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SBZ is dead [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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03-25-2011, 08:13 PM
Is that what should be done? There is talk about a COMPLETE shutdown and purge of this site. Seems like a bunch of people are complaining about those old timers and the old timers about the should we just say FUCK YOU and make everyone equal?

This place is NO where near the place it use to be (Guess what, it will NEVER be the same because its founder, VINNY is Dead) and the old timers know this and they remember what those old times use to be. They know what a GREAT guy he was, but nowhere nor anyone will ever take his WTF!? This is HIS site, yet those old timers try and make it (SBZ)what it once was, but realize it NEVER will be....what to do.....

Discuss or Kiss My Ass.:flipoff:

Squale iii
03-25-2011, 08:19 PM
I enjoy this website. Most ppl get along. If you think this site is bad go check out CSS or try to recall what SRD was like. This place isn't anything like those sites. If it shuts down then what are we left with?

03-25-2011, 08:21 PM
It's not dead but there sure are a lot of shit heads around here these days.

03-25-2011, 08:34 PM
I AM a "newbie" on here to thoes who have been here for quite some time, and I can tell the difference between a shit head and the other "newbies" that are trying to get along. I don't own a stang but I do own a fox t-bird and I like that I can come there to get info and parts. If you want to make all equal I'm not for that, because there is something to say about the "old timers" that have put time in to trying to keep it going. I say NO, we are not all equal. Deal with the shit heads or through them off. Keep it the way it is. That is my two cents.

03-25-2011, 08:37 PM
Well I enjoy this site!! Yes I read alot of bull shit. But all in all I have met quite a few friends from here that I would have never met. I don't think you can ever make something what it was only nudge it in a new direction maybe. But either way it always seems to get off track in the winter, I'm sure it will calm down real soon.

03-25-2011, 08:38 PM
I think there is a generation gap, a large gap. My generation is, bs'ing, drinking beers and racing mustangs. I had/have just as much fun in the garage with friends then racing. The new generation has AIM friends, drinks 4loco, and whines.

I have no suggestions on what to do, but I do agree the site needs some changes. I also think we need more get togethers, wrench parties, drinking contests and social gatherings so people actual know who they are talking to on the site.

Byrd Man
03-25-2011, 08:46 PM
SBZ once was a "Brotherhood".

03-25-2011, 08:47 PM
It is not the same because everyone before was friends in real life now with it being bigger less people know each other. All that is needed is more people to go out to the tracks and events and hang out and have a beer and call each other a slow ass and then run um.

03-25-2011, 08:50 PM
I keep seeing everyone saying how this placed has changed, but no real explination of how. Was it more about the cars ? more about racing ? more about get togethers ? more about helping out ? ... what is the real change.

I personaly love getting on here seeing the builds , the tech ( what little bit is posted ), the clasified section and every now and then a little bit of keyboard war.

The part that pisses me off is when someone has to flame on somebody for stupid shit that dosent mean anything anyway, I.E. ripping on something someone is selling. Nobody wants to hear about how you think it is overpriced or ragged out or whatever negitive shit you want to spew.

I would love for the "old timers" to start a thread about the way it use to be and maybe it might educate the " new timers" a bit and inspire them to particapte in the expected way.

03-25-2011, 08:57 PM
I think its time for the mods (cough Cough ) to change it. you guys and the old timers need to shape the site into what its supposed to be... i cam here long after Vinny passed:angel: and its changed since then.

if my shit heap was finished i would be all for having regular cruise ins. 92Stang is on the right track with trying to get a cruise going. Now someone on the West side get going. I would be more than glad to but i dont want to come out in my truck to a mustang cruise.

