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Hebron teen shot back in April what ever happened to the asshole cop??? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Hebron teen shot back in April what ever happened to the asshole cop???

07-11-2014, 03:34 PM
Did anyone ever hear any outcome? This seems to have been kept quite or I just live in a cave.

I come from a family of cops and this was WRONG in every way! That asshole should be in jail himself!

07-11-2014, 04:39 PM
The teen was from Covington, not Hebron, though she was killed in the Hebron area. The case is being looked at by another group from outside the Sheriff's office. I'm sure everyone will have thoughts on what happened and play the judge on this shooting. But everyone needs to remember, they were not there and don't know what happened. And once all the info comes out I'm sure people will still say there is a cover-up if it proven that it was not "WRONG in every way".

07-11-2014, 04:45 PM
If this is the one where he was on her hood when he shot her I feel she should have stopped. If your doing something wrong and the police tell you to stop. If you choose not to stop what ever happens next is on you.

07-11-2014, 05:25 PM
If this is the one where he was on her hood when he shot her I feel she should have stopped. If your doing something wrong and the police tell you to stop. If you choose not to stop what ever happens next is on you.

If a cop says freeze mother fucker you stop!!!! No matter guilty innocent bystander ect. I'm with Sean here same as the people tased and died ect. When they heard stop they should have stopped. You try to run my ass over or take off with me in some way attached to vehicle. I'll be damned if I didn't do anything in my power to stop you. Including lethal force

07-11-2014, 06:12 PM
Odds are you will not get shot if you simply comply with directions from a cop who is pulling you over or seeking to detain you. Plenty of mommies would have been a lot happier today if only their children would have followed that simple guideline. Are all cops pictures perfect angels? Hell no. There are rotten apples in every bunch. But odds are in ones favor even when dealing with a headstrong cop that if you only do what you are told you will at least retain your 98.6 degree body temp.

07-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Follow this sound advice.

07-11-2014, 08:54 PM
^^^ ROWMPL!!!!:bigthumb

07-12-2014, 12:22 AM
I figured this case would be "hush hush" from the start... Anyone watch the officer's cruiser cam? Clearly he used unnecessary force to the situation that had occurred. Remember everyone " The Police do no wrong"

07-12-2014, 06:42 AM
She should of stopped

04 Venom
07-12-2014, 12:35 PM
She should of stopped

Plain and simple.

07-12-2014, 12:55 PM
^^ I agree, but she didn't... that doesn't mean gun her down, there were 3 other people in the car besides herself... Why didn't he call her license plate in and have her picked up a few miles down the road?

07-12-2014, 01:19 PM
Because she took of with him on the hood.....

07-12-2014, 02:10 PM
I always do what the guy with the gun tells me to do.....right, or wrong!

07-12-2014, 02:30 PM
Why did he get on the hood in the first place? and no she did not hit him with the car... I have seen the police video

07-12-2014, 08:24 PM
If she didn't stop for the first responding officer why would she stop for others? So you want a high speed chase with a vehicle having four occupants and parade of police vehicles thru the city streets? I'm sure that would have ended with more body bags.

Why did she run? Drunk? Weapons? Wants/warrants? The officer did not know either but someone who needs to get away that badly often has a great reason. He contained the threat no bystanders injured and no members of the public hurt.

Life is full of choices. Her poor choice forced his poor choice. It happens every day. If she had left that party scene and led police into a chase where she ended by smashing into a bus and killing 54 people everyone would be pissed at the deputy for not stopping her when he had the chance.

CHOICES. Everyone should make better ones.

Mista Bone
07-13-2014, 03:07 AM
Why did he get on the hood in the first place? and no she did not hit him with the car... I have seen the police video

How can you see the whole video? Him getting on the hood and the shots being fired are out of view from the dash cam.

07-14-2014, 06:31 PM
If a cop wrongs you, keep your mouth shut, hire the badest, meanest lawyer you can find , take his job, his house and every dime he has or ever will have.

07-15-2014, 07:55 AM
When all the information comes out you will understand why the decisions he made that night were made. You will also understand why he wanted her to stop, and if she had stopped she would be alive in jail. And lastly, when you have two options of being on the hood of a car or legs crushed between them, I would be on the hood of the car. As for shooting into the car, look closely at the pictures, his shoots are within about a 2 inch circle, pretty good for being on the hood of a moving car. Also the reason for stopping her ASAP was this party had well over 500 people at it along with 50-100 people walking down the road to and from the party. This was in the middle of no where with no street lights and I'm sure we will find out she was either high as a kite or drunk as hell or even both! Wrong choices with cops normally end up with someone hurt or shoot. And as for tasers, if you wouldn't do cocaine act like a jackass to get tased, you would be alive! This ends my public service rant to those not in the public service.

