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are cops allowed to run rader parked in the woods? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : are cops allowed to run rader parked in the woods?

05-24-2009, 09:43 AM
i got to get this off my chest,i understand it's the holiday weekend and police patrol is up,but god damn miami twp is taking a bit to far.not just saying becouse my g/f got pulled over yesterday for nothing not speeding no reason at all cop never said why even after asking him,not to mention he was very disrespectful she was totaly treated guilty until proven innocent:rolleyes: well it pissed me off so were out driving all over this weekend different towns in the area,i bet i seen 20 miami twp have people pulled over in less than 24 hr's that i've been out,made a few trips up and down 275 and thats when i really started getting pissed when i see them backed into the trees totaly hidden off 275 running radar like i've never seen before but i see a pattern of it only in miami twp not milford,sharonville,union twp,kenwood,hell or even highy way patrol.etc.. i truely believe ther taking it way to far. so whats the laws as far as an officer's view while running radar??

05-24-2009, 09:45 AM
i wonder if he has a deer stand set up there running radar:lol:

05-24-2009, 09:59 AM
Its stupid bad this weekend. Better off not even being out if you dont want a ticket.

05-24-2009, 10:01 AM
Yep...totally legal...they do not have to be out in plain sight at all. Just don't speed.

05-24-2009, 11:13 AM
Sorry, but people don't get pulled over for nothing.
Did she get a ticket? If so the ticket will state the violation she was cited for.

05-24-2009, 11:21 AM
Sorry, but people don't get pulled over for nothing.

:rofl: :lol: yeah right ... sure thing there chief :rolleyes:

05-24-2009, 11:43 AM
:rofl: :lol: yeah right ... sure thing there chief :rolleyes:

The ~15 times or so I've been pulled over were all for valid reasons. I have ~13 tickets and two fix-its to prove it. :eek:

05-24-2009, 12:12 PM
Sorry, but people don't get pulled over for nothing.
Did she get a ticket? If so the ticket will state the violation she was cited for.

i have to disagree i been pulled over 4 times in 6 months for NOTHING!!! i left with no tickets no warnings notta's becoming routine:rolleyes: i have no record at all what sooooooo eva:cool2: but i do have shiny cars with shiny's fuckin harrasment.i'm all about having officers there definetly needed.but my past few run ins has been for nothing other than harrasment.

05-24-2009, 12:13 PM
I really think that if I am flowing with the rest of the cars on the road, and we are all doing 80 in a 65 with no problems, then let it be. Now if someone is doing 100 passing all of us doing 80, then that guy deserves it. Sometimes, a car pulled over on the side of the road causes more problems with people slamming on the brakes because they are doing 70 in a 65 and freak out. I say go with the flow, cause no problems and don't worry about it.

05-24-2009, 12:16 PM
Sorry, but people don't get pulled over for nothing.

i call bullshit...i have been pulled over more than my fair share of times for window tint being too dark when there was NO TINT on my car at all, or how about getting pulled over for doing a burnout when the cop heard someone else doing one and pulled me over about 10 feet from where i was with no marks on the pavement?

05-24-2009, 12:27 PM
The police are out everywhere. I see them sitting on the highway, side streets, main streets, you name it they are there. I'm losing more and more respect for officers every day. With my job I have to deal with police officers all the time. For some reason they are starting to act like bigger dicks than ever before. No matter how nice and polite you are to them they want to be rude. As for the cars hiding in the woods, I think they have been watching to many Dukes of Hazard reruns. They must idolize Roscoe. Now all we need is the mobil stop signs...It's all about REVENUE!!!!!! Plain and simple.

05-24-2009, 12:32 PM
i have to disagree i been pulled over 4 times in 6 months for NOTHING!!! i left with no tickets no warnings notta's becoming routine:rolleyes: i have no record at all what sooooooo eva:cool2: but i do have shiny cars with shiny's fuckin harrasment.i'm all about having officers there definetly needed.but my past few run ins has been for nothing other than harrasment.

So why have you not filed suit???
If my rights were violated 4 times in 6 months I would defiantly be filing suit.

05-24-2009, 12:55 PM
I was pulled over and given a warning for a loud stereo one time. Thing is I didnt even have a radio in the car.He said he had to give out equal amounts of warnings because it was mostly the minorities in the area getting them and complaining they were targeted. And it was not like I was being cited of had to appear in court for it. I was like wtf?

05-24-2009, 01:09 PM
I'll always have respect for the cops. I agree there are many of them that take themselves way too seriously and act like complete a-holes for no good reason. But in my experience, there are just as many cool, down to earth ones out there. About a year ago, I got pulled over for my window tint. The cop walked up and asked for my DL and registration. As I was getting it out, he walked all around my car like he was looking for stuff to complain about. He came back to my window, glanced at my DL and insurance card, gave it back, and told me my window tint was too dark and I should probably take it off. I said okay. He then proceeded to ask me, "So, what all you got done to it?" I told him, then he told me about his '01 supercharged GT and all he had done to it. No tickets, not even a formal warning. I think he just wanted to chat about 'Stangs for awhile!

05-24-2009, 01:39 PM
So why have you not filed suit???
If my rights were violated 4 times in 6 months I would defiantly be filing suit.

funny you say that i'm sooo about ready to call howard aim to see if you drives around loveland after midnight just to see how many times he gets pulled over for nothing,i really thought about it if you jumped into 3 differnt cars after midnight and drove around loveland a few hrs i'd bet he'd get pulled over in every car,well as long as they were not you average crown vic but something someone under say 50 would drive.and thats no shit i'm honestly ready to.funny i've heard from alot of my neibors getting pulled over for nothing

05-24-2009, 01:40 PM
Locals can hide, but State Troopers have to be in plain sight. At night Troopers also have to have some sort of lights on.

