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Edgewater Wreck over the weekend [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Edgewater Wreck over the weekend

05-03-2020, 10:17 AM

I hope this wasn’t anyone on here and everyone is ok also. There was a private track rental at Edgewater over the weekend.

05-03-2020, 10:25 AM
That was Nick and the Dirty 30 who wreaked . He was okay. Car was totaled.

That was a no prep street race event. The video makes a great point for having the proper safety gear.

05-03-2020, 10:30 AM
That’s a huge shame that happened. Glad everyone is ok but that’s a horrible way to start the season.

05-03-2020, 11:51 AM
He wasn't the only one who wrecked.

At least he was able to walk away from it.

05-03-2020, 12:15 PM
I’m not sure about the owner of the mustang and if the car is going to be ok. I was curious if it was anyone on here. Looks like the dirty 30 car has videos on YouTube and it seems pretty top heavy going down the track. Anyway I do wish the best for both these guys.

05-03-2020, 03:18 PM
Not someone from here but there was a few local cars there also. Im not sure of the other wrecks or who they was.

05-03-2020, 08:30 PM
WOW! That was crazy.

05-04-2020, 02:21 AM
Glad Nick was OK. Shows just how fast a fire can get out of control.

05-05-2020, 01:22 PM
Saw on the news that E20 was shut down and facing fines for that TT event the other day in spite of their efforts to conform to distancing practices. Acton's Army is stalking the state in full force.

05-05-2020, 03:52 PM
I am so tired of her and the rules that she keeps throwing out. It was a private event with limited people and the PPE was handed out at the gate and a waiver signed. I cant wait till this shit is over and she is no longer heard.

05-05-2020, 05:04 PM
Hate to be a bearer of bad news to you, but the political rumor mill has it that she is looking at a Senator run against Portman when he is up for re-election.

05-05-2020, 05:14 PM
I’m not for or against her, but what has happened in Ohio that hasn’t happened in pretty much every other state? I’m in Indiana and it’s all been the same.
As for the racing, it was plain and simple against the rules at the time. So pay the fine and move on, that what happens when we break rules. Hopefully it does not put a bad eye on the track for us trying to race once we are “allowed” too. How many kids/teenagers and or adults want to play their sports or choice of hobbies right now and can not across the world? Or even want to see some of there family? It all sucks right now, but it’s all apart of our lives right now

05-05-2020, 07:21 PM
Motivational speaker

05-05-2020, 07:26 PM
I’m not for or against her, but what has happened in Ohio that hasn’t happened in pretty much every other state? I’m in Indiana and it’s all been the same.
As for the racing, it was plain and simple against the rules at the time. So pay the fine and move on, that what happens when we break rules. Hopefully it does not put a bad eye on the track for us trying to race once we are “allowed” too. How many kids/teenagers and or adults want to play their sports or choice of hobbies right now and can not across the world? Or even want to see some of there family? It all sucks right now, but it’s all apart of our lives right now

You just want to get against her. Indiana has a very specific and well laid out plan to getting back to normal operations. Ohio is a bunch of ifs, ands, and buts. DeWine has back pedaled and double talked so much he has crossed the finish line in reverse. He calls it re-opening but its mostly talk. Indiana will have restaurants and bars open at 50% capacity allowance next week. Ohio has yet to even determine when these businesses can open.

As for E20 - Since when was it illegal for a legal business to operate? They took every precaution needed to socially distance...even to the point of providing masks to all 80 people present. The public was not invited it was closed in the same way that The Grand Ole' Opry has been continuing their weekly shows...without an audience.

No sir, this was spiteful and more out of a hatred for the sport by some liberal extremist wielding a self given power and exploiting rules that are not lawful. I hope they sue the crap out of the state as should every small business being kicked in the nuts right now over this martial law state of control.

It's easy to make the rules on who opens and who doesn't when those rules aren't impacting your wallet or families comfort conditions. That is what Acton and DeWine are doing. Essential business employees like me have been VERY blessed to not have to experience this. Those I work with equally sympathize with these small business people struggling to keep their businesses above water AND hoping that if they can survive and reopen the public will return to do business with them and not stay retreated in their homes from all of the fear mongering generated from elected officials, appointed bureaucrats, and the media.

05-05-2020, 08:50 PM
Dewine will be a one term governor because in 2 years all people will remember is the hardship he let Acton create. As far as a possible senate run for her, that’s laughable. She can barely speak in front of reporters about somethings she’s supposed to be expert about.

The state and us taxes payers are going to be on the hook for years of litigation over this and the first cases being tested seem to be favoring the constitution. Dewine and the state are currently being sued by a business owner in Cincinnati that was forced to close on the grounds her business was taken from her without due process and without just compensation. I’m sure there plenty more waiting in the wings. I hope whomever is charged at Edgewater finds good representation and fights this all the way to the end.

05-05-2020, 08:57 PM
These 'rules' are unconstitutional, to say the least. Jmho. But we adhere because I don't want to enable the spread of this crap.

05-05-2020, 09:51 PM
There's common sense and then there's extremism. The effort to shut down was similar IMO to a gentleman's agreement. Whether it really worked or not will be determined when we return to routine. Holding off may, repeat MAY make matters slightly better. But at what cost? Lost businesses and the suicide increase from the depression over that? The increase of people turning to alcohol from depression over a lost business that was flourishing before hand? Your a small business owner that was likely be dubbed non essential, and if that were your only source of income and it was dubbed such where would you be standing at this moment? I could easily stand on the sidelines with my essential business job and side with the nut case extremists who know there is more for them to gain if they can extend this CRISIS. They don't give a damn about you or the other hoards of small business owners in this country. Like them I could say, "Hey! Stay home, I am still getting mine, who cares about you. Life sucks! Heck they would have to lay off over 60% of the plant to effect my job theoretically. But I am not numb to the struggling small business owners like you and others who are being played like pawns in this experiment and battle for power going on within the elite power class currently. The experiment has been implemented. As an old Navy salt once said, "It's time to shit or get off the pot!".

Common sense moves like cancellation of school (which effects my wife job), asking people to work from home if the option is there, no large public attended events (though the events could still carry on without the crowd) are no brainer moves UNTIL they got a feel for how bad this COVID 19 thing was. I get that and supported that. But the hand is being overplayed now. And who is going to pay for this? Your daughter and her generation if this drags on into a situation where the govt starts offering bail out s to save small business.

I don't have kids. Of all the people in the world why should I even care? I guess its because God gave me a conscience, and some dignity that I choose to try to use. That's why I care. This isn't about me not getting to sit down at a restaurant and eat a meal, or get me haircut at the barbershop. It's about these people's livelihood. My wife is a great cook. We save money by not eating out. I can put a #3 guard on a pair of clippers and run it through my hair and never darken the door of a barbershop again (more money saved). But again its not just about me. It's about US....or about the U.S.