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Druggies [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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07-01-2015, 03:33 AM
It's 3:30am, if they want to kill them selfs could they atlest od at a decent hour like 7:30 pm would be outstanding....but bright side I didn't get puked on

07-01-2015, 05:38 AM
another heroin OD attempt?

07-01-2015, 05:48 AM
I feel for the families. One of the toughest things in life to endure. Knowing if help doesn't work, the inevitable will happen. Not if, but when. Ruthless dealers, helpless families. This is one subjectsI believe in vigilanteism.

07-01-2015, 06:42 AM
I know first hand the pain that comes from a family member overdosing on heroin. 4yrs ago my Dad overdosed. I found him sitting at the kitchen table about 6hrs after it happened. He was also an alcoholic. He was trying to get sober. He said he hadn't had a drink in 5 months. Needles to say I was very happy and proud of him. But a few weeks before he passed he started acting funny so I called him out on it. He said the Dr had changed his meds and it was messing with him. I confirmed it with his girlfriend. Who had no idea that he was using again. There are no words to explain the impact it has had on my life. Heroin is some nasty crap. Stay away from it.

07-01-2015, 08:21 AM
It isn't a joke, it's an epidemic. Just recently had someone I know pass away from this Crap, it doesn't release it's victims without a price!

07-01-2015, 10:02 AM
Wicked Stuff For Sure ...
We've had 7 recent High School Graduates OD just in my small town ...
It's becoming a Major Epidemic that knows No Social or Economic Boundaries ...

07-01-2015, 10:07 AM
Who would stick themselves with a dirty needle so they can feel warm and fuzzy for a few seconds before they pass out? Never made any sense to me.

07-01-2015, 11:00 AM
yeah it was heroin, if you want to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside get a puppy

07-01-2015, 12:24 PM
And now they are passing out the Narcan kits like candy. It's like okay here is your kit, go do as much heroin as you can and when you od you can be brought back to life to do even more. Fucking ridiculous...

I've lost three friends to that shit. It's pretty bad over in Batavia. So glad I moved out of that shit hole so my kids don't have to witness it.

Mista Bone
07-01-2015, 02:55 PM
Narcan is the new.... .jpeg

Lady that does cleaning for Mom, her son is a cop or EMT in Owensville. Responded to an OD call, the kid was trying to wake his (dead) father up...

07-01-2015, 04:37 PM
I'm sorry for anyone that's lost someone to it but I'm starting to feel like there should be a 3 strikes your out law. after your 3rd OD in a month you have to sign a DNR. 3 in a month you want to kill your self

07-01-2015, 08:10 PM
I can't tell you how many patients I have revived multiple times. Or how many I have found too far gone within a week find another one of their family members too far gone. I have lost family members and friends to this. It's a nasty drug that doesn't care.

07-01-2015, 09:23 PM
I'm sorry for anyone that's lost someone to it but I'm starting to feel like there should be a 3 strikes your out law. after your 3rd OD in a month you have to sign a DNR. 3 in a month you want to kill your self

I asked that very question at a townhall meeting last Thursday on heroin awareness in the community. "How many times do you stick a person with Narcan before you finally quit making the run because they don't want to help themselves? Its a tough call if there really is one I learned apparently. REASON? I thought like any other drug you simply decide you are going to get clean, you suffer through the withdrawals and eventually the craving for that substance begins to fade with time of sobriety. Found out its apparently not that easy. The addiction for heroin is as much refraining from getting sick when it starts to break down in your body (as i understood it) as is the high. Shoot up again before you begin getting sick. It is not a drug one can simply quit cold turkey once addicted as hard as I found that to believe at first. BUT one must desire to get clean, sober, free, or whatever term you wish to use before one can ever have any chance of succeeding. It can't be done for any other reason or person if one wishes to succeed. And that goes for any addiction from smoking to porn.

To some degree I agree with Pegasus 3 strikes and don't call us. On the other hand what if that person came to their senses on that fourth Narcan injection? It sucks I know. Tax payers are getting hit with the bill. Fire and Rescue and Cops are getting frustrated with the overwhelming repeat calls to the same places over and over and over. So where does a person start to get some control over this epidemic?

How about at home at the dinner table with your kids. Put the fear of hell in them on the topic of any drug. Don't feel guilty about what you did as a teen or young adult. Save them having to go through the same thing. My parents put the fear of God in me with regard to drugs. My mother was talking to us about being approached even on the playground when we were in elementary school. It worked. I was always and still am fearful of anything from pot to heroin. It is easy to say no when you know what control something like heroin can have on you.

For those who have lost loved ones to this horrendous substance my condolences. Be active in seeing it doesn't happen to another loved one.

