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Could Marijuana realy fix the economy?? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Could Marijuana realy fix the economy??

02-19-2010, 04:05 PM

02-19-2010, 04:12 PM
Yes. The amount of jobs it would generate, the tax that it could yield, without a doubt it would be a money maker. Even the state goverment would make money by regulating it like they do for alcohol.

02-19-2010, 04:14 PM
Nope. The drug cartels aren't going to just quit and go out of business. All they will do is offer a better product, and cheaper price than the gov't would offer...TAX FREE.

02-19-2010, 04:15 PM
i just read an article about how many people die from car,overdose and any other way u can die and none have anything to do with pot. i personaly dont think it would help me. but if u think about how many people go to work 6am still drunk, id rather they be stoned, dirving 50 insted of 80 to work.

02-19-2010, 04:23 PM
this could get interesting:popcorn:

02-19-2010, 04:34 PM
willie for president

satan jamez
02-19-2010, 05:09 PM
It's a tuff decision. I could work yes, but if it didn't, how hard would it be to reverse?

02-19-2010, 05:21 PM
It wouldn't fix the economy any more than alcohol and cigs have now. It might be a temporary bandaid but it won't fix any problems.

LOL imagine a farmer with huge crops of pot. Imagine them trying to keep the neighbor kids from getting into it. American farmers would turn into drug cartels. Instead of Redman and a shotgun they'd be toting coke and an AK.

02-19-2010, 05:37 PM
It might not be a FIX for the economy, but it could certainly help.
Not only would a LOT of people be paying tax on pot, but cops could quit waisting their time busting somebody for smoking a weed. It would free up a lot of sorely needed jail space for real criminals. It would stop a lot of the drug violence, just like repealing prohibition stopped the alcohol violence. Really, the answer is so obvious. Pot is sooo much less dangerous than either cigarettes or alcohol, both of which kill tens of thousands of people every year - if not millions. Why should someone have his life ruined by a drug conviction over a little pot? If a person is caught driving high, throw the book at him. If a person comes to work high, fire him. If a person wants to smoke a joint and listen to The Grateful Dead - let him. :)

02-19-2010, 05:54 PM
I think .......... I forgot ... Oh Well !!! LMAO

02-19-2010, 06:15 PM
Pot is sooo much less dangerous than either cigarettes or alcohol, both of which kill tens of thousands of people every year - if not millions.

actually it has been proven that one joint equals 5 cigarettes.

02-19-2010, 06:18 PM
you guys see this?

02-19-2010, 06:28 PM
actually it has been proven that one joint equals 5 cigarettes.

The difference is, a person might smoke 20 - 80 cigarettes a day. Most people that smoke pot only smoke just a couple a day. Big difference,

02-19-2010, 06:29 PM
The reason people aren't dying from it as much as cigs is because it's not legal. Make it legal and 20 years from now people will be dying from pot related lung cancer just like cigs. Even people who only smoke on occasion will be smoking A LOT more if it were legal and easy to buy.

02-19-2010, 06:30 PM
I think it...uh what were we talking about again?

02-19-2010, 06:30 PM
The difference is, a person might smoke 20 - 80 cigarettes a day. Most people that smoke pot only smoke just a couple a day. Big difference,

Again, because it's illegal and they have to blend in with society. If it were cheaper and legal, you don't think people would smoke more?

02-19-2010, 06:43 PM
The reason people aren't dying from it as much as cigs is because it's not legal. Make it legal and 20 years from now people will be dying from pot related lung cancer just like cigs. Even people who only smoke on occasion will be smoking A LOT more if it were legal and easy to buy.

I don't buy that either. In the 60's, pot was both easier to get and cheaper than cigarettes. Also, your argument that EVERYBODY would be smoking pot all the time is ridiculous. In countries where it has been legalized, usage actually goes down. A hell of a lot more people die from drug gang violence and being shot or tased by a cop than ever die from smoking pot.

02-19-2010, 06:48 PM
Nobody ever got lung cancer from it either right? I guess it's not big enough to make the evening news, and if it's not there or on the internet headlines like death by taser then it must not be happening. I dunno. I just have 2 kids and i worry about their futures. The laws would have to be so tightly controlled that i don't see how it would work.

Oh and the youth of today is not quite the same mentality of the youth of the ' know, the whole peace and love thing is pretty much a thing of the past. I don't think it's fair to compare what people did 40 years ago to what might happen today if it was legalized.

