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Did I go to far? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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04-19-2011, 02:25 AM
This is what I typed on an old friends FB page. He and this chic were going on about obama and the government...

How about we impeach ALL the C--ksuckers in office? Give the next batch 2 terms to do something positive and NO retirement benefits. HELL I would love to work 4 years ($100K+) get voted out and have Benefits fit for a king. Why we are cleaing house, toss out the lobbyists that are bottom feeding with the lawyers in Washington. What this country needs is a good ole Revolution!! Tell the countries that dont like us, to Kiss our ASS. Tell the current Unions to F--K off! Bring back jobs to AMERICANS and quit outsourcing jobs (see above statement) About time we get rid of Welfare also. If people can walk, talk, shit or f--k, they sure as hell can w-rk!! Also, Politcally Correctness can Go F--K itself also. If a terriost wears a Rag on his head and is from the middle east, guess what, Im gonna search all rag wearing middle easts people. Pretty simple. If a person is successful at business, Im not gonna tax his ass more so he can pay Low Rents to stay home f--king and making more babies. Im gonna reward his ass so he continues to do more creative work HERE IN THE FN USA. Get this GD Low rents off the "I DESRVE A CHECK BS" and get them out in the work force with the rest of us. Oil companies....These F--ks should have to wear a sign around their neck saying, "IM AN OIL EXCUTIVE" That way when that SOB walks in a Mc donalds for a Big Mac, they know to raise the price to $45!! Im all for a profit, but DAMN! Did I miss anyone? Hopefully I affended everyone EQUALLY as I would HATE to leave someone out and have them in therapy on my dollar....Happy/Merry Passover BTW. :-)

I had more to say, but I didnt want to come across as an ass. :tard:

04-19-2011, 02:49 AM
Well obviously since I am a police officer, I don't agree on the union comments. Other than that, I agree for the most part. Again, this being a mustang website, we have had our times with political stuff around here. It's always the political stuff that gets shit started and people start arguing.

I say stick to talking mustangs and we can all get along fine :)

04-19-2011, 05:34 AM
and you pretty well summed up my thoughts in a paragraph, other then the union part as well.

04-19-2011, 06:20 AM
An equal opportunity offender! I love it...

Craig for President 2012!!

You'd have my vote....I'm guessing the union folk would have to vote for whoever their union leaders demand they do.

I am also guessing that wouldn't be you....LOL


Pops Fun
04-19-2011, 06:28 AM
You said it Craig... I am so tired of this political correctness. You have to be careful what you say... F_ck them if someone doesn't like what i say they can leave or use the ignore function.

Unions,,, here are a couple of my union stories... Don't get me wrong we need unions but they can get out of hand like any orig.
Ge ... i was in photography my whole career there, none union. we would occasionally help out security by putting up cameras... Little tiny ones.. One time there was a smell in a hall way.... Turned out I guy was drinking a quart of beer on the way to work 2nd shift.. :mad: Couldn't make the bathroom so used a heat vent. Captured on video.. fired and the union got him his job back... :mad: Probably still doing it. He didn't deserve a job, drinking on the way to work should have been enough. How about hanging light bulbs 2 union guys, takes 3 or 5 days to get them there. Another guy caught stealing... not little stuff ... for the metal. Video of him doing it and caught at the gate. Fired, oh no union got him his job back too ... I hate F_N Thieves. Many more stories.
My personal experience with unions.
Admitted we would all be slaves to the factories with out them making a quarter a day especially back in the day..... but way way out of control now.... I worked 40 years going to my boss and having discussions about what I accomplished in the last year and what my plans were to improve what I was doing for next year... Raises most years but not always...went 4 years without a raise once. Hard work is the answer

I know not politically correct. I wish all my friends well that work for unions but it is not the end of the world.


04-19-2011, 07:56 AM
I agree
but what made you suddenly edit out the bad words lol,

04-19-2011, 08:04 AM
I've always felt that political correctness was a direct violation of my Constitutional right to freedom of speech. I guess i didn't pay close enough attention in Government class.

04-19-2011, 08:14 AM
So when you say old friend I assuming you pissed him off and he is no longer a friend:lol:

04-19-2011, 08:22 AM
well thats good shit Craig

mad max
04-19-2011, 08:38 AM
Well put , i agree with almost everything you said. While your at it can you get those assholes to pay into social security so it doesnt go bankrupt about the time im going to retire.

04-19-2011, 09:07 AM
Preach brotha PREACH! I've always said we have Unions to thank for jobs going away. They spend more time protecting the P.O.S's that wanna get fired than they do actually doing good for the group as a whole. I also say drug test all govt. funded assistance, all govt. employees, ALL OF EM! Profile away on the whole terrorist thing. If they dont like it, they can go back to their native country! I also agree on the taxation thing too, reward good doers, punish the shady ones!

04-19-2011, 09:14 AM
My addage is"Speak English your in America" If you can't ,go back to your own country til you learn how to. I know people are goingto say we are all immigrants. Well that was 100 or so years ago. I shouldn't have to push "1" for English thats bullshit.

