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Over Unity... Free energy [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Over Unity... Free energy

05-23-2011, 03:54 PM
Sorry if its a repost but very very cool!:bigthumb

05-23-2011, 04:14 PM
better one in action...

05-23-2011, 05:04 PM
weve been messin around with alt fuels for a couple years...very cool stuff

05-23-2011, 05:11 PM
Holy shit so this guy basically invented perpetual motion. I would expect him to be assassinated by the Government and/or oil companies any day now.

05-23-2011, 06:04 PM
Myth buster actually was showing how to make one of these when they producers made them stop. They got a phone call and was told to pull the plug on it?!?!??!

05-23-2011, 11:51 PM
Interesting, I'm going to build one.

Mista Bone
05-24-2011, 12:21 AM
Simple laws of energy are a bitch.

05-24-2011, 07:22 AM
People, and not just engineers, have been working on alt fuels and energy forever. We dabbled with hydrogen for a minute and my buddy is building a magnet motor now. Interesting stuff. When we were doing research for our hydrogen projects, I remember reading, and Im not quoting, just repeating what I understood it to say...that it is ILLEGAL produce for sale any product or technology that would release us from dependancy of oil. There are people in prison and/or mental hospitals that have spoken out about their inventions and were said to be crazy con artists. Somewhere on utube, there are videos of people running lawnmowers on water...the man that invented this technology has been in prison for years....

Uh Oh BP.....the interwebz is alive

05-24-2011, 07:55 AM
I normally don't believe in conspiracy theories, but i absolutely believe that, and i would not be surprised at all if this guy disappeared. It would upset the balance of power around the entire world...because the technology would be openly available for any technological country to produce...there would be so much money lost, so many tax dollars lost, so many rich people losing everything.

05-24-2011, 08:08 AM
So this guy has figured out how to overcome the laws of physics and created a machine with over 100% efficiency? How was this accomplished? Was the drag on the bearings in his motor created with less than 0 friction? Did he negate the effects of wind resistance? Where did he get zero resistance wires, reed switch, or a 100% efficient battery that turns none of the electricity into heat during the process of charging and discharging?

All he is doing is transferring charge from one battery to another. Take that second battery out of the equation and then the motor dies after the battery is drained. Replace the 2nd battery with an impeller to pump water for instance and the unity motor will run down just like any other battery powered machine. What is so ground breaking about this?

05-24-2011, 08:14 AM
I guess it's not exactly perpetual motion, but in theory a larger engine could be built like this to run a car and it would basically run forever so long as the first battery was never allowed to run down.

Maybe it's not a new idea, maybe it's just the parts and how he's doing it. I had a big debate years ago because i was dumb enough to think i created perpetual motion by running a generator off the spinning wheels of a car to charge the batteries that powers the electric engine that drives the car...but i didn't fully understand all the other crap that prevents it from being that simple. I think this has to do with the magnets and that thing he holds up to the spinning wheel...there isn't enough drag or loss in power with that component to draw more power than it uses...which allows it to always have enough juice to charge the second battery. I think the issue with this is that it has to stay running constantly to work. It also isn't completely self some point a battery has to be charged by an outside source.

Or something like that. Honestly this crap is over my head but i understand some of it.

05-24-2011, 08:26 AM
I guess it's not exactly perpetual motion, but in theory a larger engine could be built like this to run a car and it would basically run forever so long as the first battery was never allowed to run down.

Maybe it's not a new idea, maybe it's just the parts and how he's doing it. I had a big debate years ago because i was dumb enough to think i created perpetual motion by running a generator off the spinning wheels of a car to charge the batteries that powers the electric engine that drives the car...but i didn't fully understand all the other crap that prevents it from being that simple. I think this has to do with the magnets and that thing he holds up to the spinning wheel...there isn't enough drag or loss in power with that component to draw more power than it uses...which allows it to always have enough juice to charge the second battery. I think the issue with this is that it has to stay running constantly to work. It also isn't completely self some point a battery has to be charged by an outside source.

Or something like that. Honestly this crap is over my head but i understand some of it.
There is still friction present in the bearings that are running between the plates that hold his machine together. There is also friction coming from the air itself as the machine spins. Then you have resistance of the magnets themselves. One poll is pulling while the other one is pushing, but this doesnt always equal out to be 0 net force. There are times when the force is positive or negative relative to the direction of rotation as the magnets move from one poll to another as the rotate.

If the machine outputs more energy than is put into making it turn, where does that energy come from? To the best of human understanding there are two states in the universe, energy and matter and you have to convert one to make the other. Since the machine doesn't appear to be losing mass, where is the excess energy coming from?

As long as I make sure the battery is charged in my electric toothbrush it will never not run.

05-24-2011, 12:06 PM
People, and not just engineers, have been working on alt fuels and energy forever. We dabbled with hydrogen for a minute and my buddy is building a magnet motor now. Interesting stuff. When we were doing research for our hydrogen projects, I remember reading, and Im not quoting, just repeating what I understood it to say...that it is ILLEGAL produce for sale any product or technology that would release us from dependancy of oil. There are people in prison and/or mental hospitals that have spoken out about their inventions and were said to be crazy con artists. Somewhere on utube, there are videos of people running lawnmowers on water...the man that invented this technology has been in prison for years....