02-19-2010, 07:30 PM
I wonder how many people have lung cancer in Amsterdam? vs us

02-19-2010, 07:38 PM
I don't know i guess lung cancer isn't really cause to keep it illegal. I mean if people want slow legal suicide then go for it, it's no different than cigs are now. I just don't see how people think it won't be more accessible to kids if it's legal. That's my problem with it. I'm not ok with the mentality that kids will try it either way or that being illegal is why people try it and if it's legalized then less people will try it. That's retarded. I'm also not buying that people think it's NOT a gateway drug. I grew up with an entire senior class who went on to try harder drugs and quite a few of them ended up dead because of it. This just isn't the future i want for my kids. I think the majority of people who are for it either don't have kids or their kids are already grown and making their own choices anyways. I guarantee you that for every mature grown up who's only toking a little in the privacy of his home and not harming anyone, there will be 10 kids out getting high and killing themselves (and i don't mean by overdosing, i mean by car crashes or trying other drugs). Just because some '60s veteran who's been smoking for years can hold his own driving while high doesn't mean the kid who just turned 18 and can buy it legally can.

I don't know. I guess if i were into it maybe i would understand. I just don't see improving the economy and turning our government into an organized drug ring as grounds for legalizing it. I also don't think comparing it to alcohol and cigs...two things that have been proven to destroy lives and families...makes any kind of justification either.

Aaaaand with that, i'm bowing out of this one before it hits the whipping room and things get personal. :)

02-19-2010, 07:41 PM
i still think that it could help generate income and save a lot of wasted dollars

02-19-2010, 07:42 PM
how do you kill ur self driving 10 in a 25mph zone?

02-19-2010, 07:44 PM
i still think that it could help generate income and save a lot of wasted dollars

Sorry i know i said i was, but i will also add that i'm NOT all for this crazy prison sentencing for people getting busted with a roach in their car. THAT is going too far. But, if you get caught with more than a personal stash then you need some kind of fine or something. It's pretty stupid how many people are in jail for minor possession. If the laws for that alone were a little more lenient then you'd have cops spending less time dealing with these issues and the jails wouldn't be so full, and you wouldn't have to legalize it to make that happen.

02-19-2010, 07:45 PM
i wish i was high last year when i was getting a ticket for 106 in a 45. it would have been ......25 ina 45, " sir can u please speed it up "

02-19-2010, 07:47 PM
i wish i was high last year when i was getting a ticket for 106 in a 45. it would have been ......25 ina 45, " sir can u please speed it up "

The same thing that makes your senses dull enough to drive so slow also makes your reaction time slower when say, a pedestrian walks in front of you or a car pulls out in front of you. Get it?

02-19-2010, 08:00 PM
i understand, and im saying it should be legal. somthing is gona change and the government will benifit greatly from it.

02-19-2010, 08:08 PM
if i ever catch my kids with any drugs i'll slap the shit out of them

02-19-2010, 08:25 PM
what will u do if u catch them with a beer or a cig? just cause its leagal or not is not what i was wondering. let me digress, if regulated properly would allowing farmers grow and sell marijuana in bulk help or hurt the economy. i realise that personal views will vary but what about this issue for the USA?

Squale iii
02-19-2010, 08:37 PM
The government would make so much tax money off of pot it would be unreal. Imagine them charging, say, $300 for an OZ of good shit...they could take, say, 30% off the top as mary jane tax.... They'd be making $100/oz on that batch. They could have different line-ups for people based on their incomes too! Shitty weed for people with no money, and quality for the wealthy. Either way, the gov't gets their hands on money that's currently being traded under the table. Not to mention if grown within the U.S. they could create jobs, and take away from the smuggling operations of other countries.

02-19-2010, 08:44 PM
Some of the people i know that smoke spend around 25-50 a week. the every day dudes who knows?

02-19-2010, 08:58 PM
what will u do if u catch them with a beer or a cig? just cause its leagal or not is not what i was wondering. let me digress, if regulated properly would allowing farmers grow and sell marijuana in bulk help or hurt the economy. i realise that personal views will vary but what about this issue for the USA?
slap the shit out of them

02-19-2010, 09:02 PM
I remember what it went for in the late 80s. What is it going for now? I mean if it were legalized, what kind of money could we be talking about here?

02-19-2010, 09:34 PM

02-19-2010, 09:37 PM
if it were legal and i was already drunk, i will probably puff puff give a few times ... i heard it makes fat women thin and ugly women cute ...

