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Judge assisted DUI checkpoints? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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12-30-2010, 04:37 PM
I just read a post on another forum from a guy in Delaware who said they're doing mandatory DUI checkpoints where if you refuse a breathalizer the judge can issue a search warrant on the spot and make you submit to a blood test right there at the check point. I'm not sure anything more than that as he didn't post any links or anything to go by and i don't know if they'd somehow get results on the spot either? Has anyone heard anything about this?

12-30-2010, 04:46 PM
There was something on the news last week about this. They will have a judge on call 24/7 to issue the warrant, and take blood if needed...

12-30-2010, 06:03 PM
The only thing missing on cops uniforms is a swastika on the arm band.

12-30-2010, 06:28 PM
I guess it's a case of if your not driveing drunk you don't have anything to worry about even if a judge is there. I'm sure 25,000 familys every year would disagree with you.Yes I do drink - No I don't drive drunk. If there legally drunk I want them off the street no matter how they do it.

12-30-2010, 06:32 PM
Good to hear, hope it helps take some drunks off the road.

12-30-2010, 06:39 PM
You have the the right to a speedy trial and all they are doing expediting the legal process.

12-30-2010, 07:35 PM
Yeah I agree with getting all the drunks off the road, but even if you deny you go straight to jail anyways right?

12-30-2010, 07:58 PM
I like how the sheep say its ok for the government to do as they please. It's not alright to be illegally searched on Friday and Saturday nights. Next thing is they can knock on your door and walk right in and search because they feel the need. It's ok though because their keeping the sheep safe.

12-30-2010, 08:21 PM
I like how the sheep say its ok for the government to do as they please. It's not alright to be illegally searched on Friday and Saturday nights. Next thing is they can knock on your door and walk right in and search because they feel the need. It's ok though because their keeping the sheep safe.

Right. The sheep will say, "If you don't have anything illegal in your house, you won't have anything to worry about".

12-30-2010, 08:35 PM
I am dead set against invasion of our rights,I have told many people including law enforcement,zoning,etc... to get off my property or come back with a warrant. On public roads you get what you get. I am 100% against drunk driving (those who know me well know why) and have no sympathy for anyone who gets a dui, it is better than killing someone, being killed yourself or permanently injured. Drink responsibly people, a good time is only a good time if it is done safely. A few hours of fun is not worth anyones life.

12-30-2010, 09:00 PM
All I have to say is Baaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaa Baaaaaaaa. Only other sheep will know what I said.

12-30-2010, 09:28 PM
I like how the sheep say its ok for the government to do as they please. It's not alright to be illegally searched on Friday and Saturday nights. Next thing is they can knock on your door and walk right in and search because they feel the need. It's ok though because their keeping the sheep safe.

Have you ever passed through a DUI checkpoint? An officer greeting me, handing me a piece of paper explaining what they are doing and trying to accomplish, and then wishing me a safe trip to my destination, hardly seems like a home invasion or illegal search and seizure, like you are trying to make it sound. The ONLY way this becomes an inconvenience (besides if you are out illegally driving drunk) is if you have to sit in a few minutes of traffic, which you could have easily avoided by reading the paper to see that this checkpoint was posted a few days ago for all to see and avoid. If you actually get picked up drunk at a DUI checkpoint, i think you should never be allowed to drive again, because you are obviously an incompetent bastard that can't be trusted to make simple life decisions.


12-30-2010, 09:43 PM
Not to mention that these are announced in advance.

12-30-2010, 11:42 PM
just found out today that they are implementing "No Refusal Weekends" every weekend in the san antonio area and pushing for 365 days...

12-31-2010, 12:08 AM
Keep those drunk drivers outta my way when I am street racing.

12-31-2010, 12:10 AM
I like how the sheep say its ok for the government to do as they please. It's not alright to be illegally searched on Friday and Saturday nights. Next thing is they can knock on your door and walk right in and search because they feel the need. It's ok though because their keeping the sheep safe.

Mmmm, not quite. The difference is that your home is YOUR home, whereas driving on the street is sharing public property AND potentially endangering the lives of those people on the road with you if you're drinking and driving. The difference is that you're interacting with other people on public property. As my government teacher used to tell us, "your rights end where someone else's rights begin", or to say you don't have the right to drink and drive because the roads are shared by other people. It may be an inconvenience, but you'll have that on public property.

12-31-2010, 02:02 AM
who really wants their family killed by a drunk driver?

12-31-2010, 02:06 AM
Mmmm, not quite. The difference is that your home is YOUR home, whereas driving on the street is sharing public property AND potentially endangering the lives of those people on the road with you if you're drinking and driving. The difference is that you're interacting with other people on public property. As my government teacher used to tell us, "your rights end where someone else's rights begin", or to say you don't have the right to drink and drive because the roads are shared by other people. It may be an inconvenience, but you'll have that on public property.

Then, there is the difference, that someone has had 2 beers and is hit by some dumb-ass that is sober, but is not paying attention. How is that fair?

I heard Ohio's death toll, for the holiday weekend, was 6. Two were alcohol related. They won't tell you, who was at fault, only someone was drinking?

Statistically, it would be safer, to drive drunk.

12-31-2010, 06:06 AM
I guess it's a case of if your not driveing drunk you don't have anything to worry about even if a judge is there. I'm sure 25,000 familys every year would disagree with you.Yes I do drink - No I don't drive drunk. If there legally drunk I want them off the street no matter how they do it.


12-31-2010, 06:24 AM
Then, there is the difference, that someone has had 2 beers and is hit by some dumb-ass that is sober, but is not paying attention. How is that fair?

I heard Ohio's death toll, for the holiday weekend, was 6. Two were alcohol related. They won't tell you, who was at fault, only someone was drinking?

Statistically, it would be safer, to drive drunk.

I'm don't think i see your is pointing out that sober crashes happen justification for driving drunk?

The way i see it, the majority of people who drink and drive can't drive half worth a shit sober either so them drinking just puts us all at greater risk :lol:

12-31-2010, 07:57 AM
Anytime I have ever needed a warrant, I got one within 30 minutes or less depending on the time of day. If I really needed one *Right Now* I could get one. I think it's awesome they could have the judge sit there issuing warrants. Why can't Ohio do this?

Those idiots that drink and drive get everything they deserve. Also, whoever was at fault at an accident would be cited. If your drinking and driving and the sober guy hit you, I would issue a FST for the person that was drinking and investigate the crash before determining who was at fault at the time of the accident. It would stand pending until the investigation is over, then cite who was at fault.

12-31-2010, 08:53 AM
Am I missing something? No one's rights are being violated! A judge is issuing a warrant to compell your blood if you refuse to blow. The blood is then drawn by a medical proffesional. The cops not yanking you out of the car thru the window and ramming a syringe in your arm on the shoulder of the road. This doesn't even compare to warrantless wire taps Courtesy of the DOD from a few years ago...

12-31-2010, 09:37 AM
The "No refusal" is fairly new and few agencies are engaging in it. I do expect that it will become common practice over time. Before a warrant is ever issued, the officer must show probable cause that the suspect was driving under the influence. In the past, if a drunk driver killed someone in a crash and refused a test, you can bet that a search warrant was sought as part of the homicide investigation. I'm happy to see so many of you backing the removal of drunk drivers from the road. Driving is a privilege....not a right!

12-31-2010, 10:33 AM
Pretty easy solution if you're worried about this: Don't drive drunk.

12-31-2010, 04:28 PM
Am I missing something? No one's rights are being violated! A judge is issuing a warrant to compell your blood if you refuse to blow. The blood is then drawn by a medical proffesional. The cops not yanking you out of the car thru the window and ramming a syringe in your arm on the shoulder of the road. This doesn't even compare to warrantless wire taps Courtesy of the DOD from a few years ago...

Some people have no clue, how is this not against your rights. I would be in jail for assualt before this would be done.There is no way in hell i will be forced to give blood. People better wake up or this will be a communist county before its over.

12-31-2010, 05:21 PM
Some people have no clue.

......exactly what I am thinking after reading your post. :lol:


12-31-2010, 05:35 PM
:popcorn: lol

12-31-2010, 05:36 PM
Some people have no clue, how is this not against your rights. I would be in jail for assualt before this would be done.There is no way in hell i will be forced to give blood. People better wake up or this will be a communist county before its over.