03-25-2011, 09:00 PM
Do what you feel is right. I have many good acquaintances here, tried to throw business and spend money with local site sponsors, made some good friends, learned a lot, helped others, offered help, helped charity events, donated money to causes, done things, and have had a good time. Yeah the winter months get a little long and people get bored and things are said, but when the spring time comes around and the leaves come back on the trees and the smell of spring is in the air, the cars come out, people start racing, showing, cruising, and hanging out. There has been many an invite to do things, go places, meet up, etc. I personally only have the weekends because I am out of town most of the week with my job or I would be at more things during the week. There has been a lot of effort to generate interest by others as well as myself. but some people don't want to, or can't engage. One of the best times I had was a fall T/T at tristate with the cincy speed group a fall or two back. That was a great time. I looked forward to more but don't recall them ever taking place or was possibly out of town when it happened last. Another great time was last fall when 5-6 couples went to NMRA in Bowling Green and watched and met up with more folks down there. Some of us are at cruise ins almost every weekend or at a car show or at the track or hanging out with friends. I love Fillmores down in Florence. Always at least 5-6 SBZ folks there. Wish there would be more.

Something else to keep in mind here. The employment status of many on here have suffered as well rendering many people without work and wishing they could do things but can't. I have to commend those who have put their families in front of their cars or social lives to tend to their families needs in times like these. I salute every one of you and hope things are beginning to look up. When times like these are upon us, people get cranky and say things out of frustration, fear, etc. I know it shouldn't be a place for venting but we have all done it. If venting wasn't a part of this forum there wouldn't be a RANTS section right? So whats a charter member like you or others who were a part of the Vinny group to do?

I say do what you want to do Craig. It's your gig along with a few others. If it will make you and others like yourself feel better to kill the site and resurrect it under another name or simply not bring it back at all I guess that is your choice. If that will help heal the loss you all have suffered go for it either way you choose. I personally think it would be a shame though. I think your friend (RIP) though may tend disagree with shutting it down either way, but I never knew him.

Have a nice weekend.

03-25-2011, 09:03 PM
A lot of these issues would never be a problem if people stuck to the user rules, and if those rules were strictly enforced...or in other words, if you go into a classifieds section and talk down what someone is selling you get a time out in the whipping room for x amount of days like it used to be and you can only post in there for that time out. If you keep being an ass after that, your ass gets banned. Period.

But instead, the mods get no respect, the shit talkers talk down everyone here including the mods and including the site itself (which is beyond me...if you don't like it here, GTFO?) and nothing is ever done about it, or it goes on to the point that a person pisses off half the regulars and really gets under everyones skin before anything is done, which fuels a big shit storm like it has been lately.

Then you have conflicting interests in this forum...those who use it for a free classifieds, come here to sell their junk and move on, and then you have those who are here trying to contribute something more who get frustrated that less and less people give a shit about what this site used to be all about.

Yeah, it used to be a brotherhood. It used to be something i would throw stickers on my car and be proud about. These days there's so many bad apples spoiling the bunch that i don't wanna get thrown into the same group as those people, so i don't run around bragging that i'm from this forum.

Can it be fixed? Sure....but some heads are gonna roll before that happens, some rules are going to be enforced, and some of us old timers are going to have to step up to the plate and start arranging cruise ins (more than just two a year IMO) and hang outs and people are gonna have to participate and start giving a damn again. Above all else i think the mods need to start getting shown some respect, and the trouble makers need to be made examples out of, or this is just gonna continue to be one big craigslist/cry baby daycare.

03-25-2011, 09:08 PM
i really do enjoy this site. i have met a couple great guys on here, and have got plenty of great parts for great prices. and the project threads give me hope and inspiration for my own project in the making.
i think it should go without being said that you need a thick skin to interact with people on the internet for the most part. i dont even look at most of the links that i know do not pertain to cars so maybe thats why i dont see a problem.
but also, everyone complains about how the site has changed and used to be. as a new guy how am i supposed to react to that? am i not welcome? do you just want me to leave? i realize its not that literal (i hope :lol:), but i honestly just dont see what separates this site from the other boards. other than it being the only local one im on. which is what i liked about it in the first place.
i really do hate to hear that older members are leaving, but if you say that CERTAIN members are ruining it for everyone, kick them out on their asses and we'll be fine. or like said above, say how this site is going down and maybe people will try to make it right.

sorry for my little rant, but thats what this thread was started for right? :flipoff:

in all seriousness, i hope you guys can come to a solution that doesnt shut down this site. but i will probably stay out of it from now until then.