Oh,Yeah I agree with Craig!:bigthumb

04-19-2011, 09:29 AM
You said it Craig... I am so tired of this political correctness. You have to be careful what you say... F_ck them if someone doesn't like what i say they can leave or use the ignore function.

Unions,,, here are a couple of my union stories... Don't get me wrong we need unions but they can get out of hand like any orig.
Ge ... i was in photography my whole career there, none union. we would occasionally help out security by putting up cameras... Little tiny ones.. One time there was a smell in a hall way.... Turned out I guy was drinking a quart of beer on the way to work 2nd shift.. :mad: Couldn't make the bathroom so used a heat vent. Captured on video.. fired and the union got him his job back... :mad: Probably still doing it. He didn't deserve a job, drinking on the way to work should have been enough. How about hanging light bulbs 2 union guys, takes 3 or 5 days to get them there. Another guy caught stealing... not little stuff ... for the metal. Video of him doing it and caught at the gate. Fired, oh no union got him his job back too ... I hate F_N Thieves. Many more stories.
My personal experience with unions.
Admitted we would all be slaves to the factories with out them making a quarter a day especially back in the day..... but way way out of control now.... I worked 40 years going to my boss and having discussions about what I accomplished in the last year and what my plans were to improve what I was doing for next year... Raises most years but not always...went 4 years without a raise once. Hard work is the answer

I know not politically correct. I wish all my friends well that work for unions but it is not the end of the world.


I think you're exactly right Steve. It's similar to stereotypes. Stereotypes don't become attached to certain groups for no reason. Of course those don't apply to everyone in a union. I've had very similar experiences with union workers, including the group that is currently rehabbing my work building... Unions had a purpose, but that purpose has long since passed.

04-19-2011, 09:33 AM
My addage is"Speak English your in America" If you can't ,go back to your own country til you learn how to. I know people are goingto say we are all immigrants. Well that was 100 or so years ago. I shouldn't have to push "1" for English thats bullshit.

Oh,Yeah I agree with Craig!:bigthumb

The thing is,even after I press 1 for english.WHY THE HELL DO I STILL GET SOME ONE THAT I CANT UNDERSTAND?

And Craig for president 2012.:bigthumb

04-19-2011, 09:58 AM
The thing is,even after I press 1 for english.WHY THE HELL DO I STILL GET SOME ONE THAT I CANT UNDERSTAND?

And Craig for president 2012.:bigthumb

Ha it goes back to bringing jobs BACK to America:bigthumb

04-19-2011, 10:14 AM
This is what I typed on an old friends FB page. He and this chic were going on about obama and the government...

How about we impeach ALL the C--ksuckers in office? Give the next batch 2 terms to do something positive and NO retirement benefits. HELL I would love to work 4 years ($100K+) get voted out and have Benefits fit for a king. Why we are cleaing house, toss out the lobbyists that are bottom feeding with the lawyers in Washington. What this country needs is a good ole Revolution!! Tell the countries that dont like us, to Kiss our ASS. Tell the current Unions to F--K off! Bring back jobs to AMERICANS and quit outsourcing jobs (see above statement) About time we get rid of Welfare also. If people can walk, talk, shit or f--k, they sure as hell can w-rk!! Also, Politcally Correctness can Go F--K itself also. If a terriost wears a Rag on his head and is from the middle east, guess what, Im gonna search all rag wearing middle easts people. Pretty simple. If a person is successful at business, Im not gonna tax his ass more so he can pay Low Rents to stay home f--king and making more babies. Im gonna reward his ass so he continues to do more creative work HERE IN THE FN USA. Get this GD Low rents off the "I DESRVE A CHECK BS" and get them out in the work force with the rest of us. Oil companies....These F--ks should have to wear a sign around their neck saying, "IM AN OIL EXCUTIVE" That way when that SOB walks in a Mc donalds for a Big Mac, they know to raise the price to $45!! Im all for a profit, but DAMN! Did I miss anyone? Hopefully I affended everyone EQUALLY as I would HATE to leave someone out and have them in therapy on my dollar....Happy/Merry Passover BTW. :-)

I had more to say, but I didnt want to come across as an ass. :tard:

Should have kept going Craig, I mean its not PC but in my opinion thats a good thing. PC just censors how people really feel. Public office at one time was considered an honorary position to further the advancement of the community you represent. Hell they were even paid token wages. Fast forward to today and you have all our elected reps getting their own special retirement, health care, protected salaries. Any elected official that votes for a cut for the community he serves should bear the same burden.

04-19-2011, 10:18 AM
Unions exist for those with below average skills to extort above average wages.... Typically.

Agreed Police, Firefighters and Teachers usually have above average skills, but the usual line worker doesn't.

04-19-2011, 10:52 AM
Unions exist for those with below average skills to extort above average wages.... Typically.

