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employees?????? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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04-01-2010, 01:34 PM
is there such thing as a hard worker? someone that pays attention when they are helped so they wont need help the next time.... mabie not take a hour lunch so they can get there hours up? or mabie stay late to figure somthing out. sometimes i want to fire everyone and just do this shit my self. FUKKKKKK

04-01-2010, 03:13 PM
:lol:and learn how to spell maybe

04-01-2010, 03:40 PM
You're on SBZ at 1:34?? :lol:

Mista Bone
04-01-2010, 03:58 PM
is there such thing as a hard worker? someone that pays attention when they are helped so they wont need help the next time.... mabie not take a hour lunch so they can get there hours up? or mabie stay late to figure somthing out. sometimes i want to fire everyone and just do this shit my self. FUKKKKKK

Nope, the hard workers get fired first but they see a problem and bring it to managements attention.

AKA.....they bitch too much.

04-01-2010, 05:23 PM
Nope, the hard workers get fired first but they see a problem and bring it to managements attention.

AKA.....they bitch too much.

That's my life in a nutshell. It's awesome when you really do know more about the work than your bosses do and could fix so many problems if you just had the authority.

04-01-2010, 06:10 PM
I work at DMAX (Joint Venture w/ General Motors+Isuzu) and they are that way also. I am just an hourly employee that in my own opinion can figure out and fix just about anything that goes wrong mechanically and most electronically. But they have to have me call a MST's (Mecanical Service Technition) that can take up to an hour to get there to be allowed to turn a bolt and tighten something up. Just frustrating when they have meetings complaining about downtime and cost. I still don't understand it.

04-01-2010, 06:28 PM
I think there is something to the old saying " If you want something done right , you have to do it yourself. " . Sad but true .

04-01-2010, 06:49 PM
I feel your pain Tom, I have somewhat the same problem, shows up late most the time, leaves early due to the time clock being off 15 mins. in between on the computer none stop. However this week I'm off & I think he may realize what I do on a daily basis, he is having to do it this week. Time will tell or he will get the Acme Rocket from my boss.

04-01-2010, 06:58 PM
I think there is something to the old saying " If you want something done right , you have to do it yourself. " . Sad but true .

You sure got that right....

04-01-2010, 11:56 PM
I feel your pain Tom, I have somewhat the same problem, shows up late most the time, leaves early due to the time clock being off 15 mins. in between on the computer none stop. However this week I'm off & I think he may realize what I do on a daily basis, he is having to do it this week. Time will tell or he will get the Acme Rocket from my boss.

Honestly man,you have issues with me,you can talk to me in person.And not post this shit on a public internet forum.

Same time clock makes me 15 minutes late every day.We have had NO cars in the shop till THIS WEEK.
Im not posting anymore about this shit.And I would appreciate it if you didnt either.Thanks.

04-02-2010, 01:33 AM
please do.. ha ha jk jk i work hard!

Mista Bone
04-02-2010, 03:12 AM
I feel your pain Tom, I have somewhat the same problem, shows up late most the time, leaves early due to the time clock being off 15 mins. in between on the computer none stop. However this week I'm off & I think he may realize what I do on a daily basis, he is having to do it this week. Time will tell or he will get the Acme Rocket from my boss.

Too cheap to fix the time clock??????

04-02-2010, 04:00 AM
I think society is ruining that for everyone.
I worked at 32 ford for roughly 1 month. I came in every morning about 7:15. I didn't expect to get paid for the time I spent drinking coffee and just getting woke up. I came early because at that time of the moring it didn't take me long to get from loveland. A half hour later traffic was terrible. There seemed to be no happy medium either early or late.
When i got there every morning the service writer gave me work. At that point I clocked in and went to do it. At the end of 2 weeks I had figured my hours to be roughly 45 per week. I got paid for 38 per week. I questioned management and they told me that I didn't get paid until 8am no matter what I was doing. So I started showing up at the same time and when the service writer handed me work I told him it had to wait until 8 because I wasn't paid until 8. The job was terrible they wouldn't give me any work to do, I ended up quitting because they wanted me to go flat rate, which wasn't a problem except I didn't get any work. If i went flat rate I would be standing around all day begging for work (which I did when I wasn't flat rate) and making nothing.
The only work i actually got was before anyone else got there. The next job i took I put in about 60 hours per week. They promised to make me a partner of the converter shop when it was relocated to keep me from taking a much higher paying job with GE. When they finally made the move I was laid off and they hired a kid for $8 an hour. They told him how easy my job was and that I did nothing. The kid didn't even last a week and they shut down that shop. They probably would have called me back at that point but I told the owner what I thought of him when I came to pick up some of my tools.
A good friend of mine told me that if an employee is lazy it is the managements fault because they are not giving them a reason to work hard.
I worked hard for 9 years with that company and all I got was a worn out neck and back. Oh and a bunch of lies.
The bottom line if your employees aren't doing what they should be either motivate them to work or can them and hire new. Finding people who need jobs right now isn't very difficult.