03-25-2011, 09:09 PM
...Can it be fixed? Sure....but some heads are gonna roll before that happens, some rules are going to be enforced, and some of us old timers are going to have to step up to the plate and start arranging cruise ins (more than just two a year IMO) and hang outs and people are gonna have to participate and start giving a damn again. Above all else i think the mods need to start getting shown some respect, and the trouble makers need to be made examples out of, or this is just gonna continue to be one big craigslist/cry baby daycare.

well said, cheers!!!

03-25-2011, 09:09 PM
Whats dead? This is probably the most heavily trafficed car forum in SW Ohio. One thing everyone here has in common.....automotive enthusiasm. Thats enough to keep this site around a long time.

03-25-2011, 09:21 PM
This is the ONLY place I dedicate any real time to online.... Not counting porn.. lol I think we can muddle through and find a way to work it out. Theres only a few dick trees on here and for the most part they dont bother things much. If ole excopcar can come back and manage to not threaten everyone I think this place has a chance. If someone gets out of line or continues to rip people off get rid of them. If someone is being stupid just to get attention, ignore them. They will go away if people ignore them and dont buy their shit any way. I also think we need more parking lot meets and if possible pick an area at edgwater and the other tracks we go to and say if your with sbz this is where we try to park the cars. That may make it easier to meet people you dont know. I think if we can become a bit stronger and actually know eachother better a lot of the bull shit would go away. I have to meet strangers all day every day. I have to approach them and talk to them and act like I give a shit about whatever it is they have to say. I dont like doing that when I am not working. I dont like going to test and tune and walking up to a group of guys who may or may not know who the hell I am and introduce myself then stand there like an ass. I dont know that much about cars, girls, or drinking... I haven got much to say. But at least if I get out of the car and someone says hi and knows I am with sbz, because I parked where everyone always parks I at least have a chance to meet new people. I do know a small few of you and the ones that I know are some of the nicest people I have known. Keith is still someone that has no idea how much I appreciate what he did for me. We just need to get out and talk to eachother when were not working or doing everything else that takes up our time. I have very little free time anymore. Ill make time for a cruise or something.

03-25-2011, 09:21 PM
And they say women cant get along, lol! :rolleyes:

03-25-2011, 09:23 PM
i really like everyone i have meet on here i'm not much of a group person but everyone on here is really cool i don't know how it use to be and sorry that i never meet vinny and i'm from the newer genaration and i like to talk about cars and help people with there cars and maybe drink some beer i don't like the shit that has been said on here from some people but there are shit talkers everywhere and if some heads need to roll to get it fixed up where everyone can get out and get along then lets get them rolling don't like the drama keep sight going

03-25-2011, 09:27 PM
I think Stangbangerz is what you make of it. I dont think we should have to baby sit a bunch of adults. It is all about respecting others not going straight to the fuck yous. I agree with Bangingears about the different generations. This site was all about hanging out at the garage drinking beers. A group of people who not only loved messing with their cars but hanging out. They wanted to help people go faster. They wanted to go out of their way to do good to their friends. Through the week we helped each other in the garages on the weekends we tore up the track and tore up a couple chicken wings on the way home. Halloween partys-Cruise inns- Rib Fest-Powerfest- Great American Cruise-The Dirty Dozen. Man I have alot of great memorys of this place. It has allways been what you make of it.

03-25-2011, 09:28 PM
What we are not talking about is shutting the site down or changing the name. What's seriously being discussed is wiping the slate clean. Clear all users and all posts. We'll get it stored in an archive somewhere so that things aren't lost, but the active part of the site would be a fresh start but with some important changes.

Changes being discussed are:
Tiered membership system- 50 posts before you can see/access technical section. 100 posts before you can access classifieds. Why do this? It's pretty simple. We want people to be social on this site. As was said when the tiered system for classifieds were put in a couple of weeks ago. SBZ isn't here to be a site primarily focused around buying and selling of items. Go to RacingJunk, Ebay or Craigslist for that. Organizing more cruise ins, track days, cookouts, etc help but if people don't talk to eachother online as well then the effectiveness of the online and real world SBZ is reduced.

Revised membership rules- We'll overhaul the rules of the site and do a better job of actually enforcing them. As part of the change we may lift all current bans. Everyone is welcome as long as you play by the rules and don't try to buck the system. Break the rules you will be banned. You'll have a max of 3 chances. 1st offense 1 month ban. 2nd 3 months. If it gets to a 3rd offense you are done forever.

