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WORST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!! [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : WORST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!

05-03-2009, 02:24 AM
i live on a side street in amelia and every day people fly up and down the road all day long
its a 40mph speed limit but its not uncommon for people to drive 70+ mph
anyhow there is this guy who has been flying by my house almost every day
on a harley and when i say flying i mean anywhere from 80 to 110 mph no joke!
so tonight im in my driveway putting brakes on my wifes mustang that we bought last night:bigthumb and around 8 pm my buddy stops over to pick up a few parts
anyhow he is waiting on oncoming traffic so he can turn into my driveway hes dead stopped with his turn signal on and all of a sudden i hear these harleys turn off st rt 125 onto my road and they are racing well my house is just a little more than a 1/4 mile down the street and its in a small dip with a blind spot
well i hear these guys coming wide open and shifting gears and i start running out my front yard waving my arms to try to warn them but it was to late
the first guy [the guy that always flys by my house] was probably doing 100 mph when he seen my buddy stopped in the road
he locked up his rear brake and slide 270 ft [high way patrol measured it]and about 20 feet before the car the bike slid down on its side and and flipped launching this guy right into the back of my buddys car
by this time i made it into the street but it was to late
the other guy was already going well over the speed limit and slid about 100ft
into a oncoming car and all i seen was his bike flipping through the air
i run over between the cars where it looked like a war zone and the first rider is D.O.A.
the second guy was critically injured but conscious
not to get to gory but the guy that died his brain was 20 feet or so down the road
anyhow this is the worst thing in life i have ever seen
my buddy that they hit is in an emotional mess and also was rushed to the hospital for neck and back injuries
the old man that got hit head on was ok but his car was also pretty much destroyed
the aftermath of this whole deal is amazing
their was so much debri from the cars and bikes it was almost unbelievable
turns out the 2 guys on the bikes are members of a local bike club
so their was about 100 people in my yard and the road was closed for 7 hours
anyhow it really makes you think about life!
i have been building a harley all winter long in my garage and spent over 20k
i have only rode it 3 times so far this year
about 2 mos ago i decided i wanted to get me a mustang again because its been about 2 years since i have had one
well ever since i got the stang i have lost interest in the bike and i have been thinking about selling it
its weird because i really have no reason at all to get rid of it i have just been getting that feeling like bad things could happen
and then all this happens tonight right in front of my house!
my wife has been wanting me to keep the bike but after this we have the same mind set we have two kids one is only 5mos old and i dont want to even think about how their lives would be affected if something happened to us so the bike is going up for sale.......... maby im being a baby or just woring to much but man its just seems like a sign
well to end the story turns out i knew the guy that died he was a 52 year old father thats not going home to his kids tonight
and i dont think anyone that was here and saw this will ever be the same...

05-03-2009, 03:07 AM
man. I have seen 2 accidents similar to this. One even had small children asking for their daddy while he lie bleeding in the street. I hope you and you family can move past this. It will take time to not relive it and hear the noises ascoatied with it. Dont compare this accident to you about the bike. I dont want to sound cold but if you ride like an ass you end up dead. I have been riding for many years and nothing has happened to even scare me yet. If you must get rid of the bike, what is it and how much. I really think you should keep it in a corner and decide later when the actions of someone riding irresponsible isnt affecting your state of mind. This guy had a death wish, from talking to you, I dont believe you two have anything in common.

05-03-2009, 03:23 AM
WoW....I wonder if it will hit the news tomorrow. It should just to show how irresponsible some of the bikers are out there. It is a shame that someone had to die before we realize the error of some ones ways.

05-03-2009, 04:51 AM
what side street is that?

05-03-2009, 08:15 AM
Thats Horible, Its a shame they was racing up the street like that. That little bit of fun cost them there lifes.

05-03-2009, 08:23 AM
lindale mt holly rd

05-03-2009, 08:24 AM

05-03-2009, 08:41 AM
wow... that is nuts

05-03-2009, 08:50 AM
I was wondering how close the accident was to your house Clarence?? Thats crazy!! We were back riding on the trails, and heard the crash.

05-03-2009, 09:22 AM
And they always say to watch for motorcyclists! I was driving down 125 the other day, and some older guy with long hair was riding like a mad man through there on his bike. I went to get over and he just swerved right around me so fast I almost hit him! I hope it wasn't the same guy, he was going in and out of traffic like the cars were nothing! To make it worse he wasn't even wearing a helmet! People like that, I just don't understand! You have nothing protecting you and those bikes are so dangerous, wear a helmet! Dumb asses..