You are the one that has no clue if you are willing to escalate a petty OVI charge to a felony assault:screwy:. No one is knocking on your door to confinscate a firearm, seize a bible, Kuran or holly candle. They aren't telling you what to think, what to say where to drive or what to drive, ONLY HOW TO DRIVE. If you feel it should be legal then start a fund to change the law so everyone can drive smashed. I Don't remember the section of the bill of rights stating entitlement to operate a horse/cart/buggy/tractor/train/or any vehicle with an altered state of mind.

Are you one of those guys who think the Nambla child molesters caught online should be freed since they have not committed a sexual crime, they only talked/texted/tried to meet them? Those SOBS have better legal ground than you would/do.

A judge is signing a warrant after probable cause has been established you are committing a crime... He's not signing a warrant cause your driving down the road. An officer is not going to pull blood from every passerby in the checkpoint, they generally won't even make contact with every driver. There won't be a line of RN's lined up with coolers and needles. The warrant is to gather evidence from suspects. If you smell of booze, have empties in your floor board or have drunk demeanor your a suspect. The same judge with a warrant could knock down the door to your house and search anything inside of it, nothing has changed except that the judges will be available (RE: awake) to sign warrants since the evidence is time sensitive.
Like someone else said your rights end where mine begin and I shouldn't have to worry about getting killed by some negligent ass clown who is "only buzzing."
I have been involved in two serious accidents involving intoxicated drivers so I obviously have a different perspective than some.
Please cite the section of your bill of rights as a US citizen this violates. You are on public property operating a motor vehicle, not drinking in your garage under the hood of your car minding your own business.

Squale iii
12-31-2010, 05:47 PM
Keep those drunk drivers outta my way when I am street racing.


Squale iii
12-31-2010, 05:48 PM
Unless you drink prior to driving, you should be happy about this. Personally, if it gets the drunks and old people off the road I'm all for it.

12-31-2010, 05:55 PM
So now your guilty till proven innocent instead of innocent to proven guilty.Were will it stop. I have allready had my car searched for turning around in a street , my dad almost went to jail over it . Also been pulled over late at night dodging pot holes and had to take the test. Most of you clowns need to wake up and take a stand.

12-31-2010, 06:10 PM
I think the problem with people taking a stand is, the people you see supporting this are the people who wouldn't ever drink and drive and see the value in weeding out those who DO from the streets. You won't have to worry about giving blood unless you refuse to do the breathalyzer, which if you refuse then you're either hiding something and know you're in trouble, or you're asking to make things hard on yourself. Also keep in mind it's not like every single person who gets stopped at these check points is asked to submit to tests. You have to show reasonable suspicion.

12-31-2010, 06:21 PM
I love how everybody says i dont drink and drive, so the next time your out to eat and have a drink with dinner why dont you just pull up to a cop and submit to a breathalyzer.

12-31-2010, 06:23 PM
This will be like a suspected murder turnning in his gun or are most of you to stupid to realize this.

12-31-2010, 06:27 PM
Also been pulled over late at night dodging pot holes and had to take the test.

Now that doesn't seem right? Why would the cop have pulled you over when you were clearly driving like any sober person would be, at a time when everyone knows there are not likely to be any people drunk and driving around? I'm sure you were very polite and cooperative with him too.

Where did you receive your college education?:rolleyes:

12-31-2010, 06:27 PM
Tell me where in the constitution its legal to detain someone illegally. Let's say I just finished up a 12 hour work day at miller brewery. I've been working on pipes that contained beer. I get stopped at one of these illegal dui check points. Officer dip shit smells beer and my eyes are red because I'm tired. I then explain to him its from work and what I do. He ask for me to get out and do a test. I have a fucked up ankle and can't pass the balance or walking part. He decides I need to do the bac test. I pass it with .00 but officer dip shit isn't happy. He then gets a warrant and takes me to the hospital and draws my blood the heads to the police station and books be on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. My cars towed, I have to post bond but can't afford it so I set in jail till at least the first court date. At the same time my cars racking up storage fees. My license are automaticly suspended so I can't drive anyway so I lose my job. I get depressed setting at home because the bank wants money for a car and house payment I can't pay. The barrel of my gun looks tasty right now. This all happens because we give up our rights just to keep the sheep happy. It's not even proven these stops work. If anything the people drinking go around them and it just affects law abiding people. Just so all of the bashers don't get their thongs all tied up I don't support drinking and driving. My grandfather was killed by a drunk. I would also bet 95 percent of you has driven while intoxicated. I know you will jump on here and deny it but you know the truth. This was typed on my phone so sorry for mistakes.

12-31-2010, 06:29 PM
Well...laws are laws. The legal limit for drinking and driving is what it is because different people react to alcohol differently. Just because this 6 foot 5 inch 300lb man can have two beers with his steak dinner and drive just fine doesn't mean the 5 foot 2 inch 120lb just turned 21 college girl can. When it comes to protecting the lives of the innocent, laws like this are made as strict as they can be to protect people.

So, this is one of those things that isn't rammed up your ass...this is a choice you will make. If you choose to knowingly drink your few beers with dinner and drive anyway, regardless of how sober you feel...if you choose to drive then you put yourself at risk of going through this hassle. You could just as easily have your girlfriend or someone who isn't drinking with dinner drive home and avoid the whole ordeal.

Personally, i don't drink at all. When i pull through one of these check points, they can take a fucking DNA sample for all i care. If you're not breaking the law, you have nothing to worry about.

I find it really amusing how people get all pissy about laws like this that "take away their freedom" while at the same time they totally disregard my right and freedom to drive my family on roads that are free of drunk retards.

12-31-2010, 06:30 PM
Tell me where in the constitution its legal to detain someone. Let's say I just finished up a 12 hour work day at miller brewery. I've been working on pipes that contained beer. I get stopped at one of these illegal dui check points. Officer dip shit smells beer and my eyes are red because I'm tired. I then explain to him its from work and what I do. He ask for me to get out and do a test. I have a fucked up ankle and can't pass the balance or walking part. He decides I need to do the bac test. I pass it with .00 but officer dip shit isn't happy. He then gets a warrant and takes me to the hospital and draws my blood the heads to the police station and books be on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. My card towed, I have to post bond but can't afford it so I set in jail till at least the first court date. At the same time my cars racking up storage fees. My license are automaticly suspended so I can't drive anyway so I lose my job. I get depressed setting at home because the bank wants money for a car and house payment I can't pay. The barrel of my gun looks tasty right now. This all happens because we give up our rights just to keep the sheep happy. It's not even proven these stops work. If anything the people drinking go around them and it just affects law abiding people. Just so all of the bashers don't get their thongs all tied up I don't support drinking and driving. My grandfather was killed by a drunk. I would also bet 95 percent of you has driven while intoxicated. I know you will jump on here and deny it but you know the truth.

Someone has some sense hear

12-31-2010, 06:33 PM
Tell me where in the constitution its legal to detain someone illegally. Let's say I just finished up a 12 hour work day at miller brewery. I've been working on pipes that contained beer. I get stopped at one of these illegal dui check points. Officer dip shit smells beer and my eyes are red because I'm tired. I then explain to him its from work and what I do. He ask for me to get out and do a test. I have a fucked up ankle and can't pass the balance or walking part. He decides I need to do the bac test. I pass it with .00 but officer dip shit isn't happy. He then gets a warrant and takes me to the hospital and draws my blood the heads to the police station and books be on suspicion of driving under the influence of drugs. My cars towed, I have to post bond but can't afford it so I set in jail till at least the first court date. At the same time my cars racking up storage fees. My license are automaticly suspended so I can't drive anyway so I lose my job. I get depressed setting at home because the bank wants money for a car and house payment I can't pay. The barrel of my gun looks tasty right now. This all happens because we give up our rights just to keep the sheep happy. It's not even proven these stops work. If anything the people drinking go around them and it just affects law abiding people. Just so all of the bashers don't get their thongs all tied up I don't support drinking and driving. My grandfather was killed by a drunk. I would also bet 95 percent of you has driven while intoxicated. I know you will jump on here and deny it but you know the truth. This was typed on my phone so sorry for mistakes.