04 Venom
07-15-2014, 08:41 AM
When all the information comes out you will understand why the decisions he made that night were made. You will also understand why he wanted her to stop, and if she had stopped she would be alive in jail. And lastly, when you have two options of being on the hood of a car or legs crushed between them, I would be on the hood of the car. As for shooting into the car, look closely at the pictures, his shoots are within about a 2 inch circle, pretty good for being on the hood of a moving car. Also the reason for stopping her ASAP was this party had well over 500 people at it along with 50-100 people walking down the road to and from the party. This was in the middle of no where with no street lights and I'm sure we will find out she was either high as a kite or drunk as hell or even both! Wrong choices with cops normally end up with someone hurt or shoot. And as for tasers, if you wouldn't do cocaine act like a jackass to get tased, you would be alive! This ends my public service rant to those not in the public service.

Well said.

Mista Bone
07-16-2014, 02:05 AM
fastone, well said!

While the cop could have choosen not to shoot, slide off the hood (if he was in danger of being crushed) and might get ran over. Who knows if the driver was OK to drive but was egged on by the passengers "to GO!" and why she drove off under peer pressure.

Right now there are so many "what if's" that many outcomes are possible.

07-22-2014, 09:28 PM
Chris Rock did a comedy skit on how not to get your ass kicked by the cops. Search for it. Funny!!

07-22-2014, 10:08 PM
Just curious. If this were your daughter and she had made a stupid decision, would you have been in favor of her execution?

07-22-2014, 10:16 PM
I'm sure nobody is in favor of what happened, hopefully people can understand though. Bad choices by all involved.

07-22-2014, 10:17 PM
I would not be in favor of it but you also have to think of what was going through the officers mind also I'm sure he has a family to go home to also..

07-23-2014, 08:24 AM
Just curious. If this were your daughter and she had made a stupid decision, would you have been in favor of her execution?

Has nothing to do with the parent. But of course any parent would mourn the death of a child regardless of the situation. Individuals are responsible for their own stupid decisions. Raised poorly or well 100% of this country knows it is wrong to attempt to run from the police. Investigation is still pending. EXECUTION? That 's a Bill Ayers view point if ever I heard one. What's next, a street riot protest? I'm convinced she would still be alive had she only obeyed commands. I've been pulled over by some pretty hot headed cops. One time at age 19 in Tennessee. I was out of state. He threatened to bash my head in with his night stick he had pulled over a remark my friend (riding with me) yelled out of the window as we drive by. He (the cop) had a person pulled over. The taunting word yelled was "BUSTED". My friend knew the person he had pulled over. For that we were both pulled out of the car and threatened after he came after us and pulled us over. Had I not pulled over or had I not observed his commands right or wrong I would have had the crap beat out of me. And this was no small city boy this guy was corn fed and had a very short fuse. He's likely working a desk somewhere today at Nashville Metro PD. I've been in situations with cocky loud mouthed ego strong cops. BUT I DID WHAT I WAS TOLD. For that I am still alive and never been harmed. And believe me I have had my share of beign oulled over in and out of state.

07-25-2014, 01:50 PM
IMO he should have not PUT HIMSELF IN DANGER by jumping on the hood of a moving car. The cam cleary shows he could have fired at the tires like what happens A LOT and almost always works.

Its not like he was called to a Robbery or Shooting, he was called to a party in a corn field with a bunch of kids. Dude was trigger happy.

The original video even shows his partner put his hands to his head as if 'why did you do that?' kind of look. But you won't find that video today.

07-25-2014, 05:13 PM
Bad Boys, Bad Boys-what'ch gonna do when they shoot you?

I agree. This cop went way over the line. The tires should have been the target, not the girl. How about stop sticks?

Sadly, it will be ruled a "good shoot"-it always is.

07-25-2014, 08:47 PM
With all the hubba balloo about this I had to watch the vid. I'm calling BS also, just because some one isn't stopping for a cop doesn't give them the right to fucking shoot ya.

07-25-2014, 09:22 PM
Why is it ALWAYS called a good shoot? Because if it wasn't, the cop might have to be charged with murder. These guys are the ones that are supposed to serve and protect.

07-25-2014, 09:26 PM
If they try to run please shoot them. They are running for a reason. Could be something as simple as they are drunk or on something. By all means.... Shoot them. Before they run into my wife and daughter. My mom or dad. People need to learn in all cases to listen to the police and do what they say. Even if you don't agree with them or your scared. Do what they say and fight about it later in court. The inner city could learn from this as well. Do what your told to do or you can be shot. Might save some innocents and get some of the garbage off the streets. Also lessen the spending cost for the inmates in the jails. I know this sounds shallow but I really don't care if it could have been avoided or not. The cop could have shot whatever he wanted but he shot her. Pulled over and doing what she was told she could be bitching about it instead of being a painful loss for her family and friends. Don't ask what if it was a family member of mine either. My immediate family has more sense than that.

07-25-2014, 10:57 PM
I don't believe fleeing is a reason for the use of deadly force. Fuck I've run from the cops and out run them in my younger years. I don't know too many young guys I grew up with and served with that didn't push the boundries

07-26-2014, 01:14 AM
I agree with Sean 100%

07-26-2014, 12:11 PM
That's what the Nazis told the Jews, "Just go quietly and you won't get hurt". Also sounds like the people that defend the government spying on the people, warrantless searches and the like, "If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about". That's crap. That's why we need the constitution to protect us from the government.

