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My German Shepherd and Timber Wolf just chased off a Coyote [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : My German Shepherd and Timber Wolf just chased off a Coyote

06-24-2013, 03:20 AM
Just 5 minutes ago I walked to look out my back door and not even 10 feet from my door was a Coyote sniffing around my yard. I called my dogs and they chased him deep into the woods. Both of them have shock collars on. So basically they're useless if your dog really wants something. I live in Amelia and I've never seen one up that close. I had my sliding door open and since my wolf pushed the screen out last week the coyote could of came in. Would of been a big mistake Lol. With that said I still think they're gorgeous creatures. I've always been infatuated with wild life. Since he was right under my back light and he didn't notice me I could see Pretty clearly. He definitely had some good color to him. He was also a pretty decent size. My gs weighs 95lbs and he wasnt much smaller. He was probably 60-70lbs.

06-24-2013, 04:28 AM
That's some serious stuff. I had a guy I used to work with get attacked by one while turkey hunting. They are some mean bastards.

Mista Bone
06-24-2013, 05:33 AM
What about those kitty cats out there?

06-24-2013, 06:32 AM
We had coyotes all over the place when I lived in Goshen/Loveland. I've only seen them a couple of times since we've moved to N Ky.

06-24-2013, 07:06 AM
Just 5 minutes ago I walked to look out my back door and not even 10 feet from my door was a Coyote sniffing around my yard. I called my dogs and they chased him deep into the woods. Both of them have shock collars on. So basically they're useless if your dog really wants something. I live in Amelia and I've never seen one up that close. I had my sliding door open and since my wolf pushed the screen out last week the coyote could of came in. Would of been a big mistake Lol. With that said I still think they're gorgeous creatures. I've always been infatuated with wild life. Since he was right under my back light and he didn't notice me I could see Pretty clearly. He definitely had some good color to him. He was also a pretty decent size. My gs weighs 95lbs and he wasnt much smaller. He was probably 60-70lbs.

I lived in amelia for 6 years, we had a lot of coyotes, especially on the south side of 125, jenny lind/home street area.

06-24-2013, 07:56 AM
Coyotes aren't anything to mess with, they'll kill your cats, dogs and it's rare but they will attack humans. They seem to me to be getting a lot larger than they used to be.

I'm not sure which fence you have but we put in an invisible fence for our GSD. The normal shock color didn't even phase him. He would walk right through it an barely notice it. So they gave us the master blaster collar which he doesn't like at all. The problem with the colars is that if your dog is at full throttle chasing something he will go straight through the fence before the collar even gets the signal from the buried wire. There is like a second or a few tenths delay so the collar never even goes off. Our GSD would see a neighbor or other dog and he would be gone. Then once hes out he wouldn't want to come back into the yard because he would get blasted coming home. He eventually learned to stay after in the yard after getting blasted by the collar a few times. Now I rarely put it on him.

Please don't get me wrong thinking I think it's humorous seeing my dog get shocked I absolutely do not. But no other training method was working for us.

06-24-2013, 09:13 AM
There is a system out, that uses a radio signal. If the dog goes outside of his area, he will get shocked until he returns. This will eliminate the "run through" problem.

06-24-2013, 01:01 PM
I too live in the township outside of Amelia, and have seen a lot of coyotes around my farm. My blue heeler runs them off the property on a regular basis. The one you seen could of been a Coy Dog ( a mixed bred domestic and coyote) their more common now a days with all the low rents dropping pets off in the sticks. Most coyotes are very timid by nature unless their in a pack, and are only 30-40 pounds and mangy looking. I shot one two years ago while hunting from my stand while it was trailing a fawn.

06-24-2013, 01:17 PM
I won't mess around with those things. This is the reason I always carry one of my handguns while hunting with the bow

06-24-2013, 02:32 PM
I have the wireless safe pet system.

06-24-2013, 02:40 PM
I won't mess around with those things. This is the reason I always carry one of my handguns while hunting with the bow

That could be true but if he was mixed with a dog the dog he would of been mixed with would of most likely been a mutt making it noticeable if the coyote was mixed with a dog and this one looked like full coyote. He was quick but my wolf has like a 12-15 foot stride. My wolf was right on his tail when they entered the woods. After that I'm not sure what happened.

06-24-2013, 02:47 PM
Although its possible he's mixed with a wolf but highly unlikely.

