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Sad sad night for the Wife and I [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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07-19-2012, 12:57 AM
Tonight, our cat of 11 yrs died all with in about 5 hrs of finding him laying on our floor in our bed room:(

I walk in to our bed rm about 6:15 or so and find the cat laying like he was about to prance on something so I call his name and he does not move, so I call his name again, and still nothing. I go over to pick him up and realize he is limp like a noodle and all kinds of drool on the floor.

So I lay him back down, run to get the wife for her to check it out. We try to stand him up to see if he could walk, but he only made it about 4 ft and layed back down.

We loaded him up and headed down to the vet er to get looked. Well come to find out, there was something going on with his red blood cell, his ears were white, his gums in his mouth started turning white, so they started him on O2 and fluids. They were going to watch him over night and give a couple other meds. We get home, I shower and the phone ring, and its the vet

She tells us to get down there, that he was take a very hard turn for the worste, and sure enough, they were breathing for him. So the choice was made to give him "The Shot".

I guess if there is any good out of this, is that he went fast and did not suffer, well at least none that we know of. Heck just last night he was in my lap hangout like he always does, so it jsut blows me away, how this happen so fast.

I know there are not many cat lovers out there, but he was part of the family along with our other two dogs, who will miss him too.

We plan on burying him in the back yard in the next day or two, but for right now he is "sleeping" well in our deep freeze.

That is all, its 1 am, I am whiped out, and have been awake since 5:30am, time to try to get some sleep, work is going to suck tomorrow, that is for sure.

07-19-2012, 01:11 AM
Sorry for ur loss man I know its gotta be rough

07-19-2012, 01:24 AM
We have 2 dogs and 3 cats. One of the cats is old. I know its rough and I am sorry to hear it bud. I think theres more cat people than you think. Its just hard to admit you like cats as much as you like dogs... I can say it but heck... I drove a mariner blue miata... with the top down... In rush hour traffic..... AND I LIKED IT. It may sound bad but when a pet dies I go rescue another as soon as I can. Kinda makes me feel like he died so that another could be rescued from a shelter or just a stray cat.

07-19-2012, 01:24 AM
Any pet can become a part of the family. We have a Headstone for a couple of our past "furry family members" on our farm, and I lost a lot of sleep last year when one of our Jack Russell stopped eating for almost two weeks. I am sorry for your loss, and while it may seem cold, the best way to move on is to get a new kitten. Trust me, from experience, it is the best medicine.

07-19-2012, 05:41 AM
So sorry for your loss. My wife & I are cat lovers too. We have 4, all indoor cats. Our black Tom cat O'Malley recently had a health scare. He is 9 yrs. old and developed a urinary blockage. Cost us nearly $1000 by the time we got him back on his feet. Some people said they'd just have had him put down - but he's been with us a long time and it was worth it to us.
Again, sorry for your loss. It's always tough to loose a loved pet.

07-19-2012, 05:54 AM
Sorry for your loss my mom just went thru this with her cat of 15 years

07-19-2012, 07:35 AM
sorry for your loss, I just went through this with my dog last Friday night. They are apart of the family and it sucks when this happens. It is still hard on my family and the kids. It is crazy how one second everything is good the next they are on the death bed. I realized how short life really is and little control we really have.

07-19-2012, 09:34 AM
Yeah we lost our cat of 11 years a little while back. It was toughest on my twins they are 12. They grew up together. My boy would put him on top of his head like a hat. That kitten would stay there everytime. They took it pretty rough. they told me they are not ready for another one yet.

07-19-2012, 11:12 AM
Sorry for your loss Sean.

07-19-2012, 11:25 AM
Sorry to hear of your loss Sean. Pet loss is never easy. Take care.

07-19-2012, 11:43 AM
Sorry to hear. Losing a pet is always hard on the family.:(

07-19-2012, 02:26 PM
Sorry for your loss. I just went threw the same thing 2 months ago. He would always meet me at the door when I got home and I couldn't find him one night. He was in a corner of a closet and wouldn't move. After a week of vet care, he had pancreatis, Protein levels so low he couldn't move on his own, so we had to put him down. Like lossing a little brother. It was hard but worth the 2k vet bill to give him a chance to live. Again sorry for your loss.

07-19-2012, 04:15 PM
we are going thru it right now . our little bobtail is at the door . gave her meds but nothing has worked . she cant walk now so its shot time . shes like one of our kids to us .

07-19-2012, 05:04 PM
Sorry about your loss, Sean. Losing a pet always sucks.

I like Louis C.K.'s comment on pets: "Look kids, we got a dog. Now we're going to be really sad in about 10 years."

When we lost our 11 year old Golden mix, Francis a couple of years ago, we immediately went to ARF in Amelia and got a puppy. Nothing like the insanity of an 8-week old puppy to take your mind off of the loss.

07-19-2012, 07:29 PM
Thanks for all the kind words guys!!! I must today was a blur. I had a hard time even thinking today at work, I finally just called it a day and went home.

Between this and fighting with the school system for your son Preston, my brain is fried and very tied from it all.

We still have our two dogs though, one is 12 and the other is only 2. We know our 12 yr old dog Rumble is going to be next. The is amazed at how well he is doing considering he is a Lab/Great Dane mix. He can still WALK!! Most dogs this size usually have all kinds of hip problems, but Rum keeps on ticking!!

I think our Next cat is going to be a Maine Coon. Very large cat, but very docile. One of my Wife's old professor's in Grad school had two, it look like two wild cats coming at us and all they wanted to do was love up on ya. Kinda cool.

Thanks again!!!!!

07-19-2012, 07:48 PM
Sorry for your loss. I've had to do this twice this year with our cats.

07-19-2012, 07:51 PM
Sorry for your loss. I've had to do this twice this year with our cats.

