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04-24-2011, 12:45 PM
I was arguing with a buddy of mine about the effects of smoking pot. I don't smoke it personally and that's why he says I'm full of shit. His defense is it doesn't impair your judgment or ability to drive a car or slow you down in any way shape or form. It doesn't kill brain cells or make people lazy and isn't bad for your body. After I made the point that he says MAN about every ten words.this all coming from the guy without a job for the last few years. I pulled up the above the influince site and another one and he swore they were all just the government making it up because they are not getting there tax money.

04-24-2011, 12:51 PM
Ive been around all kinds of people that are high... personally i think its annoying. the way they act, the giggling at everything, and the way of thinking the individual has. All it will do is get them in trouble eventually. but thats just me.

04-24-2011, 12:55 PM
Ill give my opinion, and keep in mind ive never touch the stuff a day in my life and im 32...
I think in time it will be legal, but they need to put rules on it like drinking.. If your driving on it its like a dui....
I far like the attitudes of stoned people then ones that get the liquid courage and wanna fight all the damn time...

04-24-2011, 01:52 PM
I think your buddy is wrong.

I have smoked it a few times, Been years since the last time. I have no desire to do it agian.

Your buddy is just trying to justify doing it. He must feel like it has no effect on him since he is used to it.

There is a show i saw that documented a guy somking for 30 days and showed both before and after. It did impair him some.

Black Horse
04-24-2011, 02:03 PM
If that is his argument it shows his judgement is already impaired!

04-24-2011, 02:21 PM
Its very obvious to everyone else but him. Just wanted some opinions from outsiders to proove my point.

Mista Bone
04-24-2011, 02:23 PM
If pot becomes legal, I'm buying stock in Taco Bell!!!!!

4-5 months of daily usage WILL have a permanent effect on your brain and not in a good way either!

Fun maybe once or twice a year, but daily, fock that shit man!

04-24-2011, 03:15 PM
If pot becomes legal, I'm buying stock in Taco Bell!!!!!

4-5 months of daily usage WILL have a permanent effect on your brain and not in a good way either!

Fun maybe once or twice a year, but daily, fock that shit man!

exactly. not that doing it once or twice is a good thing but, you far less likely to show the effects of long term use.

04-24-2011, 03:40 PM
It's like anything else. In moderation, it isn't harmful.

I don't smoke it, don't like the feeling. But, I don't have a problem with others doing it.

Mista Bone
04-24-2011, 04:17 PM
exactly. not that doing it once or twice is a good thing but, you far less likely to show the effects of long term use.

or get a high tolerance so you need to smoke more to get same feeling.

Also if you are prone to panic attacks from stress, THC makes it worse, which is why I quit the stuff, found out the cause of the stress and quit a job of 14 years.

Thank you Dr. Drew!

04-24-2011, 04:28 PM
That's what I'm saying I'm not trying to say nobody should do it. Just prooving the point it does have many long term affects.

04-24-2011, 04:31 PM
Let's get into is it a gateway drug. I say hell yes it is. And that is from seeing all of my old friends who started on pot and moved on to worse things after and now have nothing to show for themselves besides living with their parents and driving pile of shit cars.

satan jamez
04-24-2011, 04:36 PM
It's safer than alcohol in my opinion. I don't do it anymore, but if it were legal i'd prefer it over alcohol by a long shot. It's mellowing. A good ol' left handed cigarette never made me have emotions that would cause harm to anyone around me.

However, I had a friend that smoked pot quite a bit and he's dumb as a box of rocks.

04-24-2011, 04:43 PM
i had a buddy that started smoking pot freshman year and by senior year he was in touble for alcohol, not to mention he used mushrooms and cocain its deff a gateway drug. every substence (sp) is a gateway imo

04-24-2011, 07:55 PM
I think the gateway drug thing, is overblown. If you are inclined to do drugs, it is a natural progression. It would be like saying beer is the gateway to harder liquor. It is easily attainable and cheap (in comparison), more so than harder drugs.

Mista Bone
04-25-2011, 12:57 AM
I think the gateway drug thing, is overblown. If you are inclined to do drugs, it is a natural progression. It would be like saying beer is the gateway to harder liquor. It is easily attainable and cheap (in comparison), more so than harder drugs.

I agree.

Myself I stay away from hard liquor because I'd drink it like beer, then get sick and puke it all back up. When I smoked I never thought about "dude, I need something better"....

After a stressful day at work, eat dinner, have a beer or three and smoke a 1/2 bowl. Then sit around being useless and paranoid and get nothing done.

Either the time crawled by at 1/3 speed, or went tripled speed.

I've seen people snort coke, shoot heroin and other toxic mixes, it wasn't for me. Then again I've been around folks that drink two bottles of 80 proof vodka a day and few would know.

I'll stick to my bread in can.

04-25-2011, 04:39 AM
MMmmm. Brown bread in a can with cream cheese. Thats the shit. Good call bone.