05-24-2009, 01:42 PM
i like how they ask you "where you headed tonight" i just wanna say well where you going tonight,whats it there buisness where i'm coming from or where i'm going i don't have to answer that question:rolleyes:

05-24-2009, 02:08 PM
The reason they ask you stupid stuff is there fishing. You start talking and they can get a good smell for alcohol. That is part of there training. As far as not getting pulled over for nothing goes. My buddy Matt was pulled over in April after midnight. He just was on his way to a bar. Had not had a single drink of anything. Pulled away from the stop sign and a few hundred yards down the road was pulled over. A officer was setting on a side street and said he was speeding. Matt told me he wasn't and I believe him because he drives slow all the time. Officer then tell him he smells alcohol and starts to question him. Matt explains he hasn't been drinking and in fact was on his way to the bar. Officer proceeds to harass him and wants him to do a field sobriety test. Matt says just give me a b.a.c. test and let me be on my way. Blows .000 If that's not bullshit harassment then I don't know what is. I would not have been near as nice and it would have turned into a problem. There is a time cops are needed but when they pull shit like that I hate them.

05-24-2009, 02:26 PM
i used to get pulled over atleast once a week in franklin in my tahoe and they would call for the k-9 to come and run through it. the dog scratched the paint the on my doors and scratched the leather seats from jumping in and out all the time. i have nothing on my record and i was harrased all the time. i finally called the police station and had a talk with them. then i heard one of the officers was saying he knows there where drugs coming through my vehicle so i tried to talk to him when he was patroling my ex's neighborhood but he was a complete asshole cause there was a group of us. so needless to say i went to his house a couple times and had a talk to him, he hasn't bothered me since. i went there twice and the the third time i showed up he threated to call the police. lol. i also asked him if he wanted to box and he said he loved hand to hand combat but he would never strap on the gloves. lmao

Steves LX
05-24-2009, 02:50 PM
Yeah I respect all cops until they pull their BS because they have a gun and a badge and think they can do whatever the hell they want. I had a state boy pull me over last year coming down Batavia hill. Right away i'm thinking this is BS. He walks up to the car and says I was doing 6 MPH over the posted speed limit coming down the hill. I say O.K. and what about the guy who passed me coming down the hill in the mini van. He never did answer me and asked for my DL, registration, and insurance. While i'm getting that stuff he ask's me how old I was. I told him 36 and why do you ask. He says you have a really nice car. He then want's to know how fast it is and who put my roll cage in and this that and the other. I'm thinking dude all you pulled me over for is because you profiled my car. Black mustang with silver flames with a 4inch hood, bigs and skinnies and a roll cage. So after he's persistent too bs about my car for 5 minutes he says well i'm not going to cite you for speeding but I am going to cite you for not having your shoulder straps that's part of your racing harness on. I'm like whatever dude. If I would have been in my truck or the wife's van he would've never even pulled out. I followed a OSP one moring on my way home from work down 32. This idiot was flat getting it. I'll admit I was rolling 70 at the time and he came flying up on my ass out of nowhere. I couldn't get over because of another car by me. I'm thinking dude you got about 5 seconds to get off my ass before I put you in the median. Finally the car next to me backed off and I got over and he gives me a dirty look and hauls ass on by. I caught up to him in Mt.Orab and followed him. Apparently he was running late to work down in Georgtown at post 8. OSP out in Brown County are really bad for doing median dives and running a 100 MPH and over to catch speeders going 10-20 over. And they dont use their lights or sirens until they catch up to whoever they are stopping. I sometimes think they purposely drive the extra 1/2 mile and pass up plenty of area's to flip around before they do just so they can get that rush of driving a 100 plus. And then they do it with no lights and sirens and endangering lives more than the guy their after. It's npretty funny when the county police and the local police complain about them.

05-24-2009, 03:08 PM
some i like

05-24-2009, 03:19 PM
then you got

05-24-2009, 04:13 PM
So why have you not filed suit???
If my rights were violated 4 times in 6 months I would defiantly be filing suit.

people work and dont have time to dick around with you cops ... i work 65 hours a week, i have no time for bullshit ...

a lot of these cops are young kids and dont know any better ... i overlook them, kind of like overlooking someone mentally retarted (they dont know any better) ...

fight crime, drugs, shoot radar, do you what you need to do ~ but i've been pulled over at 3am from my 12-13 hour shift ~ it sucks ... im in no mood that late at night ...

((and)) before you ask, i was doing nothing ... probably out too late ... is that a crime??? ... i would love to have banker hours, but i dont ...

05-24-2009, 05:12 PM
The reason they ask you stupid stuff is there fishing. You start talking and they can get a good smell for alcohol. That is part of there training. As far as not getting pulled over for nothing goes. My buddy Matt was pulled over in April after midnight. He just was on his way to a bar. Had not had a single drink of anything. Pulled away from the stop sign and a few hundred yards down the road was pulled over. A officer was setting on a side street and said he was speeding. Matt told me he wasn't and I believe him because he drives slow all the time. Officer then tell him he smells alcohol and starts to question him. Matt explains he hasn't been drinking and in fact was on his way to the bar. Officer proceeds to harass him and wants him to do a field sobriety test. Matt says just give me a b.a.c. test and let me be on my way. Blows .000 If that's not bullshit harassment then I don't know what is. I would not have been near as nice and it would have turned into a problem. There is a time cops are needed but when they pull shit like that I hate them.
the same exact thing happend to me it took 8 cops a half hr of harrassmant they were convinced i was drinking did every test i finnally said look your waisting your time and mine not to mention the tax payers money get the breath test out right now so i can leave i blew a 000 i was gone within 2 minutes oh yea i showed no license no proof of ins no seatbelt and yea they were ficticious tags dumb ass:flipoff:

05-24-2009, 07:32 PM
:rofl: :lol: yeah right ... sure thing there chief :rolleyes:

No shit! I've been working nights for over 15+ years and I could not even begin to tell you how many times I've been pulled over and the jackass officer say "I smell alcohol" :mad:

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 12:09 PM
Where were the Miami Twp. parked at on 275????

If it is eastbound at the bottom of the hill between Wards Corner and 28, OSP sits there too.

I worked nightshift for 19 years, got pulled over quite a few times for speeding, doing 75 mph on 275 through Springdale. Cop would always ask what was the hurry and have I been drinking. I would just hand him or her my timecard from work, they knew right away the weird hours I was working and just told to slow down.