I'm also going to propose that we discuss things like a reputation system. IF people use it as it should be and don't abuse it, it can give ALL users a chance to police the site without making everyone a mod or admin. Someone does something good for you on the site (suggests a new part to try, helps you figure out where that pesky rattle in your dash is coming from, or just makes a funny joke that brightens your day) give them rep points. On the other hand, if you see someone violating a site rule, is trying to start uneeded drama, or is just being an ass for the sake of it, give them negative rep points. All the mods and admins in the world can't see every post every day, but if we get a report of someone causing problem and see their rep is down in the dumpster we can see a pattern of behavior more easily and deal with it as is needed.

The site gets around 1000 unique vistors per day so I feel the interest is still there to turn SBZ back into a great place to be and keep it that way. We've had more than enough people as of late voice their concerns and frustrations about the site, lets turn that negative energy around and put it to good use.

03-25-2011, 09:34 PM
I am for a cleaning. as long as i dont have to re register or change my name. Rep points sounds fun. I could care less about the post count. I am an active member. Just dont make us re register and loose our screen names. I am sean damn it. lol

Squale iii
03-25-2011, 09:35 PM
Sounds like a great idea. Sean Im' taking your name. You can have my name.

03-25-2011, 09:41 PM
Sounds like a great idea. Sean Im' taking your name. You can have my name.

lol.. Thats bull shitttt.

03-25-2011, 09:50 PM
Rep points is gay, period. Like we need a points system to let us know who's a prick and who isn't?

Squale iii
03-25-2011, 09:51 PM
Rep points is gay, period. Like we need a points system to let us know who's a prick and who isn't?

According to css's rep system I'm a piece of It's about who is popular and who isn't. It's fun to look at and read your rep...but I wouldn't ban someone based on it. B/c then it's about who is popular and who isn't.

Metcalf Racing
03-25-2011, 09:52 PM
So basically I need to be made a mod and all will fall into order. Lol

03-25-2011, 09:53 PM
Tiered membership system: Great idea

Revised membership rules: not a bad idea at all ... this alone would solve alot of the bickering

reputation system: i see this as being abused quickly ...

i've been here for a while and still visit everyday, but know only a few people here ... more events would be a great idea...

03-25-2011, 09:59 PM
According to css's rep system I'm a piece of It's about who is popular and who isn't. It's fun to look at and read your rep...but I wouldn't ban someone based on it. B/c then it's about who is popular and who isn't.

Which is exactly what it would become, a popularity contest. :rolleyes:

You think the nuthuggers are bad now, just wait till they get rewarded points for swingin.

Pops Fun
03-25-2011, 10:05 PM
What good is wiping out the history of the site??? Don't understand??? :confused:

More Social.... You can't force people to be social... You can have get togethers, but there has to be a fulcrum/desire/organizer to do it!! It's missing :( I would love some Hooters or whatever gatherings...

As far as the rules.... Just start enforcing them.... WTF You need an announcement... just do it...

Edit: breaks leg jumping off soap box.

03-25-2011, 10:12 PM
According to css's rep system I'm a piece of .

CSS's rep system worked perfectly in your case.

03-25-2011, 10:20 PM
All I know is, Im stealing someone elses name!!!!!

Really, I've not been here for many years or anything but I get on here daily and try to learn as much as possible and help out all I can. There is a very good group of men and women on here that are very knowledgeable. I also look at the classified section to see what there is for sale or what paople may need that I may have laying in the way. I really enjoy the site and dont know what Id do without it. Hope it all works out and becomes a more friendly atmosphere. Id like to see more get togethers as well.

03-25-2011, 10:32 PM
I think the one thing that could be done to make the site a better place is if someone gave me a steeda tri axe shifter for my new to me 01 gt. lol All would be right with the world... lol

Mista Bone
03-25-2011, 10:43 PM
Like more gun laws, they are not gonna help unless the current rules are enforced.

Locking the newbies out of the tech section till 50 is a BAD idea. You will prevent any further growth. You'd be surprised how many newbies sign up just to read a thread about a tech problem.