04-25-2011, 09:29 AM
My sister and her husband are prime examples of the point your trying to make. She got into pot before they got married and I can see she declines mentally more every year. She just turned 30 and doesn't remember phone conversations we had 2 weeks ago. She isn't a burnout by any means, her and her husband have good jobs and live in chicago but at this rate they are circling the bowl headed for the drain.

Its a waste- but I think booze destroys more families than pot.

04-25-2011, 09:32 AM
I think your buddy is wrong.

I have smoked it a few times, Been years since the last time. I have no desire to do it agian.

Your buddy is just trying to justify doing it. He must feel like it has no effect on him since he is used to it.

There is a show i saw that documented a guy somking for 30 days and showed both before and after. It did impair him some.

It's called Super High Me and he was actually able to function better while high than not....... they did all kinds of tests too good show to watch

04-25-2011, 01:07 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking marijuana. It was made illegal because a man (forgot his name) ran a news paper company and hemp paper was significantly cheaper. He banned together with another guy who had government power and started q cam

04-25-2011, 01:59 PM
A campaign against pot because it was a cheaper alternative to tree paper. Along with recreational use hemp can be used to make paper, cloth and rope. Being less harmful than alcohol, hemp will be legal with in my lifetime. You won't have to smoke it no one will force you to smoke it.

04-25-2011, 02:05 PM
Needless to say, marijuana has the least addictive qualities, even less than cigarettes and alcohol, which makes it nearly impossible to become addicted. I have web sites to cite all my information.

04-25-2011, 02:22 PM
If pot becomes legal, I'm buying stock in Taco Bell!!!!!4-5 months of daily usage WILL have a permanent effect on your brain and not in a good way either!

Fun maybe once or twice a year, but daily, fock that shit man!

Better yet ill be opening one!!!!

04-25-2011, 02:25 PM
90% of every smoker i know (LOTS) Is out of a job, has some kind of excuse to continue smoking and not working. The other 10% is seemingly uneffected? I guess it comes down to tolerance.. like beer, I can drink 5 beers and be fine. SOME are hammered after 3.

I dont know if id smoke weed if it was legal. It makes me way to

Mista Bone
04-25-2011, 04:14 PM
There is absolutely nothing wrong with smoking marijuana. It was made illegal because a man (forgot his name) ran a news paper company and hemp paper was significantly cheaper. He banned together with another guy who had government power and started q cam

it is more than that, ask the big textile companies like DuPont.

In brief, the campaign to destroy hemp as a commercial crop began in the early 1930s when DuPont chemists developed their first petrochemical fiber, nylon, and patented the sulfate and sulfite processes for making paper from wood pulp. About that time William Randolph Hearst, newspaper giant, was investing widely in lumber holdings as pulp for newsprint. Since hemp was cheaper and better source for paper than wood pulp, and hemp's superior fiber length, strength and low cost competed with nylon, the two commercial giants connived to destroy the hemp industry. (Cotton with a fiber length of 1 1/2 inches compared to hemp's 15 feet plus cotton's extensive water and pesticide requirements offered no threat to DuPont.) About this time other industrial chemists were developing plastics from such biomass products as hemp. Henry Ford, at his secret biomass conversion plant, had already built a model automobile of plastics derived largely from hemp with only the frame of metal. The car's fuel was also derived from hemp.

04-25-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm an ex pot smoker. I started smoking my senior year of high school and while in college. Personally, I never had any of the "side effects" that are said to go along with. I maintained 3.0 gpa while getting high then going to class. I personally like it better than drinking. Now I used to know people that would smoke and wouldn't be worth a damn. It just never affected me like that. For about 7 years I worked as a roofing contractor and smoked about everyday. I think the pot made me able to do the job ( roofing sucks ). So really my point here is it depends on the individual. Pot is like anything else. Its not for everyone. Just like alcohol. As for the gate way thing. Im not sold. I never smoked a joint and said you know what, I want some crack. Also, I think a lot of people would be surprised if they knew just how many of their neighbors smoked. marijuana really had a negative stereo type put on it in the 60's with the hippies and their lazy attitude about things. IM not saying its right or wrong just not as cut and dry and some people make it out to be

04-25-2011, 05:25 PM
[QUOTE=03z06vette;647568]90% of every smoker i know (LOTS) Is out of a job, has some kind of excuse to continue smoking and not working. The other 10% is seemingly uneffected?