05-25-2009, 12:12 PM
Where were the Miami Twp. parked at on 275????

If it is eastbound at the bottom of the hill between Wards Corner and 28, OSP sits there too.

They usually like to sit underneath the 131 overpass. The OSP like to sit literally everywhere. They're fairly redictable during a regular week but on a holiday weekend all bets are off because they're literally crawling outta the woodwork. I noticed increased activity around Tuesday of this past week as well, so they don't wait until the weekend anymore.

05-25-2009, 12:26 PM
wow I have been saying this for years.. Most rookie cops are ass holes period. They think that they can just harass people with sports cars and eventually find something to ticket. They look at it like this....if you have a nice car, then you have money!

Quick story, had a middletown cop pull me over and I could tell the way he got out of his car that he was a dick. So I pulled out my cell phone and started recording video pointed at the cop. He came up to my car and demanded my liscense and insurance(did not ask, he demanded) As I gave it to him I told him I was recording this and he immediately changed his tune and told me to turn it off. I told him that if he can record me on his dash cam then I was recording him on mine. He then got pissed and went back to the car. Then out of nowhere another cop pulled up and started questioning why I was recording. I just told him that I was taking it to the chief and court with me. I thought the officer was going to cry, then he ran back to the original officer, got my liscense and insurance card and gave it back with These fine words of wisdom: SORRY....HAVE A NICE DAY!

05-25-2009, 12:47 PM
I thought the officer was going to cry, then he ran back to the original officer, got my liscense and insurance card and gave it back with These fine words of wisdom: SORRY....HAVE A NICE DAY!

Seriously??? That would've made my day!

Anyway, another question I've always had. Do the cops really have to show you the radar when you ask them? Does anyone know for sure?? The reason I ask is that a couple summers ago, I was going down 75 in my blazing fast V6. I was going with the flow doing 75. I came up over a hill and saw the cop sitting under an overpass and we all slowed down. Well he pulled out and of course, came after me. He asked me how fast I thought I was going and I told him 75. He goes, "Well, I clocked you at 84." I said, "Okay, but can I see the radar?" He got all huffed up and said, "I don't have to show you anything!" So, he takes my DL and registration back to his car. Then, he comes back up to the window and says, "Go ahead and come back here. I want to show you something." So, he shows me his radar gun, which reads 74!!!!!! As I'm looking at it with a dumbfounded face, he said, "I clocked you twice. The first time, it said 84. Then I clocked you again after you slammed on the brakes and got a 74." Why the need to clock me again if you already got me at 84????!!!!! I tried to argue with him, but there was no use. I got written up for 84. I probably should've fought it in court, but everyone told me it'd be useless.

05-25-2009, 02:45 PM
people work and dont have time to dick around with you cops ... i work 65 hours a week, i have no time for bullshit ...

a lot of these cops are young kids and dont know any better ... i overlook them, kind of like overlooking someone mentally retarted (they dont know any better) ...

fight crime, drugs, shoot radar, do you what you need to do ~ but i've been pulled over at 3am from my 12-13 hour shift ~ it sucks ... im in no mood that late at night ...

((and)) before you ask, i was doing nothing ... probably out too late ... is that a crime??? ... i would love to have banker hours, but i dont ...

i didn't get off till 2am a few weeks ago. coming home in the mustang getting off the highway i get pulled over by a highway patrol. when i said what did i do. he said. well i pulled you over because its loud and your tint looks dark. then after dicking me around for 5 mins he says. well your under 18 and out in a v8 mustang. that means your up to no good. so have you been racing. at this point im pissed because im tired and my car is dirty from pulling over onto the side of the road. he ask what im doing. at this point i wanted to throw my work hat at him. so i told him. well im on my way home from work. ( i mean how cant he tell. i have a freakin pizza hut hat on. do you really think id wear this just for the hell of it is what im thinking to myself. ) then he goes well i hear anything about a mustang out being stupid tonight and ill be looking for you. i told him this. officer. there is more then one mustang in the city of Hilliard. he said you can go and walked away. what an asshole. personal. i get tired of cops when they hound you because you drive a certain type of car.

05-25-2009, 03:44 PM
Seriously??? That would've made my day!

Anyway, another question I've always had. Do the cops really have to show you the radar when you ask them? Does anyone know for sure?? The reason I ask is that a couple summers ago, I was going down 75 in my blazing fast V6. I was going with the flow doing 75. I came up over a hill and saw the cop sitting under an overpass and we all slowed down. Well he pulled out and of course, came after me. He asked me how fast I thought I was going and I told him 75. He goes, "Well, I clocked you at 84." I said, "Okay, but can I see the radar?" He got all huffed up and said, "I don't have to show you anything!" So, he takes my DL and registration back to his car. Then, he comes back up to the window and says, "Go ahead and come back here. I want to show you something." So, he shows me his radar gun, which reads 74!!!!!! As I'm looking at it with a dumbfounded face, he said, "I clocked you twice. The first time, it said 84. Then I clocked you again after you slammed on the brakes and got a 74." Why the need to clock me again if you already got me at 84????!!!!! I tried to argue with him, but there was no use. I got written up for 84. I probably should've fought it in court, but everyone told me it'd be useless.

they have to show you by law, proof that they got you going a certain MPH. If they can't then they can't give you the ticket. Some times you have to go to court and fight a little, and look the cop in the face. Usually they don't even show up, and the ticket is dismissed.

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 04:34 PM
They do NOT have to show you the radar reading.

Matter of fact when you get caught for speeding, you shouldn't even have to get out of your car, so how are you gonna see the reading?

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 04:38 PM
google turned this up on first hit......

On a local car site ( there is a debate concerning speeding and proper Police procedure.

More or less, I'm trying to prove that an officer does NOT have to show a speeder the radar gun to prove that he was speeding.

I'm also wanting to verify that radar, laser (lidar), pacing, and "the use of a trained eye" are all legal "proof" to to cite someone for speeding and that this "proof" would stand up in court.

I've spoken with some local "cop buddies" of mine and they've verified my first point about showing the gun readout (atleast in the Cincinnati area) and I'm just looking for another credible opinion.