Mista Bone
04-02-2010, 04:46 AM
Alan, I share your work ethic.

I freaking hate to stand around, give me something to do...even if it is a broom.

Mine you I spent 20 years 1985-late 2004 in food warehousing.....all I got was bad knees and a shitty back.

04-02-2010, 09:01 AM
:lol:and learn how to spell maybe
mwaller is now the spelling master of If u have nothing to add to a post u might as well post about spelling

04-02-2010, 09:04 AM
You're on SBZ at 1:34?? :lol:

Your on SBZ at what does that mean??

04-02-2010, 01:45 PM
Your on SBZ at what does that mean??

Well you were on here at 9:04am.

Big J Botang
04-02-2010, 01:46 PM
I am am on right fuckin now!!!!!!

04-02-2010, 02:22 PM
I have worked with some places that bred the laziness because nothing was done. No sort of discipline for their lack of work.
Then I worked a couple places that had no problems clipping the bad buds for their lack of performance.
Just like pruning trees or Rose Bushes trimming the weaker buds gives room for more to bloom.

A few firings of those not pulling their weight will encourage those that are too keep it up and give the opportunity to hire those that are willing to do the work.

Tough Love but it seems to work when I have seen it in practice.

04-02-2010, 02:42 PM
I am am on right fuckin now!!!!!!

Yes you you are on right fuckin now!!!!!!

04-02-2010, 03:19 PM
You're on SBZ at 1:34?? :lol:

i can be on the computer when ever i want i own this bitch!!!

04-02-2010, 04:40 PM
I read all this and kind of laugh. You guys would seriously lose it if you dealt with what i do at work. The stupidity is just on another level. You've really never seen laziness like this. Management will complain and they know i've been in their shoes so sometimes they'll say something to me like "why is that guy so damn slow" and i'll say "because you let him be that slow". They try to put people on time limits and give them expectations, and the people who care are the only ones who suffer because they end up doing 3x the work as everyone else and management is just fine with that as long as the job gets done.

Last night i was told to do something by my boss that would get me fired if i did it on my own. This is the second time i've been told to do this. The first time i got really pissed and stood up to her and told her it was BS and that i was going to the head guy. I did and he acted concerned but apparently he never said anything to her or she doesn't give a damn or i wouldn't have been told to do it again.

If any of you where small business owners and i was your employee, and i came to you on a daily basis and told you how time could be saved and how productivity could be gained, wouldn't you at least hear me out? Even if you're set on your ways of doing business, if a guy is passionate about what he does and he tries every single day to show you a better way, wouldn't you at least be curious? These people simply do not give a shit. They want the end results, and they don't care how hard i have to work to get it there.

I've even explained the problems to one of the comanagers, and he's on the level. He understands and agrees with everything i say, but he's not in charge of the things that i need changed so he can't help.

Basically it boils down to the retail world, every time you have to handle merchandise you lose money off the profit you make when that merchandise sells because you're paying someone to handle it. We handle merchandise literally 100s of times before it ever gets sold, and that's no exaggeration. There are items that have gone from the warehouse to the salesfloor and back every single day this year. That's 3 people per day that get paid to handle a $5 item. The majority of the things that get sold, they've actually lost profit on. If this where a mom and pop chain, they'd have been out of business years ago. All i can say is the profit margin must be through the roof for them to be able to waste time and money like they do.

04-02-2010, 05:03 PM
i can be on the computer when ever i want i own this bitch!!!

