it to others.

Father, Mother, and Uncle just got it and all 3 been vaccinated. Dad and mom had the two part and uncle the J/J vaccine. Dad got it while at a hospital. He was wearing a mask the whole time there.

09-21-2021, 07:18 PM
Good luck you’re going to need it.

I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think my chances were better with this route, some of what people are dealing with after getting it I already have problems with so it wouldn't be smart for me to get it.

09-21-2021, 07:26 PM
Father, Mother, and Uncle just got it and all 3 been vaccinated. Dad and mom had the two part and uncle the J/J vaccine. Dad got it while at a hospital. He was wearing a mask the whole time there.

Sorry to hear all that. If masks stopped viruses you'd see epidemiologists wearing them, the masks helping with stopping transmission is a lie.

09-21-2021, 07:55 PM
Father, Mother, and Uncle just got it and all 3 been vaccinated. Dad and mom had the two part and uncle the J/J vaccine. Dad got it while at a hospital. He was wearing a mask the whole time there.

Sorry to hear Chad. Hope they have mild symptoms and can recover quickly. Its bad, no doubt. We have been fed so much BS that nobody knows what to believe.

The majority of the people I know right now that have it are vaccinated. One guy that I worked with that was vaccinated passed away a couple of weeks ago from covid. He had other health conditions which made it more favorable to get the vaccine but I think it gives people a false hope. Even looking at the numbers today compared to 1 year ago, the number of positive cases are greater than before we had the vaccine.

09-22-2021, 02:08 PM
The majority of the people I know right now that have it are vaccinated. One guy that I worked with that was vaccinated passed away a couple of weeks ago from covid. He had other health conditions which made it more favorable to get the vaccine but I think it gives people a false hope. Even looking at the numbers today compared to 1 year ago, the number of positive cases are greater than before we had the vaccine.

I agree. I'm seeing way more people getting COVID and dying from COVID now compared to any part of 2020, when essentially nobody was vaccinated.

I knew exactly 0 people who even contracted COVID in 2020. This week though- two women we know both died from COVID. Both were unvaccinated, under 35 years old, did not smoke, and had essentially no other health issues other than the fact they were both 100-150 lbs overweight. It seems like being extremely overweight is a huge risk factor that's not being communicated.

09-22-2021, 09:47 PM
Sorry to hear Chad. Hope they have mild symptoms and can recover quickly. Its bad, no doubt. We have been fed so much BS that nobody knows what to believe.

The majority of the people I know right now that have it are vaccinated. One guy that I worked with that was vaccinated passed away a couple of weeks ago from covid. He had other health conditions which made it more favorable to get the vaccine but I think it gives people a false hope. Even looking at the numbers today compared to 1 year ago, the number of positive cases are greater than before we had the vaccine.

They are doing okay Brian given the circumstances. Dad has gotten past the symptoms and sounds way better today. Mom is still fighting a low grade fever but she sounds clear and not congested on the phone.Their symptoms are similar to most I have known to have gotten this since China released it. Likewise my uncle though I have not heard is similar in symptom experience. My aunt is still negative though tending to him. That all said I lost a coworker a few weeks ago and they say it was COVID though he also had double pneumonia that went septic and a collapsed lung (they seem to blame covid for everything you know so who is to know the truth). He was quite over weight and did not take care of himself at all. Great guy that will be missed.

I wonder how people with stronger natural immune systems respond to exposure and if they contract it how do they compare in the severity of their symptoms as to the average person who runs to the doctor every time they are sick and gets an annual flu shot regularly. Would be nice to see some data on this...but it may expose the theory that natural herd immunity is the better route for most. In the end this is a topic between a patient and his doctor, not a directive set forth by a monarch.

09-25-2021, 02:33 AM
I had Covid in 2020 and so did some of my coworkers before the vaccines. Starting to see people under 40 who are connected to my friends start to loose their lives to it. My old classmates sister was just put on a ventilator who looks to be in good shape and mother of two. This isn’t the flu and crazy how it affects people differently. We had 7 vaccinated people at work this year get it in the middle of summer. That’s about 10% the people at my work. 5 had very mild systems. Two others were pretty sick but didn’t need goto the hospital.

09-25-2021, 09:05 PM
My brother just tested positive a few days ago. One of his girls was exposed at school to it. She also tested positive.

Neither one would have known they had it but Devyn wanted to go back to school so the only option was to test and if it was negative after 5 days, she could return. My brother took her to get tested and she came back positive. At that point, he went ahead and got tested and came back positive as well. His wife and the other 4 girls have yet to get it.

My brother said his is like a nasty sinus infection. No fever, no loss of taste or smell, but he has been a little more tired than usual. He is 6 days in to it if he goes back to when he started having symptoms. Crazy how it hits some and other's hardly notice. I pray for all that get it and hopefully someday, we can be able to get back to a little normalcy.