Agreed Police, Firefighters and Teachers usually have above average skills, but the usual line worker doesn't.
I'm a union pipefitter, welder and I'd say my skills and 75 percent of the people in our local are well above average. I would put our 75 percent against 100 percent of non union pipefitters skills and we would be better 98 percent of the time. If not for union trades the non union trades " pipefitters, plumbers, electricians " wouldn't get paid nearly as good as they do. Do unions have draw backs? Absolutely. Do non union jobs have draw backs? Absolutely. You get the good with the bad with all jobs. It's just funny that everyone jumps the union sector but if they disappear so will a lot of non union benefits.

04-19-2011, 10:56 AM
I agree pretty much with everything said!

04-19-2011, 11:02 AM
My bad, I should have included "skilled trades" with above average. Again, you are not the typical line worker with a high school education, getting paid $24 or better an hour plus bennies to attach a couple bolts.

As a contractor, I've been in both union and non union assembly plants. I get the most headaches usually in the union controlled shop. While some don't mind my presence and allow me to do my job and be gone, others get quite upset and vocally abusive. I try and keep my mouth shut, not always... Those that get bent, don't like the fact I can not only do their job, I can design the machine they use and I am happy to remind them of that...

04-19-2011, 11:23 AM
As a contractor, I've been in both union and non union assembly plants. I get the most headaches usually in the union controlled shop. While some don't mind my presence and allow me to do my job and be gone, others get quite upset and vocally abusive. I try and keep my mouth shut, not always... Those that get bent, don't like the fact I can not only do their job, I can design the machine they use and I am happy to remind them of that...

That's pretty much the same sort of expereince I have had with working in a union facility.

Mista Bone
04-19-2011, 11:27 AM
Well put , i agree with almost everything you said. While your at it can you get those assholes to pay into social security so it doesnt go bankrupt about the time im going to retire.

why? It won't be there for me. So I should fund your retirement but I get none? Fuck that idea.

Unions have their place, but like UAW they get power hungry and out of control.

GD low rents, can't work because they have so many rug rats and keep having more. Find a few fit ones to babysit (work) to get their free money while the others go work instead of getting their free money. At least make sure the kids get to school for one good meal a day.

04-19-2011, 11:47 AM
Something I find amazing is that you will hear union members bitch about the salaries of executives running a company but you never hear one criticize the often HUGE salaries of union execs.

04-19-2011, 11:55 AM
Something I find amazing is that you will hear union members bitch about the salaries of executives running a company but you never hear one criticize the often HUGE salaries of union execs.

You also have executives making millions cutting pay, benifits, or entire jobs to save money so they get more bonus at the end of the year.

04-19-2011, 11:56 AM
Pro or Non Union, lets keep this civil. :-)

I agree on your last statement Cameron.

04-19-2011, 11:59 AM
i do think all the money i put into ss, i should be allowed to take and put into my 401k. i'd be set.

cut me that check back please

04-19-2011, 12:13 PM
i do think all the money i put into ss, i should be allowed to take and put into my 401k. i'd be set.

cut me that check back please

Exactly why the Govt doesnt allow us to do it, everyone would do this and then there would be no money left.

04-19-2011, 12:17 PM
Exactly why the Govt doesnt allow us to do it, everyone would do this and then there would be no money left.

I'd have money....

Kind of funny when you think about it. I keep putting money into SS so that I can't have any when I retire.

If I get to keep my money so I have it when I retire. Somebody else won't have any now..

Whats wrong with this?

Byrd Man
04-19-2011, 12:37 PM
I concur with you Craig. As far as the unions statement. I've lived both sides in that world. Upfront I will state I have close family that are union members. Let me tell you from my experience. This was work related to start with. Go back 11 yrs. ago when a 17 yr old boy (2 weeks from becoming a adult,18) went left of center and hit me head on. I was hospitalized for 2 months, out of work for over a year. Yet the union still wanted my dues. I told them if I don't have it... your not getting it... my mortgage came first. Fast forward another year when I was in the hall they were hounding me for dues. But they wouldn't find me any work. They said I had to be 100% and able to perform the work I did prior to the wreck and maybe I should look into disabilty.... I replied, "All you people want is money and you are nothing more than a legal mafia."

For speaking my mind and choosing to not take the easy path I got railroaded and expelled.

04-19-2011, 01:09 PM
You also have executives making millions cutting pay, benifits, or entire jobs to save money so they get more bonus at the end of the year.

I won't disagree that seems at least a little greedy, but if companies don't make a profit, especially those traded publicly, then they won't continue to exist. Of course that doesn't apply to car companies and big banks who get huge handouts of tax payer dollars.

I concur with you Craig. As far as the unions statement. I've lived both sides in that world. Upfront I will state I have close family that are union members. Let me tell you from my experience. This was work related to start with. Go back 11 yrs. ago when a 17 yr old boy (2 weeks from becoming a adult,18) went left of center and hit me head on. I was hospitalized for 2 months, out of work for over a year. Yet the union still wanted my dues. I told them if I don't have it... your not getting it... my mortgage came first. Fast forward another year when I was in the hall they were hounding me for dues. But they wouldn't find me any work. They said I had to be 100% and able to perform the work I did prior to the wreck and maybe I should look into disabilty.... I replied, "All you people want is money and you are nothing more than a legal mafia."

