View Full Version : House Numbers PSA

10-11-2012, 08:52 AM
Since this is Fire Prevention Week, I'll throw out a public service thread out there.

House numbers, plain and simple, make them visible. When time counts and you or a loved one needs help, make it easy for us to find you.

If you have a mailbox out front, make sure your house number is on both sides of the post or mail box. Just because the mailman sees the number on the west side of the post doesn't mean the police, fire and ems guys are coming from that way too.

If you have numbers on the side of your house, put them in a place easy to view. Don't put them behind a bush (or trim your bushes) or an odd location like the front fasica on the garage eave. It's also easier to read actual numbers and not a script spelling of your adress numerics.

Porch lights, if you call for help during the low light hours, turn it on and make sure it works.

Now if your house is numbered clearly, how about looking at your parents house, grandparents and your neighbors.

Please use some common sense with what I have posted, if you have a fire that's blowing out the front windows, don't worry about the porch light but if Grandpa needs picked up off the floor at 2 am, turn on the porch light.

Thank you.

10-11-2012, 11:44 AM
Great info and couldn't agree more brother.

10-11-2012, 12:32 PM
An eye opener!