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I hate this time [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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Steves LX
04-26-2011, 12:06 PM
Well I think it's just a matter of time now before mine and Vicki's first pet together calls it quits. Shes 15 1/2 years old and will be 16 this November. Within the last 2 weeks or so she has lost her bark and any other sounds. Last weekend she was laying down in the yard and was unable to get herself back up. She's had arthritis for awhile but I really think its getting the best of her now. I was out of town last week and my wife called me wednesday night to tell me she wouldn't even come out of her dog house. So she put the phone up to her ear and I started to talk to her and she popped up and came out with some assistance from my wife. She's really thinned out just within the past week. She eats very little unless it's treats. She still drinks plenty of water and wags her tail when you talk to her. Since this past weekend she wont get out of her house unless you physically get her out. We have been giving her a aspirin a day and it seems to help a bit. I think we are going to take her to the vet tonight after work to get her looked at one last time and perhaps get some stronger meds. I hate prolonging the inevitable but I just cant put a dog down that still functions right. She Just needs some assistance. I just hope she makes her own mind up and makes this easy on us. We thought she was hanging around to see everyone that came over on Easter. But Easter has came and gone and she's still ticking away.

04-26-2011, 12:21 PM
Sorry to hear this I know how you feel I had a black lab when I was eight and had to put him down when I was twenty he had cancer, and eventually just got worse had to put him down, at first he was on meds and good but eventually you could tell it just got worse and he was in alot of pain so we did what was best so he wasnt suffering anymore. Just keep your head up enjoy what time you can with the dog and think of all the good times you have had.

mad max
04-26-2011, 12:32 PM
My dad has a jack russel that goes everywhere with us in the rollback, she has really bad arthritis and is club footed on the front. My mom is constantly telling him to put her down, I dont agree with her ,she still gets around good , just looks a little funny doing it. She is 8 years old. I know my dad doesnt have the heart to put her down and im not telling him what to do with his dog. Sorry your going thru this , its hard to lose a pet.

04-26-2011, 12:37 PM
I know how ya feel Steve. Sounds like she's gettin bad though. My first dog (german shepherd/wolf) was already old when I was young, and he died of cancer when I was little. My second dog (black lab) ended up having a stroke, and had bad arthritis so we had no choice to put him down :(

04-26-2011, 12:44 PM
Sorry to hear Steve, hard decision I'm glad I don't have to make. Good luck.

04-26-2011, 01:17 PM
Also really sorry to hear. I just went through this, nearly this exact same time last year. I remember that, because we always go to Hilton Head this time of year and she passed away while my family and I were on vacation.

I went with my dad to pick her up from a farm up in wilmington and she was the dog throughout my entire childhood.

Having said that, I really wish my dad would have put her down sooner. I know it sucks, but you have to think of her. It was just so hard to watch her in pain. It eventually came to the point where she couldn't get up and was literally using the bathroom right there where she layed. I've only seen my dad cry a few times in his entire life and that was one of those times.

Steves LX
04-26-2011, 01:42 PM
Also really sorry to hear. I just went through this, nearly this exact same time last year. I remember that, because we always go to Hilton Head this time of year and she passed away while my family and I were on vacation.

I went with my dad to pick her up from a farm up in wilmington and she was the dog throughout my entire childhood.

Having said that, I really wish my dad would have put her down sooner. I know it sucks, but you have to think of her. It was just so hard to watch her in pain. It eventually came to the point where she couldn't get up and was literally using the bathroom right there where she layed. I've only seen my dad cry a few times in his entire life and that was one of those times.

My pets growing up always made it easy on us and died in their sleep. Never had to put one down. We are going to take her to the vet tonight and get her some meds and see how she does with that. If that doesn't help her, then I guess I will be calling the vet out to the house to put her down. Dammit this sucks!!! Pets are so much fun until this time in their life comes. And we still have 2 more pets to go thru all this all over again with. They are both still young though. We have a Jack Russel thats 5 and a cat thats 2.

04-26-2011, 02:00 PM
I hear ya man. Hate to put them down, but when you know they're hurting and not able to move, I'm not sure which choice is worse at that point.

When she finally passed, we went through some older pictures we had stashed away and that definitely brough some smiles and laughs to everyone. Kinda helped a little, going back and remembering how awesome of a dog she was.

Steves LX
04-26-2011, 02:10 PM
I hear ya man. Hate to put them down, but when you know they're hurting and not able to move, I'm not sure which choice is worse at that point.

When she finally passed, we went through some older pictures we had stashed away and that definitely brough some smiles and laughs to everyone. Kinda helped a little, going back and remembering how awesome of a dog she was.

Yeah well the whole family has had some good times with her throughout the years. As bad as I hate to say it. Hopefully mother nature will take care of it for us. If not then we will have to take care of it for her.

04-26-2011, 02:24 PM
That sucks to hear man. We recently had to put down our 14 year old Sheltie, its not an easy decision. I dread the day that I have to part ways with my dog Lucy. Good luck man, I hope she goes out her way. Keep your head up!

04-26-2011, 02:58 PM
Hey Steve sorry to about your dog but I feel your pain almost a year ago Me and my wife lost our dog she was half German Shepard half Husky and was hit by a vehicle and was still alive when we found her but would not move. We didn't know what to do. After looking her over good we decided it would be best to have her put down. Sucked cause she was only about 2 years old. Best of luck to ya man.

04-26-2011, 03:48 PM
Sorry to hear this Steve.

04-26-2011, 08:02 PM
One of my friends had two american eskimos. One was 12 and the other one was 11. They had to have the younger one put down at the end of february and the older one had to be put down last wednesday. They have had a rough time the past two months.