06-24-2013, 03:01 PM
They run in groups your lucky there wasnt a group of them when your dog entered those woods,very unlikely there was just one.

06-24-2013, 03:22 PM
They run in groups your lucky there wasnt a group of them when your dog entered those woods,very unlikely there was just one.

They usually hunt in pairs and if they're in a pack its usually younger offspring. Even then I'll put my money on my 95lb German Shepherd and my 115lb timber wolf lol.

06-24-2013, 03:57 PM
^^^thats what i was thinkin

06-24-2013, 04:08 PM
Well that works lol, did not know your dogs were that big they had it covered ha

Mista Bone
06-24-2013, 05:40 PM
I too live in the township outside of Amelia, and have seen a lot of coyotes around my farm. My blue heeler runs them off the property on a regular basis. The one you seen could of been a Coy Dog ( a mixed bred domestic and coyote) their more common now a days with all the low rents dropping pets off in the sticks.

Coy Dogs are worse than Coyotes for killing livestock. YEARS ago we put down over 100 in one day, two separate packs.

If you drop 1-2 of them, the rest of the pack will stay there and start feeding on them, like shooting fish in a barrel. Afterwards a few of the farmers piled them up and then added diesel fuel and burned them for I assume the fear of rabies.

06-24-2013, 06:12 PM
Well that works lol, did not know your dogs were that big they had it covered ha

He's a beast. He's been in one fight and that was with my friends 88lb prize winning pitbull. His pit broke his chain and attacked my wolf and long story short the pit was belly up and my wolf was clamped down on his neck. We got him off but he's crazy strong. and that was when he was only 7 months old.

06-24-2013, 06:15 PM
Coy Dogs are worse than Coyotes for killing livestock. YEARS ago we put down over 100 in one day, two separate packs.

If you drop 1-2 of them, the rest of the pack will stay there and start feeding on them, like shooting fish in a barrel. Afterwards a few of the farmers piled them up and then added diesel fuel and burned them for I assume the fear of rabies.

Who is "we"? Usually you'd hear about 100 coyotes being killed. And two packs? That means there was 50 or so a pack? Even the largest wolf packs don't have 50. I think the largest wolf pack is at Yellowstone and I believe it has 35.

06-24-2013, 08:39 PM
Could of been pure coyote?? Most Coy dogs you see are 2-3 generations from being bred domestic, and resemble the coyote perfectly except for size. They maintain fearless of humans from the domestic side of things. I guess coyotes have the dominant gene? I've never heard of 100 killed in a day, but Mista is dead on about them eating their own. Their nasty animals. I kind of like them around to keep the groundhog population down, but it's a pain when you have smaller livestock like goats and chickens. Either way I'm sure your Shepard and wolf could of cleaned house.

06-24-2013, 09:08 PM
Could of been pure coyote?? Most Coy dogs you see are 2-3 generations from being bred domestic, and resemble the coyote perfectly except for size. They maintain fearless of humans from the domestic side of things. I guess coyotes have the dominant gene? I've never heard of 100 killed in a day, but Mista is dead on about them eating their own. Their nasty animals. I kind of like them around to keep the groundhog population down, but it's a pain when you have smaller livestock like goats and chickens. Either way I'm sure your Shepard and wolf could of cleaned house.

Its possible he was mixed cause of his size. I'm just going by looks alone and he looked like a coyote you'd see on discovery channel. I did a quick Google search and it said it isn't uncommon for coyotes to get over 60lbs. I'm just guessing on the weight. My neighbor has a 45lb mutt and he was at least 15lbs bigger. Coyotes are just dogs without a home to me. Any dog left in the wild would act the same imo. I saw someone on cl selling coyote pups about a month ago. A coyote and a wolf would be cool to have.

06-24-2013, 09:19 PM
The crazy thing is is I googled coyote and this came up as the first one.

06-24-2013, 09:57 PM
Coyote size is deceiving with their thick coat. I watched a video on YouTube of a what appeared to be huge male coyote coming through the woods. When the guy shot it and ran and died in a creek. With wet fur it looked half the size of the beginning of the video

06-24-2013, 10:10 PM
Coyote size is deceiving with their thick coat. I watched a video on YouTube of a what appeared to be huge male coyote coming through the woods. When the guy shot it and ran and died in a creek. With wet fur it looked half the size of the beginning of the video

I was thinking the same thing.