07-27-2014, 01:19 PM
That's what the Nazis told the Jews, "Just go quietly and you won't get hurt". Also sounds like the people that defend the government spying on the people, warrantless searches and the like, "If you aren't doing anything wrong, you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about". That's crap. That's why we need the constitution to protect us from the government.

While agree with what you are saying, it doesn't fit the situation.

Plain and what the man tells you to do and you will live to have your day in court. If not, I can almost guarantee that it will end badly. If that girl had just complied, she would be alive today.

07-27-2014, 02:16 PM
I've never been in law enforcement. I have served twice in the military and we had rules for using deadly force. From what I see in the video the chick was pulling out of a lot, not fleeing from a robbery, shooting or rape. She wasn't hammering down past him, just slowly leaving driving past him. In my mind he would have had to foot chase her and jump on her hood. There is no clear reason for deadly force here. If your saying any cop has the right to shoot you because you don't immediately comply that's fucked.

What Goldenpony is pointing out is that there is a lot more going on (not just in the US) worldwide than most people realize. I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but if you follow social media, filter it and dig a little into what you believe is BS and truth the world govts, ultra wealthy, and UN seem to have an agenda.

04 Venom
07-27-2014, 10:30 PM
What Goldenpony is pointing out is that there is a lot more going on (not just in the US) worldwide than most people realize. I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but if you follow social media, filter it and dig a little into what you believe is BS and truth the world govts, ultra wealthy, and UN seem to have an agenda.

So we go from Nazi Germany to George H.W. Bush and UN Agenda 21? What bullshit--right up there with the FEMA death camps.

07-27-2014, 11:54 PM
Only time will tell for sure, one thing is for sure is that anyone on this site is definitely not in the know.

We will also see what happens to this fucking cop for killing this kid.

07-28-2014, 01:34 AM
No. Dont shoot for just anything. Had she been on foot he could have done one of those cool flying tackle moves. But she wasnt on foot. She was in what could be used as a deadly weapon. Also, no dont blindly walk into the gas chamber just because your told to. Theres times to fight and say NO but when your leaving a party and a cop asks you to hang on a minute you fucking hang on a minute. We need police to protect us from bad people and sometimes ourselves. There was a reason she didnt stop but unfortunately because of her bad decisions and her unwillingness to pullmup her big girl panties well never know exactly why she chose to say fuck the po lease..... that leaves us with one person to hold accountable for this. I would have lived to have seen him shoot the tires or reach in there and bitch slap her... he didnt. He felt the need to shoot. Either way it came down to split second decisions. On cost someone their life.

07-28-2014, 12:36 PM
I hate to say as you put it, "I'm in the know" as you put it. That is why I can't say much about this. When the details come out then you will understand more. Thanks to this shit on tv that we call news, they are not showing/telling everything that happened that night. There were more than one reason he wanted to stop her that night. They will come out once everything is released. The people looking at it now are having people re-interviewed to make sure everything is true. Am I saying he will be cleared, I don't know, a group of people called a grand jury will look at everything. But from what I know, he was justified in what he did. There were many wrong decisions made that night by this girl and her friends, BUT IF SHE WOULD HAVE NOT DONE WHAT SHE DID she would be alive. And don't forget, this was not just a party! Well over 500 people at it, Boone County Sheriff's Office had already arrested two people prior to arriving at the party. Along with talking to others. You were not there, I was not there, SO STOP TRYING TO BE MR. KNOW-IT-ALL! That is the problem with a bunch of people in this world, you see something on the news and because that say it and show it to you, means it is the law! I'm sure anyone on here had made the same decisions that she made that night with her friends, you would have ended up the same way, and it doesn't matter who the cop is!

07-28-2014, 12:38 PM
And I'm sure now you are 40 years old. I street raced all the time 20+ years ago. Cops have changed, kids growing up have changed. I never heard of herion when I was younger. Plus I know respect, which here lately, I have found very few under the age of 20 that know what that word means.

07-28-2014, 12:39 PM
Shot the tires? Get out stop sticks? He was in front of his car, stop sticks are in the trunk. He didn't have anyone else with him. And shot the tires? Really watch some more TV. There was way too many people around to shot at a tire! They don't even teach that shit anymore!

