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ABC Family - Yeah Right! [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : ABC Family - Yeah Right!

05-22-2010, 05:29 PM
Could someone with teenaged children please explain to me what is so appropriate about the shows, "Secret Life of a Teenager", "Pretty Little Liars", "Make it or Break it", and other pathetic forms of so called family entertainment presented on this channel's lineup? Since when is a Soap Opra setting dealing with teenagers getting knocked up, sleeping around, wearing women's lingerie, and soforth got to do with wholesome family entertainment? Have I missed something here or has the family entertainment industry dropped to a new low level that flirts with skirting the boundary of Teenage pornography?

Why not just change the name to ABC Teenage Porn Channel. That would fit the series line ups much more approriately. It's too bad that a person has to sit through all the smut commercials just to watch a movie like "My Girl" or "Pay it Forward" or "Sand Lot".

Could the parent of a teenager please explain to me what useful wholesome message comes from this type of prgramming? I must be missing something. Whatever happened to "Different Strokes", "Eight is Enough", "The Waltons", "The Wonder Years", and forms of family television viewing of that level?

05-22-2010, 05:33 PM
I have questioned the same exact thing.

05-22-2010, 08:56 PM
It just shows how far from our moral compass this society has gone when people believe that these shows are acceptable to be classified for a "family channel"

A new kind of family is their slogan and it kind of scares me.

About the only station I watch anymore is DIY and HGTV.

Everything else is sex or people dying. No quality entertainment anymore.

You left out the Cosby Show.

Mista Bone
05-22-2010, 08:58 PM
What about Blair and Joe on "Facts of Life?"

05-22-2010, 09:40 PM
What about Blair and Joe on "Facts of Life?"

05-22-2010, 09:50 PM
It just shows how far from our moral compass this society has gone when people believe that these shows are acceptable to be classified for a "family channel"

A new kind of family is their slogan and it kind of scares me.

About the only station I watch anymore is DIY and HGTV.

Everything else is sex or people dying. No quality entertainment anymore.

You left out the Cosby Show.

That scares me as well and I don't have any kids. We decided after we got married not to have kids. That was 15 years ago. It's only gotten worse. The moral compass and the way it is pointing makes me glad we had none. Truth is I would have killed the first boy that I caught trying to seduce my daughter if I had one, and I would have strangled my own son the first time I caught him trying to do the same thing to another man's daughter. Not litteraly (for those of you under 18 who don't understand exaggeration) but I'm sure you get my point.

We had enough crap to give us ideas about finding ways to try to outgrow our physical age so to speak without the help of MTV, VH1 and so called "family channels" when I grw up in the early 80's. There's no chance for a young teenager these days to keep their heads on straight, their hormones in check, and make it to 21 without a major disaster (more exaggeration for you minors reading this) these days. And people ask me why I have no kids.

My hats off to those of you who are successfully raising your children with morals and discipline and ability to understand the means of working for a living. You are pulling off the miracle hat trick. I couldn't do it. Just too old fashioned I guess. Have a good day and God be with all you parents.

New kind of Family - That's a crock! Sounds like a line from Joy Behar.

05-22-2010, 09:55 PM
What about Blair and Joe on "Facts of Life?"

Forgot all about them. "Good Times" was another good show, and everybody watched "Chico and the Man".

05-22-2010, 10:11 PM
TV land channel makes Abby happy. She loves "The Andy Griffith show". If it's in color she doesn't want to watch it, she prefers black and

05-22-2010, 10:45 PM
I am with you 100%, my daughter (12) got into watching the secret life, personally I found it disturbing. They glorified teenage pregnancy to be no big deal. To me it is a big deal. I did't have kids until I was 25 and I think that is the perfect age, you don't want to be too old raising kids, but too young isn't that great either.

05-22-2010, 11:38 PM
TV land channel makes Abby happy. She loves "The Andy Griffith show". If it's in color she doesn't want to watch it, she prefers black and

Now that's funny. When I was her age I wanted to see the color shows instead of the B/W.

05-23-2010, 03:19 AM
I was watching Horror movies and playing Rated M video games in Elementary and Middle School. I always knew the difference between real life and fake, it's not Hollywood's fault some parents don't know how to teach their kids the difference between the two.

05-23-2010, 03:40 AM
I was watching Horror movies and playing Rated M video games in Elementary and Middle School. I always knew the difference between real life and fake, it's not Hollywood's fault some parents don't know how to teach their kids the difference between the two.

I would rather my kids watch horror movies and other such things that are so far from reality it isn't hard to tell they aren't real than shows like that.

05-23-2010, 07:31 AM
I was watching Horror movies and playing Rated M video games in Elementary and Middle School. I always knew the difference between real life and fake, it's not Hollywood's fault some parents don't know how to teach their kids the difference between the two.

Easy to differentiate Freddy Kruger from reality. Easy to differentiate Jason from reality. Easy to differentiate Dragons and Ghouls in video games from reality. A person with Forest Gump's IQ can even do that. Parents can teach the difference between these sort of things. Heck teens know the difference in 99.9% of cases with no upbringing at all.