02-19-2010, 10:07 PM
I need some Cheetos ...

02-19-2010, 11:17 PM
Pot should be legal no doubt about that, not only would it create a mass load of tax dollars but the crime rate would drop as it has in European countries. It would prevent a lot of people from having to go into bad areas and bad neighborhoods to get it. Not only that but history has shown that making something illegal never stops anything. What happened when the Govt. restricted alcohol? People still drank, hell that's when moonshining started. What would happen if the Govt. restricted firearms? There would still be a lot on the streets, making something illegal does not prevent it from being out there. Multiple studies have shown that drinking beer is worse than smoking dope, but most of the general public feels it's ok for older teens to drink but not to smoke weed. It would be the other way around if pot was legal and alcohol wasn't.

02-20-2010, 02:01 AM
So the gov is going to make a crap load off of taxing it. How exactly does that help me? Am i to expect to pay less taxes or...?

02-20-2010, 08:38 AM
In my opinion, the benefit to the USA by legalizing pot will yes be in the tax money that is collected, but more than that, the prisons will not be full of lesser crime people, the cops won't need to spend countless resources tracking down the end users, they can concentrate on the real criminals out there. Then have room in the prison to lock them up. There fore making the streets safer for the general public.
Sure the stuff needs to be grown but existing farmers would take care of that. Unless the production of pot is handled by one farm somewhere, then there would be only a few jobs created.

02-20-2010, 09:04 AM
Nowadays you can pick up an OZ of mid grade pot for 100-140 a bag.. 325-500 a quater pound. Now if you have some hydro shit i have seen that stuff go for 20 a gram . 450 an OZ

02-20-2010, 09:40 AM
I'll say this once again...DO YOU REALLY THINK THE DRUG CARTELS WILL JUST GIVE UP AND GO AWAY BECAUSE IT WOULD BE 'LEGAL'?. No they will not! They will simply offer better stuff cheaper than the gov't would sell it.

02-20-2010, 10:01 AM
I'll say this once again...DO YOU REALLY THINK THE DRUG CARTELS WILL JUST GIVE UP AND GO AWAY BECAUSE IT WOULD BE 'LEGAL'?. No they will not! They will simply offer better stuff cheaper than the gov't would sell it.

not if its cheap and they would not make any money and it would not be worth it

02-20-2010, 10:11 AM
That is a good point, but u think the drug cartels are gona sell rolled packaged of killer weed. hell no its in a bag. if cigs were only sold in bags smoking would prob drop 30%. i smoke cigs and i bet i couldnt role one if u payed me. The US will name it, promote it and make tons off of it.

02-20-2010, 11:04 AM
I think it's ridiculous that there are so many deaths from alcohol and drunk drivers, but there has never been a recorded death from pot, yet it's still the worst thing in the world. You can't overdose it and I read in one of my psychology classes that when used on a regular basis it actually stimulates the brain. If it were sold, in a controlled fashion legally, no one would want to deal with going to buy from a drug dealer. Why would someone take the risk to save a few bucks to buy from a dealer instead of just going up to speedway?

02-20-2010, 11:05 AM
Oh yeah, and fast food sales would sky rocket!! If this happens I'm buying stock in Wendy's.

02-20-2010, 11:30 AM
Yes and here is how you could do it. Government has special farms to grow it. The stuff is then rolled and sold like cigarettes. Say 5 a pack at twenty dollars a pack. the tax on that would be high. You then make the fines for non government controled weed so high that people will want to buy it legally. simple and effective. Government makes billions and our taxes drop. That's from a non pot smoking person.

02-20-2010, 11:52 AM
You would still have people trying to sell illegally grown and processed dope laced with who knows what, to anyone at any age, which would still require DEA agents to comb the country and arrest people for the same things as you still see with regard to illiegal production and distribution of alcohol (It still goes on). Under aged kids would have even easier access to it than they do now. The under age law that would surely accomodate legalization would not stop kids from getting the stuff, only make it illegal for them just as it does alcohol. Drug dealers would begin killing each other in price wars because they were being forced to lower their prices in competition with each other which would be in direct yet illegal competition with legal distribution. Nothing would change other than the reason forthe gang violence. Then there would be the debate over whether second hand dope smoke is healthy or not, followed by dope smoking or non-dope smoking seating in fast food restaurants and the attempt to eventually ban that in small business establishments like bars and restaurants across each state.