Matt Williams
Cincinnati, Ohio


Your correct, the officer does not have to show you the gun and or speed on the gun. Of course I see no reason that he wouldn't. Although sometimes the speed may be wiped off if he (the officer) dosen't lock it in. But as you also stated, radar is not the only way to clock a speeder. And other ways do stand up in court. Hope this helped.


05-25-2009, 04:47 PM
I talked to a highway patrol and they told me that they have to show upon request to see it. maybe it just depends on the jurisdiction. But that's what I was told.

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 04:51 PM
They do NOT have to grant your request, they can state for safety reasons and deny it.

Take it to court and the officer will provide the proper documents stating the calibration of said unit.

Some more reading.....

Also a cop doesn't need to even use a radar gun to get you for speeding, it is only a tool to verify.

OSP's have to pass a visual speed test of vehicles which is verifed by a working instrument.

Real simple, do the speed limit......and those doing 10+ mph over, say 75 in a 65 on 275 EB in Clermont Co., no need to slam your breaks on slowing to 50 mph, you almost caused a wreck.......and still got a ticket :)

05-25-2009, 04:58 PM
Thats just what I was told. Maybe he told me wrong. Thanks for the info.

05-25-2009, 04:59 PM
It's the never ending game of cat and mouse. Most of us speed and drive like fools. Johnny law's job is to prevent that from happening. They have tricks for catching us, so use every advantage you can to avoid getting caught. Laser is more of your enemy than radar. When they shoot you with Lazer, they are looking at your car through their sights. Loose your front license plate if you haven't already. The front plate easily reflects the lazer back to the gun. Doing so may buy you precious seconds while slamming on your brakes. Radar detectors will usually give you and indication when a cop is near. Your eyes are your best defense though... Use the cars in front of you as your guide. If everyone hits their brakes at the same time for no apparent reason...It's likely a cop. When you pass a cop coming the other way on a two lane road...push your clutch in...don't let him hear your bad-ass exhaust (It's probably illegal..mine is). Sometimes cops in certain area's target certain cars... I used to live in Miami township and drove a car with extremely dark tinted windows..They f*cked with me weekly. The main point is...keep your eyes open, your ass off the cell phone, and the radio down abit when you bustin' ass down the road. For my late night adventures I drive the 4 door saturn; It's like I'm invisible to cops....

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 05:06 PM
running without front plate is PC to get pulled over.

Last I checked, I can see the officer before I'm in range.

Except those OSP and Cincy Police "Evel Knievels" on their motorcycles.

Basically quit driving with your head up your behind. I drove 640 miles yesterday, saw atleast 60-70 cops, had the cruise set at +4 mph over the limit, but my speedo reads +2 even with the taller tires.

05-25-2009, 05:20 PM
They do NOT have to grant your request, they can state for safety reasons and deny it.

Take it to court and the officer will provide the proper documents stating the calibration of said unit.

Providing calibration documentation of the unit doesn't mean the cop is being honest. Like the guy said earlier, he was told he was clocked at 84 but was shown 74 with an excuse.

05-25-2009, 05:25 PM
running without front plate is PC to get pulled over.

Last I checked, I can see the officer before I'm in range.

Except those OSP and Cincy Police "Evel Knievels" on their motorcycles.

Basically quit driving with your head up your behind. I drove 640 miles yesterday, saw atleast 60-70 cops, had the cruise set at +4 mph over the limit, but my speedo reads +2 even with the taller tires.

Never had a front plate on mine...Haven't ever been pulled over to that. Sometime highways have bends or hills on them and you can't see around them.. The cars infront of you will see the cop as the breach the turn or hill. I still wouldn't call 6 miles over the speed limit really speeding. I wouldn't pull ya over if I was the cop. I was speaking more of pedal-mashin', bug splatin' speeds. Take the training wheels off that thing. :)

05-25-2009, 05:40 PM
I look at it this way if you have nothing to hide (not saying anyone here does lol) I dont care if I get pulled over. You never know you just might make a friend that can help ya out later on down the road. And yes the police pull people over for nothing sometimes!:rolleyes:

05-25-2009, 05:43 PM
Well thanks for the info. I was just curious. I really don't mind paying the ticket if I get busted. I just expect the cops to be honest in return. I admitted that I was going 75 (which was a mph over what the gun read), but he just gave me a BS excuse and jacked the speed up. I was too young then to realize that I could've won that in court. I'll know next time though.

Mista Bone
05-25-2009, 07:31 PM
Providing calibration documentation of the unit doesn't mean the cop is being honest. Like the guy said earlier, he was told he was clocked at 84 but was shown 74 with an excuse.

Some units don't have a lock feature.....

If you would have done "some more reading" you would have understand that.

I expect to see a LASER unit that when used by a trained officer also takes a short video of the car it targeted, for evidence reasons.

Also lets be VERY honest.....those bitching about getting caught speeding dodged hundreds of other speeding tickets when they were speeding.

WE are not a bunch of saints. It is like playing the lottery, sometimes you land on the wrong square and have to pay a fine.

05-25-2009, 07:42 PM
Some units don't have a lock feature.....

That's neither here nor there, again, the cop told him he clocked him at 84 but had 74 locked in. The only point I'm trying to make is that the cop was more than likely lying. Either way the guy was speeding. My reading comprehension is fine. ;)

05-25-2009, 11:39 PM
those bitching about getting caught speeding dodged hundreds of other speeding tickets when they were speeding.

That's exactly what I said when I got my first ticket. Sure I was pissed that I got caught, but all of the other times that I've done something stupid and got away totally outweigh getting caught

05-26-2009, 06:53 AM
Police traffic was up everywhere because of the holiday. Georgia State Police was out in force yesterday along with Knoxville Police. I did get a ticket running 80 in a 55 on 285 in Atlanta. The officer said when I passed South Cobb Drive I was doing 80. He asked what my hurry was and I told him I was on my way home. He asked how long have I lived in Atlanta which I replied I don't I'm on my way home to Cincinnati (I would have thought the plate and Drivers License would have gave that away). Regardless I have 60 days to That's my first ticket I've gotten on that trip and I have done it many many times running 80-90. So my number came up finally which was my fault since I didn't have the detector on yet.