There's about a dozen unlikely variables in there that are so unlikely to happen all at the same

Oh and i'm betting the judge wouldn't issue a warrant to draw blood on a guy who 1) works in a brewery, 2) has a busted ankle, and 3) blew a .00 :lol:

12-31-2010, 06:34 PM
I think the problem with people taking a stand is, the people you see supporting this are the people who wouldn't ever drink and drive and see the value in weeding out those who DO from the streets. You won't have to worry about giving blood unless you refuse to do the breathalyzer, which if you refuse then you're either hiding something and know you're in trouble, or you're asking to make things hard on yourself. Also keep in mind it's not like every single person who gets stopped at these check points is asked to submit to tests. You have to show reasonable suspicion.

No. The ones who support this crap, yes, it truly is crap, are some of the biggest hypocrites. To say they aren't is burying your head in the sand. They are out for the same thing as you and I, MONEY. They just go about getting their cash differently then you or I.

To assume I have something to hide by refusing a breathalyzer is crap too. I know a guy who, if stopped, wouldn't pass the first hurdle, that being verbal, as he has a speech problem that makes him sound like he is drunk. Is that fair to him?

12-31-2010, 06:36 PM
So now your guilty till proven innocent instead of innocent to proven guilty.Were will it stop. I have allready had my car searched for turning around in a street , my dad almost went to jail over it . Also been pulled over late at night dodging pot holes and had to take the test. Most of you clowns need to wake up and take a stand.

+1 I agree

12-31-2010, 06:36 PM
Now that doesn't seem right? Why would the cop have pulled you over when you were clearly driving like any sober person would be, at a time when everyone knows there are not likely to be any people drunk and driving around? I'm sure you were very polite and cooperative with him too.

Where did you receive your college education?:rolleyes:

Young and dumd and yes i took the test to make him look like a jackass, When you walk beams for a living you tend to have good balance. I guess when your young and have a nice fast car it is wrong to swerve around pot holes and still do it today.:flipoff:

12-31-2010, 06:38 PM
:popcorn: still laughing!!!!

12-31-2010, 06:42 PM
No. The ones who support this crap, yes, it truly is crap, are some of the biggest hypocrites. To say they aren't is burying your head in the sand. They are out for the same thing as you and I, MONEY. They just go about getting their cash differently then you or I.

To assume I have something to hide by refusing a breathalyzer is crap too. I know a guy who, if stopped, wouldn't pass the first hurdle, that being verbal, as he has a speech problem that makes him sound like he is drunk. Is that fair to him?

Man, i just look at it like this....anything that gets drunks off the roads me and my family are traveling on, i'm all for it. My girlfriend's mother was killed when she was 5 by a drunk. My brother almost lost his leg because a drunk ran over him on his bicycle when he was a kid. I grew up and lost 3 good friends because they were drinking and driving. Another friend wrecked a car and killed another of our friends' sister while driving drunk. It's fucking RETARDED.

We can argue that it's about money. Maybe it is. There's going to be some exceptions like the brewery guy with the busted ankle, and speech impediment guy, but those are isolated cases.

12-31-2010, 06:43 PM
Some people have no clue, how is this not against your rights. I would be in jail for assualt before this would be done.There is no way in hell i will be forced to give blood. People better wake up or this will be a communist county before its over.

You must be drunk right now...I will let you sober up and repost tomorrow. In the meantime, stay off the streets. I don't speak my mind much, but some of you people saying that this violates our rights is fucking crazy. :screwy: Just drive sober and you don't have anything to worry about...both for yourself and other innocent people. yes, I understand accidents happen without alcohol involved, but the odds of a fatal crash happening while drunk are much greater than when sober. That is a FACT. Therefore, they are trying to do the right thing and take those people off the roads.

I know a lawyer that advises EVERYONE to refuse a breathalyzer if pulled over and suspected of driving drunk. Thats a big loophole in the legal system. If you are driving under the influence you need to pay for it. That's my $.02, and I hope like hell this goes into effect and it at least helps with taking some drunks off of the road. I know 2 people that have died by a drunk driver, one hit head on and lived, and one guy that was pronounced dead after being hit by a drunk driver head on, was brought back to life, years later was hit head on AGAIN by another drunk driver. These people that drive drunk need to pay.

12-31-2010, 06:43 PM
:popcorn: still laughing!!!!

Dont you have a checkpoint to attend too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-31-2010, 06:52 PM
You must be drunk right now...I will let you sober up and repost tomorrow. In the meantime, stay off the streets. I don't speak my mind much, but some of you people saying that this violates our rights is fucking crazy. :screwy: Just drive sober and you don't have anything to worry about...both for yourself and other innocent people. yes, I understand accidents happen without alcohol involved, but the odds of a fatal crash happening while drunk are much greater than when sober. That is a FACT. Therefore, they are trying to do the right thing and take those people off the roads.

I know a lawyer that advises EVERYONE to refuse a breathalyzer if pulled over and suspected of driving drunk. Thats a big loophole in the legal system. If you are driving under the influence you need to pay for it. That's my $.02, and I hope like hell this goes into effect and it at least helps with taking some drunks off of the road. I know 2 people that have died by a drunk driver, one hit head on and lived, and one guy that was pronounced dead after being hit by a drunk driver head on, was brought back to life, years later was hit head on AGAIN by another drunk driver. These people that drive drunk need to pay.

No not drunk dont drink all that much and you make that choice everytime you get behind the wheel. I also ride a motorcycle to and i would rather see cell phones band because i have had way more close calls that way. Say why dont you go drive around and text at the same time {thats safe }

12-31-2010, 06:53 PM
Dont you have a checkpoint to attend too!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nah...Im off tonight!!!:bigthumbHappy New Year!!!

12-31-2010, 06:56 PM
No not drunk dont drink all that much and you make that choice everytime you get behind the wheel. I also ride a motorcycle to and i would rather see cell phones band because i have had way more close calls that way. Say why dont you go drive around and text at the same time {thats safe }

Pointing out other unsafe acts and situations doesn't make whatever point you're trying to make any more valid.

12-31-2010, 06:59 PM
There's about a dozen unlikely variables in there that are so unlikely to happen all at the same

Oh and i'm betting the judge wouldn't issue a warrant to draw blood on a guy who 1) works in a brewery, 2) has a busted ankle, and 3) blew a .00 :lol:

^Yes this is very unlikely to happen but it could. I'm working at miller for the time being and I do have a jacked up ankle so the test wouldn't work sober.

No one is saying a drunk should be aloud to drive. That's what people are not getting. All a few of us are saying is its against the constitution to be stopped and search every single person driving illegally. If your stopped while driving down the road and searched illegally anything found would be dismissed but these stops are legal how? The stops are about money. If it wasn't they would let people off with warnings for seat belt and other minor offences. That doesn't happen.The amount of dui produced by these stops are minimal. If they want to get drunks off the street step of patrols and catch them. If you keep giving up rights there will be non to give up some day.

12-31-2010, 06:59 PM
Pointing out other unsafe acts and situations doesn't make whatever point you're trying to make any more valid.

I think it all goes together and texting is way more dangerous.

12-31-2010, 07:05 PM
Man, i just look at it like this....anything that gets drunks off the roads me and my family are traveling on, i'm all for it. My girlfriend's mother was killed when she was 5 by a drunk. My brother almost lost his leg because a drunk ran over him on his bicycle when he was a kid. I grew up and lost 3 good friends because they were drinking and driving. Another friend wrecked a car and killed another of our friends' sister while driving drunk. It's fucking RETARDED.

We can argue that it's about money. Maybe it is. There's going to be some exceptions like the brewery guy with the busted ankle, and speech impediment guy, but those are isolated cases.

Maybe some of your friends needed more self control.

12-31-2010, 07:16 PM
Maybe some of your friends needed more self control.

And? Oh i guess you have enough self control to drive drunk? What exactly are you trying to say?

What about my girlfriend's mother who was sober and killed by a drunk driver? I guess she needed more self control? What about my buddy's sister?

Yeah you're right...more self control. As in, have some and don't drink and drive and these laws will never effect you.

12-31-2010, 07:17 PM
I think it all goes together and texting is way more dangerous.

Well there's laws against texting and driving too, and i'm sure time will show they'll get more and more strict.