10-03-2021, 09:40 AM
Well... I am in Day 12 of it myself :(

No idea how I got it. I work from home and haven't been sick in years. Hell, my doctor even dropped me because I had not been there in 5 + years. I have been to the ER twice because I would have these spells where I would tunnel vision, hearing would go away and fall on the floor and break out into a cold sweet that would leave a puddle on the floor. After the second time, went to ER and they did NOTHING for me. Just gave me the Covid test. That was a real kick in the balls. I asked about the Regeneron, I know several people who did get it and said they immediately started the mend, but they said I was not old enough, or fat enough to get it. True story. 2 days later, it happened again and went to Troy ER. The gave me an IV and some medicine for Nausa. But ran every test, CatScan, X-ray, EKG. You name it. Pretty much, if your heart is good, and your O2 levels / breathing are good, they wont do anything. Just tell you to take all the herbs and supplements you read about. Luckily, the wife is a witch doctor, so I have been pumped with that shit since day 1. Just super disappointing that their is some relief treatment out there, but I was not able to qualify for it.

Been in a fog with zero energy.

This morning is the first that I have felt human since the start. Hopefully I have passed the hump.

10-03-2021, 12:58 PM
Sorry to hear. Makes a person wonder given your circumstances.

There is no doubt this is real. Its the bs politics being played that makes it such a big pain. Known regimens to have worked with data to back them getting banned (hydroxochloroquine, Zinc regamine for one) , masks, no masks, 2 masks, masks only if you aren't this or are that. My bro in law can't find employment because they are now using that as a means to force people to get the experimental vaccine. So he has no choice to go get it if he wants a job. The control regime is playing every angle to force the middle class to bend to their will. I'm sick of it. And you can bet if you arent vaccinated they will tell you you need to be in spite of the fact you now have an improved natural resistance to it...better than any 'vaccine' can provide.

10-03-2021, 04:50 PM
My brother just tested positive a few days ago. One of his girls was exposed at school to it. She also tested positive.

Neither one would have known they had it but Devyn wanted to go back to school so the only option was to test and if it was negative after 5 days, she could return. My brother took her to get tested and she came back positive. At that point, he went ahead and got tested and came back positive as well. His wife and the other 4 girls have yet to get it.

My brother said his is like a nasty sinus infection. No fever, no loss of taste or smell, but he has been a little more tired than usual. He is 6 days in to it if he goes back to when he started having symptoms. Crazy how it hits some and other's hardly notice. I pray for all that get it and hopefully someday, we can be able to get back to a little normalcy.

Damn man, Sorry to hear. Hopefully you are on the down hill side of it now.

My youngest son tested positive on Wednesday. He had a fever, chills, over all weakness/tired, and now a cough. Hopefully he kicks it soon. Me and him have both been eating the vitamins and supplements to try to curb it as much as possible. I tested negative twice now. Knock on wood...

Lost 2 good people to it yesterday that I knew. One was 49 and in good health. Its crazy shit.

10-04-2021, 05:26 PM
Well... I am in Day 12 of it myself :(

No idea how I got it. I work from home and haven't been sick in years. Hell, my doctor even dropped me because I had not been there in 5 + years. I have been to the ER twice because I would have these spells where I would tunnel vision, hearing would go away and fall on the floor and break out into a cold sweet that would leave a puddle on the floor. After the second time, went to ER and they did NOTHING for me. Just gave me the Covid test. That was a real kick in the balls. I asked about the Regeneron, I know several people who did get it and said they immediately started the mend, but they said I was not old enough, or fat enough to get it. True story. 2 days later, it happened again and went to Troy ER. The gave me an IV and some medicine for Nausa. But ran every test, CatScan, X-ray, EKG. You name it. Pretty much, if your heart is good, and your O2 levels / breathing are good, they wont do anything. Just tell you to take all the herbs and supplements you read about. Luckily, the wife is a witch doctor, so I have been pumped with that shit since day 1. Just super disappointing that their is some relief treatment out there, but I was not able to qualify for it.

Been in a fog with zero energy.

This morning is the first that I have felt human since the start. Hopefully I have passed the hump.

Yea, was talking about it with my friend and he is pretty incredulous that the hospitals will essentially do nothing for COVID for most people. Run a bunch of test to pay some bills and send you home.

I've not "heard" of any hearing issues with it before you mentioned it. I had trouble seeing though, fuzzy vision and my eyes would hurt trying to focus.

Brother-in-law went in twice for COVID last week, 2nd time he was down to 70% oxygen level- which has progressed to 3 days on oxygen and he now has pneumonia as well.

It was a solid 2 weeks before I got over the constant fever, so you might have it a few days still.