It should be the parent's place to raise the child NOT THEIR GRANDCHILDREN as so may find themselves doing these days, regardless of how hard they tried as parents. My suspiscion is that many members of Congress, public School Teachers, as well as members of Hollywood have taken it upon themselves to decide what is moral and what is not nowadays, leaving the parent in a tougher situation to reason morals with their children as they grow. Parents, and parents only am I correct in this thought process?

When you choose to take subject matter (as these tv show writers chose) such as teenage sex and teenage pregancy and put a twist on it that glamourizes it and makes having teen sex freely the norm and getting pregnant in highschool desirable and routine to a young girl (though the new grandparents are now paying to raise the illigit child) you are no longer dealing in fantasy.

05-23-2010, 07:35 AM
Hell i don't let my kids watch the evening news because they're always flashing dead bodies and just general death/murder/hate shit all across the screen.

This is why at my house we have a serious library of Disney and Pixar movies and they get played quite often.

05-23-2010, 11:49 AM
My honest opinion is parents just like to blame TV shows or Hollywood for their child's fuck ups, instead of looking at themselves and saying they made a mistake as a parent and actually try and parent them. The media shouldn't have to censor things like that (thought this site was all against Govt. control lol), if you don't want your kids watching it then don't let them.

05-23-2010, 12:42 PM
My honest opinion is parents just like to blame TV shows or Hollywood for their child's fuck ups, instead of looking at themselves and saying they made a mistake as a parent and actually try and parent them. The media shouldn't have to censor things like that (thought this site was all against Govt. control lol), if you don't want your kids watching it then don't let them.

That's the whole point young padwon. Govt. already tries to tell you raise your kid, how to dsicipline your shild, what your kid should eat, how heavy your kid should be, etc. It started with Hillary Clinton (actually before her) in a book she wrote called "It takes a Village", and has progressed forward. Parental control has been taken from the parent until such time the out-of-control child is a burden on society, and then govt. expects the parent (s) to take responsibility after the damage has been done.

As far as telling a kid not to watch something that level of upbringing worked for you right? You always unconditionally did everything to the letter that your parents allowed for forbid correct? Be honest now, it clearly wasn't that long ago for you. Lightning may strike you. LOL! The only way to have stopped you from watching something you were gonna watch anyway was to remove the cable from the house. I was a kid once myself. It wasn't as recent as you, but things don't change that much with regard to testing you parents. Only the limits to which they can correct your misguided thought process. After all it was Bill Cosby who referred to Children as "The Brain Damaged People" (Bill Cosby "Himself" 1984). This uncludes me and every other person who was a child once. See you around town.

05-23-2010, 02:04 PM
That's the whole point young padwon. Govt. already tries to tell you raise your kid, how to dsicipline your shild, what your kid should eat, how heavy your kid should be, etc. It started with Hillary Clinton (actually before her) in a book she wrote called "It takes a Village", and has progressed forward. Parental control has been taken from the parent until such time the out-of-control child is a burden on society, and then govt. expects the parent (s) to take responsibility after the damage has been done.

As far as telling a kid not to watch something that level of upbringing worked for you right? You always unconditionally did everything to the letter that your parents allowed for forbid correct? Be honest now, it clearly wasn't that long ago for you. Lightning may strike you. LOL! The only way to have stopped you from watching something you were gonna watch anyway was to remove the cable from the house. I was a kid once myself. It wasn't as recent as you, but things don't change that much with regard to testing you parents. Only the limits to which they can correct your misguided thought process. After all it was Bill Cosby who referred to Children as "The Brain Damaged People" (Bill Cosby "Himself" 1984). This uncludes me and every other person who was a child once. See you around town.

Of course I didn't do everything my parents asked me, but whats your solution to this so called problem? Govt takes more control of what we watch and do for entertainment now too? Look at all the fines that came down on WEBN a few years ago for saying "vulgar" words on the air. If you don't like it then don't fuckin listen to it. Censor every fuckin thing we do, talk about some bull shit.

05-23-2010, 02:22 PM
Of course I didn't do everything my parents asked me, but whats your solution to this so called problem? Govt takes more control of what we watch and do for entertainment now too? Look at all the fines that came down on WEBN a few years ago for saying "vulgar" words on the air. If you don't like it then don't fuckin listen to it. Censor every fuckin thing we do, talk about some bull shit.

I agree, f*ck censorship. But, i think your missing the point of the OP. I program my 6 year olds direct tv reciever in her bedroom. If I block all the bullshit, and only allow her to watch kids/family channels. I shouldn't have to worry about answering 20 questions concerning a scene that a 6 year old shouldn't be watching. Some parents are quick to blame the media, when in the end all responsibility, and accountability should be the parents. But, some of these programs labeled family/children is something I wouldnt want my daughter exposed to.