04 Venom
07-28-2014, 01:24 PM
I hate to say as you put it, "I'm in the know" as you put it. That is why I can't say much about this. When the details come out then you will understand more. Thanks to this shit on tv that we call news, they are not showing/telling everything that happened that night. There were more than one reason he wanted to stop her that night. They will come out once everything is released. The people looking at it now are having people re-interviewed to make sure everything is true. Am I saying he will be cleared, I don't know, a group of people called a grand jury will look at everything. But from what I know, he was justified in what he did. There were many wrong decisions made that night by this girl and her friends, BUT IF SHE WOULD HAVE NOT DONE WHAT SHE DID she would be alive. And don't forget, this was not just a party! Well over 500 people at it, Boone County Sheriff's Office had already arrested two people prior to arriving at the party. Along with talking to others. You were not there, I was not there, SO STOP TRYING TO BE MR. KNOW-IT-ALL! That is the problem with a bunch of people in this world, you see something on the news and because that say it and show it to you, means it is the law! I'm sure anyone on here had made the same decisions that she made that night with her friends, you would have ended up the same way, and it doesn't matter who the cop is!

Some people would rather make up their own version of the facts, rather than waiting for the details.

07-28-2014, 04:52 PM
Some people would rather make up their own version of the facts, rather than waiting for the details.

Like I said, I know the facts. There is a reason I know the facts, very few people on here know what I do for a living. But I can tell you, I know more than most likely every person on this board about what happened. I not going to say where but I work in the public service field.

07-28-2014, 05:06 PM
Not that it has anything to do with anything but why so secretive about your chosen profession.

07-28-2014, 06:00 PM
I just like it that way. Sometimes when people find out what I do for a living they ask questions about stuff I have done or seen. Just like most public service or military people. People who don't do it want to hear all the sick shit we see. At a point you get tried of telling people what you see. Sometimes it brings up bad memories, other times I say fuck it and let them have it with both barrels! Here is a little story I have read, as yes as you can see I am a firefighter and paramedic in Kentucky.

So, I’m at this backyard BBQ when this guy walks up…
Listing, he points his wine glass at me, “Fireman, right?”
It always goes the same way…
Idyllic, bullshit conversation ensues…
“Checkers and coffee all day, right?” He chuckles and claps me way too hard on the shoulder in a way that is way too chummy for a guy who’s not my friend.
Who the fuck is this guy?
I smile back, “Right…”
“You guys make a lot of money,” he persists.
I take a drink of my beer as my eyes dart around looking for my wife.
Get me out of here.
“I hear you guys are never at work.”
“Well, that’s not actually true…”
I can feel it, here it comes.
The obligatory, ugly question.
“What’s the worst thing you’ve ever seen?”
“You don’t want to hear it.”
“C’mon man, tell me…” A misting of spit hits my face. He pokes me in the chest.
Others surround to witness the novelty, I can hear them now…
“He’s a fireman, how neat…”
I’m like a side-show carnie…
Tell us a story…
“No, you don’t want that in your head.”
“I can take it, c’mon give me a good one.”
If he had only raised his chin as he said it.
I snarl inside.
The fuck you can…
Ok motherfucker - you want to take that ride? Take a deep hit of that chardonnay you cradle in your callous free, SPF 70 protected hands- you’re going to need it.
You asked for it, you pussy with your limp-dick, sweaty hand shake, living your insipid, zero-risk life, here it comes…
Climb inside my fucked up skull.
What do you think about when you drive to work?
I think about scars in the pavement, deep and angry.
Three cars…
Battery acid, gasoline, radiator fluid, crunching glass beneath my feet…
A dead girl, a screaming boy, a headless man, a dog…
120 days a year, cup of coffee in hand on my way to work, I pass the spot…
Trips with my family, there she is…
It's always there, if I try not to think about it - I’m thinking about it.
If I choose a different road, so I won’t see the scars in the pavement, it means I took a different road so I wouldn’t think about it - still thinking about it by trying not to think about it - a fucking endless feedback loop.
So here it is.
Fuck you for making polite conversation.
For making me think about it again.
I see a woman asleep drifting across the median into oncoming traffic,
A large truck with a lumber rack, you know the kind I mean?”
Fingering the neck of his glass he nods and shifts his weight.
“A boy and a girl in a tiny car, radio up, windows down, off together on an adventure…
A warm cloudless day…
A horrific impact.
Front ends buried in the freeway, pavement gouged.
A woman sits beside the road, as if dropped from the sky, knees tucked to chest, head down, her face vacant.
She doesn’t have a mark on her.
Where’d she come from?
The boy is crushed. The girl is dead.
She was pretty as I recall… underneath blood matted shoulder length auburn hair, ribbons of ruby blood lay against her ashen skin, life drained, her heart crushed by the collision.
I watch her chest for the heaving of breath.
I brush a wisp of hair aside and touch her neck, still warm, slick with blood, feeling for the liquid slamming of her heart.
She wore a sleeveless blouse, on her shoulders she has tiny freckles…
Slivers of glass glisten like pixie dust over her body…
She spills from her seat onto her boyfriend, the driver.
He screams a scream from a place I’ve heard too many times, that place of anguish I never want to go again.
Her head lies on his shoulder, neck violently snapped on impact.
His torso pinned, he can’t turn to see her or free an arm to touch her…
I lie. I say we’re doing everything we can.
We can’t do anything for her, she’s dead.
I sort the dead and living as though reading a grocery list.
No breathing, no pulse...
It’s nothing personal, it’s the job.
At times like these when you’re dead, you’re dead. If you’re close, you’re probably dead too.
Close counts in horse, shoes, hand grenades, and triage.
That’s not it…”
He says, “Oh, shit, it gets worse?”
I seethe.
Truck spins off into another lane…
A normal guy in a car…
Going about his antiseptic life when two vehicles explode in front of him,
The big work truck, the one with the lumber rack- careens backwards into his lane…
The bumper of the truck with a 50 lb. vice attached,shatters the wind shield, severing his head…
When somebody’s head is gone that’s an easy one to figure out, done.
Vice and head in the back seat.”
“No…” the prick says.
“Want some more?” I ask like a combat-raged door gunner, straight out of the throes of battle, words are my ordinance.
He looks for a way out, “Oh my God…”
I lean in to him, temples throbbing.
“Wait, there’s more… You wanted a good one; right?
The car is really fucked up,
Now we have to get the boy out...
It takes about a half an hour or so.
He’s SO twisted up inside the car, every time we try to push, pull, or cut part of the car he screams from that place.
Long, drawn out, torturous screams until he loses his breath…
The veins in his neck bulge.
I try to soothe him, ‘Hang in there buddy. This is going to hurt. We’re doing the best we can.’
Pathetic right? That’s the best shit I can come up with under the circumstances.
I had a lot going on.
I can’t see his face anymore, only hers.
Hazel eyes open to stare at nothing.
A heart shaped pendant around her neck...
‘Daddy’s Girl’
Each time we rock the car, her head, held on her freckled shoulders only by the skin of her neck, no life to hold the muscles firm, bones turned to gravel, convulses side to side and front to back in a manner that I can’t describe.
Or maybe I just did...I don’t know…
Stop shaking the fucking car!
We hold her head still so we feel better…
We pop the door off with the Jaws -
Dashboard finally pushed off the boy, we lift him out.
Bones broken, his arms and legs hanging and bending like he has extra joints in the center of all his long bones.
Kind of like the limp tentacles of an octopus. Does that make sense?”
The prick looks through me.
I gulp down some beer...
I boil…
Poke me in the chest again motherfucker…
“My job isn’t so fucking cute anymore is it dipshit?
And it’s still not over.
Sharp white fragments of bone stick through his skin from these newly formed joints in the middle of his arms and legs.
The jagged ends grind together as we carry him…
He screams…
His limbs shattered in too many places to count.
A gurney carries him away.
Just when I think it’s over… this God damned dog appears.
Where the Hell did he come from?
He limps along on three good legs. One of his fore legs angled in a way that doesn’t make sense.
Enough already!
He whimpers. Dazed, he hobbles past me.
His snout is bent at weird angle too, webs of blood and drool hanging from it.
‘Aw, Jesus Christ! Let me shoot him…’ A police officer says to no one in particular.
We cover the daddy’s girl with a yellow blanket.
I look down and think, ‘Holy shit, look at how deep the pavement is scarred.’
Anything else you want to know before you move on to the next conversation?”
“Every time I drive past, there she is.”