Edit: The main reason they are out in force is because of the decline in tax revenue the cities and states are taking in. So to make their budget they are giving more tickets. Probably for a while.

05-26-2009, 07:40 AM
Edit: The main reason they are out in force is because of the decline in tax revenue the cities and states are taking in. So to make their budget they are giving more tickets. Probably for a while.

Actually, the main reason for the increased police presence over the Holiday weekend is because the "Click it or Ticket" campaign was "funded" by the feds. There are usually state and federal grants that cover these types of enforcement programs over high travel dates.

05-27-2009, 07:53 AM
Actually, the main reason for the increased police presence over the Holiday weekend is because the "Click it or Ticket" campaign was "funded" by the feds. There are usually state and federal grants that cover these types of enforcement programs over high travel dates.

While I can agree in part to that pulling someone over for a seatbelt violation wouldn't necessitate hiding in the woods or running speed traps.

05-27-2009, 09:04 AM
I will try to make this as simple as I can, being that I have been on both sides of the lights. I will also preface that there are bad police out there, I know I have seen it, but also agree that they need to be punished for their improper behavior. That's why I suggested you file suit if you truly believe you have been wronged. And going and saying the cop pulled me over for nothing is by no means a valid reason.

Before becoming the police I lived on Fairfield Ave. in East Walnut Hills and was working at Xavier, so opposed to driving 10-15 minutes to get there going through the friendly side of town, I cut straight through the hood. I got pulled over constantly. For every little moving violation, equipment violation one could think of.

You all keep saying I got pulled over for nothing. Well in 99% of instances that is just not true. Take a look through the Ohio Revised Code, or Kentucky Revised Statutes. There are so many moving violations, equipment violations, and registration violations, that I can pull pretty much any car operating on the road over by following it for 5 minutes.

Just because the officer does not give you the reason or even the real reason (we don't have to tell you the truth there on scene, if you choose to go to court different scenario)

The rub is it's not for nothing you just don't know the reason. I have pulled people over that weren't doing anything wrong, but for some reason their actions sparked my interest so I made a traffic stop on them to investigate further. In those cases I generally give a warning for whatever the violation may have been I pulled them over for.

For the most part you don't get pulled over for nothing (though it does happen but very rarely)
And here are two of the best reasons why,

1. We can loose our job!!
2. There is so much illegal activity out there, why make it up when it's all around you already and actually bust someone for doing something that is illegal than make it up???

In your vehicle you give up a lot of your rights that you are granted in your home, or just walking down the street.

You sign away lots of rights by getting a driver's license.

I am only making an assumption but most of you present a pretty nasty attitude towards the police just in here (maybe it's internet muscle, maybe not) but I know that if I get that sort of attitude on the street it sparks my interest as to why??? Generally people that don't like the police have something to hide. I get paid to find those things that are hidden. So if people come out with an attitude from the get go I am going to do a little more investigating than I would to someone that was polite.

I will give you a prime example. Yesterday I made a traffic stop on a woman (and I don't make may stops just for traffic only offenses) she did something very stupid and dangerous which could have easily gotten her arrested for reckless driving. But I was just going to tell her that she need not do that anymore and be on the way. No ticket no nothing, just s friendly reminder.
Well I don't even get next to the window or say a word to her and she starts screaming at me that she did nothing wrong. I politely informed her of her infraction and she began yelling at me that what she did was by no means illegal and to top it off I could no write her a ticket because I did not have a uniform on. :lol::lol::lol:
That's probably my favorite line.
So anyway just by her attitude she went from getting a friendly hey don't do that anymore (5 second stop) to a citation for careless though I really should have written her for reckless but I was in a good mood and really found it more comical than anything and a stop that took over 10 minutes because I then had to run her over the radio which can take awhile sometimes.

So needless to say you are not getting pulled over for nothing. You are getting pulled over to be investigated, that investigation may lead to nothing. So be it, that's just part of driving on the road.

The main reason they are out in force is because of the decline in tax revenue the cities and states are taking in. So to make their budget they are giving more tickets. Probably for a while.
Just to debunk this sentiment. The individual officers choose to make the stop, we in no way shape or form see in monetary gain by us taking more enforcement action. There are no quotas and we don't get paid by the amount of tickets we write or the amount of people we arrest. Hell most of the money does not even go to the department. It goes to the state and city/municipality that get do with with it what they choose. The only part a department gets a direct bite of is asset forfeiture and if you get to that point you are well beyond a simple traffic related situation.

05-27-2009, 09:25 AM
And just as a side note.
If something happens you all get a ticket, something happens you don't feel is right, or have a law question, shoot me a PM and I'll be more than happy to give you suggestions on the best way to approach the problem.
Or answer the question truthfully.

I have had a couple PM me on here and I have made calls to other agencies for them in attempts to help.
If I can help I will, but also if I think you're wrong I will tell you that too and tell you to suck it up and pay the fine.

05-27-2009, 09:31 AM
So needless to say you are not getting pulled over for nothing. You are getting pulled over to be investigated, that investigation may lead to nothing. So be it, that's just part of driving on the road.

Isn't that the same thing people are complaining about ??? :confused:

Just because you use the word INVESTIGATE does not mean that they were doing smething WRONG to get pulled over. It just means that the Police Officer didn't like something about the situation, Type of car/ Look of the person driving/ Etc...

So yes it does happen more then you are willing to admit...

I'm a firm believer in Law Enforcement, And I don't bash the Police. I feel if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear from the Police...
I understand fully that when I'm speeding or breaking some other law, That the risk I'm taking is my own fault...
I will say in 25 years of driving that I have never had a Speeding ticket ( tons of warnings LOL )
But the one time that really got me was when I had just traded a car and was driving home, When a local cop pulled me over. When I asked why I was pulled over, He informed me that he saw me when I pulled into a McDonalds, and ran my plates and they didn't match the car I had Just purchased... I told him I had just purchaed the car and that they transferred the tags And then asked him why he ran my tags in the first place if I wasn't doing anything wrong??? He got mad and asked me to get out of the car, When I asked why he told me that he didn't need a reason to run my tags, And that I had no right questioning him about his actions !!! After he took me back to his car, he went and started searching my car and found the paper work from the dealership... Knowing he was wrong, instead of just saying sorry or something he still acted like I had done something wrong... And still had the nerve to write me a warning for not having the tags transferred !!!