05-23-2010, 06:17 PM
I agree, f*ck censorship. But, i think your missing the point of the OP. I program my 6 year olds direct tv reciever in her bedroom. If I block all the bullshit, and only allow her to watch kids/family channels. I shouldn't have to worry about answering 20 questions concerning a scene that a 6 year old shouldn't be watching. Some parents are quick to blame the media, when in the end all responsibility, and accountability should be the parents. But, some of these programs labeled family/children is something I wouldnt want my daughter exposed to.

yeah, cause TJ is a bad enough influence LOL :cool1:

05-23-2010, 06:44 PM
I agree, f*ck censorship. But, i think your missing the point of the OP. I program my 6 year olds direct tv reciever in her bedroom. If I block all the bullshit, and only allow her to watch kids/family channels. I shouldn't have to worry about answering 20 questions concerning a scene that a 6 year old shouldn't be watching. Some parents are quick to blame the media, when in the end all responsibility, and accountability should be the parents. But, some of these programs labeled family/children is something I wouldnt want my daughter exposed to.

Exactly. I don't think the shows are "bad" just inappropriate for children under the age of about 16. As parent it is our responsibility to teach our children. If we let them watch shows liek this without being there to explain to them that it isn't real and things don't really work that way then they will believe they do.

05-23-2010, 07:15 PM
Of course I didn't do everything my parents asked me, but whats your solution to this so called problem? Govt takes more control of what we watch and do for entertainment now too? Look at all the fines that came down on WEBN a few years ago for saying "vulgar" words on the air. If you don't like it then don't fuckin listen to it. Censor every fuckin thing we do, talk about some bull shit.

I agree, f*ck censorship. But, i think your missing the point of the OP. I program my 6 year olds direct tv reciever in her bedroom. If I block all the bullshit, and only allow her to watch kids/family channels. I shouldn't have to worry about answering 20 questions concerning a scene that a 6 year old shouldn't be watching. Some parents are quick to blame the media, when in the end all responsibility, and accountability should be the parents. But, some of these programs labeled family/children is something I wouldnt want my daughter exposed to.

Never said anything about censorship. You keep getting your panties in a wad over things you keep reading into this thread. Put your little 1st ammendment heart into check and listen to what 92stang and other parents are saying here. No one wants to censor anything. It is simply this. DON'T CALL SOMETHING FAMILY THAT CLEARLY IS ON THE VERGE OF BEING EXPLICIT ADULT ONLY.

As an adult (assuming 306 power you are) if you want to see or say anything or cuss as you have been doing that is your right under the 1st ammendment. I served 8 years active duty as many others here did so that you could have that right preserved. Not wanting to take it away from you now or in the future. Remember that 1st ammendment is for every citizen of this country not just those you agree with.

The point is this. Don't dress something up that it is not. That's deceptive and misguiding. Call a horse a horse, call a tree a tree. Don't call a pyle of manure sprinkled in sugar and spice Chocolate Fudge Cake. It may smell good under the disguise but its still just crap. You want to watch teenagers playing young adult and getting naked together do so. Just don't label it appropriate for teens. My interest here was to find out if parents felt that this type of programming and the way it has been packaged is appropriate. Clearly the concensus from these parents is that it isn't appropriate for children or at least children under 16. So there you have it. Here endeth the lesson.

Please read the post before you go getting you hormones all in a rage the next time. Have a successful and blessed week. :)

05-23-2010, 08:14 PM
but what really is the use of trying to teach our kids values and how to be upstanding citizens and NOT be a burden to society? it seems in the past few years, that being 16 has a whole different "glamour" to it now than it did many other countries do you know of that will take a network that used to show a badass sweet 16 party, and now glorify some little bitch who backtalks her parents and probably should have been swallowed anyway on a show called "16 and pregnant"....where did the innocence of childhood go? it went from "oh!! our baby is turning 16!! lets have a party for her she wont EVER forget!!" to "our lil slut is gonna have a baby, lets get MTV to put it on their show so our low rent livin like mexican asses dont have to pay for it when it pops out and becomes another oxygen sucking waste like the rest of our family!"

05-25-2010, 02:58 PM
but what really is the use of trying to teach our kids values and how to be upstanding citizens and NOT be a burden to society? it seems in the past few years, that being 16 has a whole different "glamour" to it now than it did many other countries do you know of that will take a network that used to show a badass sweet 16 party, and now glorify some little bitch who backtalks her parents and probably should have been swallowed anyway on a show called "16 and pregnant"....where did the innocence of childhood go? it went from "oh!! our baby is turning 16!! lets have a party for her she wont EVER forget!!" to "our lil slut is gonna have a baby, lets get MTV to put it on their show so our low rent livin like mexican asses dont have to pay for it when it pops out and becomes another oxygen sucking waste like the rest of our family!"


The sweet 16 show was just as much horse shit. Little spoiled brats throwing tamptrums becuase they got a 3 series instead of 5 series....

At least the 16 and pregnant show is modern trailer park entertainment... (If you date your step family and get evicted from a trailer you are OFFICALLY WHITE TRASH) Who decided to air that garbage???

As a disclaimer I do not watch these shows, the wife's sister whom rents my upstairs occasionally DVR's them on me.

As to the original post I agree. ABC family is complete garbage for normal programing. The network name should be changed to: not good enough for ABC but good enough for "young adults" to choke down. That's hard to pronounce and even harder to fit in a network logo.