I'm sure mostly everyone in the fire/EMS or police service at one time or another has felt this way. You don't know what we see and what we do. So stand in your glass house and throw rocks at us saying we don't do a good job and we are over paid and have awesome retirements. Until you have had to tell a mom or dad their child is dead because they rolled over on them while they sleep or tell the husband his wife of 60 years died in her sleep beside him and there is nothing we can do. Do job one fireman, EMT, paramedic or cop for what we do until you know all the facts. We have to all make decisions in split seconds and those decisions live with us and those we deal with day in and day out for the rest of our lives!

Sorry Sean, not meant at you, but this is how it sometimes feels when people back seat drive a decision made in split seconds or less.

07-28-2014, 06:19 PM
Firefighters, ems, police, armed forces. And the rest. Thank god for all of you.

04 Venom
07-28-2014, 11:20 PM
Like I said, I know the facts. There is a reason I know the facts, very few people on here know what I do for a living. But I can tell you, I know more than most likely every person on this board about what happened. I not going to say where but I work in the public service field.

I was agreeing with you.

Mista Bone
07-29-2014, 12:46 AM
Fastone, while I'm no EMS or anything close, I know what you mean about "that one spot".....

After stopping on 275 EB for a girl that was hit while walking WB on the highway....twice. See her boyfriend and her (both had been drinking) were arguing and she wanted out of the he let her out in the emergency lane. Seems she either stumbled out into traffic or was trying to flag down a ride.....doesn't matter now.

When I got there about 5 people just standing around...I felt for pulse and found one, started chest compressions. A Mason Paramedic happened by and started breathing for her....but she soon told me to stop. Because of the direction I got to the injured I didn't see the gapping wound in the back of her head with grey matter (her brain) oozing out, she never had a chance.