So I don't think anyone is bashing the Police here, But there are a LOT more Police out there then you claim that have a Power complex and do pull people over for nothing !!!!

05-27-2009, 09:58 AM
Isn't that the same thing people are complaining about ??? :confused:

Just because you use the word INVESTIGATE does not mean that they were doing smething WRONG to get pulled over. It just means that the Police Officer didn't like something about the situation, Type of car/ Look of the person driving/ Etc...

So yes it does happen more then you are willing to admit...

I'm a firm believer in Law Enforcement, And I don't bash the Police. I feel if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear from the Police...
I understand fully that when I'm speeding or breaking some other law, That the risk I'm taking is my own fault...
I will say in 25 years of driving that I have never had a Speeding ticket ( tons of warnings LOL )
But the one time that really got me was when I had just traded a car and was driving home, When a local cop pulled me over. When I asked why I was pulled over, He informed me that he saw me when I pulled into a McDonalds, and ran my plates and they didn't match the car I had Just purchased... I told him I had just purchaed the car and that they transferred the tags And then asked him why he ran my tags in the first place if I wasn't doing anything wrong??? He got mad and asked me to get out of the car, When I asked why he told me that he didn't need a reason to run my tags, And that I had no right questioning him about his actions !!! After he took me back to his car, he went and started searching my car and found the paper work from the dealership... Knowing he was wrong, instead of just saying sorry or something he still acted like I had done something wrong... And still had the nerve to write me a warning for not having the tags transferred !!!

So I don't think anyone is bashing the Police here, But there are a LOT more Police out there then you claim that have a Power complex and do pull people over for nothing !!!!

I get along with only a couple police officers. There are alot of them who think that the only reason they are patrolling the streets are to harass people and to find something.

I have an example: I was at a stoplight by the middletown police station when the officer passed me. He pulled a bigggg rollie smokie burnout u-turn and flipped on his lights. Well I just had my Front Bumper painted a day earlier and had the front liscense plate in the front window. That's what he said he was pulling me over for. Well when he seen the plate he then walked around the car 3-4 times trying to find something and then demanded I roll up my windows so he could test the tint. (yes the tint was illegal) My windows were all the way down so It wasn't like he couldn't see me. Well I got a tint ticket and when he handed it to me I had to say "Man there must not be much crime in Middletown today". The officer grumbled under his breath and let me leave.

This is why I have problems with the police. They are more willing to pull someone over for an easy ticket other than stopping a real criminal. "what happened to protect and serve"? Now it is write a ticket and ask questions later. OK, I have to stop. I could go on with this all day!

05-27-2009, 03:37 PM
After he took me back to his car, he went and started searching my car and found the paper work from the dealership...

I may be wrong but would that not constitute an illegal search of your car? That is unless you gave him permission.

05-27-2009, 03:58 PM
Just because you use the word INVESTIGATE does not mean that they were doing smething WRONG to get pulled over. It just means that the Police Officer didn't like something about the situation, Type of car/ Look of the person driving/ Etc...

I agree 100%. You missed a couple of sentences in my post. But again you were pulled over for something. That something can turn into nothing. That was my whole point. Police act on a limited scope. If we saw and knew everything the job would be simple.

I have pulled people over that weren't doing anything wrong, but for some reason their actions sparked my interest so I made a traffic stop on them to investigate further. In those cases I generally give a warning for whatever the violation may have been I pulled them over for.

To make a legal traffic stop, one must have reasonable suspicion to believe a crime has occurred, is about to occur, or is occurring. There are many things that are needed to articulate this. (Read into Terry v Ohio for a better understanding it deals with Terry (investigative stops and frisks).

Or probable cause probable cause would come from any traffic, equipment, or registration violation.
I mainly make traffic stops because I think there are drugs in the car. I would much rather go to court on the drugs with the PC of a violation that the reasonable suspicion. If I have to use something as petty as no blinker or license plate not illuminated to justify a Probable Cause Stop over a reasonable suspicion stop I will.

My point is you may have done nothing wrong (of a serious nature) but you were pulled over for something.

05-27-2009, 05:02 PM
This is why I have problems with the police. They are more willing to pull someone over for an easy ticket other than stopping a real criminal.

How do you think most "real criminals" are caught? They don't carry signs or wear shirts that say..."Stop me I'm carrying a kilo of cocaine in the trunk".

The majority of criminals are captured by police officers based on "simple" piddly traffic stops.

05-27-2009, 05:27 PM
How do you think most "real criminals" are caught? They don't carry signs or wear shirts that say..."Stop me I'm carrying a kilo of cocaine in the trunk".

The majority of criminals are captured by police officers based on "simple" piddly traffic stops.

That is how a guy who murdered his girlfriend in Trotwood was caught years ago. Officer stopped the guy on SR4 for no license plate light. Walked up to the car and the guy was covered in her blood and was making his getaway until stopped for this minor equipment violation.

Greg Seibert
05-27-2009, 10:17 PM
Found an interesting factoid about visable lights on cop cars:

Any motor vehicle used by a member of the state highway patrol or by any other peace officer, while said officer is on duty for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle or traffic laws of this state, provided the offense is punishable as a misdemeanor, shall be marked in some distinctive manner or color and shall be equipped with, but need not necessarily have in operation at all times, at least one flashing, oscillating, or rotating colored light mounted outside on top of the vehicle. The superintendent of the state highway patrol shall specify what constitutes such a distinctive marking or color for the state highway patrol.