For speaking my mind and choosing to not take the easy path I got railroaded and expelled.

From where I sit unions really aren't all the different than big business or congress. The people at the top are only looking out for themselves and if anyone under them believes otherwise they need to wake up and smell the coffee.

04-19-2011, 01:13 PM
I don't agree with the union stuff either. My dad worked at GM/Delphi for 18 years until he was forced to leave because the plant was closing. He started on the line and worked his way up untill he was a union rep. He only had a HS diploma but he worked to put him self through college the same way I am doing. I work at a Nonunion place and it very frustrating when i have had no raise the entire time i have worked here and then on top of that have to take a pay cut. Thats what Unions help protect. The problem isn't with the Unions it lies with all of us. People mooching off of the gov't, People taking mortgage loans out on a 500k home when them only make 45k a year, The economy is fueled by greed. Everyone wants the latest and greatest to out do the Johnsons instead of living within their means and spending and saving smart. Just my two cents.

But what do i know I'm only 20...

mad max
04-19-2011, 01:17 PM
[QUOTE=Mista Bone;646294]why? It won't be there for me. So I should fund your retirement but I get none? Fuck that idea.

That was the point i was trying to make . Congress doesnt pay into social security. Has paid medical benefits and other kickbacks well after there time in office. Make them live by the laws the rest of us do and we can go back to being the great nation we once were.

Pops Fun
04-19-2011, 02:05 PM
i do think all the money i put into ss, i should be allowed to take and put into my 401k. i'd be set.

cut me that check back please

hey wait a minute.... I am using that money... I get a check tomorrow!!:lol:

Pops Fun
04-19-2011, 02:09 PM
[quote=Mista Bone;646294]why? It won't be there for me. So I should fund your retirement but I get none? Fuck that idea.

That was the point i was trying to make . Congress doesnt pay into social security. Has paid medical benefits and other kickbacks well after there time in office. Make them live by the laws the rest of us do and we can go back to being the great nation we once were.

There sorta like a union but they vote on there own raises and benefits ...

04-19-2011, 02:36 PM
To Maximus question of "Did I go to far?" Not just no but HELL NO, you didn't go far enough. We have dead wood and rot in D.C. and as far as the unions go, I too was a union member, 20 yrs ago I had to get away from them cause I couldn't stand the political BS within the union. F-em, they need to be broken.

04 Venom
04-19-2011, 03:54 PM
So let me see if I understand this. Representatives have to stand for election every 2 years, the President every four years and senators every 6 years. Doesn't sound to me that they have a job for life. I guess people got the government they deserve, right? People keep voting for them.

Next will be a chorus of people claiming they didn't vote for whomever is in office. Well if you didn't, who did--did someone stuff the ballot box when you weren't looking? Seems like the basic problem is stupid voters.

04-19-2011, 04:09 PM
Agree 100% with you Craig. Im pretty much tired of the goverment stealing my money and spending it on other countries... 608 Mill on Libya in the first 20 days ffs...

As for the union thing, im not for or against.. My one issue is and Denial could answer this is i read were public workers didnt pay into SS but could still get it when of age... If this is true thats BS.. Like i said though its something i read so not sure if its true or not...

Byrd Man
04-19-2011, 04:15 PM
Exactly why the Govt doesnt allow us to do it, everyone would do this and then there would be no money left.

So Craig, what became of the topic after your post on your friends FB page???

04-19-2011, 04:32 PM
So Craig, what became of the topic after your post on your friends FB page???

I scared the one chic who was like BLAH BLAH BLAH GARGLE GARGLE GARGLE OBAMA.:lol:

04-19-2011, 05:14 PM
AND ALL GOD'S PEOPLE SAID................


04-19-2011, 05:18 PM
I scared the one chic who was like BLAH BLAH BLAH GARGLE GARGLE GARGLE OBAMA.:lol:

Tell her to toughen up her nipples. If she wants to play politics she must learn to agree to disagree and take a little criticism.

04-19-2011, 05:18 PM
So let me see if I understand this. Representatives have to stand for election every 2 years, the President every four years and senators every 6 years. Doesn't sound to me that they have a job for life. I guess people got the government they deserve, right? People keep voting for them.

Next will be a chorus of people claiming they didn't vote for whomever is in office. Well if you didn't, who did--did someone stuff the ballot box when you weren't looking? Seems like the basic problem is stupid voters.

We have a winner!

04-19-2011, 05:23 PM
Ding! Ding! Ding! There should be a competency test for voters.

04-19-2011, 05:24 PM
shoot maximus i kinda want to put this on my FB status

04-19-2011, 06:38 PM
Ding! Ding! Ding! There should be a competency test for voters.

I couldnt agree more. but then people are going to bring up the jim crow laws and how we are making it so certain people wont have a voice. I still think it should be done though.