10-19-2021, 03:19 AM
I had it and so did the wife. Felt bad for a little while. The worst was couldn't smell or taste anything for a few weeks.

10-22-2021, 06:17 PM
Due to my company having federal contracts we in compliance must be fully vaccinated by December 8th 2020. The exception is medical or religious. I don’t know the implications if someone is not vaccinated. This seems like a bit much. There was a Protest today at the company next door over the same issue. I’m in disbelief over this whole thing.

10-23-2021, 12:32 AM
Due to my company having federal contracts we in compliance must be fully vaccinated by December 8th 2020. The exception is medical or religious. I don’t know the implications if someone is not vaccinated. This seems like a bit much. There was a Protest today at the company next door over the same issue. I’m in disbelief over this whole thing.

My wife is wrestling with that now a federal employee, get jabbed or be fired.

10-23-2021, 12:42 AM

So am I as an employee of a federal contractor. Not sure what I will do. I am hoping it will get challenged in Supreme Court this week as it should have already IMHO. We have been peacefully protesting daily at 11:00 am. Other protests have been outside the gates at 12:00pm. Over 400 average per day average (hourly/salary/even management) just at our location alone. Strangely though hardly a word about it on the news. Other plants have also been holding protest walks and several have had sick days. One plant had 75% call off last Monday. Another in Ohio over 50% called off the same day.

I have nothing against the vaccine or anyone taking it. I have everything against a dictator like mandate forcing me to do this. As I see it if they can do this, then Roe v Wade can be overturned just because a president decides to in-the future. Apparently its not "my body, my choice" for anything medical related any longer. What next, papers and barcode tattoos to buy food, hold down a job, and travel across state borders?

10-23-2021, 09:06 AM
Ive been watching the GE walk outs being that I having several friends there. Its sad what its came to. I have nothing against anyone getting it if they want but why force those who have already had it and recovered get it or those who just don't want too.

If the vaccine is so good, why do those that get it, still get sick, still transmit it, and can still die from it. And then you add on all the side effects that people are having from it... I know 3 people personally who have got the vaccine and 2 now have heart issues and 1 has blood clots. Several I know wish they never would have got it.

Ill be out of a job coming up if Im required to get it. FJB...

10-23-2021, 10:55 AM
Ive been watching the GE walk outs being that I having several friends there. Its sad what its came to. I have nothing against anyone getting it if they want but why force those who have already had it and recovered get it or those who just don't want too.

If the vaccine is so good, why do those that get it, still get sick, still transmit it, and can still die from it. And then you add on all the side effects that people are having from it... I know 3 people personally who have got the vaccine and 2 now have heart issues and 1 has blood clots. Several I know wish they never would have got it.

Ill be out of a job coming up if Im required to get it. FJB...

That’s what I’m worried about that we lose some really good workers to this. Why did the government put it onto companies to enforce this? I’m vaccinated but that was by choice and it wasn’t by fear. I’m scared that if people getting laid off won’t get backed with unemployment and will have a hard time finding another job because they require the vaccine. I talked to upper management yesterday and they are trying their best to figure out how to prevent us loosing good people. They hired lawyers to see what can be done to prevent possible fallout from this.

10-23-2021, 02:09 PM
That’s what I’m worried about that we lose some really good workers to this. Why did the government put it onto companies to enforce this? I’m vaccinated but that was by choice and it wasn’t by fear. I’m scared that if people getting laid off won’t get backed with unemployment and will have a hard time finding another job because they require the vaccine. I talked to upper management yesterday and they are trying their best to figure out how to prevent us loosing good people. They hired lawyers to see what can be done to prevent possible fallout from this.

Where Im at they took a questionnaire on what our plans are. Vaccinated, Unvaccinated, started getting vaccinated, plan on getting it, ordon't plan on getting it. Once you answer that you don't plan on getting it, it asks a series of other questions, basically for either a medical or religious exemption. Hopefully that will be a way out. Not looking promising though.

10-30-2021, 07:09 AM
Fake it. There's zero ways in which they can verify the authenticity of a vaccination card, which makes it even stupider that they are going to be some magic key to get in places. I know of one card that will likely be going onto a high res flatbed scanner here soon.

10-30-2021, 09:45 AM
Fake it. There's zero ways in which they can verify the authenticity of a vaccination card, which makes it even stupider that they are going to be some magic key to get in places. I know of one card that will likely be going onto a high res flatbed scanner here soon.

I definitely need one of those!!

11-01-2021, 08:43 AM
Fake it. There's zero ways in which they can verify the authenticity of a vaccination card, which makes it even stupider that they are going to be some magic key to get in places. I know of one card that will likely be going onto a high res flatbed scanner here soon.

Ill take 4 of those as well.