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B.s at my job [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : B.s at my job

01-21-2014, 05:19 AM
I work at a car lot. I sell used cars. It's a big lot with a name you all know. When it snows the sales guys have to be there at seven fucking thirty to clear snow from the lot, cars, and sidewalks. It's a huge lot and a pain in the ass. Not to mention we are one hundred percent commission paid. So we are forced to come in during the shittiest driving conditions and do all this shit for fucking free. While the managers sit on their asses and do nothing. Unless one of the big bosses are around then they go out there for a minute or two and come back in. I do make good money but this kind of shit pisses me off. I've been so pissed off I slept for about an hour. Also the lot techs won't be there and really do nothing but run errands and get food for the managers. I think it may be time for a new job. I've actually prayed and asked GOD for the wisdom to keep my mouth shut and not punch someone in the dick today. I'll have to get back to you on how that goes.

01-21-2014, 05:40 AM
Why don't you guys pay for a snow removal service

01-21-2014, 05:46 AM
Why pay when you can have commission paid sales people forced to do it for free? That's why the lot techs aren't there for it. They are hourly. I'm like fuck these motherfuckers.

01-21-2014, 06:32 AM
Which lot? I ask because I started doing work for one of the lots up in Lebanon.

01-21-2014, 06:40 AM
Someone just made it on the whiny bitch list.

01-21-2014, 07:28 AM
Jeff Wyle didn't get rich by hiring a snow removal crew. When you're done at the lot, come clean my driveway please. :D

01-21-2014, 07:48 AM
Lol hell yes I'm a whiny bitch.

01-21-2014, 07:52 AM
Come inside pumpkin and granny will make you some hot chocolate.

01-21-2014, 08:20 AM
I work at a car lot. I sell used cars. It's a big lot with a name you all know. When it snows the sales guys have to be there at seven fucking thirty to clear snow from the lot, cars, and sidewalks. It's a huge lot and a pain in the ass. Not to mention we are one hundred percent commission paid. So we are forced to come in during the shittiest driving conditions and do all this shit for fucking free. While the managers sit on their asses and do nothing. Unless one of the big bosses are around then they go out there for a minute or two and come back in. I do make good money but this kind of shit pisses me off. I've been so pissed off I slept for about an hour. Also the lot techs won't be there and really do nothing but run errands and get food for the managers. I think it may be time for a new job. I've actually prayed and asked GOD for the wisdom to keep my mouth shut and not punch someone in the dick today. I'll have to get back to you on how that goes.

"...Eggs are cheaper in the country." You just gave a whole new perspective to that tag line. :D

01-21-2014, 10:05 AM
I did love my granny.

01-21-2014, 02:42 PM
Come inside pumpkin and granny will make you some hot chocolate.

:lol:that is funny

01-21-2014, 03:11 PM
Almost done with the free labor. Only eight hours.

01-21-2014, 03:13 PM
The waaaambulance is on it's way.

01-21-2014, 03:57 PM
Almost done with the free labor. Only eight hours.

So youll be here to clean my cars and driveway by 5 ??

01-21-2014, 04:59 PM
Jeff Wyle didn't get rich by hiring a snow removal crew. When you're done at the lot, come clean my driveway please. :D

That dude bought out Bob McDorman (Corvette Country) over here and is spending a shit ton of money on the dealership. Theyre putting in a huge pond out front, new lot and a huge new building.

01-21-2014, 05:09 PM
All car lots are the same. I did it for years it does suck but It's part of the job. You take the good with the bad.

Mista Bone
01-21-2014, 05:11 PM
Almost done with the free labor. Only eight hours.

break a leg!

01-21-2014, 05:47 PM
Lol no broken leg. I totally get clearing the cars but no lot tech and managers that show up late, don't help and leave early piss me off. That and they let people that showed up late go home early. It's just frustrating. Been in the business for over twenty years. Today was the worst. I'm home now mike. Sorry.

01-21-2014, 06:52 PM
Damn wyler is slippin. Back in 96 when I was a lot tech over there we did it all and the salesman didn't bust a grape.

01-21-2014, 11:06 PM
Fuck that. That's what lot techs are for.

01-21-2014, 11:08 PM
That's what I was thinkin!
Fuck that. That's what lot techs are for.

01-22-2014, 07:22 AM
Ohh well. Fuck em. Its a new day and another chance to make it great. It's 722 am and I just got up. Not a bad start.

01-24-2014, 05:50 PM
Sweet. More snow tonight.

01-24-2014, 11:06 PM
Its ok pumpkin...grandma put your mittens on a string on your coat.

01-24-2014, 11:25 PM
And we will have Cheese and Crackers ready when you get home, To go with your Whine !!!

01-25-2014, 12:38 AM
On one hand, I ask why the lot techs are not tasked with this job? Surely there are job descriptions that go along with each position. If so...find out which positions are tasked with doing what jobs.

On the other hand, if that does fall within your job description...well...u signed on for it.

Best advice, find out for sure. I'm sure a big name lot has a buttload of policy and procedure manuals, job descriptions for every position etc. Knowledge is power. If you are being used...say something.