No offense, but I hate that mentality. You're complaining about your employees not working when you're on the internet posting about it in the middle of the work day.

04-02-2010, 05:13 PM
No offense, but I hate that mentality. You're complaining about your employees not working when you're on the internet posting about it in the middle of the work day.

do as i say not as i do :rolleyes:

04-02-2010, 05:22 PM
If any of you where small business owners and i was your employee, and i came to you on a daily basis and told you how time could be saved and how productivity could be gained, wouldn't you at least hear me out? Even if you're set on your ways of doing business, if a guy is passionate about what he does and he tries every single day to show you a better way, wouldn't you at least be curious? These people simply do not give a shit. They want the end results, and they don't care how hard i have to work to get it there.

We handle merchandise literally 100s of times before it ever gets sold, and that's no exaggeration. There are items that have gone from the warehouse to the salesfloor and back every single day this year. That's 3 people per day that get paid to handle a $5 item. The majority of the things that get sold, they've actually lost profit on. If this where a mom and pop chain, they'd have been out of business years ago. All i can say is the profit margin must be through the roof for them to be able to waste time and money like they do.

Why would they? In their eyes, "the job is getting done." And yes, it does hurt the people trying while others slack, IE-smoke breaks, hitting the head, something to drink, etc... BTDT. That is why I have had to resort to doing only my job and not taking on any other jobs unless it is pure boredom.

That is the way Advance is. Operating the Commercial desk, I was keeping a 35% gross profit nearly everyday. This stuff is discounted even further then what the normal dumbshits pay this crap. One example is rotors. I can sell them to the best of the "best" commercial customers at their price for $17/each. The average walk-in customer gets hammered for $32/each. So really how much does that rotor cost? My best guess, about $8/each, maybe even less.:(


04-02-2010, 06:23 PM
I told one of the bosses last night that i blame myself for part of the problems. They just kinda looked at i explained that the harder i work to make this mess go away, the less obvious the problem is to the top of the food chain. The harder i work, the more successful i am, the harder my job will become. Isn't that screwed up? At least i have a $.50 raise per year to look forward to.

04-04-2010, 09:32 PM
No offense, but I hate that mentality. You're complaining about your employees not working when you're on the internet posting about it in the middle of the work day.

i was leaving early for the first time in a year. Going to the driving range was like getting a vication.

04-04-2010, 09:59 PM
I work in a power plant and what I find is you have a few people that really work hard but the rest spend there day telling people how hard they work. What I can't believe is some people actually believe them. No I'm not a hard worker but I work steady and accurate. Believe me if you make it worth there while they will stay after. I make 50 bucks an hour on time and 1/2 and I am more that happy to stay. Thet are there to make money and make sure you do.

04-07-2010, 11:31 AM
i was leaving early for the first time in a year. Going to the driving range was like getting a vication.

If you own the company there really is no need to explain anything you do. Your success and continued success depends on your employees. If they are treated right you will be successful.

Any one that complains what the owner does needs to go start their own company.

04-07-2010, 11:34 AM
I work in a power plant and what I find is you have a few people that really work hard but the rest spend there day telling people how hard they work. What I can't believe is some people actually believe them. No I'm not a hard worker but I work steady and accurate. Believe me if you make it worth there while they will stay after. I make 50 bucks an hour on time and 1/2 and I am more that happy to stay. Thet are there to make money and make sure you do.

i thing accepting that ur not a hard worker is the part of the problem that most companys are having. if people would just work hard and shut up everyone would have more money.

Big J Botang
04-07-2010, 02:51 PM
i thing accepting that ur not a hard worker is the part of the problem that most companys are having. if people would just work hard and shut up everyone would have more money. can go above and beyond and the pay never goes up. My bosses think you should work more hours than expected, for no overtime, because the company is great. WOW.

Big J Botang
04-07-2010, 02:51 PM
i thing accepting that ur not a hard worker is the part of the problem that most companys are having. if people would just work hard and shut up everyone would have more money.

Also, who do you boss around with that kind of grammar?

04-07-2010, 03:54 PM
Also, who do you boss around with that kind of grammar?

I dont BOSS anyone around, i tell my guys the way to do shit. The right way!