04-19-2011, 06:55 PM
You said it Craig... I am so tired of this political correctness. You have to be careful what you say... F_ck them if someone doesn't like what i say they can leave or use the ignore function.

Unions,,, here are a couple of my union stories... Don't get me wrong we need unions but they can get out of hand like any orig.
Ge ... i was in photography my whole career there, none union. we would occasionally help out security by putting up cameras... Little tiny ones.. One time there was a smell in a hall way.... Turned out I guy was drinking a quart of beer on the way to work 2nd shift.. :mad: Couldn't make the bathroom so used a heat vent. Captured on video.. fired and the union got him his job back... :mad: Probably still doing it. He didn't deserve a job, drinking on the way to work should have been enough. How about hanging light bulbs 2 union guys, takes 3 or 5 days to get them there. Another guy caught stealing... not little stuff ... for the metal. Video of him doing it and caught at the gate. Fired, oh no union got him his job back too ... I hate F_N Thieves. Many more stories.
My personal experience with unions.
Admitted we would all be slaves to the factories with out them making a quarter a day especially back in the day..... but way way out of control now.... I worked 40 years going to my boss and having discussions about what I accomplished in the last year and what my plans were to improve what I was doing for next year... Raises most years but not always...went 4 years without a raise once. Hard work is the answer

I know not politically correct. I wish all my friends well that work for unions but it is not the end of the world.


I am an ex UAW employee...Ford Motor Co better known as Batavia Transmission...or now better known as Cinci State campus since 1200 of our jobs went to mexico! The union does morre harm than good in todays economy. A real union is everybody joining together for 1 cause, not everyone being forced to say and do what 1 union man(pres) sees as the best for his livelyhood. Just my opinion. Everything else craig said is on point and needs to be done!:bigthumb

04-20-2011, 06:19 AM
Ding! Ding! Ding! There should be a competency test for voters.

I agree...and parenthood!

04-20-2011, 07:52 AM
Agree 100% with you Craig. Im pretty much tired of the goverment stealing my money and spending it on other countries... 608 Mill on Libya in the first 20 days ffs...

As for the union thing, im not for or against.. My one issue is and Denial could answer this is i read were public workers didnt pay into SS but could still get it when of age... If this is true thats BS.. Like i said though its something i read so not sure if its true or not...

I pay into state retirement and Medicare. I pay %10 into my retirement then the employer pays a portion into it also. I payed into SS for many years and will be able to draw a portion of what I payed in. I will get less than half of what I would get if I didn't get state retirement. I think it is called windfall. If someone only payed into state retirement I don't think they would get any SS.

04-20-2011, 08:24 AM
Hmmmm.....Anyone disagree? LOL

04-20-2011, 07:52 PM
I agree with what was said and DSS's Pic.

04-20-2011, 08:52 PM
I've said it all along...F**K Obama & all the Liberals. If you cannot understand what this progressive regiment is doing to our country, keep your head up your ass and maybe the light bulb will go off one day after its too late & we're all f**ked. I know your not supposed to mix friends/family with politics but I could care less anymore...whether you are my uncle, cousin, sister, neighbor, old buddy...if you support this socialist marxist black liberation theology Jeremiah Wright supporter....I SAY YOU ARE A F**KING IDIOT!!

04 Venom
04-20-2011, 11:19 PM
I've said it all along...F**K Obama & all the Liberals. If you cannot understand what this progressive regiment is doing to our country, keep your head up your ass and maybe the light bulb will go off one day after its too late & we're all f**ked. I know your not supposed to mix friends/family with politics but I could care less anymore...whether you are my uncle, cousin, sister, neighbor, old buddy...if you support this socialist marxist black liberation theology Jeremiah Wright supporter....I SAY YOU ARE A F**KING IDIOT!!

Here is an example of the stupid voter I referred to above. The Republicans and Democrats are both to blame.

04-20-2011, 11:27 PM
I am an ex UAW employee...Ford Motor Co better known as Batavia Transmission...or now better known as Cinci State campus since 1200 of our jobs went to mexico! The union does morre harm than good in todays economy. A real union is everybody joining together for 1 cause, not everyone being forced to say and do what 1 union man(pres) sees as the best for his livelyhood. Just my opinion. Everything else craig said is on point and needs to be done!:bigthumb

Sorry about your job. I attend my emt school in that building and it always bums me out cause a few of my good buddys dads worked there for a long time. I cant believe they shut that place down.

04-20-2011, 11:31 PM
Here is an example of the stupid voter I referred to above. The Republicans and Democrats are both to blame.

So basically we are forced to pick the lesser of 2 evils. How Democratic is that? We get Fist fucked by WHOEVER is in office. Maybe one day a revolutionist will step up and turn this country on its ear...or at least get 400+ do nothings out of office and send a message to the next batch. :D

04-21-2011, 12:34 AM
Here is an example of the stupid voter I referred to above. The Republicans and Democrats are both to blame.