Best of luck to you.

01-25-2014, 12:53 AM
Gotta take the bad with the good. I do a lot of crap that I think someone else should do but in the end I make money off my unpaid labor.

01-25-2014, 12:56 AM
But it depends on whether the Bad is actually your job...working commission only generally means u sell cars. If u are doing other work that is considered hourly work...then he has a point. However..if that was an expectation upon hiring...then yeah..suck it up. The key is knowing what your job entails. Is snow scraping something expected in your job description, or something a tech should do. As I said..knowledge is power.

01-25-2014, 01:55 AM
Kev and I just had a big dicussion on this. Keep in mind, he comes from a position of working the last 25 yrs with a 2-3 man crew, one of which is the owner. So that scenario..everyone shares the load...crap or good. He has a definate opinion that ppl who cry "thats not my job" ought to be fired. That's his environment. When he goes above and beyond, he is simply helping his boss and himself.

I, however, am an RN. If I act outside my job description or what is labeled "outside my scope of practice" I can be fired at worst, and be held legally liable for doing tasks outside what I am trained to do. So if I do something outside my job description, I can be fired, sued, and stripped of my license. If I am sued...I could lose everything. My house, possessions, everything.

My point...there is a difference in going above and beyond! But this is why big corporations have policy and procedure. You get a job, you get the job description, you have the policy and procedure and u act accordingly within the parameters on which u were hired.

Not knowing how car lots work...I can assume a few things just being relatively intelligent. One...u as a totally commissioned worker only sells cars. But maybe they also think that if u scrape snow will expose u to buyers and therefore expect that as within ur job description. If so...suck it up. U took the job so deal with it.

On the other hand, if they hired u ONLY to sell..then u have an issue to take to mgmt. Which is why I said u should check all that crap out.

01-25-2014, 07:01 AM
I have no problem at all with the snow removal it's self. It's the coming in at seven thirty am to do it. It still takes all day, no lot tech help and all the managers do is sit on their asses inside and bark out orders. Then comes the we don't have enough sales, gross, appointments, etc. it's a joke. Tis is the first year where we are being forced to come in at seven thirty. That's shit was no where in the job description. Not that that matters when you work for a place that will just fire you for bitching.

01-25-2014, 07:57 AM
First, how YOU feel is completely up to you. I'm a very optimistic person, even if I am a realist. I learned a long time ago that it's simply a state of mind. The person I learned this from told me that letting somebody else determine how good or bad of a day you have is giving them the ultimate power over you. F*ck that sh*t. I'm always having a good day.

When they told me this I was 19 and full of piss and vinegar, and knew how the world worked. After 3 years of focusing on being positive and happy no matter what, guess what? I really was pretty happy and stress free regardless the situation. Almost 11 years later and in the military I still feel that way. Call it brainwashing if you want, but I'm pretty glad I brainwashed my self.

Frankly - if you don't bring up your concerns with your management then it's your fault. If you don't think that you can do so, then you need to start hunting for a new job.

Two surefire signs you need a new job:
1) You absolutely dread going to work every single day
2) You can't talk to your management about work related issues

01-25-2014, 11:51 AM
Just finished shoveling my drive and walking surfaces for about the 10th time this year (it seems anyway). That's a workout all right. Just think of the upper body strength and endurance you can build doing a car lot. Then when you quit you can kick your manager's arse. LOL!

01-25-2014, 12:00 PM
I got a driveway that needs shoveled.. since Im stuck here at work oh and was shoveling our walk and parking lot at 7am this morning here... and other than one worker helping everyone else "couldnt" make it in till after 830 or more, and hour late because of the snow yet I drove an extra 45 min to make it on time..

01-25-2014, 03:14 PM
I have no problem at all with the snow removal it's self. It's the coming in at seven thirty am to do it. It still takes all day, no lot tech help and all the managers do is sit on their asses inside and bark out orders. Then comes the we don't have enough sales, gross, appointments, etc. it's a joke. Tis is the first year where we are being forced to come in at seven thirty. That's shit was no where in the job description. Not that that matters when you work for a place that will just fire you for bitching.

It's a shitty lot that makes the salespeople clean the cars.

You're a professional, not a manual laborer. If you're sweaty and gross after spending the morning clearing the lot, then you present a poor image to a customer.

If they're concerned about sales and appointments, then the salespeople should be inside working leads or making phone calls, not shoveling. There are people who are happy to earn a living shoveling snow...if they don't want the lot techs doing it, then they should outsource the task to someone else.

Incidentally, from a labor relations/workers comp perspective, unless clearing the lot is specifically in your job description then the dealership is opening themselves up to significant liabilities if one of you guys gets hurt while shoveling.

Mista Bone
01-25-2014, 04:29 PM
Car sales people should be nicely dressed and most were "slick" bottomed shoes. Easy to slip and fall when doing unpaid labor.

Flipside, if you don't clean the cars can you sell something you can't display clearly?

Catch 22.....

Yes, my ex-FIL was a car salesman for a few Ford/LM Dealerships locally. Stillpass, John Nolan, Fairfield, etc.