05-27-2009, 11:01 PM
Found an interesting factoid about visable lights on cop cars:

Any motor vehicle used by a member of the state highway patrol or by any other peace officer, while said officer is on duty for the exclusive or main purpose of enforcing the motor vehicle or traffic laws of this state, provided the offense is punishable as a misdemeanor, shall be marked in some distinctive manner or color and shall be equipped with, but need not necessarily have in operation at all times, at least one flashing, oscillating, or rotating colored light mounted outside on top of the vehicle. The superintendent of the state highway patrol shall specify what constitutes such a distinctive marking or color for the state highway patrol.

That goes for Ohio but not for Ky, Indiana or michigan. In Indiana this weekend on I-80 I saw a S-197 silver GT mustang with no lights or marks at all, just LED's on the dash and back deck. Ky routinely uses umarked chargers and crown vics and 97-03 camaro's near Corbin and South of Louisville. I have even seen Dually diesel fords In Georgia used for commercial enforcement(they carry the mobile scales for spot checks). The face of law enforcement is no longer a crown vic with a light bar.

A Virginia Highway Patrol officer let me off for 81 in a 65 3 weeks ago.... Attitude goes a long way in a traffic stop.

An OHP officer pulled me over pulling my Dads Mach 1 back from Columbus a few years back. The traffic stop was initiated for window tint on my truck (90%) but was really to BS about the car on my drag and validate my legitimate possesion of it. I showed him my optometrist note for the windows the notarized title for the car Shared a few mustang stories and off I went. I feel he did his job perfectly other than pulling me over in a construction zone in heavy traffic with a trailer. If your car was ever stolen having these types of guys running traffic patrol are what will recover it.

I dont mind all the fishing on our roads even if a few of the anglers are slow reelers.
For me Cops "fishing" have recovered: My brothers Stolen Corrolla, and Stihl power equipment stolen from my former residence. Traffic stops are the best way to corral derlicts/criminals. With catches like that I say let em keep on casting.

05-28-2009, 08:17 AM
How do you think most "real criminals" are caught? They don't carry signs or wear shirts that say..."Stop me I'm carrying a kilo of cocaine in the trunk".

The majority of criminals are captured by police officers based on "simple" piddly traffic stops.

He is exactly correct. Drugs have to be transported somehow and as I stated earlier your freedoms are far less when driving a vehicle.

05-28-2009, 11:06 AM
How do you think most "real criminals" are caught? They don't carry signs or wear shirts that say..."Stop me I'm carrying a kilo of cocaine in the trunk".

The majority of criminals are captured by police officers based on "simple" piddly traffic stops.

Ok, then why is it right for a COP to walk around your car until he finds something? Not ONCE....Not TWICE.....Not THREE.....but FOUR (4) times! To me it's HARASSMENT! It's to me an example of the police not having anything else to do. I don't care to get pulled over for doing something wrong, tell me about it, ticket me, or what ever. But when an officer is going to walk around my car that many times and have to look over every nook and cranny tells me that he didn't want to let me go until he could give me a fine for something! Put yourself in my shoes at 17 and tell me how you feel. Yes it was a few years ago, but still leaves a sour taste in your mouth. OHH yes I had to pay a window tint ticket ( and my windows were down).

05-28-2009, 11:30 AM
It goes to the state and city/municipality that get do with with it what they choose.

That's what I was referring to. Other than that good postings. When I get pulled over it's always for a reason. :bigthumb

05-28-2009, 01:54 PM
So what about when a cop searches your car and rips your console up and breaks the clips so it won't stay down? It happened to me and they acted like they didn't care. They pulled me over that time for a piece of plastic hanging down on the front of my car and tried to give me a ticket so i ripped it off and threw it in the back seat. Lol

05-28-2009, 03:28 PM
Put yourself in my shoes at 17 and tell me how you feel. ( and my windows were down).

I lost my license at 18...I thought the cops were harassing me...looking back on it, I was my own worst enemy.

05-28-2009, 09:42 PM
How about a stretch of road have (2)two different speed limits? One side one speed the other another? That my friends is total BS.

I would like to know since when Ohio has a "careless operation" violation?

05-28-2009, 10:43 PM
So what about when a cop searches your car and rips your console up and breaks the clips so it won't stay down? It happened to me and they acted like they didn't care. They pulled me over that time for a piece of plastic hanging down on the front of my car and tried to give me a ticket so i ripped it off and threw it in the back seat. Lol

File a complaint

05-29-2009, 08:47 AM
I would like to know since when Ohio has a "careless operation" violation?

Black is from KY.

05-29-2009, 09:55 AM
File a complaint

That happened about 6 years ago. I called the station and they pretty much said prove it but in a nicer way. It was an older car but thats still not the point.

05-29-2009, 10:02 AM
well any fuckin way they miami twp towed her car in saturday morning her license came back suspended they gave her a court day wendsday she went.... THEY FUCKIN THREW THE CASE OUT HER LICENSE WERE VALID THE BEST PART $275 TO GET THE FUCKIN CAR OUT OF IMPOUND!! AND WE GET TO PAY.SO FUCK MIAMI TWP:flipoff:

05-29-2009, 12:56 PM
That happened about 6 years ago. I called the station and they pretty much said prove it but in a nicer way. It was an older car but thats still not the point.

If you don't get anywhere with the department go to the city/municipality themselves.

well any fuckin way they miami twp towed her car in saturday morning her license came back suspended they gave her a court day wendsday she went.... THEY FUCKIN THREW THE CASE OUT HER LICENSE WERE VALID THE BEST PART $275 TO GET THE FUCKIN CAR OUT OF IMPOUND!! AND WE GET TO PAY.SO FUCK MIAMI TWP

File a complaint with the Township not the department itself. You will likely get your $275 back from the Township just to go away.

05-29-2009, 01:01 PM
How about a stretch of road have (2)two different speed limits? One side one speed the other another? That my friends is total BS.

I would like to know since when Ohio has a "careless operation" violation?

Looks like the careless operation/Operation in willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property on January 1 2004

05-29-2009, 01:15 PM
Muhlhauser Rd westbound is like 45mph.
Eastbound is 35.between Rt-4 and 747.Figure that one out.