:flipoff:ok juan williams, stick up for obama, pelosi & reid all you want by trying to shift blame. we have a socialist marxist in the white house that has only been campaigning for relection since he got in to finish what he has started with the change thing vs actually trying to run the country in the right direction. the guy is a joke. he has flipped on almost everything he campaigned on...he will go down as the worst president in the history of our country. this country needs to get back to true conservative values it was founded on or we are at the beginning of the end. all of our assets those of us work hard for are becoming is at $1500 an ounce & $5 gas is around the corner. we are all being played right now like cattle being hearded to one corner of the pasture...with 04 venom 1st in line saying "come on everybody"....follow us to this other hillside...its going to be better because they said it will be...:tard::dummy:

04-21-2011, 02:50 PM
Here's your sign!

04-21-2011, 02:51 PM
One more for you...

04-21-2011, 02:59 PM
Ray Irani, the outgoing CEO of Occidental Petroleum Corp., took in $76.1 million in compensation last year. Over the last decade, he received $857 million. "We're not in the business to employ people. We're in the business to make a profit," Irani has said, according to the AP.

Too many people seem to forget this. If his company wasn't making money over the last 10 years then he wouldn't have been either.

mad max
04-21-2011, 05:12 PM
One more for you...

Thats funny and its not at the same time.

04 Venom
04-21-2011, 08:37 PM
So basically we are forced to pick the lesser of 2 evils. How Democratic is that? We get Fist fucked by WHOEVER is in office. Maybe one day a revolutionist will step up and turn this country on its ear...or at least get 400+ do nothings out of office and send a message to the next batch. :D

That's about right until a constitutional amendment is passed by the Congress and ratified by the states outlawing private funding of election campaigns. :mad:

04 Venom
04-21-2011, 08:57 PM
:flipoff:ok juan williams, stick up for obama, pelosi & reid all you want by trying to shift blame. we have a socialist marxist in the white house that has only been campaigning for relection since he got in to finish what he has started with the change thing vs actually trying to run the country in the right direction. the guy is a joke. he has flipped on almost everything he campaigned on...he will go down as the worst president in the history of our country. this country needs to get back to true conservative values it was founded on or we are at the beginning of the end. all of our assets those of us work hard for are becoming is at $1500 an ounce & $5 gas is around the corner. we are all being played right now like cattle being hearded to one corner of the pasture...with 04 venom 1st in line saying "come on everybody"....follow us to this other hillside...its going to be better because they said it will be...:tard::dummy:

You wouldn't know a Marxist from a muzzle loader. You are an example of why the number one problem facing the country--deficit spending--is not being dealt with. The minute any candidate suggests increasing taxes and cutting entitlements to address the deficit (and both will be required), they will be voted out of office by people like you.

The Bush tax cuts accounts for $4 trillion of the $14 trillion dollar debt and it adds $400 billion to the deficit every year. Tax cuts are great when you can pay for them by cutting spending, but borrowing money from the Chinese to pay for your tax cut sounds like a Marxist idea to me. The idiot Democrats want to eliminate it for people making more than $250,000 and the idiot Republicans won't to make it permanent--neither makes sense at this point. Neither Democrats or Republicans will make needed changes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid--which is, by far, the single greatest component of the deficit.

As Maximus correctly observes, we are are getting fucked by both parties.

Oh, by the way, $5.00 gas is one thing you can't blame on the politicians. There is no supply shortage or insufficient refinery capacity; it is pure greed driven by speculators on the commodity market.

Not only do you not know what the solution is, you don't even know what questions are. You are comfortably dumb.

04-22-2011, 02:49 PM
So let me see if I understand this. Representatives have to stand for election every 2 years, the President every four years and senators every 6 years. Doesn't sound to me that they have a job for life. I guess people got the government they deserve, right? People keep voting for them.

Next will be a chorus of people claiming they didn't vote for whomever is in office. Well if you didn't, who did--did someone stuff the ballot box when you weren't looking? Seems like the basic problem is stupid voters.

Or you forgot people who don't vote and bitch about the guy who got elected.

I scared the one chic who was like BLAH BLAH BLAH GARGLE GARGLE GARGLE OBAMA.:lol:


:flipoff:ok juan williams, stick up for obama, pelosi & reid all you want by trying to shift blame. we have a socialist marxist in the white house that has only been campaigning for relection since he got in to finish what he has started with the change thing vs actually trying to run the country in the right direction. the guy is a joke. he has flipped on almost everything he campaigned on...he will go down as the worst president in the history of our country. this country needs to get back to true conservative values it was founded on or we are at the beginning of the end. all of our assets those of us work hard for are becoming is at $1500 an ounce & $5 gas is around the corner. we are all being played right now like cattle being hearded to one corner of the pasture...with 04 venom 1st in line saying "come on everybody"....follow us to this other hillside...its going to be better because they said it will be...:tard::dummy:

Your basically right about most of what you say except Juan Williams is not a supporter of the left or the right.