Mista Bone
01-25-2014, 04:30 PM
Car sales people should be nicely dressed and most were "slick" bottomed shoes. Easy to slip and fall when doing unpaid labor.

Flipside, if you don't clean the cars can you sell something you can't display clearly?

Catch 22.....

Yes, my ex-FIL was a car salesman for a few Ford/LM Dealerships locally. Stillpass, John Nolan, Fairfield, etc.

01-25-2014, 09:11 PM
Had a guy slip and fall today. He went to the er and they had to open up a claim. I really have no issues with clearing the lot. It beats sitting on my ass. I just hate the seven thirty thing. I live a little ways away and it makes for a long day. The cars have to be ready to sell and the lot needs to be able to drive on. I just don't like getting up at 5 am to be there by 730 to do something that's going to take all day. I also believe that since I am pain commission only the sales guys should be compensated at least minimum wages while working on the lot. It takes time away from working leads and answering the phones. We were on the lot three or four hours today and eight or nine last Tuesday. I know we are saving a shit ton of money for the company so they can afford to pay a little to keep spirits up. Pissed of, sweaty, and tired don't make for good sales people.

01-25-2014, 09:27 PM
I would not like the longer hours. That's BS. Would u really get fired if u brought this to mgmt??

I mean I have worked jobs where I know that if they didn't like u, they could find a reason to fire you...and I get that. But at some point you have to draw your line in the sand. For me, that came with age mostly. I was too afraid back in the day. And, I needed the job. Now, at least I can dictate my working terms largely because I am in demand. Didn't have that in my 20's.

Just keep in mind...I was once told this by a very wise woman..."You play pussy, you get fucked." And I don't mean to say u r being a doormat, I don't think that at all. Like I said...I've been there.

But didn't u say that this affects u getting ur kids off to school etc? That shit matters. Do u mind if I ask how old u r?

01-25-2014, 09:42 PM
I'm 41. My line in the sand is I will be there when I get there. I am not getting up at 5am and leaving by sixish because it may take 2 hours instead of an hour to get there. My drive on a dry day is 20 to 30 min. I am in demand there to an extent. In the car business your never really irreplaceable. My lot is different and the traffic in the nice months would kill someone without experience. Your really on your own and expected to get it done. I do that. I've been in the business for over twenty years and to and in good at what I do. Im well liked but in this business if you don't like something the answer is mainly tough shit. Is what is it. The good is I can go pretty much any where and get a job. I'm drug free and I don't drink. That's huge in the car business.. Lol once this snow is over and I get back to making some money it will all be fine again....

01-25-2014, 10:43 PM
That's a good thing. If u can write ur ticket..skip the BS!!!

01-25-2014, 10:44 PM
Where do u live?

01-25-2014, 10:54 PM
I live in Lebanon Ohio.

01-26-2014, 10:32 AM
I feel for you Sean, I was placed on the assembly line with no idea when I was going to go back to my engineering job for 6 months. I spend most the time putting labels on glass instead of wiring and building machines. This didn't make sense to me since my company could of hired temps to do this. I wish I knew sometimes who decides to make these decisions. I understand we need to get product out but it also affected quality in the process since they place the only two focused quality engineers in my company doing assembly work for 6 months full time.

Mista Bone
01-26-2014, 02:49 PM
PKFIRE: Blame the bean counters. They make it look good on paper (digital presentation now) even though they have never been on a production floor or in a warehouse to view traffic patterns with a full work crew.

01-26-2014, 04:02 PM
I'd get all the other salesman together to make sure they all felt as you do and then take it to your supervisor. If your the only one complaining it will be hard to rectify the issue. Myself I can't see how you as a saleman should be responsible for snow removal. Then again one could argue without the snow removed and the car lot accessible how can one sell cars? As long as your willing to do it for free I don't see them changing the current procedures though.

mad max
01-27-2014, 12:40 AM
That sucks sean , hope things get better . Im growing to hate winter myself .

01-27-2014, 09:34 AM
It definitely sounds like a management issue for sure! Staying positive is the only thing that you can do in a situation like this...and it looks like you have that part figured out. As you know, you control your paycheck in that business, so sometimes just have to do what you have to do! I was in the car business for a few years as well (until i figured out i wanted my weekends)...we were lucky in the snow department GM would get out there and help us knock it out ASAP (along with the lot techs).

01-29-2014, 09:25 PM
I've been around the car business and dealerships for yrs and that's a first for me making the sales do that type of work. That's def something they should have a company do or the lot lizards!! My hat goes off to ya because I would have sent the deuces flying!!!

01-29-2014, 09:31 PM
One of the older guys fell m his ass and had to go to the e.r. Well see how they like that shit.. Lol

01-31-2014, 12:24 PM
I see shit has changed there. I'm glad I got out when I did.

02-01-2014, 12:46 AM
Yea. I'm still making plenty of money but damn they are making it hard. I just have to remember to vent here and shut the hell up at work. Shit ain't easy. Hell I just got home a half hour ago. This was my damn day off too.