Again, what's your point?

12-31-2010, 07:20 PM
^Yes this is very unlikely to happen but it could. I'm working at miller for the time being and I do have a jacked up ankle so the test wouldn't work sober.

No one is saying a drunk should be aloud to drive. That's what people are not getting. All a few of us are saying is its against the constitution to be stopped and search every single person driving illegally. If your stopped while driving down the road and searched illegally anything found would be dismissed but these stops are legal how? The stops are about money. If it wasn't they would let people off with warnings for seat belt and other minor offences. That doesn't happen.The amount of dui produced by these stops are minimal. If they want to get drunks off the street step of patrols and catch them. If you keep giving up rights there will be non to give up some day.

I still fail to see how you're giving up any rights. If you get stopped and have to pay a seat belt fine, you still chose to break a law and not wear your seat belt right? Where is the loss of rights?

Guys...there are laws. Like them or not, they are there. If you choose to break them, you pay whatever cost comes with it. It's very black and white. It would be different if laws were being created that take your freedom away, but these are established laws that have been in place forever. Don't break the law, and it won't even be about money because there's nothing to fine you for.

01-01-2011, 01:54 AM
Am I missing something? No one's rights are being violated! A judge is issuing a warrant to compell your blood if you refuse to blow. The blood is then drawn by a medical proffesional. The cops not yanking you out of the car thru the window and ramming a syringe in your arm on the shoulder of the road. This doesn't even compare to warrantless wire taps Courtesy of the DOD from a few years ago...

Yes you are missing something. The 4th Amendment allows you the right to be secure in your person, home, and papers from illegal search and seizure.

You are also protected in the right of free travel in the US. They are putting your right to travel on hold so they can go fishing for drunks.

If they don't like the answers you give or the way you smell, they are going to ask for a breathalyzer (which can give false positives on mouthwash, mints, etc). If you refuse on whatever grounds you choose (for me, it is a waste of my time and their resources - I don't drink and drive). They will issue a warrant for your bodily fluids on questionable grounds at best.

IMHO, this is worse than the TSA scan or grope issue. I can choose not to fly.

Where does it stop? Maybe the Police and Judge can go door to door looking for drug dealers. When you refuse entry and they'll just issue a warrant on your doorstep. You have nothing to hide, right?

You will say they won't barge into your house, but that is exactly what they did in Toledo when they were looking for those two Michigan boys who's father "gave them to his girlfriend". Police went door to door in neighborhoods and searched the houses.

FWIW, my wife and I are designated drivers for my friends. They can call any time anywhere and I'll make sure they get home safe.

01-01-2011, 08:39 AM
I still fail to see how you're giving up any rights. If you get stopped and have to pay a seat belt fine, you still chose to break a law and not wear your seat belt right? Where is the loss of rights?

Guys...there are laws. Like them or not, they are there. If you choose to break them, you pay whatever cost comes with it. It's very black and white. It would be different if laws were being created that take your freedom away, but these are established laws that have been in place forever. Don't break the law, and it won't even be about money because there's nothing to fine you for.

Now that you mentioned seat belts i choose not to were them and thats why i have tinted windows on every car i own. Why dont you have to wear a helment but have to were a seatbelt, why because there are people who fight for your motorcycle rights.I have also given donations for them to do that.

01-01-2011, 08:46 AM
LOL, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your window tint is probably darker than legal too. Sounds like you give the police a whole buffet of reasons to pull you over and get in your business. You're asking to have your "rights" violated.

01-01-2011, 08:49 AM
Tell me where in the constitution its legal to detain someone illegally.

So tell us what the Constitution says about searches...

01-01-2011, 08:50 AM
LOL, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say your window tint is probably darker than legal too. Sounds like you give the police a whole buffet of reasons to pull you over and get in your business. You're asking to have your "rights" violated.

Yep sure is, they do not not need to no everthing.I also have no problem paying a ticket for tinted windows either.I will go out on a limb and say you are probably a tree hugger.

01-01-2011, 08:58 AM
Everyone has their own views on life and how it should be dictated. We all try to choose our own destiny but sometimes it is comprimised (sp). The numbers of drunk driving accidents have been down in 2010 which is a great step towards removing these idiots from our streets.

As far as some of the posts made by the above mentioned, thanks for giving me something to laugh about while on the road today. I thought it was gonna be a rough day with accidents and so on, but it's really slow. Thanks to Fasthawk, you made my day. Post up some more stuff so we can get a chuckle or two lol.

01-01-2011, 08:59 AM
So tell us what the Constitution says about searches...

Hey Rich, I'm still waiting on my Dayton results. I should be getting something really soon. The law director said I may be able to do a lateral transfer to save budget. We'll see!

01-01-2011, 09:05 AM
Yep sure is, they do not not need to no everthing.I also have no problem paying a ticket for tinted windows either.I will go out on a limb and say you are probably a tree hugger.

You know what's funny about guys like you, when you talk yourself into looking stupid you always take things to the personal level and start dishing out insults. I'm about as far from a tree hugger as anyone can get. You apparently haven't heard or seen my car.

I just have no tolerance for loser idiots drinking and driving. If i had it my way every person who blows illegally would lose their license for the rest of their life. You say your rights are being taken away having to pass through a check point, but you openly drive around with illegal tint thinking it's keeping your business personal? You're just throwing up a big flag asking to get pulled over, and then if you've been drinking you know where that leads...but i guess you got profiled or some other "right" was taken away right? You are knowingly breaking laws that will eventually lead to these "rights" you think you're losing being taken away from you.

You openly violate window tint laws.

You openly violate seat belt laws.

You may not support drinking and driving but you've stated that it's ok to drink a few beers with dinner and then drive home.

Yet somehow your rights are being violated? What about MY right to not have to share the road with you after you've had your beer with dinner? I couldn't care less about your tint...i couldn't care less if you wear a seat belt, but when you drive around buzzed and put me and my family at risk, you deserve to lose whatever rights you think you're losing in the pursuit of making the roads safer for us. I guess that's selfish but sorry, my family's safety is more important than your beer with dinner.

01-01-2011, 09:16 AM
Everyone has their own views on life and how it should be dictated. We all try to choose our own destiny but sometimes it is comprimised (sp). The numbers of drunk driving accidents have been down in 2010 which is a great step towards removing these idiots from our streets.

As far as some of the posts made by the above mentioned, thanks for giving me something to laugh about while on the road today. I thought it was gonna be a rough day with accidents and so on, but it's really slow. Thanks to Fasthawk, you made my day. Post up some more stuff so we can get a chuckle or two lol.

Typical cop, i sure there isnt any double standards,you guys kill me. I was at a xmas party where a hamilton county judge was at drinking got in his car and drove home. I am sure if he got stopped they would take his blood{ its all a joke }

01-01-2011, 09:25 AM

One of really great things about this country is the fact that if you do not like the law, you have options. One, you can simply choose not to follow it. Two, you can convince your local, state, or federal legislature to change or introduce a new law. Third, you can move to a different state or country that has laws that you like.

You will not get sympathy from many people when it comes to drunk driving.

01-01-2011, 09:26 AM
Typical cop, i sure there isnt any double standards,you guys kill me. I was at a xmas party where a hamilton county judge was at drinking got in his car and drove home. I am sure if he got stopped they would take his blood{ its all a joke }

I work with a guy that just got a dui and he is a cop...damn double standards!!!

01-01-2011, 09:26 AM
You know what's funny about guys like you, when you talk yourself into looking stupid you always take things to the personal level and start dishing out insults. I'm about as far from a tree hugger as anyone can get. You apparently haven't heard or seen my car.

I just have no tolerance for loser idiots drinking and driving. If i had it my way every person who blows illegally would lose their license for the rest of their life. You say your rights are being taken away having to pass through a check point, but you openly drive around with illegal tint thinking it's keeping your business personal? You're just throwing up a big flag asking to get pulled over, and then if you've been drinking you know where that leads...but i guess you got profiled or some other "right" was taken away right? You are knowingly breaking laws that will eventually lead to these "rights" you think you're losing being taken away from you.

You openly violate window tint laws.

You openly violate seat belt laws.

You may not support drinking and driving but you've stated that it's ok to drink a few beers with dinner and then drive home.