Uh Oh BP.....the interwebz is alive

u r correct. That is a law i guess u could call it. My grandfather told me once there was a guy who had a carb that was getting 75mpg in the 70's. GM or somebody came along bought it and scrapped it?!?! Dont know how true this is but he is a pretty straight forward.

05-24-2011, 12:21 PM
Think about that 75mpg carb for a second. We are gear heads, we know how internal combustion engines work. We know that Gasoline has a stoich of 14.64:1 and that burning above that ratio results in increasingly high EGT's. How does a carb overcome that without building the entire motor to withstand extremely lean mixtures required to get that kind of mileage. A carb can't overcome physics. It can't change the stoich of a fuel. It can't change the efficiency or displacement of an engine.

Now if said 75mpg carb was using a different fuel than gasoline with a higher stoich value that burned at a reasonable combustion temperature as compared to gasoline then I can believe the claim a bit more.

05-24-2011, 01:01 PM
It's easy to doubt these sort of things when you haven't devoted your life to it. I can't vouch that it works but It wouldn't surprise me a bit if we're knocking on the door.

05-24-2011, 01:20 PM
That would be the end of oil. I'm not a tree hugger, but if I could charge a battery powered car without buying electricity, I would be all over it.

05-25-2011, 07:22 AM
Search UTUBE for GEET PROCESSOR or GEET LAWNMOWER. The videos of GEET himself are very old. and he appears to be a crazy old man, however..I totally and 100 % beleive that this technology not only works, but if it could advance could release us from dependency of foreign oil. Me personally, i believe nothing that I hear and only some of what I see. lol. I say dream, experiment and learn...the worst that could happen is that you could succeed.

and on a side note....the day that i ignited about 2 inches of soap bubbles off the top of a 5 gallon bucket full of O2 and Hydrogen that I personally created in said bucket...after my ears quit ringing, i realized that anything is possible. Just because someone tells you its an impossiblility, doesnt mean that it is. 30 years ago, i bet someone said
"someday im gonna go 6.90's on a radial tire" and some engineer said..."impossible"

05-25-2011, 08:01 AM
Well, think of every MAJOR invention of man kind's history....before it came, people said it couldn't be done. Hell, the Earth was flat at one point. I'm sure when Einstein said he could split a hydrogen atom, people were like "wtf is an atom?". For the most part, humans know very very little about the world we live in. You have to remember that modern technology is really only 50 or so years old, and look how things have progressed in that time. What can we expect in another 50 years? Just because perpetual motion seems impossible now doesn't mean some unthinkable breakthrough won't happen in the future.

05-25-2011, 08:30 AM
There will be breakthroughs, but the sudden invention of a perpetual motion machine isn't going to be the way it happens. It will have to start with the discovery of a super fluid that can exist at normal temperatures and pressures. A superfluid has a property of zero viscosity (aka no friction). The only way we can create superfluids right now are at extreme low temperatures and pressures. A superfluid can climb the walls of its container and spill out against gravity. It can also seep through what are normally considered solid containers. Once you create or discover said superfluid, you can use it to help eliminate friction in a machine, but that is only one part of the equation. There are several other fundamental problems that will need to be solved before something like this can be anywhere close to feasible. The force of gravity is also going to create drag on the machine. You could move it out into deep space, but that makes the entire concept impractical. We know that we can use centripetal force to simulate "artificial" gravity in space, but there isn't currently a known process in which to create an anti-gravity field. You'll need to be careful if you succeed in creating an anti-gravity field however. If the field extends to behind the device you are using to create it, it will not just start to float, it is going to begin to fly off at over 1,000 miles an hour in a tangent parallel to the rotation of the earth! That is because gravity is the only thing counter acting the rotation of the earth. Without gravity we'd all be instantly flung off the surface of the earth into space.

You still need to be able to create more energy than is input into the machine in order to create "free" energy. A way to create energy, and I mean create it without converting matter will have to be devised. It would mean playing god on a grander scheme than has ever been imagined before. I see technology advancing to the point where we can open up an inter dimensional portal and extracting matter or energy from another realm before we can figure out how to create out own energy or matter in this universe.

05-25-2011, 09:26 AM
Spoken like an true engineer...If were not smart enough to figure it one will.

I dont know about perpetual motion or whatever you just said up there lol, but i do believe that there is/will be an alternative to oil...

05-25-2011, 09:39 AM
I agree that there are alternatives out there to oil. Biofuels are a currently available alternative, but they need about 10 more years before they will be where they need to be to be truely viable. And yes I am approaching a perpetual motion or free energy machine from an engineering mindset, there's not other way to build such a machine. Unless you tackle the different and varied obstacles to creating such machines then you won't succeed in building them.

It might be backyard engineering, but its engineering all the same. The laws of physics currently can't be broken by known means.