03-25-2011, 10:43 PM
Less sucker punching?

03-25-2011, 10:52 PM
the only thing you have to do is enforce the rules. im not a new member but im not an old timer. why should everything get wiped out?

i say let everyone back and then just enforce the rules. if we get new names i call StreetSweeper

03-25-2011, 11:01 PM

Metcalf Racing
03-25-2011, 11:14 PM
I'm putting in for "Bald Paul" nobody better take it either.

03-25-2011, 11:20 PM
Wiping things clean won't change a damn thing. All you'll hear is people constantly saying "well i was here blah blah years ago". Just make the rules very clear and enforce them without mercy. The people who cause the problems will weed themselves out.

03-25-2011, 11:21 PM
I'm completely against wiping the slate clean, the old timers still know who the old timers are, and who is new. It won't stop the old timers from complaining about the new guys. And what happens when the old timers are still here 5 yrs from now, and some of the newbs have moved on, and the new breed of newb's complain, do we wipe the slate annually. I don't like a rep system either, trader feedback would be ok.

03-25-2011, 11:28 PM
Just make the rules very clear and enforce them without mercy. The people who cause the problems will weed themselves out.

agree 100%

03-26-2011, 12:07 AM
I for one would not like to see the site "wiped". I've been here since december of '04, I would not want another username. Nor would I like to see my hard earned 5,500 posts wiped out. I also would not like to see old threads dissapear. When the site was "archived" or cleaned a few years ago we lost some reeeeally good threads. Some that I loved looking back on from time to time... like the photoshop thread. I used to look back and laugh at my first few posts.

This isn't catholic school, we all don't need to "wear" the same post count or join date to fix the problem.

The problem lies with the ass hats that pollute this board with their inflated egos, shit talking, and absolute endless repetitive for sale threads. Don't get me wrong I LOVE buying parts off sbz, much rather do it here than craigslist or ebay. Its more personal when you buy it from someone you met on here, and can from then on call that person your friend. I do. I've met some of the greatest people on this board.

On that note, its lame to say it, since its just an internet forum, but this site and the friends I've made here have shaped my life. I used to be a rather anti social know-nothing 18yr old with a Mustang II. After some gained knowledge and gained friends, and a little "experience" on here, im guessing that not one person I've interacted with on here could say a bad thing about me, and nor I about them. I take pride in being a contributing member and I try to maintain a good reputation along with being in good standings with everyone.

What's the purpose of having enemies or losing friends, right?

After Vinny's passing, and reading about how a great person he was, I almost made it my personal goal to help others on here. Not only because I love working on cars, because its the brotherly SBZ thing to do, and I love helping out my friends on here. Wether it be parts knowledge, selling/giving parts, or doing a major clip job on a friends car for merely just a "thank you".

I love SBZ. I freaquent this site as often as I humanly can. You guys are like an extended family.

I do agree that rules need to be followed. This is probably one of the most laid back forums I belong to, and we should be lucky we bget away with what we do. Four eyed pride is STRICT, but remains fun at the same time. is a nazi organization which I will never return to. And is like sparta lol but seriously, you eff up and you know it, but it too is laid back.

I commend the mods/admins for what they do here. More needs done/enforced but at the same time, we all have lives, and can't spend every waking moment policing an internet forum which WE the members SHOULD have enough sense to maintain stability and peace in. C'mon its just common effin courtesy/sense/decency.

Ok, I've got plenty more to say, but I've ranted long enough and my fingers hurt from typing ALL this on my droid!!!!


03-26-2011, 12:27 AM
I don't think cleansing the site will fix anything. The reputation thing isn't a good idea in my opinion either.

I keep reading that rules need to be enforced. I don't know how many moderators this site has, but it seemed a couple years ago there were quite a few??? I understand everyone has a life outside of this website. But, how can you moderate when your not even a participant?

In the meantime the eastside will be having there get together weds. evening. Hope to see some more of you there.

03-26-2011, 05:08 AM
What good is wiping out the history of the site??? Don't understand??? :confused:

More Social.... You can't force people to be social... You can have get togethers, but there has to be a fulcrum/desire/organizer to do it!! It's missing :( I would love some Hooters or whatever gatherings...