That's about right until a constitutional amendment is passed by the Congress and ratified by the states outlawing private funding of election campaigns. :mad:


You wouldn't know a Marxist from a muzzle loader. You are an example of why the number one problem facing the country--deficit spending--is not being dealt with. The minute any candidate suggests increasing taxes and cutting entitlements to address the deficit (and both will be required), they will be voted out of office by people like you.

The Bush tax cuts accounts for $4 trillion of the $14 trillion dollar debt and it adds $400 billion to the deficit every year. Tax cuts are great when you can pay for them by cutting spending, but borrowing money from the Chinese to pay for your tax cut sounds like a Marxist idea to me. The idiot Democrats want to eliminate it for people making more than $250,000 and the idiot Republicans won't to make it permanent--neither makes sense at this point. Neither Democrats or Republicans will make needed changes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid--which is, by far, the single greatest component of the deficit.

As Maximus correctly observes, we are are getting fucked by both parties.

Oh, by the way, $5.00 gas is one thing you can't blame on the politicians. There is no supply shortage or insufficient refinery capacity; it is pure greed driven by speculators on the commodity market.

Not only do you not know what the solution is, you don't even know what questions are. You are comfortably dumb.

No need to blast him Venom. He understands the problem but doesn't know how to articulate it. It is laughable about the Bush tax cuts your bring up. Didn't Obama extend those very cuts? So shouldn't they be Obama's tax cuts? Why we are on the discussion of deficits lets talk 2011 budget. Didn't the Democrats have a majority in the House and the Senate and hold the White house before October? During October? In November? December? So why didn't a budget get passed? And speaking of the budget for those of you who don't know, they didn't really cut 36 billion out of this years budget. They cut 352 MILLION. What a fucking joke. I expect to see more Tea Party candidates elected in 2012. The mainstream media wants you to believe the Tea Party is part of the republican party. Though they hold some of the same values they appear to be the only ones wanting to adhere to them.

Obama wants to redistribute the wealth in this country Venom. Nothing is more Socialist than that. The man surrounds his self with socialists and traitors(Bill Ayers) and has his entire life. Don't bother to act like he isn't one.

The biggest problem I see is the republicans have no one really to run against him in 2012. I foresee a repeat of the 1996 election. I voted for Ross Perot that election. Do you all remember his "big sucking sound" of jobs leaving the country? 19% of the electorate voted for him. In some exit polls 38% said they would have voted for him if they thought he could have won. Dummies.

04 Venom
04-23-2011, 01:33 AM
[B]No need to blast him Venom. He understands the problem but doesn't know how to articulate it. It is laughable about the Bush tax cuts your bring up. Didn't Obama extend those very cuts? So shouldn't they be Obama's tax cuts? Why we are on the discussion of deficits lets talk 2011 budget. Didn't the Democrats have a majority in the House and the Senate and hold the White house before October? During October? In November? December? So why didn't a budget get passed? And speaking of the budget for those of you who don't know, they didn't really cut 36 billion out of this years budget. They cut 352 MILLION. What a fucking joke. I expect to see more Tea Party candidates elected in 2012. The mainstream media wants you to believe the Tea Party is part of the republican party. Though they hold some of the same values they appear to be the only ones wanting to adhere to them.

Although everyone refers to it as the Bush tax cut, Mingry is right. It is now more properly termed the Bush/Obama tax cut. I am glad Mingry brought up the subject of the "$38 billion dollar cut" that is really $352 million. Both Obama and Boehner went in front of the cameras and trumpeted this as a great victory. This is a great example of the extent of the problem--the Democrats and the Republicans deceiving the public, arm-in-arm, while the ticking debt bomb soldiers on. The longer the public allows this charade to go on the worse the cure is.

I like the energy the Tea Party brings to the political process--and voting out incumbents is a good start. Unfortunately, they don't get it either when it comes to the deficit. They foolishly believe that you can bring the budget under control by focusing on discretionary spending--12% of the budget. Some of them think that defense and the VA should be exempt from cuts--not possible. They also are smoking dope when the proudly assert that we should cut taxes further and everything will fall into place. At this point, that will make things dramatically worse. They are telling the public what they want to hear, even if it means contributing to the basic problem--just like Obama and Boehner taking credit for the "$38 billion spending cut".

Read Obama's own Deficit Commission's Report (which he has ignored along with everyone else). The solution is all there and it is doable tomorrow if someone would level with the American public and tell them that we have been on this dangerous spending course since 1980 and everyone has to endure sacrifice now or enormous pain in the not too distant future.

This is a far greater threat to national security than terrorism. Unfortunately, I see no sign that the public is willing to sacrifice anything--they are much more concerned about gas hitting $5 a gallon. So, seems like the basic problem is staring back at us in the mirror.