About 20 minutes later, cops are getting my statement when a car comes flying down the ramp for 42 to EB 275.....driving threw the ditch, the driver jumps out and runs across 4 lanes of slow moving traffic to try to get to the body. Several firefighters/EMT's miss him and I clotheslined him and held him down. The cop hopped on and we both just bear hugged him.

While doing chest compression I remember a few things.
A) left leg broke around the knee area, her heel was touching her left hip bone
B) watching bruises get darker while compressing
C) afterwards feeling guilty because during compressions, I was touching her boob....

That was just ONE incident, 25+ years ago....somewhere between July 1988 and May 1989...I still had my Ford EXP...

Now back to the original story. While the dash cam footage that has been played on TV show one part, what is not seen is how close the cop came to being pinned against his cruiser, which is likely the reason he jumped on the other car. Notice the other people in the car are not talking to the media???

07-29-2014, 10:52 PM
OK, I will wait until all the evidence is in concerning this case. However, unless something comes out that hasn't yet, in my mind this cop is a murderer and should be treated as such. There is too much "shoot and ask questions later" law enforcement today. There had to be some other way of handling this besides killing this 19 year old girl. I used to respect police officers, now I fear them.

08-23-2014, 04:33 PM
I've never been in law enforcement. I have served twice in the military and we had rules for using deadly force. From what I see in the video the chick was pulling out of a lot, not fleeing from a robbery, shooting or rape. She wasn't hammering down past him, just slowly leaving driving past him. In my mind he would have had to foot chase her and jump on her hood. There is no clear reason for deadly force here. If your saying any cop has the right to shoot you because you don't immediately comply that's fucked.

What Goldenpony is pointing out is that there is a lot more going on (not just in the US) worldwide than most people realize. I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but if you follow social media, filter it and dig a little into what you believe is BS and truth the world govts, ultra wealthy, and UN seem to have an agenda.

Exactly my point. That cop was a fukn PUSSY.

08-23-2014, 04:43 PM
Shot the tires? Get out stop sticks? He was in front of his car, stop sticks are in the trunk. He didn't have anyone else with him. And shot the tires? Really watch some more TV. There was way too many people around to shot at a tire! They don't even teach that shit anymore!

He had a partner with him, its in the video. And stop sticks can be deployed by other units, not the idiot jumping on the hood.

And if there were too many people around to shoot at tires, why did he fire multiple rounds into a car full of kids!!!??

Just sayin

08-23-2014, 11:10 PM
I can't imagine how the parents of the other passengers feel knowing this Wyatt Earp wannabe is emptying his magazine through the windshield with their kids in the back seat. I hope when all is said and done, if this cop isn't in jail he should be working in the fast food industry.

08-24-2014, 12:26 AM
We should riot and burn down Wilder! Show Ferguson MO how crackas do it

09-07-2014, 11:44 AM
I really hope your ass moves to Boone County very soon. And this Wyatt Earp Wannable as you call him shows up at your house. Better yet move your ass to Ferguson, Mo. That is where you belong. Public is quick to hang those who protect it without even asking the other side of the story or anything. People with your opions like this is what has made this world the god damn worst place to live. I'm really tired of the public employees are worthless and can do nothing right ever. I also bet you are one of the fruity screwed up people in this world that believes every kid should win a prize, even if they are cross-eyed and can't throw a baseball. But hey now adays at the fair, every kid wins. People it is life, you make decisions, you play for your decisions, but thanks to our worthless two-bit anit got a job worthless fu#(s in this world, our kids no longer know how to fail or what to do other than kill themselves or others when they do fail. But back to my first thing, QUICK TO HANG A COP, But I'm sure you would be the first ass hole to tell the cop it took him to long to get to your house when someone is breaking in.

04 Venom
09-07-2014, 11:55 AM
I really hope your ass moves to Boone County very soon. And this Wyatt Earp Wannable as you call him shows up at your house. Better yet move your ass to Ferguson, Mo. That is where you belong. Public is quick to hang those who protect it without even asking the other side of the story or anything. People with your opions like this is what has made this world the god damn worst place to live. I'm really tired of the public employees are worthless and can do nothing right ever. I also bet you are one of the fruity screwed up people in this world that believes every kid should win a prize, even if they are cross-eyed and can't throw a baseball. But hey now adays at the fair, every kid wins. People it is life, you make decisions, you play for your decisions, but thanks to our worthless two-bit anit got a job worthless fu#(s in this world, our kids no longer know how to fail or what to do other than kill themselves or others when they do fail. But back to my first thing, QUICK TO HANG A COP, But I'm sure you would be the first ass hole to tell the cop it took him to long to get to your house when someone is breaking in.