Yet somehow your rights are being violated? What about MY right to not have to share the road with you after you've had your beer with dinner? I couldn't care less about your tint...i couldn't care less if you wear a seat belt, but when you drive around buzzed and put me and my family at risk, you deserve to lose whatever rights you think you're losing in the pursuit of making the roads safer for us. I guess that's selfish but sorry, my family's safety is more important than your beer with dinner.

I never said it was ok to drink and drive,your misssing the whole point that there is no reason for them force you to give blood. How fucking stupid can you be you have already refused all test at this point and all ready guilty anyway with the refusal.The penatlys are worse if you refuse the test and it is my right to tell them to get fucked if i want. When you are arrested they read your rights to you and can use anyting you say aginst you. I am sure some wonderful officer could post them for you.

01-01-2011, 09:33 AM
I work with a guy that just got a dui and he is a cop...damn double standards!!!

I guess he must of pissed someone off along the way then because the ones i know wont even give other cops family members speeding tickets.

01-01-2011, 09:36 AM
IMHO, this is worse than the TSA scan or grope issue. I can choose not to fly.
You can choose not to drive. :screwy:
Ever heard of public transportation?

Where does it stop? Maybe the Police and Judge can go door to door looking for drug dealers. When you refuse entry and they'll just issue a warrant on your doorstep. You have nothing to hide, right? If you have nothing to hide, I highly doubt they are going to want to waste their time coming to search your house anyways. Unless you live in a neighborhood/area where there is a large drug problem, how likely is your doomsday scenario anyways?

You will say they won't barge into your house, but that is exactly what they did in Toledo when they were looking for those two Michigan boys who's father "gave them to his girlfriend". Police went door to door in neighborhoods and searched the houses.

"Search crews, as well as hundreds of volunteers, looked for the boys throughout the weekend, focusing much of their efforts in wooded areas surrounding Skelton's home. "

"Doug Rowland, the owner of the Lazy River Campground in Pioneer, Ohio, told that about 60 investigators visited his property today to search for the boys but came up empty handed.
Rowland said police told him they were working on a lead from a "ping" they got off a cell phone and they also suggested that Skelton himself mentioned a campground during an interview.
Police have said that the boys, who have been missing for four days, could be in "extreme danger."
"We remain hopeful," Weeks said. "That's why we're doing what we're doing to find these boys and bring them home."

Man these cops sound like real assholes!!!! Going door to door and violating everyones rights like that...:rolleyes:

01-01-2011, 09:40 AM
Well, the problem is that the alternative leaves a huge loophole. If you refuse the breathalyzer, you might look guilty or whatever but there is still no concrete proof that you are intoxicated and you can still take it to court and fight it. The blood test is that proof.

See, i don't 100% support this either. I just feel that if you're stupid enough to drink and drive, then whatever bullshit falls into your lap as a result, you asked for it. Like it's been said in this thread 10 times now, just don't drink and drive, don't break laws, and it'll NEVER come to that point.

You can quote me right here and now, when someone on here is pulled over and passes a field sobriety test, blows .00, and then is still forced to submit to a blood test, i'll be the first person to stand by your side to defend your rights. I just don't see that ever happening unless you're being belligerent or uncooperative and making an ass of yourself enough to bring it upon yourself.

01-01-2011, 09:40 AM
I never said it was ok to drink and drive,your misssing the whole point that there is no reason for them force you to give blood. How fucking stupid can you be you have already refused all test at this point and all ready guilty anyway with the refusal.The penatlys are worse if you refuse the test and it is my right to tell them to get fucked if i want. When you are arrested they read your rights to you and can use anyting you say aginst you. I am sure some wonderful officer could post them for you.

Go read the 4th amendment of the Bill of Rights. It's what gives you protection against unreasonable search and seizure. Here it is...
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Please pay attention to the words in blue...what that means in layman's terms is this...when you drive through a checkpoint and that officer speaks briefly with you, he is using his training to determine if you are impaired. If you show indicators of being impaired, you will be asked to submit to a series of "field" tests. You can refuse this. Now based on the totality of the circumstance the officer can submit his probably cause to a Judge and ask for a warrant. If the Judge feels that there is enough probable cause to believe that a crime has been committed, he will issue a warrant.

All of this falls into what the 4th Amendment says is allowed.

01-01-2011, 09:43 AM
You can quote me right here and now, when someone on here is pulled over and passes a field sobriety test, blows .00, and then is still forced to submit to a blood test, i'll be the first person to stand by your side to defend your rights. I just don't see that ever happening unless you're being belligerent or uncooperative and making an ass of yourself enough to bring it upon yourself.

I don't believe that would happen. If a person blows .00, shows no other signs, and passes the field sobriety tests, an officer would not have the probable cause it would take to get a warrant.

01-01-2011, 09:44 AM
I guess he must of pissed someone off along the way then because the ones i know wont even give other cops family members speeding tickets.

So your saying all cops work alike? I wrote a citation for a SGT. OSP Officer back in the summer. Talk about someone who was pissed. MY Brother in Law arrested a "Former" local police chief for OVI. The Chief was fired shortly after. No, cops aren't above the law, nor are they perfect. If your all for driving without a seatbelt, dark window tint, and god knows what else you do, let me know what kind of car you drive since you have no problem paying your fines :):bigthumb

01-01-2011, 09:46 AM many chances does a person get before it comes to the blood test?

First there's a visual assessment of the driver...does he look impaired?

Then if that fails, or maybe if your buddy spilled his Jack on you at the party and you smell like booze, you get asked to get out and do the field test.

Then if that fails, you're asked to do the breathalyzer.

Then if that fails and you still seem impaired, a second opinion comes out to decide if you seem impaired enough to submit a blood test.

I counted at least 3 chances for the sober law abiding citizen to avoid submitting to a blood test. If that person chose to be an asshole and refuse to do any of those tests, then they're bringing all this silly shit on themselves. The whole time, nobody is taking into consideration that these tests may well save their life someday by taking a drunk driver off the street.

01-01-2011, 09:47 AM
I don't believe that would happen. If a person blows .00, shows no other signs, and passes the field sobriety tests, an officer would not have the probable cause it would take to get a warrant.

Exactly! The only other reason it would happen is if someone is just being an asshole and wants to be uncooperative and refuse to do any of that, which then makes you look guilty. If you have nothing to hide why not blow into the stupid thing and prove it?

01-01-2011, 09:50 AM
Your all beating a dead horse here. It is what it is. Like it or not, this is the way it is.

01-01-2011, 09:50 AM
The best indicator in a field test is a test called "horizontal gaze nystagmus test" (HGN).

The eyes don't lie.

01-01-2011, 09:53 AM
I give all 3 tests either way. the HGN is my main indicator though. The eyes never lie! You are right. I can pretty much tell almost a 100% of the time based on whether or not the individual is on drugs or alcohol.

01-01-2011, 09:57 AM
Your all beating a dead horse here. It is what it is. Like it or not, this is the way it is. N=1274642541111


01-01-2011, 09:58 AM N=1274642541111


now that's funny :popcorn:

01-01-2011, 10:27 AM
So your saying all cops work alike? I wrote a citation for a SGT. OSP Officer back in the summer. Talk about someone who was pissed. MY Brother in Law arrested a "Former" local police chief for OVI. The Chief was fired shortly after. No, cops aren't above the law, nor are they perfect. If your all for driving without a seatbelt, dark window tint, and god knows what else you do, let me know what kind of car you drive since you have no problem paying your fines :):bigthumb

Its all about getting revenue , it used to be about serve and protect.I am sure there are cops personal cars at your district with tinted windows, already got a ticket for that and even drove through police stations lots befor i went to court. I have gone through checkpoints have done roadside test been arested for assualt because the cops would not do there job so i had to{ would i do it yes }. I have taken a voulatianry breathalyer at 3 am after a jimmy buffet concert and i was on the river since 5 pm so how many of you saints would do that.I draw the line at the blood test .

01-01-2011, 11:12 AM
Its all about getting revenue , it used to be about serve and protect.I am sure there are cops personal cars at your district with tinted windows, already got a ticket for that and even drove through police stations lots befor i went to court. I have gone through checkpoints have done roadside test been arested for assualt because the cops would not do there job so i had to{ would i do it yes }. I have taken a voulatianry breathalyer at 3 am after a jimmy buffet concert and i was on the river since 5 pm so how many of you saints would do that.I draw the line at the blood test .