As far as the rules.... Just start enforcing them.... WTF You need an announcement... just do it...

Edit: breaks leg jumping off soap box.

I totally agree Steve...

Why wipe the history of the site clean? That isn't going to change the members or their thoughts or beliefs....I am still going to be an "old timer"..remembering the Wayne Home shows and all of our Meets where people actually came and had a good time, whether it was Hooters, cruising to Louisville, or burning picnic tables at Bowling Green.

I'm proud to see my join date, knowing it was a different place then, hoping it can be something similar again. I know it will never be what it once was, but it can be as good as our members make it.

Who is up for Milford QS&L next week? All you can eat??

Grow the fuck up, strap on a set, put your tiny feelings away, and have fun.

....Picks Steve up off the floor and dusts him off on my way down from the soap box.....

03-26-2011, 06:05 AM
Just enforce the rules we have or add new ones wiping the site like everyone else said will not fix it add more mods and enforce what we have

03-26-2011, 06:14 AM
When was the last time someone actually got a time out in the Whipping Room? How many of the newer members even know that's what that forum is for? Anymore it's just the place they put threads that get out of hand, but it was started as a place to put people who stepped out of line, where they were limited to only posting in that section for a period of time.

03-26-2011, 07:11 AM Forum Rules

Rules will be updated on an as needed basis.

Do NOT threaten physical violence to any member, moderator or administrator of this site.

Harassment is prohibited. Do NOT harass administrators, moderators or other members thru posts, creating threads or using the signature feature.

Multiple accounts registered to the same user will be deleted.

Please do NOT post the same thread in multiple forums.

Please refrain from using curse words. If you absolutely feel the need to drop an F-bomb or some other harsh words, do so in the Rants section or Whipping Room as these forums have warnings in the description. Warnings will be distributed as necessary. Do not curse in thread titles.

Label thread title with *NWS* (not work safe) when posting anything that would normally be covered by underwear. There really is no need to post this kind of material since there are already plenty of other sites for that. Not following this rule can result in loss of privileges to create threads.

Do NOT post links, phone numbers or any other contact info for businesses. You may post "Thanks to XXX" if you are a customer. Only Authorized Vendors, Sponsors or SBZ Administrators and/or Moderators may post links, phone numbers, or contact info. All advertising or sponsor inquiries should be directed to Violations will be deleted without warning.

This is a zero tolerance policy. Soliciting can mean a. seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty, or formal application b. petition persistently c. entice or incite to evil or illegal action or d. approach or accost (a person) with an offer of sexual services thru email, instant message, private message or any other electronic means or other contact.

Please create threads in the appropriate forums. Threads not in the correct forums will be moved by SBZ Moderators.

Donations made will be used to keep this site going and have bigger and better events. Simply click the button to donate with your credit or bank card. All transactions are secure and no card info is passed to SBZ. You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate. The amount is up to you. Any help is very much appreciated.

Users are not permitted to post for sale ads in the classifieds section until the user has posted their 100th post. This has been done to promote active participation in the board and deter users from joining just to sell things. If all you want to do is sell stuff, there are better places on the internet for that (Craigslist, Ebay etc)

Moderators and administrators will enforce all rules. Thank you for visiting, enjoy the site.

Do we really need more than this???

All forums are the's our members that make us different I'd like to believe...

03-26-2011, 07:21 AM
It's all pretty self explanatory to me. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Don't be a douche to other people. Pretty much one of those life common sense things that you're either born with or not born with.

At some point there was talk about making this place more family oriented. I know at some point Vinny's own daughter posted here. There's a lot of crap going on here that i wouldn't want my son to be any part of. There are a lot of people saying "oh this is the internet don't get butt hurt" well tell that to a pre-teen who's trying to enjoy this hobby with his father/family. I guess that's hard to understand for the people here who don't have kids. There are some people here who i wouldn't want my kids reading their posts, let alone meeting them in person at a cruise in.

03-26-2011, 07:38 AM
Vinny used to have some sort of feature he referred to as "jerrys kids" and if you were a d-bag, he could somehow bestow this feature on your user profile, and it would take you to some random assed thread completely different than the one you clicked on... and only would take you to certain subforums as well.