I see no benefit except for possible tax revenue. Then we would find ourselves with heavy sin taxes on dope and the unavoidable Surgeon General Warning Labels, followed by lawyers filing class action law suits against dope companies for distributing products that cause cancer. Next to follow would be HUGE increases on imposed taxes to deter usage and we would be right back where we started. It would be the war on tobacco chapter two, the sequal to second hand cigarette smoke.

02-20-2010, 12:19 PM
A stoned 15yro or a drunk 15yro. Pick wich does dies from too much of what they are doing?

02-20-2010, 12:36 PM
Keep in mind that the over indulgence in snack foods brought on by being stoned can effect your health as well. Too many Twinkies can kill a person. LOL!

More seriously:

Regardless of the impairing substance the 15 year old is still developing. Either can have ill-effects on the developement process of the body and mind of a child. Arguing which is worse is a political stalemate. Neither is good for a 15 year old. I won't play into that proverbial, "Which is the worser evil?" argument. Both cause people to make stupid mistakes and/or choices that they would otherwise not rationalize in a sober state.

02-20-2010, 01:32 PM
My biggest thing I didn't mention earlier was I don't think it's the Govt's. job to to make decisions for people in that nature, if thats the case everything that "harms" a person should be illegal. Ciggs, alcohol, snack foods, and everything. It's the same thing as the Govt trying to outlaw guns, sure just because some idiot goes in and blows up a room of people with an AK doesn't mean the Govt should outlaw guns and even if they did they would still be everywhere. The argument that weed causes other people to suffer from accidents has no credibility simply because alcohol, guns, and even cell phones can do the same thing in the wrong hands. I want to ask the people that think it should be illegal, do you own a firearm? If so, whats the difference in outlawing guns and pot? Is it the Govt's job to outlaw either of them? Neither of them kill people, people kill people. Negligence will always happen with things of these nature. There will always be drunk drivers and always be people who uses guns to kill innocent people. That doesn't mean they should be outlawed or that even an outlaw would stop anything. Look at it this way, does moonshining still happen? Yes of course, did it go drastically when the 21st amendment repealed the 18th? Hell yeah it did. Legalizing wont stop illegal trade but it will cut back into it.

02-20-2010, 03:24 PM
My biggest thing I didn't mention earlier was I don't think it's the Govt's. job to to make decisions for people in that nature, if thats the case everything that "harms" a person should be illegal. Ciggs, alcohol, snack foods, and everything. It's the same thing as the Govt trying to outlaw guns, sure just because some idiot goes in and blows up a room of people with an AK doesn't mean the Govt should outlaw guns and even if they did they would still be everywhere. The argument that weed causes other people to suffer from accidents has no credibility simply because alcohol, guns, and even cell phones can do the same thing in the wrong hands. I want to ask the people that think it should be illegal, do you own a firearm? If so, whats the difference in outlawing guns and pot? Is it the Govt's job to outlaw either of them? Neither of them kill people, people kill people. Negligence will always happen with things of these nature. There will always be drunk drivers and always be people who uses guns to kill innocent people. That doesn't mean they should be outlawed or that even an outlaw would stop anything. Look at it this way, does moonshining still happen? Yes of course, did it go drastically when the 21st amendment repealed the 18th? Hell yeah it did. Legalizing wont stop illegal trade but it will cut back into it.

everyone is bitching about taxes on the pot. I say legalize it and not tax it, Should be sold in smoke shops not like cigs, Have the goverment sell it cheap enough so that it would not be worth growing and double the consequences if someone is cault re selling or harvesting pot .. I think it would worjk out that way..

Lets say hey i want to smoke some pot, Go to a smoke shop like they have in amsterdam. If people wanna bitch and say well tahts dumb one can go get high then leave and drive. Why do they have bars that is pretty much the same thing..