Well it seems like about 90% of all people are out of work these days, regaurdless of their habbits. I've smoked it, and man do I love it! I dont do it daily, and could pass a random at a moments notice. But I'll be honest, it doesent slow me down personally. It allows me to focus more on the task at hand. I've actually been more consistant and had better r/t's at the track from it lol. Do some overdo it? Hell yes they do. Does it live up to all the stereotypes? Not at all. I've learned that you cant take the warnings and advice on something from someone that's only read about it, or talked to someone about it. You have to form your own opinion on it and make your call from there (not always from trying it). So if your not too sure which side of the fence your on, then sit back, burn a stoagie, and think about it for a bit LMAO! Now there are a million avenues that can be taken in talks about this subject, and in the end it is left up to the individual to decide what is right for them. For me, I say legalize it. Tax revenue would fix alot of debt, not that fines from drug busts arent lol. As for my opinion, those folks that seem "burnt out" were more than likely stupid before they started cheifin! As for a gateway drug, if they are the addictive type then they will find a damn good excuse to blame something else for their stupid decisions. Shew! After all this typing, I might have to just go fine me a scooby snack and have at it lmao!

04-25-2011, 08:07 PM
Well it seems like about 90% of all people are out of work these days, regaurdless of their habbits. I've smoked it, and man do I love it! I dont do it daily, and could pass a random at a moments notice. But I'll be honest, it doesent slow me down personally. It allows me to focus more on the task at hand. I've actually been more consistant and had better r/t's at the track from it lol. Do some overdo it? Hell yes they do. Does it live up to all the stereotypes? Not at all. I've learned that you cant take the warnings and advice on something from someone that's only read about it, or talked to someone about it. You have to form your own opinion on it and make your call from there (not always from trying it). So if your not too sure which side of the fence your on, then sit back, burn a
and think about it for a bit LMAO! Now there are a million avenues that can be taken in talks about this subject, say legalize it. Tax revenue would fix alot of debt, not that fines from drug barent lol. As for my opinion, those folks that seem "burnt out" were more than likely stupid before they started cheifin! excuse to blame something else for their stupid decisions. Shew! After all this typing, I might have to just go fine me a scooby snack and have at it lmao!

Epic. Hahahahahaha

04-25-2011, 08:41 PM
I know people who smoke everyday and still hold full time jobs, take care of there family's and you wouldnt even know they smoked.... However they still have an occasional brain fart!!!

04-26-2011, 12:15 AM
Yeah but when they get home do they do anything around the house? Lol probably not

I'll stick to whiskey, in moderation of course.

Unfortunately, I have friends who would rather get high than do anything at all. No motivation, no will-power, lazy, out of work, etc.. now, I love my friends to death, I just wish better things for them. But they gotta help themselves. I don't smoke, never will. Don't want to be associated with that stereotypical personna.

I've had plenty of opprotunities to try it, and almost considered it a few times, but I've got too much on the line like maintaining my job and credit.

When the highlight of your day is getting high... you should re-think your values.

Im not here to say you shouldn't do it, its your choice, but damn... moderation lol

Then again.... the native americans smoked it, they didn't have jobs... look how peaceful they were! Lmao

Im rambling... im going to bed

04-26-2011, 12:26 AM
Wow Jesse that was more than 2 cents work that's like a nickels worth lol. However I must agree.

04-27-2011, 12:39 AM

04-27-2011, 01:16 AM
I have never touched a drug in my life that wasnt prescribed to ME by a dr... BUT I am all for pot. It shaped my childhood and some of my adult life. What kind of world would it have been without people doing drugs. Here are a few examples.
As a child growing up there would have been no great space coaster, fraggle rock, muppets, or pee wees play house. I believe capt kangaroo was a pedophile but probably a pot smoker too. The munsters, alice, or archie bunker. The cheese burgers growing up were better too. There wouldnt have been any me getting pulled down the street on my big wheel by my cousin. (pot smoker) My dad wouldnt have found something of my uncles that for years he used as a paper weight in his office where he sold electric motors for some huge companies. Of corse the paperweight turned out to be a bowl. lol It had a pot leaf imprint on the top. When I finally told dad what it was he laughed and said i always wondered why it had a hole in it. I guess what I am saying is even if you didnt smoke the stuff, we all have memories of people who did and some were pretty funny. We have all enjoyed the tv shows and music that came from the brain of a pot head. Will I ever do it???? I am guessing no, but if I did.... I wouldnt inhale. lol

Mista Bone
04-27-2011, 02:16 AM
I will admit I had some GREAT ideas while I was lightly stoned, but the after effects with the panic attacks are not worth it TO ME.

Now if I was at a party and knew I wasn't going anywhere till morning, pass me the bong!

The only buddy I know that still smokes regularly lives in Cbus, I'm not driving home after smoking.

To give you an idea of how much I smoked (very little!) daily, a 1/4 oz. ($40-50) would last me about a month.

The worst issue I had when I smoked, my cheeks would hurt from that damn huge grin I would have, LOL!

I also know someone who smokes daily, it helps keep his ADHD in check. Aka his "driving" medicine.

Myself, 2-3 times a year is enough...but it has been 5-6 years since I've had any and I'm not even sure I'd wanna hit that bong because of the PA it could trigger.

Never met an angry stoner though :)