03-26-2011, 07:51 AM
Well I will throw in my .02. This site was created by a guy who loved Mustangs and hanging out with like minded people. I only got to meet the guy twice but treated me with respect and took the time out to get to know me a little. I think changing the name or starting over would be a disservice to him.

Some people have grown thin skin and think their opinion is just the way it should be. This is a private forum that is run by staff and their rules. You don't like it thats OK. You whine about it repeatedly then two things happen 1. follow the rules and shut up or 2. leave. There are no 2nd Amendment Rights here. The Dirty Dozen has been a hot bed for years. The rules are simple. Go to the track, have some fun,post your times. seems easy to me. Post ads if you have 100 posts so people feel comfortable dealing with you. Dont like that check out the above and the 2 options. Respect the staff or get booted. This is their party and rules see options 1 and 2 above.

If you get banned permanently should stay that way or its a disrespectful to the staff. But people will start a new username and start all over. If you just want to cause issues there are several other local forums that are chock full of dbags. I suggest you hang there.

I spoke personally with 4 different members yesterday for various reasons. I had 1 member stop at my house to show me his sweet new setup on his car for the year and make plans for the track. I don't have that interaction on other sites. SBZ is the same for alot of us, those are the ones that should stay. If you dont feel the same there are 2 options listed above. Get the point???

03-26-2011, 08:32 AM
What good is wiping out the history of the site??? Don't understand??? :confused:

More Social.... You can't force people to be social... You can have get togethers, but there has to be a fulcrum/desire/organizer to do it!! It's missing :( I would love some Hooters or whatever gatherings...

As far as the rules.... Just start enforcing them.... WTF You need an announcement... just do it...

Edit: breaks leg jumping off soap box.
agreed. there is no need to erase everything. If you do that then Stangbangerz REALLY will never be the same. People will leave, people will just plain be pissed off just because they have been a member for years and i now it would be like that means nothing. DONT ERASE THE HISTORY.It will be lost forever, and the Site the Vinny Started will no longer exsit. Anything can have the Name but the History and the people are what made the site.

03-26-2011, 08:35 AM
Enforce the current rules. You bash someone's for sale thread your post is deleted. You post something offensive in a general thread it gets deleted. You curse it gets deleted. You could make it a points system. After so many points you get a ban.
Trader ratings and feedback. You sell something and its a good transaction the buyer leaves a positive rating and good feedback. If its negative then you leave the appropriate rating and feedback. All feedback and ratings should be viewable.
I get on here daily. I would hate to see it go away.

03-26-2011, 08:43 AM
A ratings system is going to start more issues than it's worth. People will leave negative feedback that won't ever go away (like ebay) and it'll be nothing but fighting. We have a feedback forum already, and when something goes bad it usually gets talked over and worked out and you get to see both sides of the story. With a points system, all you see is a negative point and no reasoning behind it. If you wanna know how reputable someone is, just search their user name in the forum that's already there and it'll pull up every feedback left for that user. It's also another thing that would focus the site more into an ebay/craigslist than a hobby/community.

03-26-2011, 08:59 AM
I dont think "wiping the slate clean" is going to fix anything, IMHO the mods need to take a more active roll in making people follow the rules and passing out bans for infractions. People act up they get booted thats the way it should be.

03-26-2011, 09:16 AM
Thank you all VERY much for the constructive criticism and suggestions. After reading each post I have gathered the following:

People are not in favor in general of wiping the slate clean and starting over I can appreciate that and if we can get enough positive momentum to turn things around then we will be able to avoid that.

The rules need to be enforced better I agree totally on this front, but we need everyone's help. If you see someone violating the forum rules or being a jerk for no reason use the little report post button on the side of their posting. It sends an alert to all the mods and admins and we can take a look at deal with it as needed. We have a good number of mods and admins, but even if each of us did nothing but read the board 24/7 we would miss things. The best policing is self policing IMO. You don't have to call someone out and start a feud, report it to us and we will take care of it. Additionally, we need to support of the members for our mods and admins. If the decision is made to discipline someone please respect our actions and reasoning to do so. We don't need "free xyz user" type threads or calling mods or admin power hungry, calling the site a nazi state, etc. The final decision to ban someone comes from the admins and only after we have a private discussion, unless we are dealing with a clear and direct rules violation, those bans can happen by a single admin without discussing it first. Also if we ban someone don't try to get around the system by creating a new account. All that does is piss me and others off and we'll just keep banning you as we find you. Creating multiple accounts for the purpose of circumventing a ban is a zero tolerance policy. You will be banned for life at that point. This will have to be discussed by the group but I am considering lifting ALL previous bans in an effort to start everyone with a clean slate without wiping everything first. Again, this will be announced when and if we decide to do it.