07-01-2015, 09:53 PM
I, to this very day have never even tried any drug except alcohol, never even smoked a cigarette. With that being said, at face value, it is incredibly stupid to be addicted to heroin, we all get that. Its just not that simple though, not even close.. Its not a 1 or a 0. Its a clever disease. It goes after good people who started out doing nothing more wrong than falling down at work. Then a year later, after their doctor got them addicted to opiates and kicked them to the curb with the single care that the government doesnt think they prescribed 2 pain pills too many. While the doctor covers his ass, the patient still has legitimate pain and is now a full blown addict. If you can't see past the puke and the druggie stereotype to have a bit of empathy then what are you doing in the business your in? But hey, you didnt get anything on you. That sure is something. Great job.

07-02-2015, 12:23 AM
It's a very addictive drug. My wife just lost a cousin to it a few months back. She was dumped out of a car in the hospital parking lot in chillicothe. If one of the people in the car wouldn't have been a delusional chicken shit and actually took her inside, she may still be here today. Not saying its OK to do, but damn they could've helped out a little. They took her purse and cell phone too, and called her mom and just said "hey we dropped her off at the hospital and she is dead".

And just a few weeks ago I got a call from my grandma and my cousin was having pains and her step father took her to the hospital in Hillsboro where she had a baby in the parking lot. 2 lbs 12 ozs and addictided to herion. She lost all her kids and is in rehab now. She was married and had a baby with the herion dealer. Pretty sad you would do that crap for drugs. I smoked pot when I was young and never did I steal, Rob, or sleep with someone for a bag. I quit one day and haven't ever touched anything again. It still isn't an issue today. Now I blow all my money on cars and parts! It was cheaper smoking dope!

Mista Bone
07-02-2015, 05:33 AM
The 4-5 bodies they have found out your way are likely those that didn't make it the hospital and their "friends" just dumped the bodies.....

I smoked for about 6 months, was having anxiety from job issues/losing Dad/failed marriage issues, trying to cover it up instead of drinking, that is until I found out in some people it makes the anxiety worse. Quit smoking and felt better, the real issue was the job. So after 14.5 years there I resigned. Stress is a MoFo, but no way could it even try heroin.

With pain management (back pain) they are too quick to give you the good drugs, then you still hurt and workers comp starts paying, on the hook. Instead of the people being sent to chiro and getting nothing more that NSAID's, getting healed and back to work...

In the news, NKY they brought the same person back twice in the same day. The person refused to go to the hospital and shot up again after nearly dying. Now EMT are required to transport them but that is a huge cost to the taxpayers as well as a strain on budgets that are shrinking. At some point, maybe already has happened, someone won't get the needed EMT help because they were out saving zombies.

07-02-2015, 05:58 AM
I'm fortunate, mine got dried up, took two terms of rehab but we think he's finally clean. But not before cleaning out thousands of dollars of his mom's and closest friends money. They have to wanna clean up or they never will, until, well we all know the end. My prayers to all that have suffered. It hurts EVERYONE.

07-02-2015, 10:43 AM
The 4-5 bodies they have found out your way are likely those that didn't make it the hospital and their "friends" just dumped the bodies.....

Im sure that's probably the case. They have been known users and prostitutes.

07-02-2015, 03:38 PM
If you can't see past the puke and the druggie stereotype to have a bit of empathy then what are you doing in the business your in? But hey, you didnt get anything on you. That sure is something. Great job.

A. I know all about how the docs caused the heroin problem. they know it too that's why there are pain clinics now that sometimes work, B is it truly a "stereotype" if it proves to be true time after time after time or a profile ? C. I have the for 1st 2nd and even 10th timers but around that time it just turns to pity and anger makes you want to just shake them, Im tired of doing cpr on chests that haven't healed from the last time I cracked there sternum tired of them waking up and screaming about losing there high . D.I'm a volunteer I try to help ppl that need it at anytime this Isn't a business if it was then where heroin is considered its a failing business. E. sometimes there are runs where you have to step back and when you look at it after its all over and the only good thing about it is you don't have to go to the ER yourself for infection control protocol and have tests taken to find out if that blood and vomit that got sprayed all over had any number of blood born like HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and viral hemorrhagic fevers. but I still go out to every call I'm able to any time day or night while your in your nice cozy bed and you have the audacity to ask "what are you doing in the business your in?" its easy to poke the bear from the other side of the cage isn't it?

07-02-2015, 03:40 PM
I'm fortunate, mine got dried up, took two terms of rehab but we think he's finally clean. But not before cleaning out thousands of dollars of his mom's and closest friends money. They have to wanna clean up or they never will, until, well we all know the end. My prayers to all that have suffered. It hurts EVERYONE.

IM so happy for you!!

07-02-2015, 08:11 PM
Doctors did not cause the problem but they certainly are part of it. And by definition, a stereotype cant really be true, as its an over simplification of the problem which is exactly what your doing. You dont know what brought people to the point where you keep seeing them over and over aside from the overdose itself. Its simply WRONG for you to label people this way. It could happen to anyone including someone that you care about. And your not in a cage. You posted something in a rant forum and didnt expect this perspective so lets not pretend to be a victim or martyr here. I have the audacity to say these things to you because volunteering(which in itself is a great thing) doesnt give you the right to essentially call these people trash or even druggies. Not exactly professional, volunteer or not. If its that bad and you feel the need to judge the people you are supposed to be helping, maybe volunteering in this way isnt right for you.