04-23-2011, 03:46 AM
Bwahahahaha..when have ever NOT gone too far...and when did you start caring if people thought you had gone too far? It's part of your charm...roll with it! :lol: ;)

04-23-2011, 10:04 AM
Although everyone refers to it as the Bush tax cut, Mingry is right. It is now more properly termed the Bush/Obama tax cut. I am glad Mingry brought up the subject of the "$38 billion dollar cut" that is really $352 million. Both Obama and Boehner went in front of the cameras and trumpeted this as a great victory. This is a great example of the extent of the problem--the Democrats and the Republicans deceiving the public, arm-in-arm, while the ticking debt bomb soldiers on. The longer the public allows this charade to go on the worse the cure is.

I like the energy the Tea Party brings to the political process--and voting out incumbents is a good start. Unfortunately, they don't get it either when it comes to the deficit. They foolishly believe that you can bring the budget under control by focusing on discretionary spending--12% of the budget. Some of them think that defense and the VA should be exempt from cuts--not possible. They also are smoking dope when the proudly assert that we should cut taxes further and everything will fall into place. At this point, that will make things dramatically worse. They are telling the public what they want to hear, even if it means contributing to the basic problem--just like Obama and Boehner taking credit for the "$38 billion spending cut".

Read Obama's own Deficit Commission's Report (which he has ignored along with everyone else). The solution is all there and it is doable tomorrow if someone would level with the American public and tell them that we have been on this dangerous spending course since 1980 and everyone has to endure sacrifice now or enormous pain in the not too distant future.

This is a far greater threat to national security than terrorism. Unfortunately, I see no sign that the public is willing to sacrifice anything--they are much more concerned about gas hitting $5 a gallon. So, seems like the basic problem is staring back at us in the mirror.

It's two sides of a different economic philosophy. Obama is a Keynesian follower. Simply he believes the economy can be stimulated by monetary policy actions through the central bank(FED) and government stimulus. I just watched the documentary Inside Job. Enough to piss you off royally. Even though it is left slanted it gives a true accounting of what happened to cause the meltdown in 08. By left slanted it seems to gloss over some of the decisions made by Clinton and gives no mention of the policy ramifications of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae as directed by the Clinton Administration. but other than that it is a true accounting of what happened. I suggest everyone watch it. Netflix has it.

Discretionary spending is thought to be 1/3 of all spending not 12%. I would also argue the government has become too large and needs to be trimmed down. Eliminate all wasteful spending such as the Census Bureau spending 2.5 million on a Super Bowl ad. Or studying cow farts, that was 750,000 I believe. What it will take is politicians whose main goal is to save this country from financial doom rather than keep their jobs. I believe the Tea Party candidates are our only hope. The Dems have no plan and the Republican leadership is playing the same game as usual, talk big do nothing.

We already have the second highest tax rate in the world. I say let them do with what they have, no more. If they vote to raise the debt ceiling none will have my vote that voted for it.

04 Venom
04-23-2011, 12:16 PM
Discretionary spending is thought to be 1/3 of all spending not 12%.

We already have the second highest tax rate in the world. I say let them do with what they have, no more. If they vote to raise the debt ceiling none will have my vote that voted for it.

When you eliminate the VA and Pentagon budgets from any cut(as the Republicans and Tea Party suggests), the discretionary spending drops to 12%--that is where the mythical $38 billion in spending cuts came from.

I disagree that we have the second highest tax rate in the world--gross tax rate, perhaps, but when you factor in the available tax deductions for individuals and corporations, we have one of the lowest effective tax rates. Example, GE had $14 billion in profits, but paid no federal income taxes. I favor a flat tax or national sales tax and eliminate the present system. Individuals and small businesses that don't have a lot of deductions available will fare better. Everyone should pay a fair share of supporting the country.

04-23-2011, 03:38 PM
When you eliminate the VA and Pentagon budgets from any cut(as the Republicans and Tea Party suggests), the discretionary spending drops to 12%--that is where the mythical $38 billion in spending cuts came from.

I disagree that we have the second highest tax rate in the world--gross tax rate, perhaps, but when you factor in the available tax deductions for individuals and corporations, we have one of the lowest effective tax rates. Example, GE had $14 billion in profits, but paid no federal income taxes. I favor a flat tax or national sales tax and eliminate the present system. Individuals and small businesses that don't have a lot of deductions available will fare better. Everyone should pay a fair share of supporting the country.

GE received 3.1 Billion in refund after stuffing their profits in off shore accounts. This strategic move made by any normal citizen to avoid taxes would find that person being audited and imprisoned. Need I remind anyone that Jeffrey Immelt (CEO of GE) sits on a commission appointed by Obama? This clown only cares about his Chicago Crones, and paying back those pinheads who got him elected.

Flat tax is what is needed in this country, not higher taxes. No deductions, no excemptions, no tiered tax table, nothing. Plain and simple .

BTW - Our combined income last year was way,way less than 65K. (I am greatful for even having a job, not complaining). We gave over 7K to charities (deductions). We are buying our home (still). We received just under $400 back ONLY becasue I have my company with hold at the higher single rate on my check or we would have paid out period in spite of the deductions we get for our charity giving. Now you tell me I and every other working american need to step up and pay more Venom? Kindly go hump yourself.