02-20-2010, 03:29 PM
if you ever see this show on watch it. "American Drug War the Last White Hope" it opened my eyes. Here's a vid link it was on HBO. In a nut shell it's about how the drug was on marijuana is nothing but a money engine for this country. How everyday law abiding citizen's who smoke a little are funding jails and even towns with peaty drug busts. Also you'll hear a good stat that if they legalized and taxed marijuana in three years time the entire deficit would be wiped out and there would be enough money left over to give every tax paying citizen 100,000 (that came from a superior court judge)....... I'm not saying they need to make it legal for 18 year olds but just like booze it needs to be 21 and over. There has never been one case of marijuana killing someone!!!!! See how many cases there are from prescription drugs, or cigarettes, even over the counter drugs. I know and have seen lots of people's lives ruined by alcohol, prescription drugs that have invaded our neighborhood, people knocking over a pharmacy to get these things....... how many robberies, or violent crimes do you hear regarding weed smokers?????? It needs to start with decriminalizing it, meaning you can possess less then 28 grams/1 oz for personal use and it not be a crime. Next legalize it everywhere for medicinal purposes there are a lot of people who can benefit from this, and It doesnt have to be in a smokable form, they can make butter or anything out of it, and some of your family members might benefit and either ease pain and or enable them to see. Who wouldnt be for their little old granny to be able to open a door who couldnt because they have arthritis or who can now see due to glaucoma and now can be self sufficient. They really need to take a hard look at it and do some studies.

02-20-2010, 03:31 PM
and great topic Tom!!!!!!!!!! great discussion

02-20-2010, 03:34 PM
Also think about it? Like tabacco is a good example of how weed should be sold. Have different grades of pot like thc levals ? For example Lets say we have ohio finest it has 23% thc it sells for 4.25 a gram then you have hawaii mawi wowie it has 30% thc for 6.77 a gram.. You can only smoke pot in smoke shops ..

02-20-2010, 03:42 PM
I believe people should have the right to choose what they do. I think many things should be legal that aren't. You have to have a prescription to get antibiotics in this country. Many countries you do not. Our freedom is questionable. Legalizing marijuana would probably help the government. However if they legalized it would people actually buy it, why wouldn't they just grow there own. I've seen this stuff grown. I'm sure it is expensive in fertilizers and such to make good quality stuff, but in Ky it grows wild, the product is considered crap but it still grows with no help from anyone.
Alcohol is 10times as dangerous and has to be man made. The only reason they claim marijuana is illigal is becuase it is the "gateway" drug. If it were legal would it still be?

02-20-2010, 08:10 PM
No one would want to deal with growing it. American's love convenience. I think the only people that would deal with growing it would be the die hard pot heads that already grow it now.

02-20-2010, 10:53 PM
not if its cheap and they would not make any money and it would not be worth it

IF they legalized it, by no means would it be cheap. The gov't would tax the shit out of it, and likely control every aspect of it from the seeds to the distribution. By no means will the gov't EVER legalize it to the point where anyone and everyone "of age" could just go to the Kwickie Mart and buy a sack-o-weed, or a pack of just won't happen.

Mista Bone
02-20-2010, 11:45 PM
What about hemp?

Great for the fibers and the oil for biofuels.

Biofuels such as biodiesel and alcohol fuel can be made from the oils in hemp seeds and stalks, and the fermentation of the plant as a whole, respectively. Biodiesel produced from hemp is sometimes known as hempoline[38].
Henry Ford grew industrial hemp on his estate after 1937,[39] possibly to prove the cheapness of methanol production at Iron Mountain. He made plastic cars (the so-called Hemp Car) with wheat straw, hemp and sisal. (Popular Mechanics, Dec. 1941, "Pinch Hitters for Defense.") Filtered hemp oil can be used directly to power diesels.


Hemp stem showing fibers.
The fiber is one of the most valuable parts of the hemp plant. It is commonly called bast, which refers to the fibers that grow on the outside of the woody interior of the plant's stalk, and under the outer most part (the bark). Bast fibers give the plants strength. Hemp fibers can be between approximately 0.91 m (3 ft) and 4.6 m (15 ft) long, running the length of the plant. Depending on the processing used to remove the fiber from the stem, the hemp may naturally be creamy white, brown, gray, black or green.[citation needed]
The use of hemp for fiber production has declined sharply over the last two centuries, but before the industrial revolution, hemp was a popular fiber because it is strong and grows quickly; it produces 10% more fiber than cotton and 10% more fiber than flax when grown on the same land.[citation needed] Hemp has been used to make paper. It was often used to make sail canvas, and the word canvas derives from cannabis.

02-21-2010, 09:47 AM
Does anyone know if there is a referance to Marijuana in the Bible?

02-21-2010, 12:13 PM

doesn't appear to be a problem with God.