There are not enough cruise-ins, track days, hanging out in general Vinny was a master at this and getting to know people and making someone feel they have a personal connection. We will never be able to replace that but perhaps we can look to someone to at least be a point person for organizing events. Maybe even start a thread where they group can talk about what event or get together to put together for the upcoming month

Whatever changes we make I'd like to put into effect starting April 1 just so there is a clear starting point and understanding that we are going to make an honest attempt at change from the top down and if you can no longer get away with things you could in the past please understand we are trying to do this for the best.

03-26-2011, 09:20 AM
"There are not enough cruise-ins, track days, hanging out in general Vinny was a master at this and getting to know people and making someone feel they have a personal connection. We will never be able to replace that but perhaps we can look to someone to at least be a point person for organizing events. Maybe even start a thread where they group can talk about what event or get together to put together for the upcoming month"

I agree with this^^^^^ 100%. We need some type of events where we can all get together, cruise ins, track days etc.

03-26-2011, 10:38 AM
"There are not enough cruise-ins, track days, hanging out in general Vinny was a master at this and getting to know people and making someone feel they have a personal connection. We will never be able to replace that but perhaps we can look to someone to at least be a point person for organizing events. Maybe even start a thread where they group can talk about what event or get together to put together for the upcoming month"

I agree with this^^^^^ 100%. We need some type of events where we can all get together, cruise ins, track days etc.

QS&L week?? All you can eat wing night??

03-26-2011, 11:06 AM
Make it official and I'll come down. Try and bring some guys with me.

03-26-2011, 11:14 AM
Name the day and time.

03-26-2011, 11:27 AM
Spring cruise info is going up today!!!

03-26-2011, 11:31 AM
Cant wait!

03-26-2011, 11:43 AM
Make it official and I'll come down. Try and bring some guys with me.

How about we trailer your car down for some show & tell.

03-26-2011, 11:56 AM
How about we DRIVE your car down for some show & tell.

Fixed it.

03-26-2011, 12:00 PM
How about we trailer your car down for some show & tell.

THIS!!!!! :eek::bigthumb

03-26-2011, 12:44 PM
LOL, if I werent in so much pain I'd be out wrenching right now. We'd make it happen Greg, driving it that is. I'm sure theres no interest in a non running car.

03-26-2011, 01:05 PM
Personally i flippin LOVE when you guys with the faster cars bring your stuff out. I'm around street cars and bolt on cars all the time, i don't ever see anything serious unless i get time to hit the track which is getting very rare these days. Example, when Dave brought his race car to QS&L for the Fall cruise in, i probably spent more time looking it over than anything else because i don't see stuff like that very often. I really appreciate when guys take the time out to trailer their cars down for the rest of us to see them.

03-31-2011, 08:24 AM
Alright, so are guys hanging out this weekend or anything? I think I'm making a trip down to Cincy Speed this afternoon and to see Terry if anyone wants to grab a bite.

03-31-2011, 08:40 AM
PM sent Rick.

03-31-2011, 08:40 AM
QS&L week?? All you can eat wing night??

Lemme know, I work at that Texas Roadhouse right there so I'm in the area all the time.

03-31-2011, 08:41 AM
Alright, so are guys hanging out this weekend or anything? I think I'm making a trip down to Cincy Speed this afternoon and to see Terry if anyone wants to grab a bite.

Ill be in today, but gone this weekend.

03-31-2011, 08:44 AM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh,unity in the community, good deal:angel:,i had to take some time helping with the lil one the past yr and half i'll be out to play a lil more often this summer and let me tell ya,i'm looking foward to it...not being stuck up,well maybe to a couple people lol