Wow, two in one year, Sorry to hear, I could not imagine.

07-19-2012, 08:56 PM
Damn guy sorry to hear about C.C.

07-19-2012, 09:31 PM
Damn guy sorry to hear about C.C.

Thanks Scott!!

Steves LX
07-19-2012, 10:47 PM
Sorry to hear this Sean. We have a cat as well as a dog. And they become a part of the family. We had to put our one dog down last year that was 15 1/2 years old. One of the toughest decisions that the wife and I have ever had to make. I know it doesn't make it any easier but I think you guys made the right choice and I'm sure your cat is thanking you guys to. He is at peace now and in a much better place. You will always have the good times and memories to look back on. That, no one can take away from you and your family. Keep your head up and stay strong!!!

07-20-2012, 05:33 AM
Sorry to hear. :( When my Tangerine died, I buried her in my yard too. Ebay had some guy on there that made custom ceramic headposts. Kinda cool if you can involve the kids in picking something out and marking the little guys grave with it. It ran maybe $20.

Mine had her name, birth to death, and a nickname on it. My ex always called her "stupid yellow cat" so I put that on there too.

07-20-2012, 12:43 PM
A member on here suggested cremation when we lost Bailey a few years back. We are glad we did. If we ever move she goes with us. It's not cheap but comforted us to still have her here in the house with us as corny as that sounds. Sorry again for what you and the family are having to deal with right now.

07-20-2012, 05:39 PM
Sorry for your loss Sean

07-20-2012, 07:40 PM
we buried our baby today in the lower part of our yard . , the boys put flowers and her fav toys on top . sure do miss her . it funny how they become so much a part of our lifes

07-22-2012, 10:06 AM
Sorry for your loss. I know how you feel, as i've had something similar happen twice within the last year or two.

The first one was my friend's dog, Alice. Just a tiny little dog, but sweet as could be. If she was doing something bad, all you'd have to say is "Alice...." in a low, deep voice and she'd look at you and stop what she was doing and come running to you. My friend asked me to be an "extended dog-sitter" for him. He was in the military at the time and was living off post, but the neighbors were saying that the dog was biting their kids. This was NOT this dog. He asked me to keep an eye on her until he could find a new place. She LOVED my cats and got along FAMOUSLY at my house, except for a few "accidents" on the floor. Well one day he came by to visit her for a bit and to hang out on Thanksgiving. He left shortly before my parents arrived to celebrate Thanksgiving. Well, as we were moving things inside the house, somehow she got out (we think she was running to chase after my friend), got into traffic, and got hit by a car. VERY sad day. My dad, my friend, and I buried her in my back yard. Gave her military honors and everything (as corny as that sounds) and I am blessed that my friend didn't hold it against me.

The other happened to my cat Mickey (named after Mickey Thompson. i've taken to naming all of my cats after famous racers or naming them something having to do with motorsports. The current cat I have is named Dale cuz he is black with a little white and is a little onrey sometimes, just like Dale Earnhardt). Mickey was the sweetest cat EVAR! He'd all the time curl up in my lap if I was watching TV or playing video games and just hang out. He LOVED to be held. Well, I go home on leave one day and left my roomates in charge. I get a call on the very next day in the morning (i had JUST gotten home and was looking forward to sleeping in a lot), and one of my roomates was in tears and she told me that Mickey somehow got out and was hit by a car. I was upset and still am a little upset about it to be honest. The hardest part was watching Dale try to get along without a buddy.

Like I said man im sorry for your loss. It's really hard to lose a pet.

07-22-2012, 03:11 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss Sean. Losing a member of your family is devastating. Rest assured their spirits/souls never leave. They are always around. Just their bodies are gone from this earth.

There are more cat lovers out there than you think. A lot of people are uncomfortable with their feelings and don't like to "cuddly" things. :rolleyes: But those of us that do really get something special out of life! :angel:

Take one day at a time and the pain will subside. Maybe not go away completely.... but will subside.

07-22-2012, 10:54 PM
Thanks again guys for the kind words. We were finally able bury him yesterday, since it took me almost 3 hrs to dig the hole, since ALL of my yard is like concrete/clay.

So Saturday morning, my wife help me finish up the hole, which turn out to be around 30" deep. We got CC out of the freezer, put him in the box I made for him and let our son Preston see him one more time. Some of you know about Preston, some do not, but he is a special need kid, but the BEST son a man could ask for. Anyways, he petted him and told him to get "better" and that he needed to eat healthly foods and take some medicane to get better.

That is when my wife and I told him that he is gone and that he is not getting better and we are going to bury him. He wanted to help, so he got is kettle car (sit down peddle bike) hooked his wagon up and pulled "The Box" around the house for us. Pretty darn cute.

I think our 2 other dogs have help us get throug all of this, since most of the time the car was sleeping else where in the house until I came around. I do miss him sitting on the back of the couch right behind me while I watch t.v.

We keep talking about what we are going to do, I think we are going to wait to get another. We have too may "life" things going on right now, and I don't feel like I would be able to devote the time to a new kitten.

Sorry So long, THANKS AGAIN EVERYONE!!!!!!! You guys are the greatest!

07-23-2012, 08:31 AM
Sorry to hear this Sean. Any type of 4 legged member of your family is hard to lose. *gets on my adopt don't buy box* Please look for rescues when you decide to bring another into your home. Sure there are some for the kind of cat you are looking for. *get's off box* He'll be there at the rainbow bridge waiting for ya!!

07-25-2012, 10:16 AM

Came across this and thought of you. I know its soon but look at that face.

07-26-2012, 08:23 PM

Came across this and thought of you. I know its soon but look at that face.

Thanks Kim:) Very kind of you to think of us!