A little friendly advice...when you decide to "draw the line", If the judge has signed a warrant to get your blood sample, just go ahead and cooperate. That will avoid any of my fellow officers getting hurt. As a famous comedian once said, "I'm not sure how many officers it was going to take, but I'm pretty sure I know how many they are going to use."

Thanks to Rich for so eloquently getting my original point across about PROBABLE CAUSE. Please read up on your constitutional rights, so that you don't get yourself in a bad spot based on what you THINK your rights are. I suppose some of you believe that a suspected child molester should have the right to refuse to give DNA evidence even if a Judge signs a search warrant for it. You cannot argue that it is a different situation because the degree of the crime. Probable cause is probable cause!

01-01-2011, 11:45 AM
For some reason this looks like a guy I know hahaha..:lol:

Hey Jet, Doesn't he look familiar? I mean really familiar? lol

01-01-2011, 11:51 AM
A little friendly advice...when you decide to "draw the line", If the judge has signed a warrant to get your blood sample, just go ahead and cooperate. That will avoid any of my fellow officers getting hurt. As a famous comedian once said, "I'm not sure how many officers it was going to take, but I'm pretty sure I know how many they are going to use."

Thanks to Rich for so eloquently getting my original point across about PROBABLE CAUSE. Please read up on your constitutional rights, so that you don't get yourself in a bad spot based on what you THINK your rights are. I suppose some of you believe that a suspected child molester should have the right to refuse to give DNA evidence even if a Judge signs a search warrant for it. You cannot argue that it is a different situation because the degree of the crime. Probable cause is probable cause!

If all you saints wanna get drunk drivers off the road while dont you go to city of cincinnati and sugguest checkpoints around the bengals stadium after eveyone goes in or octerborfest, party in the park and so on. why they dont do it is the money genrated from the events is to much. DOUBLE STANDARD dont you think. So dont praise on me about the situation.

Another typical cop anwser always badasses when there in a group. What do you think about going on pokerruns when they are sponsored by a local motorcycle group that are 90% cops and fire lead by on duty cops from bar to bar drinking, wow another double standard imagaine that and yes i was there. you guys are a f'ning joke.

Probable cause is a joke, you can came up with anything. Had my car searched for crossing the double yellow , i guess thats probable cause what a joke.

You guys need to worry about crime instead of revenue and i may have a whole different outlook.

If this did not revolve around money yhen there would be not need for laywers because all the judgements would be the same. Always a lesser charge with lawyers involved so everyone gets a cut of the pie.

01-01-2011, 12:03 PM

Just because a person has had a drink or a couple of drinks does not mean that person is drunk. The law is OVI, which means operating a vehicle while impaired.

There are some people who would be impaired after a single drink, while others may not be impaired after 10 drinks. Every situation is different.

From reading your posts, I would guess that your bad experiences with law enforcement is mostly due to your poor attitude.

01-01-2011, 12:08 PM
Probable cause is a joke, you can came up with anything. Had my car searched for crossing the double yellow , i guess thats probable cause what a joke.

So, tell us your opinion of what probable cause is...

You guys need to worry about crime instead of revenue and i may have a whole different outlook.

So driving drunk is not a crime?

01-01-2011, 12:31 PM
There are some people who would be impaired after a single drink, while others may not be impaired after 10 drinks. Every situation is different.

EXACTLY!!! which is why there needs to be a drunk driving test! if i can pass my driving test at .12 then i should be able to get a license at .12...

and to be perfectly honest, because of the condition of my hips and knees, especially when it is cold out, i will refuse a field sobriety test and rather take the breathalyser. but when it comes to taking blood, what will they do if a person is HIV positive? or has another type of blood borne disease?

when one of these comes up, i may refuse the breathalyser just to see how it works, and be completely stone sober just to see the looks on their faces when it comes up .000

01-01-2011, 01:00 PM
when one of these comes up, i may refuse the breathalyser just to see how it works, and be completely stone sober just to see the looks on their faces when it comes up .000

You have no idea how a DUI checkpoint works do you?:lol:

01-01-2011, 01:06 PM
you've obviously not seen where im from lol we don't have lines on the road and i havent seen a cop out here since i had my accident in june of 08...

guess i am a little unknowing on how they work...

01-01-2011, 02:18 PM
So, exactly what all do they test for, when they draw your blood?

I would also like to add, that in "these tough times", I don't agree with paying a judge and medical personnel to stand around at one of these things. Don't give me that same old tired line, about it being a grant, from the Feds. That, is still my money!

01-01-2011, 02:53 PM
BAC = BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT - It measures how much alcohol is in your system.

BAC Chart for Men Men
Approximate Blood Alcohol Percentage
Drinks Body Weight in Pounds
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Only Safe
Driving Limit
0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Only Safe Driving Limit
1 .04 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 Driving
2 .08 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03
3 .11 .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .05
4 .15 .12 .11 .09 .08 .08 .07 .06
5 .19 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .09 .08
6 .23 .19 .16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09 Legally

7 .26 .22 .19 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11
8 .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 .13
9 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14
10 .38 .31 .27 .23 .21 .19 .17 .16 Death Possible
Subtract .01% for each 40 minutes of drinking.
One drink is 1.25 oz. of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. of beer,
or 5 oz. of table wine.

01-01-2011, 02:59 PM
Your right. Drunk drivers do generate income. The hospital makes money. The lifesquad makes money. The mortition makes money. The graveyard makes money. The towtruck makes money. Hell if enough people drive drunk it would get us out of the recession.

01-01-2011, 03:00 PM
If they put a DUI checkpoint by the stadiums downtown everyone would sober up in traffic waiting to get thru them:coo1:.
The maggots have set in on this dead horse. :D

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year.

01-01-2011, 03:07 PM
Your right. Drunk drivers do generate income. The hospital makes money. The lifesquad makes money. The mortition makes money. The graveyard makes money. The towtruck makes money. Hell if enough people drive drunk it would get us out of the recession.

Your right, take the stimulus money and give it to the bars as happy hour subsidies;). We will be saved, no traffic from contructstion and gas prices will fall from less living residents purchasing petroleum products.

01-01-2011, 03:48 PM
If all you saints wanna get drunk drivers off the road while dont you go to city of cincinnati and sugguest checkpoints around the bengals stadium after eveyone goes in or octerborfest, party in the park and so on. why they dont do it is the money genrated from the events is to much. DOUBLE STANDARD dont you think. So dont praise on me about the situation.

Another typical cop anwser always badasses when there in a group. What do you think about going on pokerruns when they are sponsored by a local motorcycle group that are 90% cops and fire lead by on duty cops from bar to bar drinking, wow another double standard imagaine that and yes i was there. you guys are a f'ning joke.

Probable cause is a joke, you can came up with anything. Had my car searched for crossing the double yellow , i guess thats probable cause what a joke.

You guys need to worry about crime instead of revenue and i may have a whole different outlook.

If this did not revolve around money yhen there would be not need for laywers because all the judgements would be the same. Always a lesser charge with lawyers involved so everyone gets a cut of the pie.

:angel: Prayers for peace and wisdom!

01-01-2011, 03:56 PM
If they put a DUI checkpoint by the stadiums downtown everyone would sober up in traffic waiting to get thru them:coo1:.
The maggots have set in on this dead horse. :D

Hope everyone has a safe and happy new year.

Thats a great anwser, i will tell you why. The NFL has to much money and would be up in everyones a$$.

01-01-2011, 04:05 PM

Just because a person has had a drink or a couple of drinks does not mean that person is drunk. The law is OVI, which means operating a vehicle while impaired.

There are some people who would be impaired after a single drink, while others may not be impaired after 10 drinks. Every situation is different.

From reading your posts, I would guess that your bad experiences with law enforcement is mostly due to your poor attitude.

It mostly the local police that make it this way. I got a ticket for 87 in georgia a couple years ago no were is the fire are you in a hurry no bullshit. State patrol cop very cool and professional. I asked to see his laser after he wrote the ticket because i new i was speeding but neither laser or rader dector in either car went off. Have a nice day and both were on are way. Thats what proper training can do , i dont need a lecture from some cop that is young enough to be my kid.