Well said

09-13-2014, 04:00 PM
I really hope your ass moves to Boone County very soon. And this Wyatt Earp Wannable as you call him shows up at your house. Better yet move your ass to Ferguson, Mo. That is where you belong. Public is quick to hang those who protect it without even asking the other side of the story or anything. People with your opions like this is what has made this world the god damn worst place to live. I'm really tired of the public employees are worthless and can do nothing right ever. I also bet you are one of the fruity screwed up people in this world that believes every kid should win a prize, even if they are cross-eyed and can't throw a baseball. But hey now adays at the fair, every kid wins. People it is life, you make decisions, you play for your decisions, but thanks to our worthless two-bit anit got a job worthless fu#(s in this world, our kids no longer know how to fail or what to do other than kill themselves or others when they do fail. But back to my first thing, QUICK TO HANG A COP, But I'm sure you would be the first ass hole to tell the cop it took him to long to get to your house when someone is breaking in.

That pretty much sums it up. If you are enough of an adult to operate a vehicle then you can make your own decisions. Im glad the threat was contained and ended here. To those who wanted her to be stopped by shooting out the tires or stop sticks down the street- you are okay with a car hurling thru the streets with an impaired driver and additional occupants? Everyone knows a car still drives with flats. All that would end with is more body bags instead of a single one filled with a person who controlled her own fate. I am thankful for those on the front lines of our streets. When you excercise your right to revolt you are responsible for the consequences, you will be judged by 12 or carried by 6. Society has lost all responsibility for its own actions, it is breaking down this country at an alarming rate. Her right to revolt and flea does not have power over the public safety rights of citizens. It is a shame she lost her life. As a parent I never worry about police wrongfully killing my children. I only worry about being the family in that minivan burning on the side of the road after the chase ends. I thank god only one coroners vehicle was needed for this incident, god knows how much worse it could have been.

If you choose to revolt prepare its a cause worth dying for. Cops are people and do make mistakes. Thats the purpose of the courts. If she had done no wrong she would have been questioned and dissmissed.

11-07-2014, 02:24 PM
Grand Jury did not indict.

11-07-2014, 02:33 PM
Too many people around to shoot out at a tire? Really? HOW ABOUT THE OTHER THREE KIDS IN THE CAR WITH THE MURDERED GIRL?

11-07-2014, 03:51 PM
Not to be mean but he doesn't have a partner on two legs. He is a K-9 deputy and BCSO hardly ever ride two deputies in one car unless it's field training a new person.

And I can say, the BCSO deputies go through the hardest gun qualifying of any department in the tri-state. I have been told this by multiple people, even the retired commander of Cincinnati's SWAT team's test is as hard as BCSO. For being on the hood of a moving car and to get a group of three that close together, that is someone that knows how to handle a gun.

11-07-2014, 03:59 PM
Murdered girl? She made a choice that caught the deputy's attention to make him want to stop her, and that choice and the choices she made in the next minute is what ended her life. She had the chance to stop the car while he was on the hood of the car. There are witnesses that state he told her multiple times to stop, she didn't so he had to stop the threat.

Goldenpony, with comments like you just made, you are one of the people who makes this world a shitty place. Because someone made wrong choices and that cost someone their life, oh well. You shouldn't do drugs, shouldn't drive drunk, shouldn't try to pass other cars while leaving a party, shouldn't keep driving when you almost hit someone and their only chance of living is to jump and end up on the hood, shouldn't keep driving when someone is begging you to stop, shouldn't hit the gas while someone is on the hood, SHOULDN'T KEEP DRIVING AND KEEP GOING FASTER WHEN A DEPUTY HAS A GUN POINTED AT YOUR HEAD WITH HIM TELLING YOU TO STOP OR HE WILL SHOOT.

So yeah I would have done the same thing, sorry she died, her choice. As for you if you were the deputy you would be dead and in the ground, hit and killed by a drunk high girl driving a car without a care of anyone.

Mista Bone
11-07-2014, 04:17 PM
Drunk (.12 BAL) and stoned, cop gets his foot ran over....she keeps speeding away, cop did what he had to do.

11-07-2014, 04:38 PM
Brockman felt his life was in danger. Under Kentucky law, that's justification for lethal force.
ENOUGH SAID! You come to my house in KENTUCKY and I don't know you and you ACT like to are trying to get it, you will be in a puddle of your own blood on the front steps and my DOOR STILL SHUT.

People make bad choices, some get a smack on the wrist others don't. Don't get drunk and high and then try to drive a car.

11-08-2014, 07:13 AM
And stop, when the guy with gun, tells you to!

11-08-2014, 05:44 PM
And stop, when the guy with gun, tells you to!

I've reiterated this every time I hear person shot tased ect by a cop. If you don't obey you get what comes

11-08-2014, 06:36 PM
You guys stop using logic, it's not the norm anymore.

11-08-2014, 08:12 PM
Seems that way... Kinda first thing u learn - u walk in front of car u get squished by car. Every decision has a consequence

11-08-2014, 08:23 PM
Did the cop have to walk in front of the car no,a simple call on the radio to another officer would have possibly saved that girls life,had that been my daughter ,he wouldn't be waiting on a decision to indict him or not.

11-09-2014, 01:32 AM
Very well said.

