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9/11 [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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09-08-2011, 01:38 PM
Well as everyone is aware the 10 yr anniversary to 9/11 looms. As a career firefighter this day is special to me. I never got to serve in the military and is my biggest regret in life. Veterans Day I know is a special day for our Veterans and hold a strong reverence for those that have served. But 9/11 is a day that tugs at my heart like no other.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was working at one of my part time fire jobs. I was out in the bay checking apparatus. I noticed my partner was missing, so I went to check on him. He was in the dayroom just blindly staring at the TV. The north tower had been struck. I just came in and was glued to the TV. I saw the south tower struck live. At that point I just looked at my partner and said "Bill we've been attacked....." He was a pastor full time. We knelt there and prayed for those that had surely perished.

I watched with pride as FDNY personnel showed up and did what we do. We run into the chaos and mitigate. Those entering those buildings that day knew that this was a defining moment. In the back of their minds they had to know that their personal safety was in jeopardy. They continued on without a moment of hesitation. I know because thats what we do. I would have been elbow to elbow with those 343 and done my job, my calling. How I feel for those wives,husbands, children, that lost those brave souls that day. But how proud I am that we have those Americans that would stand up to the chaos and help those in need.

I came home that night to a scared family. Unsure what would come next. I told my wife I was calling my friend a recruiter the next morning. She was upset but knew there wasnt anything stopping me. I did talk the next day and told me there was no way they would take me with my diabetes. I just wanted to do something, I was angry and needed something. I put in a request with my Chief to go to NY and help. It was denied and I felt helpless and still angry. I had a mentor pull me to the side. He told me the only thing I could do was to the best for those that called me for help. He was right and I made a vow to do my best to help those that called. Most people here think I ma just a goof. Those that know me or work with me know I take the job seriously. I want those 343 to know they did not perish in vain.

I watched a documentary with my family about 9/11. They didnt know how to respond when they saw their dad silently crying. They have probably only seen me cry twice in their lifetime.

Thank God for those 343. Thank God for all the responders. Thank God for our military that took up that fight for us. I am proud to be an American. I am thankful I have a job that I love. But equally saddened by the apathy of the general public. Bin Laden I hope all the virgins you were promised have a penis.

09-08-2011, 02:45 PM
god bless the USA and the 343

09-08-2011, 02:57 PM
That was a very rough day for everyone. I was stationed overseas at that time, getting ready to leave work for the day. All of a sudden someone turned on the TV in the breakroom and we all sat there staring, getting more mad every minute that passed. Every base all over the world went to THREATCON Delta, so we weren't going anywhere for quite a while. There were a few there that knew people in the towers and that was the hardest part.

The next 6 months were very busy, loading more munitions into containers and shipping them off to every base that could handle a fighter or bomber. I never made it to Afghanistan until '08, building the great equalizers we call GBU's(Guided Bomb Units). Now I'm back here again dropping more bombs than you will ever know. Everyone is talking and a little worried how the 11th is going to go down over here. Rocket attacks/mortars....who knows. I'm hoping for a quiet night to be honest, the random mortars/rockets know no aim and hit at random; it's quite frightening actually. Don't know if you needed or wanted to hear this story, but there it is...

mad max
09-08-2011, 03:21 PM
Im thankful that we have people like you dale. Im my opinion we need alot more. usastang , i hope you have a safe night but you know the idiots couldnt do that for you , so please be safe.

09-08-2011, 03:35 PM
god bless you guys and everyone serving in one form or another, fire dept, police and etc. we cant thank u guys enough!

09-08-2011, 05:11 PM
That was a very rough day for everyone. I was stationed overseas at that time, getting ready to leave work for the day. All of a sudden someone turned on the TV in the breakroom and we all sat there staring, getting more mad every minute that passed. Every base all over the world went to THREATCON Delta, so we weren't going anywhere for quite a while. There were a few there that knew people in the towers and that was the hardest part.