06-24-2013, 10:48 PM
Coyotes aren't anything to mess with, they'll kill your cats, dogs and it's rare but they will attack humans. A couple weeks ago, a coyote got hit by a car outside my buddy's shop. He and another dude went to go look at it laying on the road. When they got close to it, it jumped up and started chasing them! They were extremely lucky to get back inside the shop before it caught them!

Mista Bone
06-24-2013, 11:09 PM
Who is "we"? Usually you'd hear about 100 coyotes being killed. And two packs? That means there was 50 or so a pack? Even the largest wolf packs don't have 50. I think the largest wolf pack is at Yellowstone and I believe it has 35.

When dumped off domestics get breed in, they will end up being huge packs after time. They end up with a "mob mentality" of humans. They mostly pure Coyotes still stay away in their normal fashion of hunting to survive.

This took place in the late 1990's in Indiana. West of East Enterprise where a buddy lived. He simply invited me out to do some shooting and told me to bring plenty of ammo. There were 12-15 shooters all total. Yeah it sounded like a freaking war going on. The Game Warden was even there.

Well fuck me, I shouldn't have looked up his name.....

RIP Big James.....

06-26-2013, 01:08 PM
Here's some pics of a Coyote I caught and strangled with my bare hands! :bigthumb :lol:

No seriously. I found it laying dead at a Shell station up here in Troy several years ago. Couple really weird things about. 1) WTF was it doing laying there dead ? Absolutely no signs of trauma or blood...nothing. Just laying there. 2) The location was absolutely nowhere near woods, thick brush or a big field. The Shell station is located at the corner of I-75 and Dorset Rd. Light business district.

Anyways, as you can see from my pics, these MF'ers have huge assed teeth!

06-26-2013, 05:56 PM
He was prolly just sleep lol jus kidding,those teeth are huge

06-26-2013, 06:32 PM
He got ahold of some fast food and heroin is my guess

06-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Possibly some antifreeze or other poison? Was hit by a car and bled out internally? Either way, Coyotes are nothing to be trifled with. They will lure pets into ambush situations and make lunch of them. Indiana some years back was so over run by them (still are) that they put a bounty on them year round. $5 A PELT.

Mista Bone
06-26-2013, 11:48 PM
I will admit I was quite sad having to kill them, but knew there was no option.

If you cannot care for your pet, take it to a shelter/SPCA. Because you didn't want your pet put down, guess what, someone else had to do it.

I really hate crappy pet owners.

06-27-2013, 05:09 PM
Possibly rabies. Not very common around here. The saliva would evaporate in hours but his throat would of been swollen shut. I'm willing to bet he was hit by a car a low speeds and caused some type of internal bleeding or ruptured a organ.

06-28-2013, 08:08 AM
I killed probably 10 coyotes this past winter in amelia behind my house. This place is loaded with them. I live by St. B

06-28-2013, 04:00 PM
Let the dogs out this morning and there is a skull of a 12 point buck and about 5 rib and few leg bones. All stripped clean except for a little bit of fur at the bottom of one antler on the top of the head. Was laying about 20 feet from my back door. I'm not sure why they keep coming close to my back door but it explains why my wolf is constantly sniffing and scrating in that exact area for the past month.

06-28-2013, 07:23 PM
have any pics of your wolf?

06-28-2013, 08:35 PM
Sure do.

06-28-2013, 09:00 PM
very cool man

06-29-2013, 01:02 AM
Thanks. He is definitely unique.

06-29-2013, 11:23 PM
Man we were sitting out on the patio tonight having some drinks with a friend just before sundown. When all of the sudden you could hear a pack of them going off a ways out. They went on for about 10 minutes then nothing. I don't think I have ever heard them like that before dark.

06-30-2013, 12:13 AM
Stangbangerz coyote hunt!!! Whos comin with me???!!??!! lol

07-01-2013, 07:57 PM
I'll drive over for that

07-02-2013, 03:22 AM
When dumped off domestics get breed in, they will end up being huge packs after time. They end up with a "mob mentality" of humans. They mostly pure Coyotes still stay away in their normal fashion of hunting to survive.

This took place in the late 1990's in Indiana. West of East Enterprise where a buddy lived. He simply invited me out to do some shooting and told me to bring plenty of ammo. There were 12-15 shooters all total. Yeah it sounded like a freaking war going on. The Game Warden was even there.

Well fuck me, I shouldn't have looked up his name.....

RIP Big James.....

Do you happen to remember the road he lived on? I lived 8 miles away from Enterprise at that time.