01-01-2011, 04:07 PM
BAC = BLOOD ALCOHOL CONTENT - It measures how much alcohol is in your system.

BAC Chart for Men Men
Approximate Blood Alcohol Percentage
Drinks Body Weight in Pounds
100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Only Safe
Driving Limit
0 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Only Safe Driving Limit
1 .04 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 Driving
2 .08 .06 .05 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03
3 .11 .09 .08 .07 .06 .06 .05 .05
4 .15 .12 .11 .09 .08 .08 .07 .06
5 .19 .16 .13 .12 .11 .09 .09 .08
6 .23 .19 .16 .14 .13 .11 .10 .09 Legally

7 .26 .22 .19 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11
8 .30 .25 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14 .13
9 .34 .28 .24 .21 .19 .17 .15 .14
10 .38 .31 .27 .23 .21 .19 .17 .16 Death Possible
Subtract .01% for each 40 minutes of drinking.
One drink is 1.25 oz. of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz. of beer,
or 5 oz. of table wine.

I assume you were answering my question.

So, that is all they are looking for, BAC?

Why not check for Marijuana, cocaine, heroin, etc.....?

Are they not allowed to, by the warrant?

01-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Then, there is the difference, that someone has had 2 beers and is hit by some dumb-ass that is sober, but is not paying attention. How is that fair?

I heard Ohio's death toll, for the holiday weekend, was 6. Two were alcohol related. They won't tell you, who was at fault, only someone was drinking?

Statistically, it would be safer, to drive drunk.

I am all for removing both drunk and dumb drivers from the road. However to be the first you have to be both.

01-01-2011, 04:16 PM
Better yet why dont we stop in with a nurse and start checking cops for steroids because there is no way some of these guys can get that big natural but thats ok they look intimidating or the union would step in.

01-01-2011, 04:18 PM
I am all for removing both drunk and dumb drivers from the road. However to be the first you have to be both.

The others were probably on there cell phones or texting.

01-01-2011, 04:46 PM
Better yet why dont we stop in with a nurse and start checking cops for steroids because there is no way some of these guys can get that big natural but thats ok they look intimidating or the union would step in.

Nice deflection attempt...:D

01-01-2011, 05:55 PM
No deflection attempt just pointing out something, all my bad i guess theres no truth to that either.

01-01-2011, 06:09 PM
No deflection attempt just pointing out something, all my bad i guess theres no truth to that either.

No deflection attempt? You bring up steroids and unions while we are discussing DUI checkpoints and that's not deflection?

01-01-2011, 06:50 PM
No deflection attempt? You bring up steroids and unions while we are discussing DUI checkpoints and that's not deflection?

All goes hand and hand with a blood test in my opinion, sounds like i my have hit a little nerve.:bigthumb

01-01-2011, 06:53 PM
All goes hand and hand with a blood test in my opinion, sounds like i my have hit a little nerve.:bigthumb

If you ever meet me, you will be able to tell very quickly that I've never done a!

01-01-2011, 06:56 PM
If you ever meet me, you will be able to tell very quickly that I've never done a!

Never did i say you it was a general statement.

Squale iii
01-01-2011, 08:17 PM
There's about a dozen unlikely variables in there that are so unlikely to happen all at the same

Oh and i'm betting the judge wouldn't issue a warrant to draw blood on a guy who 1) works in a brewery, 2) has a busted ankle, and 3) blew a .00 :lol:

He's the new president of the OE...Oppressed Emos hahahahhah.

01-02-2011, 10:33 AM
I like how the sheep say its ok for the government to do as they please. It's not alright to be illegally searched on Friday and Saturday nights. Next thing is they can knock on your door and walk right in and search because they feel the need. It's ok though because their keeping the sheep safe.

Right. The sheep will say, "If you don't have anything illegal in your house, you won't have anything to worry about".

I am dead set against invasion of our rights,I have told many people including law enforcement,zoning,etc... to get off my property or come back with a warrant. On public roads you get what you get. I am 100% against drunk driving (those who know me well know why) and have no sympathy for anyone who gets a dui, it is better than killing someone, being killed yourself or permanently injured. Drink responsibly people, a good time is only a good time if it is done safely. A few hours of fun is not worth anyones life.

No. The ones who support this crap, yes, it truly is crap, are some of the biggest hypocrites. To say they aren't is burying your head in the sand. They are out for the same thing as you and I, MONEY. They just go about getting their cash differently then you or I.

To assume I have something to hide by refusing a breathalyzer is crap too. I know a guy who, if stopped, wouldn't pass the first hurdle, that being verbal, as he has a speech problem that makes him sound like he is drunk. Is that fair to him?

Yes you are missing something. The 4th Amendment allows you the right to be secure in your person, home, and papers from illegal search and seizure.

You are also protected in the right of free travel in the US. They are putting your right to travel on hold so they can go fishing for drunks.

If they don't like the answers you give or the way you smell, they are going to ask for a breathalyzer (which can give false positives on mouthwash, mints, etc). If you refuse on whatever grounds you choose (for me, it is a waste of my time and their resources - I don't drink and drive). They will issue a warrant for your bodily fluids on questionable grounds at best.

IMHO, this is worse than the TSA scan or grope issue. I can choose not to fly.

Where does it stop? Maybe the Police and Judge can go door to door looking for drug dealers. When you refuse entry and they'll just issue a warrant on your doorstep. You have nothing to hide, right?

You will say they won't barge into your house, but that is exactly what they did in Toledo when they were looking for those two Michigan boys who's father "gave them to his girlfriend". Police went door to door in neighborhoods and searched the houses.

FWIW, my wife and I are designated drivers for my friends. They can call any time anywhere and I'll make sure they get home safe.

I agree with all of the above. I don't however disagree with the right to stop you on a public road. Driving after all is a privilege not a right. I don't disagree with submitting to a field sobriety nor a breathalyzer. My issue is with the final step, a blood test. My person has been searched and my vehicle has also probably been searched. And now a blood test must be submitted or you go to jail. I think alot of you are missing the point and wghere this will lead. When you are in court you have the right to take the "Fifth". This means you cannot be compelled to give evidence against yourself against your will. How is a blood test not in violation against the Fifth amendment??????????????????????????????

'No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.'

01-02-2011, 11:26 AM
I agree with all of the above. I don't however disagree with the right to stop you on a public road. Driving after all is a privilege not a right. I don't disagree with submitting to a field sobriety nor a breathalyzer. My issue is with the final step, a blood test. My person has been searched and my vehicle has also probably been searched. And now a blood test must be submitted or you go to jail. I think alot of you are missing the point and wghere this will lead. When you are in court you have the right to take the "Fifth". This means you cannot be compelled to give evidence against yourself against your will. How is a blood test not in violation against the Fifth amendment??????????????????????????????

'No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb, nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.'

I have found another with some sense :bigthumb

01-02-2011, 05:23 PM
I have found another with some sense :bigthumb

No, he found a thread and posted. I believe what you meant to say, was that what he said, makes sense. :cool2:

I'm still waiting for an answer, to my question.

01-02-2011, 05:40 PM
Better yet why dont we stop in with a nurse and start checking cops for steroids because there is no way some of these guys can get that big natural but thats ok they look intimidating or the union would step in.

Let's give all cops piss tests too. You know what they say, "If you want the best dope, get it from a cop".

01-02-2011, 10:17 PM
Why make disrespectful comments regarding all Police Officers when we know there is quite a few on this site? The fact they’re on here and interested in Mustangs is a good thing. I myself have been through the roadside DUI stops and I just sat there patiently knowing that in a few minutes I would be on my way. It's amazing that no matter what is done to stop drunk drivers the problem continues. It seems simple "if you drink don’t drive" but the dumb ass drunks will still do so. If your car doesn’t reek of alcohol or drugs then they won’t need to search your car or take your blood. If they suspect you’re intoxicated and you refuse to the breathalyzer then you’re asking for problems. If you are not drinking or under the influence of drugs and you’re concerned about your 4th Amendment rights then say no when they ask to search your vehicle. Unless they have probable cause and reasonable suspicion they can’t search. If your under the influence then you give up your right to say no.