05-29-2009, 02:14 PM
Still wanna know about two different speeds on the same stretch of road!!!:rolleyes:

05-30-2009, 02:38 AM
So, he shows me his radar gun, which reads 74!!!!!! As I'm looking at it with a dumbfounded face, he said, "I clocked you twice. The first time, it said 84. Then I clocked you again after you slammed on the brakes and got a 74." Why the need to clock me again if you already got me at 84????!!!!! I tried to argue with him, but there was no use. I got written up for 84.

It's called a tracking see the history of the vehicle speed and how it keeps a constant speed and/or slows.

I personally always go with 3 vehicle speed checks before making a stop.

05-30-2009, 02:44 AM
Still wanna know about two different speeds on the same stretch of road!!!:rolleyes:

Where I have seen it is one side of the road that is entering a congested area is slower than that of the side of the road leaving the congested area.

05-30-2009, 03:37 AM
Where I have seen it is one side of the road that is entering a congested area is slower than that of the side of the road leaving the congested area.

Nope not where this is. :mad:

05-30-2009, 08:50 AM
Muhlhauser Rd westbound is like 45mph.
Eastbound is 35.between Rt-4 and 747.Figure that one out.

I go through there everyday. I only go eastbound though. Doesn't seem like any gives a crap though their all going about 50.

05-30-2009, 12:03 PM
It's called a tracking see the history of the vehicle speed and how it keeps a constant speed and/or slows.

I personally always go with 3 vehicle speed checks before making a stop.

Also when you see the nose dive or drop in speed it lets you know the driver was well aware they were speeding. So when the driver says, "I did not know I was speeding". You can say, "Well I noticed you were doing ___ and after you slammed the brakes on you were doing ____. Kinda takes the argument out of "I did not know I was speeding."

05-30-2009, 12:06 PM
Back to the original point of this post. If you think woods are bad. I was driving the coupe home for TN a couple days ago. A KY Trooper was in a large 4 sided trailer hooked to a big F350 along the middle of the highway. All you could see was the top of his head and the that is sneaky.

Also OSP uses airplanes sometimes. You will not even know they have you speeding until miles down the road when a cruiser stops you.

05-30-2009, 12:22 PM
I go through there everyday. I only go eastbound though. Doesn't seem like any gives a crap though their all going about 50.

Gotta watch it.Cop will sit at Bobcat lower parking lot in between the employee's car's.Sneeky basterd that guy is.He shoots lazer down Muhlhauser,he can see almost to the end of the bridge.

05-31-2009, 09:25 AM
Gotta watch it.Cop will sit at Bobcat lower parking lot in between the employee's car's.Sneeky basterd that guy is.He shoots lazer down Muhlhauser,he can see almost to the end of the bridge.

Thanks face I'll keep an eye out. :bigthumb

05-31-2009, 09:27 AM
Back to the original point of this post. If you think woods are bad. I was driving the coupe home for TN a couple days ago. A KY Trooper was in a large 4 sided trailer hooked to a big F350 along the middle of the highway. All you could see was the top of his head and the that is sneaky.

Also OSP uses airplanes sometimes. You will not even know they have you speeding until miles down the road when a cruiser stops you.

OSP's favorite place around here to do that is I-275 between 32 and St Rt 50.

06-01-2009, 05:23 AM
The OSP also loves to do the airplane thing on St Rt 32 by Mt Oarb. So keep an eye out.

Silver Bullet
06-01-2009, 05:10 PM
Plated, you send me a pm asking me to help you and I was more than willing to give you a hand..... and then you start bashing the cops.....:confused:

The other morning I saw you going into BP on Wards corner and thought about "stopping" you just to say hi..... about 1000 am.

I always say to the people who say the police are harrassing them... you might want to look in the mirror... something must be out of place if you always get stopped for no reason.:rolleyes::screwy:

06-02-2009, 08:44 AM
Plated, you send me a pm asking me to help you and I was more than willing to give you a hand..... and then you start bashing the cops.....:confused:

The other morning I saw you going into BP on Wards corner and thought about "stopping" you just to say hi..... about 1000 am.

I always say to the people who say the police are harrassing them... you might want to look in the mirror... something must be out of place if you always get stopped for no reason.:rolleyes::screwy:

i was pissed when i sent you a pm hoping you could figure out why her license may have came back suspended,the officer was acting like a big jerk,searched her car made a BIG issue about the dog in the car just totaly uncool:rolleyes: i had to walk down the driveway to get the dog out of the car,she wasn't ticketed for speeding nothing thats what pissed me off if she did something out of line to get pulled over i could understand's not about bashing cops hell my 2 cousins patrol the worst part of covington 3rd shift .i asked the officer 2 times why he pulled her over he just answerd thats my job.the lady at miami twp said they just do random running on tags:rolleyes: he just singled her out and thats just not right.neither was paying $305 to get it out of impound for no reason at all what so ever.nothing personal against you at all.but hell atleast someone could have reimbursted her her money the judge or miami twp i would think being the case was throwed out no court cost no fine just an apoligy from the judge :confused: she has 2 kids and not an extra $300 for some glitch in the system.

06-02-2009, 08:54 AM
Wonder what the judge is gonna think about the picture I bring to court showing a _ _ cop going 53 exactly where they wrote me for 54? I know what was I thinking, they are "Trained":rolleyes: Guess cause I was a working man trying to make a living at night and he didn't have a DUI like he thought he HAD to write me for something.:rolleyes:

06-02-2009, 10:34 AM
i used to get pulled over atleast once a week in franklin in my tahoe and they would call for the k-9 to come and run through it. the dog scratched the paint the on my doors and scratched the leather seats from jumping in and out all the time. i have nothing on my record and i was harrased all the time. i finally called the police station and had a talk with them. then i heard one of the officers was saying he knows there where drugs coming through my vehicle so i tried to talk to him when he was patroling my ex's neighborhood but he was a complete asshole cause there was a group of us. so needless to say i went to his house a couple times and had a talk to him, he hasn't bothered me since. i went there twice and the the third time i showed up he threated to call the police. lol. i also asked him if he wanted to box and he said he loved hand to hand combat but he would never strap on the gloves. lmao

If that is a true story, that is completely bad ass.