07-02-2015, 09:16 PM
^^^ Spot On Post !!!

I'm sure his Superiors wouldn't think to highly of him saying such things on a public forum ...

07-03-2015, 12:49 AM
I know I would not want to be put into the position of saving these people over and over. I feel bad for the families of the users but it is hard to feel sorry for the ones using. They are a burden for the most part on society and don't do shit to be a productive member. The stealing, murder, and pushing of this crap needs to stop and that is the majority of what it brings. I have a few family members who are junkies that I wont help out at all. If they was willing to clean up their act then maybe that would change. Atleast put forth an effort.

I know in my last few visits to the doctor, that they have not tried overly hard to find a cure for my issue but will push pills on me in the drop of a hat. Hell I wont even fill the prescription. I work in Aviation and Im sure they would find it amusing to have me come in hopped up on Valium and other crap.

07-03-2015, 12:54 AM
Doctors did not cause the problem but they certainly are part of it. And by definition, a stereotype cant really be true, as its an over simplification of the problem which is exactly what your doing. You dont know what brought people to the point where you keep seeing them over and over aside from the overdose itself. Its simply WRONG for you to label people this way. It could happen to anyone including someone that you care about. And your not in a cage. You posted something in a rant forum and didnt expect this perspective so lets not pretend to be a victim or martyr here. I have the audacity to say these things to you because volunteering(which in itself is a great thing) doesnt give you the right to essentially call these people trash or even druggies. Not exactly professional, volunteer or not. If its that bad and you feel the need to judge the people you are supposed to be helping, maybe volunteering in this way isnt right for you.

I agree with you somewhat but if a person is sticking a needle into their arm with heroin, they are druggies. No stereotyping, its the truth. They need to get help and quit being a burden regardless of the situation that brought them to where they are today.

07-03-2015, 01:47 AM
In a literal since they are druggies. And many of them brought it on themselves. Some may have no redeeming qualities what so ever. The problem is, at the point of addiction, the disease makes them look the same as good people taken by this disease who did nothing to deserve what they got. Those who had families, never taken drugs before, went to church, I could go on and on. The point is, something like a car accident or even cancer brought them to the point of addiction. The 3rd overdose of one of those "good" people looks the same as the 3rd overdose of the stealing, lazy, stereotyped "bad" junkie that everyone hates. Of course, regardless of why the addiction the addict should seek help. Im not condoning staying an addict in the least. Thats not even in the same ballpark of the point I was trying to make. The labels and judging are wrong and show a lack of intelligence in understanding the core issues. If everyone kept a perspective of it being a disease instead of focusing on name calling and automatically applying the stigma, maybe more head way towards curing the disease could be made.

07-03-2015, 02:05 AM
I agree that it is a disease. I have sat and talked to several friends that have been strung out and it has got me nowhere with them. Many aren't here today. My step dad was told he had 2 years to live if he didn't quit drinking and could go for up to 5 if he stopped that day. He was a heavy drinker of vodka and drank somewhere around 4 or 5 5ths of vodka a day. Knowing this, we tried to get him treatment, talked to him, had others talk to him, monitored his friends and so on. He continued like that till he died. It is a disease.

07-03-2015, 12:38 PM
I couldn't do what Pegasus does. I'm glad he does it tho. If my daughter ever got into this crap, I'd stuff her in an rv and move to nowhere Nevada. Sounds easy I know, and probably is just a pipe dream, but I'd get her the hell away from the friends that steered her in that direction and made it sound like a great idea in spite of common knowledge. Like blacksnake moan. I understand addictive personalities, I know how they work, I know it's a disease, but it makes no sense to me, and I can't identify with it. It's a horrible plague on our country.

04 Venom
07-03-2015, 01:12 PM
De-criminalize drug use and treat it as a medical issue.

07-03-2015, 01:33 PM
De-criminalize drug use and treat it as a medical issue.
Obama care does cover rehab now

07-03-2015, 05:59 PM
Obama care does cover rehab now

Most Health Insurance covers Rehab ...

Mista Bone
07-04-2015, 09:58 PM
Most Health Insurance covers Rehab ...

You think those people have insurance????

There is a LONG list of people needing treatment and looking for it, but without insurance they can't get it. IMHO is part of the money scam just to bilk them for more money.

Some have finally gotten into rehab only to have the Ins. company cut off the funds, then the person is back out on their own. Some might get to NA but most go right back to the toxic environments that started it all.

Has a neighbor carted out last week, wondering if he'll blow his hand off with fireworks tonight.

- - - Updated - - -

Obama care does cover rehab now

What about those in the gap?