View Full Version : Clark County Sucks

12-05-2011, 12:49 PM
Coming back from the Swap meet I made a detour through Springfield to take my wifes car to her at work and pick up my truck . I was not familiar with the area and got a speeding ticket . No big deal on the ticket I was guilty and went to pay the fine and apparently Clark county thinks they are god . Since I have had another ticket in the last twelve months in the State of Ohio they doubled the fine .I have only had one other ticket in Clark County and that was a seat belt 4 yrs back . The guy at the court house said just come to court if I wanna contest it . I live in Darke county and they do not do anything like that . A 13 mph over the limit cost me $360.00 dollars what a bunch of shit. Cant wait to fucking visit again and be sure I will have 360.00 worth of fun while I am there .

12-05-2011, 01:36 PM
Sorry to hear, I got busted in greene county and they were going to hit me with the same fine. I went to court and got the judge to reduce it to 100 with 52 court cost.

12-05-2011, 04:29 PM
Umm, I do believe that's a state thing where they double the fine if you have 2 or more speeding tickets in a 12 month period.

12-05-2011, 05:01 PM
Sounds like more govt bullshit designed to increase the coffers (and wallets).

12-06-2011, 08:28 AM
Its not a State thing unless they changed the law in the last few months as this is actually my 3rd offense since June and the second was in October . Its messed up I went 16 years with out a ticket and get 3 in less than a year .If I would have went to court I am sure they wouldnt have budge much but having to close the shop to go just was not worth it and I prolly would have went to jail anyways for speaking my peace .

12-06-2011, 08:52 AM
The extreme revenue enhancement is a bunch of bull... stop speeding though!

12-06-2011, 12:16 PM
They have all been 13 mph over and around here they forgive 10 so its 3 mph more than everyone else drives nothing to get excited about . I had a legit problem the first time but the others I just was not pay attention and was moving with traffic but in front of them .

12-06-2011, 12:30 PM
Yeah that blows. Start doing 5 over and you'll be golden though. Too many people just don't pay attention. They should start pulling licenses for repeat offenders. "Not paying attention" is what the idiot at McDonald's says when they forget to not put onions on your burger.

12-06-2011, 01:16 PM
I avoid Springfield like the PLAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-06-2011, 10:27 PM
It is called an "Enhanced Violation". It is a state law put into effect several years ago. I have not worked road patrol in a few years, but I believe if you get a third similar offense within one year you can be arrested as it becomes an 4th degree misdemeanor. (Usually does not happen, but it can.)

12-06-2011, 11:18 PM
It is called an "Enhanced Violation". It is a state law put into effect several years ago. I have not worked road patrol in a few years, but I believe if you get a third similar offense within one year you can be arrested as it becomes an 4th degree misdemeanor. (Usually does not happen, but it can.)
So just to be clear.. say im going 5 over and get a ticket for speeding and i have had 3 in the past 2 years i can be arrested? Dont agree with that but if you cant do the time dont do the crime

12-07-2011, 09:59 AM
So just to be clear.. say im going 5 over and get a ticket for speeding and i have had 3 in the past 2 years i can be arrested? Dont agree with that but if you cant do the time dont do the crime

Yep...speeding is speeding. Even if you were doing 2 over you could be....just have to find the asshole cop who has nothing better to do that write someone for such a violation then arrest them.

To be honest I have not heard of anyone being arrested for it...although I am sure somewhere it has happened. Usually the Officer just writes "Enhanced Violation" or something similar on the citation and statement of facts. Then the court handles it as such. I should note this is how it is done in the venue of the court I work for, other courts may do it differently.

***Also I am now thinking it becomes and M4 on the second similar offense in a year. I will have to ask some of the road guys tonight.***

12-07-2011, 01:40 PM
i live in springfield and have never gotten a speeding ticket in over 25yrs.
just gotta be on the lookout.
now lawrenceville and north hampton you better not be over 1 mph or they'll get you.

12-07-2011, 05:38 PM
i live in springfield and have never gotten a speeding ticket in over 25yrs.
just gotta be on the lookout.
now lawrenceville and north hampton you better not be over 1 mph or they'll get you.

I thought Larryville got dissolved?

12-08-2011, 01:48 PM
lawrenceville got me last year for exp. license,forgot to renew it.
maybe they have i havent heard.