The next 6 months were very busy, loading more munitions into containers and shipping them off to every base that could handle a fighter or bomber. I never made it to Afghanistan until '08, building the great equalizers we call GBU's(Guided Bomb Units). Now I'm back here again dropping more bombs than you will ever know. Everyone is talking and a little worried how the 11th is going to go down over here. Rocket attacks/mortars....who knows. I'm hoping for a quiet night to be honest, the random mortars/rockets know no aim and hit at random; it's quite frightening actually. Don't know if you needed or wanted to hear this story, but there it is...Glad to hear your story. And as always thanks for your service and sacrifice.

09-08-2011, 05:25 PM
I was in 6th grade study hall going to gym. The teacher flip on the tv because the principal came on and told everyone to stop what they were doing and watch. We watch the whole thing. Then F16 from WPAFB came screaming past the school breaking the sound barrier we wrote a report about it. I said it was sad but I wasn't going to effect my life too much. And we were going to f some ones day up. Then I joined the army in Aug of 08 deployed to Afghanistan in 2010 so much for affecting my life. I did remember gas shot up to 1.90 and people freaked.

09-09-2011, 01:00 PM
I remember that day I was at school too. I had no idea what was going on until finally one of the teachers turned the tv on and we watched it for the remainder of the class. It was very sad and to be honest a weird day. I have a ton of respect for our military and also the people at home that put their lives on the line as well. My dad was a volunteer fireman and my little brother is one now and I am proud of that and of the men and women in our military.

09-09-2011, 03:02 PM
I have never recalled a bluer clearer sky while driving to the work site than that morning to this day. I was working in Youngstown, Ohio doing a machine installation with a local technician. We never heard a word until about 10:30 when a union electrician told us the pentagon had been hit. We were still not aware of the Trade Towers which had also been hit and fell and of course the flight that went down in PA. To add insult to injury the electrician was known for being a prankster so we both tried to call our wives via cell phone to find out what was taking place but were unable to connect getting an all circuits busy message. That was our fist indication that something major was afoot. The radio in the company van brought us quickly in touch with what had transpired.

It is sad how quickly so many forget the personal sacrifice, and as called upon the SUPREME SACRIFICE of those who keep this country safe before during and after 9/11/2001. Both in peace and in conflict. Local, State, and Federal volunteers, public officials, and military. So few give so much for the reward so many revel in and take for granted.

09-11-2011, 10:32 AM
This was a sad day and you definately remember where you were I was in school in keyboarding class and remember seeing it on tv and knew we had been attacked I remember every year where I was and what I was doing on this day. God bless all the people that passed away there familes, firefighters, police officers, military, veterans, military people that passed away, God Bless the USA.

09-11-2011, 11:29 AM
i was in study hall...i was so ar back from the tv (it was in our massive cafeteria) that i thought it was just a tornado, so i never got close enough to look. once i got to my next class i found out we were attcked. when i went home that night my house was just shaking by all the jets going by....what a hoorific day. Thanks to all the fire fighters police emts soliders and volunteers for what they do...without you more people would have lost their lives.

09-11-2011, 09:14 PM
I heard about it on WEBN at their 9:00 news break as I was pulling in to the parking lot at NKU. At that time they didn't know anything other than some sort of aircraft had hit the World Trade Center. At the time it sounded a small plane. By the time I walked in to class the second plan had hit. I think everyone class on our floor had crammed in to one or two rooms that had TV's. Everyone watched in total aw as the events unfolded.

I have seen two good shows on the events of that day. The first I watched Friday nigh. I think it was History or one of those type stations and was pieced together entirely of video recorded by individuals without any added narration. It was very moving to watch.

The other is on CBS right now and shows video shot by two French filmmakers who were brothers. They were in the first tower as the second plane hit at as both towers fell. I was really an amazing view of things.

09-11-2011, 09:34 PM


I think about it EVERY day

09-12-2011, 10:18 PM
The only other day that ever shook me to the core like 9/11 did was the day President John F. Kennedy was murdered. I am old enough to have lived through that tramatic event too. Both these days changed our country forever. :(