View Full Version : F**KIN STUDENT DRIVERS!!!!

05-31-2014, 04:39 AM
Going through Kroger Parking Lot and this chick decides she wants in my lane to go to the gas station. I go to the right some and she comes over and smacks the side of the stang. Took out the bumper, ran it up on the fender and mach chin spoiler, took a gouge outta my front wheel, and f*cked my headlight..... I jumped outta the car and shouted(not screamed),"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING???" Cops said there were 4 calls of a big guy harassing a girl.... Fuckin Anderson pussies.... HAHAHA

Ohhh Plated..... Can you come out to playyyyyyyaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??? :D

http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d31/blown94ls/temp_zpsbtnelecq.jpg (http://s32.photobucket.com/user/blown94ls/media/temp_zpsbtnelecq.jpg.html)

05-31-2014, 07:30 PM
that sucks. I kinda wish someone would tap the front and rear of my car. My bumpers look like shit lol

05-31-2014, 08:02 PM
Was she texting??? Wouldn't surprise me, student driver or not. Was almost side swiped in Oscar yesterday by a numb nut texting.

Feel your pain.

05-31-2014, 08:24 PM
That would really pass me off was she in those student drive cars or parents

05-31-2014, 09:19 PM
She wasn't texting or talking. In mothers car while the fatass was on her cell. I made mention to the mom also. Said maybe if you didn't ha ve your ear glued to your phone you would've been able to tell you student driver what the fuck she should have been doing. She didn't like that too much.

05-31-2014, 10:25 PM
^^^ Figured somehow a cell phone would come into the equation. Now tell us they don't have insurance and mommy dearest blamed you for getting in the way. LOL!

05-31-2014, 11:48 PM
They have insurance thank God. After I hollered at her they rolled up the windows and refused to speak to me or my wife. I told them give me $300 and we could both walk away but she wasn't having it. Its going to cost them a lot more now. Her car was barely scratched, it was the wheel and tire that did most of the damage to mine.

06-02-2014, 11:54 AM
see that's why we can't have nice things lol. Sorry this happened bud, but hope you get it fixed soon, and glad it wasn't a major accident.

Atleast you were there when it happened. A few years ago when I had my focus some one clipped the front of it in the parking lot while I was working and just drove off without doing anything leaving similar damage only my bumper was torn. i was pissed off, I blamed it on prolly some idiot driving too big of a vehicle for them to handle and cut the turn too short, anyways thought I'd rant a little sorry, but I feel your pain.

06-02-2014, 12:28 PM

This bitch contacted my insurance and claimed her daughter stopped and I hit her rear door... TOTAL LIE.. She clipped me with the front corner and kinda ran up it a lil. I called the officer and he backed me every bit. Said she can be charged with insurance fraud. Dumb bitch.

06-02-2014, 12:35 PM
LOL they'll be in for a surprise since the officer backed up your claim! Stay on top of this man!

06-02-2014, 01:44 PM
That happens to me last September when I was ran off the highway bya semi an hit a guardrail head on then as i called 911 I was in the ditch car still in the lane a bit a guy said swiped the car then call the police told themi hit him then the officer backed me then he tried my insurance company an they told me they would provide my lawyer in court if need be

06-02-2014, 07:33 PM

This bitch contacted my insurance and claimed her daughter stopped and I hit her rear door... TOTAL LIE.. She clipped me with the front corner and kinda ran up it a lil. I called the officer and he backed me every bit. Said she can be charged with insurance fraud. Dumb bitch.

I take it no one was sited. Had a guy try to run me off I-75 North back in 87. Guess he didn't care for my California plates that were on the car at the time. I had room, took the spot in front of him with a signal change and the next thing I know he literally rams me at 65 mph. Then comes along my passenger side and swerves in attempt to scare me. He loses control of his Dodge Diplomat and clips the rear passenger side of my car and spins me up the center lane. Cops arrive, he admits blame. I had a trucker witness the whole thing. Cop notes the guy at fault BUT DOES NOT TICKET HIM! Spent the next week fighting State Farm Claims because the guy claimed to them it was "mutual contact". Thankfully the trucker that stopped was reachable and stayed with his story. SO I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH ESPECIALLY IF THE COP FELL SUCKER TO A FEMALE SOB STORY AND Didn't SITE HER AFTER FINDING HER AT FAULT. That was his fault.

06-02-2014, 07:38 PM
He told me today that she admitted guilt numerous times. Hopefully there are no problems.

06-02-2014, 07:51 PM
He told me today that she admitted guilt numerous times. Hopefully there are no problems.

Hopefully not. You will likely experience a delay from the adjuster until they finish investigating the facts. Wow! What an example for a mother to set for her daughter as well. You'll be fine.

06-02-2014, 11:25 PM
I'm allowed to chose who does the work right? Never had to deal with this, two wrecks I was involved in were totals. LoL

06-03-2014, 12:06 AM
Yeah you can have them just cut youa check an have whoever do the work even if it's yourself

06-03-2014, 08:14 AM
I'm allowed to chose who does the work right? Never had to deal with this, two wrecks I was involved in were totals. LoL

Yes. They may suggest going to one of their preferred body places, and/or offer a check. You also can request who you want to have it done as well with many insurance places. if the place doing the work is higher than their adjuster's estimate they may not pay the difference. EXAMPLE - You choose to go to a highly profile custom paint shop (like boitnot who does great work but expensive) in place of taking it to Plated or Castrucci Ford in Milford (both do great work more reasonably). I just went through this over teh winter when a kid side swiped my 99 F150 that was accident free and 57K on the clock. It was a painless journey however in the end. Yours will be to after they get through al of the lies. The truth will be revealed.

06-03-2014, 10:07 AM
Just received a call from their claims adjuster. She told me to take it where ever I like and fax her the estimate.

06-03-2014, 11:33 AM
Cool. Forward progress.

06-03-2014, 11:44 AM
Will be taking it over to plated hopefully this weekend to get a estimate for em.

Now I'm wondering if I should try to go with a Terminator bumper or just keep the Mach setup. Can pick up a Terminator bumper for cheap these days.

06-09-2014, 07:35 AM
Hope you get it fixed without problems Last year My wife had some jackass hit her sitting at a red light by jiffy lube in eastgate and tried to run she had 3 kids in the car and guy hit her had 2 kids in his car wife calls 911 and follows him to his house cops show up and find out that he was involved in a hit and run at 10am pulled over at 12 noon for driving crazy and hits wife at 12:30pm cops tell him do not drive anymore today cause he was under influence of drugs and after cops leave he decides to drive again and causes a 3 car accident and dies on the scene at 4pm all in same day luckily nobody was hurt in accident when he hit my wife's car and glad he didnt have his kids in the car when he died