11-09-2014, 06:40 AM
If the officer didn't try and stop the drunk driver, then killed an innocent person... People would be screaming they should have stopped her before she hurt someone. Split second decision and he has to live with it the rest of his life. Mediocre pay, pension and gets to live with this the rest of his life. Prayers for the family of the girl and the officer.

11-09-2014, 06:55 AM
1baddlx, if that girl hadn't made a decision to go get drunk and high, then get behind the wheel of a car and ignore the directions of a LEO....she would still be alive today (see how that works!). I would hope you raise your children, to know the difference. You also sound as if you are going to be judge, jury and executioner, if it were to happen to your kid....That's pretty dangerous!

11-09-2014, 09:45 AM

11-09-2014, 02:03 PM
Did the cop have to walk in front of the car no,a simple call on the radio to another officer would have possibly saved that girls life,had that been my daughter ,he wouldn't be waiting on a decision to indict him or not.

So lets play your scenario out with a personal twist. The cop decides to make the "simple radio call out". Cops are waiting to deploy stop sticks (we all have seen how well those things work on any given COPS episode right? :rolleyes:) a half mile up the road. The gal tears out, eluding cops though none are following. But in her drunken high stooper she is in a state of panic and floors it. Meanwhile on the same street traveling the opposite direction you and your family are driving the family truckster home from dining out. The assailant drunk/high female has since gone through the barricade and hits the stop sticks which slow her down none. She is running 60+ on two rims and two tires. She loses control as she comes toward you and goes left of center out of control. You have no place to go. She hits you head on killing you and your spouse, one of your children and leaving the other a vegetable for life. She and her friends all survive with minor cuts and bruises. The girl gets 6-10 for manslaughter. And all because a cop decided to make that "simple call on the radio" in stead of doing his job as was the case of this heroic officer. Does that scenario play out better for you?

I know that's harsh...but just saying.

11-09-2014, 02:21 PM
OK, let's play out another scenario. Cop kills all four kids in the car. More likely than your scenario. Just sayin'--

11-09-2014, 02:40 PM
OK, let's play out another scenario. Cop kills all four kids in the car. More likely than your scenario. Just sayin'--

And your point being???

Mista Bone
11-09-2014, 04:25 PM
Seems that way... Kinda first thing u learn - u walk in front of car u get squished by car. Every decision has a consequence

Did the cop have to walk in front of the car no,a simple call on the radio to another officer would have possibly saved that girls life,had that been my daughter ,he wouldn't be waiting on a decision to indict him or not.

When did the cop walk out in front of the car?

None of the statements say the officer was ever in front of the Subaru.

11-09-2014, 06:13 PM
Cop gets a bruised foot, girl gets 4 hollow points to the face. Boone county justice?

11-09-2014, 06:21 PM
What he said^^^

11-09-2014, 06:27 PM
Could she have possibly been the designated driver?just saying,seems like she was target practice for him?

11-09-2014, 07:18 PM
So lets play your scenario out with a personal twist. The cop decides to make the "simple radio call out". Cops are waiting to deploy stop sticks (we all have seen how well those things work on any given COPS episode right? :rolleyes:) a half mile up the road. The gal tears out, eluding cops though none are following. But in her drunken high stooper she is in a state of panic and floors it. Meanwhile on the same street traveling the opposite direction you and your family are driving the family truckster home from dining out. The assailant drunk/high female has since gone through the barricade and hits the stop sticks which slow her down none. She is running 60+ on two rims and two tires. She loses control as she comes toward you and goes left of center out of control. You have no place to go. She hits you head on killing you and your spouse, one of your children and leaving the other a vegetable for life. She and her friends all survive with minor cuts and bruises. The girl gets 6-10 for manslaughter. And all because a cop decided to make that "simple call on the radio" in stead of doing his job as was the case of this heroic officer. Does that scenario play out better for you?

I know that's harsh...but just saying.


11-09-2014, 07:24 PM
The deputy stated he was on the hood gun drawn telling her to stop. Also her female friend in the car stated the same thing, she was also begging her to stop. He shot her to STOP A THREAT. Same thing would happen to anyone on this web board if they did the same thing. End of story. NO DRUGS, NO DRINKING, NO DRIVING DRUNK AND HIGH, STOPPING FOR A DEPUTY = SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE!

11-09-2014, 07:29 PM
Did the cop have to walk in front of the car no,a simple call on the radio to another officer would have possibly saved that girls life,had that been my daughter ,he wouldn't be waiting on a decision to indict him or not.

In Kentucky, your comment above can be taken as a death threat towards a cop and place you in jail for a few years. So watch what you are saying and everyone else on here.

11-09-2014, 07:47 PM
In Kentucky, your comment above can be taken as a death threat towards a cop and place you in jail for a few years. So watch what you are saying and everyone else on here.

LMFAO !!! I guess we should be glad to live in Ohio and not in Kentucky with all the BADASSES !!!

11-09-2014, 08:21 PM
My dad is in his 70's and doesn't tell me what to do pal,I voiced my opinion, GFY

11-10-2014, 06:32 AM
I think this thread has run it's course.