02-21-2010, 12:15 PM
Yes there is actually

The ancient recipe for this anointing oil, recorded in the Old Testament book of Exodus (30: 22-23) included over nine pounds of flowering cannabis tops, Hebrew "kaneh-bosm" B, extracted into a hind (about 6.5 litres) of olive oil, along with a variety of other herbs and spices. The ancient chosen ones were literally drenched in this potent cannabis holy oil.
B The "m" is a pronounced plural, and the singular kaneh-bos sounds remarkably similar to the modern cannabis. Although often mistranslated as "calamus", the word has been translated as "fragrant-cane" in most modern bibles, and specifically designates the fragrant flowering tops of cannabis.

02-21-2010, 09:01 PM
not too many people against it on here....... hu?

02-21-2010, 09:03 PM
not too many people against it on here....... hu?

Doesnt seem like it..... funny bet were all looking at each other like hmmm yup he does.... hmmm yup oh yea I know he does lol

02-21-2010, 09:05 PM
lmao, i was thinking the same thing :~

02-22-2010, 08:33 AM
How mant LEOs have read this thread and taken down names? LOL!!!

02-22-2010, 08:37 AM
ZO6 since you started the tread we all know you do now!!!!!!!! lmao j/k well maybe lol

04 Venom
02-22-2010, 09:21 AM
How mant LEOs have read this thread and taken down names? LOL!!!

You might find that LEO agree with de-criminalization.

02-22-2010, 09:31 AM

04 Venom
02-22-2010, 09:34 AM

Should have said "many" or "most".

02-22-2010, 09:41 AM
what's a LEO?

04 Venom
02-22-2010, 09:43 AM
law enforcement officer

02-22-2010, 10:06 AM
ahhhhhhh gotchya never heard them called that

02-22-2010, 11:03 AM
Tax revenue aside,

All Crime goes down if you change what quailifies as a crime. Lets legalize PCP, and coke to while were at it.

If Coke is used "responsibly" then noone gets hurt.

If Prostitution was legalized and enjoyed safely noone gets hurt.

The biggest reason it is illegal IMO is that their is no way to quantify how high someone is. For alcohol you can have them blow. You can't pull someone over for driving to slow or running a stop sign have them blow in a box and arrest them for conusming 2oz's.

Last fall a guy who was higher than shit ran a redlight going 50mph @ the intersection of RT4 and Bypass 4 T-boning me and my family in my company truck (3500 Dmax silverado Crew cab). He and his car both wreaked of weed. The frame of the truck was bent from the impact. Had I have been in my Focus My son and Fiance would not have escapped death/injury as they did in a 9,000 lb truck. At the scene of the accident the officer refused to site/arrest him for OVI/DUI because he couldn't measure how high he was. He took my offer to bash his skull open on the guardrail to measure blood content for THC more serious than this assclown almost executing my family.

Im not a big believer in the speed kills slogan. You can still kill someone with a 3000lb vehicle at 15mph. The difference being if you were drunk you could be prosecuted as such. If you were high its ussually treated as a traffic offense unless you have substantial product with you.

As far as tax revenue goes, I don't believe the government should be entitled to any more of any ones money. Speeding is illegal. I speed. I understand if I get caught I will be fined. If I speed a lot I could be arrested/jailed. I surely don't want a government weed control division.

I don't need a law change to make my personnel choices legalized. If I can't take the consequences I just don't do it.

02-22-2010, 11:47 AM
For the record this Tread was starter due to a conversation on 700 WLW...

To the other extreem PCP, coke\crack, all are things that were legal at one time,and worked for what they designed for, but they are chemically addictive!! and the effects are deadly if u abuse. with that said. pot is not addictive? u cant overdose? If the GOV can manufacture a on site blood test the THC level can be detected in mins.
I have smoked in my younger years and can tell u that it puts me to sleep and i am foggy for atleast a couple hours the next day. That was also combined with many beers!

How many people on here use Zertec D, it is now availlabe with out percription...why....It yeilds no addiction and no side effects, or no ill or long term side effects. pot has been in circulation for ever and no long term ill effects. I think it could benifit the country.

Every decision when u are in a 3000lb vehicle can be deadly. The unfortunate fact that u were in an accident with a stoner is horable, any accident is. Thank god that u # wasnt up. I think there should still be a med test to verify THC even if its not legal.

02-22-2010, 12:01 PM
A blood test would require a warrant signed by a judge. It would also Make every LEO have to be able to find a vein to draw blood, on the side of the road. I don't even want most Nurses poking around for a vein let alone an OHP officer on the side of I-75 in the dark.