Steves LX
04-27-2011, 12:01 AM
Well we took her down to the vet tonight and to my surprise they didn't even suggest putting her down. They said she has lost 20Lbs which is normal with her appetite now days per the doc. And he said other than her arthritis and weight loss she is in good health for her age. They did all the normal stuff to her and reccomended we put her on puppy food due to it being high in fat and protein. And they gave us some pain/anti-inflammatory drugs for her arthritis. He said not sure when but the days are definitely #'ed. And if she doesn't do it herself that eventually there will come a time when she wont get up or be able to hold herself up if we pick her up. He said you will know that it's time then for you to put her down. They didn't believe she was suffering yet and said just to keep doing what we are doing with her. She knew something was up when I grabbed her leash tonight when I got home from work. She didn't want to get into my truck even with my assistance and she fought me trying to get her into the vet. She looked pissed off at me all night until we got her back home. So we shall see.

04-27-2011, 12:51 AM
Thats great. I know you went in ready for the worst. I know hearing that made everyone very happy. Give her all the attention you can and enjoy every minute. Good to hear the vet didnt have bad news.

Steves LX
04-27-2011, 08:04 AM
Thats great. I know you went in ready for the worst. I know hearing that made everyone very happy. Give her all the attention you can and enjoy every minute. Good to hear the vet didnt have bad news.

I was prepared to hear it and so was my wife. We even asked the doc and the vet tech when they never brought it up. And they said she is still functioning and not suffering yet so no need to right now.

04-27-2011, 09:05 AM
I am glad you get to spend more time with your dog Steve we all know that after a while they become part of the family.

Steves LX
04-27-2011, 09:18 AM
I am glad you get to spend more time with your dog Steve we all know that after a while they become part of the family.

Yeah 15 years is a long time and we have plenty of memories and good times with her. We adopted her from the Hamilton County SPCA back in November of 1995. She was 6 weeks old.

04-27-2011, 09:26 AM
Glad to hear they didn't suggest putting her down Steve. Hopefully she can have a few more years!

04-27-2011, 01:45 PM
its hard to put one down.we had a pittbull that we hand to put down at 7 months old.that i bought for my kids.she slept with my lil girl so that was hard.then our boxer got out of our kenal and got hit by a car.

04-27-2011, 04:34 PM
Having animals is like any relationship they have there ups and downs but usually the ups outweigh the downs. If not then that is what Dane Cook calls a relationshit lol.

04-27-2011, 08:24 PM
I hope your dog does good for a long time. We put my Boston down last year he got so bad that he could not hardly walk. He was in real bad shape . We went down to the vet and they gave him a shot to relax him. He curled up in a ball that was the most peacefull I have seen him in years. They then euthanized him he took his last breath and was at peace. It was not anything I would have thought it would be. It was very calming for our family.

04-28-2011, 03:22 PM
Marley and Me= WORST MOVIE EVER..
Glad to hear the good news, enjoy the time you have left.

Steves LX
05-16-2011, 12:01 PM
Well tonight is the end for our dog. We are taking her down to the vet after work this evening to put her down. She has really went down the tubes fast the past week. She pretty much stopped eating and drinking this past weekend. We have been taking care of her with a syringe just to get her to the vet today. I was hoping she would take care of this on her own but she has left us no other choice. She's lived a good long life and gave us plenty of good memories. Not sure if we will get another dog or not. We have a 6 year old Jack Russell and a cat still. I would like to start all over and get another one for outside but not sure if the wife will let me. I would love to have a rottweiler or a black lab. I've always loved these dogs. I guess time will tell.

05-16-2011, 12:06 PM
I'm sorry to hear this

05-16-2011, 01:29 PM
my wifes husky was about the same age and was having trouble getting up and stuff.

they scheduled a time to bring her down to the vet at 2pm, at 11:30 am that morning she passed on her own.

definately tough when an animal has been with you that long.

hopefully she'll put up the good fight for a while!

05-16-2011, 11:02 PM
We are thinking about your family Steve.

Steves LX
05-17-2011, 12:08 AM
Appreciate all the thoughts!! :angel:She went peacefully with Vicki and I by her side this evening. We will get through this as a family. I'm a firm believer in that God never gives one more than he or she can handle!!!

05-17-2011, 01:18 AM
Sorry to hear that. My wife and I had to put one of our boxers to sleep a while back. Its still hard to look at the old pictures. Im sure they are better off not being in pain anymore. Its a sad situation for sure.

05-17-2011, 01:19 AM
So sorry. I get more attached to my pets than I do to some humans. Keep your head up and as soon as you are ready another dog will find you.

05-17-2011, 03:44 PM
Sorry to hear that man losing a pet that you have had for that long is tough good to know she is no longer in pain and who knows what the man upstairs has in store

05-17-2011, 04:17 PM
Sorry to hear Steve, she's up there playing with all the others that have gone before her!

05-17-2011, 05:02 PM
sorry to hear

05-17-2011, 10:27 PM
sorry buddy

05-17-2011, 10:40 PM
Appreciate all the thoughts!! :angel:She went peacefully with Vicki and I by her side this evening. We will get through this as a family. Sorry for your loss Steve.

My 15 1/2 yo Beagle will be joining him in heaven soon as well... :(

05-17-2011, 11:08 PM
sorry to hear this, just had to put down one of our dalmations, she was 10, she had a stroke about 3 weeks ago, had many seizures, lost hearing and eye sight on her left side from the stroke... she had congestive heart failure.. it really sucks to have put one down....