01-02-2011, 10:26 PM
Why make disrespectful comments regarding all Police Officers when we know there is quite a few on this site? The fact they’re on here and interested in Mustangs is a good thing. I myself have been through the roadside DUI stops and I just sat there patiently knowing that in a few minutes I would be on my way. It's amazing that no matter what is done to stop drunk drivers the problem continues. It seems simple "if you drink don’t drive" but the dumb ass drunks will still do so. If your car doesn’t reek of alcohol or drugs then they won’t need to search your car or take your blood. If they suspect you’re intoxicated and you refuse to the breathalyzer then you’re asking for problems. If you are not drinking or under the influence of drugs and you’re concerned about your 4th Amendment rights then say no when they ask to search your vehicle. Unless they have probable cause and reasonable suspicion they can’t search. If your under the influence then you give up your right to say no.

I will agree to give cops the same respect they give the public. Unfortunately, that is very little.

01-02-2011, 10:26 PM
Don't drink and drive and you won't have a problem. Simple.

01-02-2011, 10:42 PM
I will agree to give cops the same respect they give the public. Unfortunately, that is very little.

I disagree, it really depends on the officer. I have had officers treat me like crap and I treated them the same in return. I have had officer write me a ticket while treating me respectfully and all you can really do is apologize, take your ticket and be on your way.

01-02-2011, 11:10 PM
I haven't had a ton of tickets, but I've had a few driving almost 50 years. Yes, I've had a few experiences with police where they treated me with respect and I gave it in return. I will say though, most of the times the officer is a bully with a huge ego, and a gun.
Years ago a friend of mine was in a late night poker game. One of the players was a Cincinnati police officer. The policeman had had several beers and at one point came out with this piece of wisdom, "Do you guys know what it is like to be a cop? It means I can do anything I want to you, including shoot you, and you can't do a Fin' thing about it". Sorry, I can't find any respect for a toad that thinks like that.

01-02-2011, 11:36 PM
The last ticket I had the cop treated me nice. He said where you going so fast. I told him I had to get up early and go to work. He said ok this won't take long and he went back and wrote me a ticket. I think we should go back 50 years.. My dad called the cops and said a dog was stealing peoples rugs off there porches. To my fathers surprise the cop came up and shot it. He has to laugh when he tells the story because he was shocked when it happen. Cops are held much more accountable now. As far as the cop telling people he could shoot them would be no different than me telling someone I was going to have there electric shut off. Cops aren't allowed to joke

01-02-2011, 11:37 PM
Several years ago my wife and I and another couple were on the way to the White House Inn for New Years Eve dinner. We were stopped at a DUI checkpoint on 747. Now the officer that came up to my car was very polite. He asked if I had had anything to drink to which I answered , politely, no sir. Then he asked WHERE WE WERE COMMING FROM AND WHERE WE WERE GOING. What the hell business was that of his? I almost expected him to ask me for Ze papers. I don't want drunk drivers on the road either, but I don't want to be stopped and questioned by the Gestapo either.

01-02-2011, 11:40 PM
The last ticket I had the cop treated me nice. He said where you going so fast. I told him I had to get up early and go to work. He said ok this won't take long and he went back and wrote me a ticket. I think we should go back 50 years.. My dad called the cops and said a dog was stealing peoples rugs off there porches. To my fathers surprise the cop came up and shot it. He has to laugh when he tells the story because he was shocked when it happen. Cops are held much more accountable now. As far as the cop telling people he could shoot them would be no different than me telling someone I was going to have there electric shut off. Cops aren't allowed to joke

Sorry. No, they can't joke about shooting me.

01-03-2011, 06:50 AM
Sorry. No, they can't joke about shooting me.
It certainly isn't funny.
My father was killed in cold blood by a covington police officer in 77, several months before I was born. A riot followed but nothing was ever done. I actually grew up next to that officers partner who hadn't made it on the scene yet. The person being chased by police was my fathers friend.

01-03-2011, 10:15 AM
Several years ago my wife and I and another couple were on the way to the White House Inn for New Years Eve dinner. We were stopped at a DUI checkpoint on 747. Now the officer that came up to my car was very polite. He asked if I had had anything to drink to which I answered , politely, no sir. Then he asked WHERE WE WERE COMMING FROM AND WHERE WE WERE GOING. What the hell business was that of his? I almost expected him to ask me for Ze papers. I don't want drunk drivers on the road either, but I don't want to be stopped and questioned by the Gestapo either.

He doesn't care where you have been, he is gathering evidence. The more questions asked the more window time he has with you and the more time he has to observe your mannerisms and actions and peer inside your car for objects in plain view. He probably didn't even hear the answer to your questions. It's a stall tactic. Why would he care where you were? Even if he a has a streak of the Defuhrer he can't do anything about it. Do you think he jotted it down in a notebook or something to jerk off with later?

Every proffesion will have toolbags. Is every place you guys work chock full of completely normal, cool people? Doubt it. If the people you did work with saw people die in forklift accidents every year wouldn't they try to do everything they can to make sure your warehouse was being driven in safely by coherent operators?

The cop @ the DUI checkpoint isn't trying to fullfill power trips or Hitler fantasies, he's trying to responsd to one less Fatal car accident scene where the drunk walks away and the family leaves in the coroners truck.

01-03-2011, 10:22 AM
Im also afraid the 5th ammendment battle has repeatedly taken place on venues much higher than Stangbangerz for these checkpoints/blood warrants. A force more crooked than any officer on the street lost the battle= attorney's. If you don't like it contribute to a fund to escalate the case in court and make a lawyer richer. If you don't want to waste your money spend it on a cab or buy dinner for a DD and make sure everyone get's home safely.

01-03-2011, 05:03 PM
He doesn't care where you have been, he is gathering evidence. The more questions asked the more window time he has with you and the more time he has to observe your mannerisms and actions and peer inside your car for objects in plain view. He probably didn't even hear the answer to your questions. It's a stall tactic. Why would he care where you were? Even if he a has a streak of the Defuhrer he can't do anything about it. Do you think he jotted it down in a notebook or something to jerk off with later?

Every proffesion will have toolbags. Is every place you guys work chock full of completely normal, cool people? Doubt it. If the people you did work with saw people die in forklift accidents every year wouldn't they try to do everything they can to make sure your warehouse was being driven in safely by coherent operators?

The cop @ the DUI checkpoint isn't trying to fullfill power trips or Hitler fantasies, he's trying to responsd to one less Fatal car accident scene where the drunk walks away and the family leaves in the coroners truck.

Thats called ohsa by the way. I went to class on forklifts and what a joke that was ,some of the most unsafe things i have ever seen in there video.Most of the ohsa rules and seat belt laws and bullshit like that are to keep people from hurting themselves. Ohsa is only around to help unqualifed people get jobs they should not be doing anyway.

01-03-2011, 07:30 PM
What a day. I had to sign a dnr so my sister could die. Otherwise they would keep her on a vent. Theres only 2 things I have to say. Please write out ahead of time the life saving technics you want them to use. Don't make you make the descision for them Second if you think it's funny that you can't quit smoking you should have been up there with me and mom watching her die because she couldn't quit. She was 59. It anint worth it.

01-03-2011, 10:19 PM
Thats called ohsa by the way. I went to class on forklifts and what a joke that was ,some of the most unsafe things i have ever seen in there video.Most of the ohsa rules and seat belt laws and bullshit like that are to keep people from hurting themselves. Ohsa is only around to help unqualifed people get jobs they should not be doing anyway.

I though that's what affirmitive action/ unions were for... Just kidding (halfway).

My condolences for your sister Mike. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I lost my mom when I was 15 two days before christmas, nothing anyone says will make it better. The only comfort you have is that her physical suffering is over. PM me if you and Andy need help getting that trans back in, I can bring a kerosene or LP heater to take the edge off as well as clutch alignment tools etc.

01-03-2011, 10:29 PM
Thanks a lot. It was a bad day. Mom is 78 and dad is 82 so everything is falling my direction. I had another sister die 2 years ago and they hadn't got over that yet. I had to catch mom when I told her. Dad has dementhia and he just sat in his wheel chair and cried. It was bad. It will be a couple of weeks now before I will let you know and thanks again.

01-03-2011, 11:42 PM
I am very sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you.