Blood test results can be hard to interpret as to how altered your state of mind is with narcotics, it is not as reliable, consistent or linear as with Booze.

Test results are generally interpreted as Present/Not Present. Not buzzed baked smashed blasted.

02-22-2010, 12:18 PM
ok... so what is your idea??

Mista Bone
02-22-2010, 12:27 PM
BAL is not as consistent as you think. Some (7 time DUI offender) could be at .012-.015 and still pass all the field tests. There are people that down 1.5-2 bottles of vodka a day and still somehow function.

Also group leader doesn't like it when you mention their cross addiction like caffeine and nicotine as same meeting. I was asked to leave. :)

I've smoked before, on a daily basis. Between 1997 and 1999 was dealing with stress of losing dad, job stress, divorce.....and it was a change from beer. Little did I know that if you are having panic attacks that THC will double the likelyhood of having them, that you Dr. Drew! Once I found out about that I quit smoking but it didn't help the stress, so I quit a job of 14 years.....which was a BIG relief!

02-22-2010, 01:06 PM
BAL's are a pretty good indicator, but their are exceptions to every rule. I will say .012-.015 is a very low reading. Listerine would give you more than that. Im guessing you meant 0.12-0.15. Just because select drunks have hardened their liver to make them normally functioning with their blood consisting of 15% alchohol doesn't mean I want that to be the standard by which everyone is measured. Their are also people (young women) who are Drunk at 0.08. That is just the happy middle ground with which we have chosen to evaluate everyone on. Good for the Young Girl, Bad for Grizzled boozer.

I don't have any solutions with which to presumably measure the effective "highness" of an individual. I work in Field service and industrial repair. I am merely throwing this up as one of the possible reasons I believe weed is not legal.

One thing is for sure had I have known the guy who hit me was high I would have left him in the car for the fire dept. to save instead of emptying my 10lb can on his totaled Taurus and pulling his tweaker ass thru the window just for his dads insurance company to deny him the coverage for my property. I didn't even get an appology, the weasel was to wowed by the flashing lights and sirens.

On a side not beware of E-surance.

Mista Bone
02-22-2010, 01:25 PM
Don't drive drunk or for the pizza delivery instead!!!!

02-22-2010, 01:30 PM
field sub test should be able to give the LEO enough to contain the subject. Call for an ambulace, hold for blood test for THC or ?. im just throwing these ideas out there

02-22-2010, 01:41 PM
throw a box of little debbies and see how long it takes "the subject" to find them........ that should tell you how high they are lol j/k

so my question would be could they really use blood to test for the level? THC content is going to differ depending on that persons body fat content since THC metabolizes... that's why it takes 30 days at least to get out of your system compared to what a few hours per drink with booze........ so I don't think a blood test or urine is going to work either since it'll show in your system for awhile

Mista Bone
02-22-2010, 02:04 PM
plus with all the new tests, the labs would be overloaded.


DuPont, Mellon, and Hearst: Diesel expected that his engine would be powered by vegetable oils (including hemp) and seed oils. At the 1900 World's Fair, Diesel ran his engines on peanut oil. Later, George Schlichten invented a hemp 'decorticating' machine that stood poised to revolutionize paper making. Henry Ford demonstrated that cars can be made of, and run on, hemp. Evidence suggests a special-interest group that included the DuPont petrochemical company, Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon (Dupont's major financial backer), and the newspaper man William Randolph Hearst mounted a yellow journalism campaign against hemp. Hearst deliberately confused psychoactive marijuana with industrial hemp, one of humankind's oldest and most useful resources. DuPont and Hearst were heavily invested in timber and petroleum resources, and saw hemp as a threat to their empires. Petroleum companies also knew that petroleum emits noxious, toxic byproducts when incompletely burned, as in an auto engine. Pollution was important to Diesel and he saw his engine as a solution to the inefficient, highly polluting engines of his time. In 1937 DuPont, Mellen and Hearst were able to push a "marijuana" prohibition bill through Congress in less than three months, which destroyed the domestic hemp industry.

02-22-2010, 02:29 PM
And we think American's are fat and lazy now....

Mista Bone
02-22-2010, 04:11 PM
And we think American's are fat and lazy now....

BAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA........wait a minute.......

02-22-2010, 05:24 PM
Hey lets hold up a bank!!......puff,puff,puff.....what were we gona do?? screw it role another one!!