05-03-2009, 09:45 AM
A guy I work with just had a buddy get killed going I believe around 130 when he lost control of his bike and hit a van . I believe this happened friday.

05-03-2009, 10:03 AM

05-03-2009, 10:17 AM
man i would call you a liar if i didnt know ya clarence that story doesnt even go together, that is so sad that happened .. RIP Guy , makes you think about life

05-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Holy chit!! Just got back from running errands, and seen the skid marks in front of your house. Did the OSP have any idea how fast the bikes were travelling??

05-03-2009, 11:51 AM
OMG! :eek: That is FUCKED UP! :(

Im sorry you had to watch that man. My God.

i live on a side street in amelia and every day people fly up and down the road all day long
its a 40mph speed limit but its not uncommon for people to drive 70+ mph
anyhow there is this guy who has been flying by my house almost every day
on a harley and when i say flying i mean anywhere from 80 to 110 mph no joke!
so tonight im in my driveway putting brakes on my wifes mustang that we bought last night:bigthumb and around 8 pm my buddy stops over to pick up a few parts
anyhow he is waiting on oncoming traffic so he can turn into my driveway hes dead stopped with his turn signal on and all of a sudden i hear these harleys turn off st rt 125 onto my road and they are racing well my house is just a little more than a 1/4 mile down the street and its in a small dip with a blind spot
well i hear these guys coming wide open and shifting gears and i start running out my front yard waving my arms to try to warn them but it was to late
the first guy [the guy that always flys by my house] was probably doing 100 mph when he seen my buddy stopped in the road
he locked up his rear brake and slide 270 ft [high way patrol measured it]and about 20 feet before the car the bike slid down on its side and and flipped launching this guy right into the back of my buddys car
by this time i made it into the street but it was to late
the other guy was already going well over the speed limit and slid about 100ft
into a oncoming car and all i seen was his bike flipping through the air
i run over between the cars where it looked like a war zone and the first rider is D.O.A.
the second guy was critically injured but conscious
not to get to gory but the guy that died his brain was 20 feet or so down the road
anyhow this is the worst thing in life i have ever seen
my buddy that they hit is in an emotional mess and also was rushed to the hospital for neck and back injuries
the old man that got hit head on was ok but his car was also pretty much destroyed
the aftermath of this whole deal is amazing
their was so much debri from the cars and bikes it was almost unbelievable
turns out the 2 guys on the bikes are members of a local bike club
so their was about 100 people in my yard and the road was closed for 7 hours
anyhow it really makes you think about life!
i have been building a harley all winter long in my garage and spent over 20k
i have only rode it 3 times so far this year
about 2 mos ago i decided i wanted to get me a mustang again because its been about 2 years since i have had one
well ever since i got the stang i have lost interest in the bike and i have been thinking about selling it
its weird because i really have no reason at all to get rid of it i have just been getting that feeling like bad things could happen
and then all this happens tonight right in front of my house!
my wife has been wanting me to keep the bike but after this we have the same mind set we have two kids one is only 5mos old and i dont want to even think about how their lives would be affected if something happened to us so the bike is going up for sale.......... maby im being a baby or just woring to much but man its just seems like a sign
well to end the story turns out i knew the guy that died he was a 52 year old father thats not going home to his kids tonight
and i dont think anyone that was here and saw this will ever be the same...

05-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Holy chit!! Just got back from running errands, and seen the skid marks in front of your house. Did the OSP have any idea how fast the bikes were travelling??
if he is right about it being a 1/4 mile or so from where they turned off of 125 to his house, it was at least 100mph no problem , yeah like ponyman5.0 said sorry you had to witness that

05-03-2009, 12:50 PM
hey man i was there,i was the guy with leo,that was trying to leave,right when all this went down.I cant stop seeing it in my head.i mean i saw everything,from the sliding of the bike to actally watching the man lay at his final resting place.this is the second time ive seen this happen,and i wonder,if they were waring a helmet would he still be here today,or only if we were 10 seconds earlyer or later,if his fate would have been the same.This is why im afraid to ride,its not the bike that scares me its what i cant see or cant stop.please give the family mine and leo's deepest sympothy i prayed for his family last night before i went to bed.:(:(:(:(

05-03-2009, 01:10 PM
I heard about this last night. Very sad.. Pretty crazy this all happened in your driveway.

Lt. Dangle
05-03-2009, 01:14 PM
I heard all about this shit last night Clarence...I'm a really good friend of Wes and it's just sad that this happened. My condolences to the motorcycle rider and his family.

05-03-2009, 01:42 PM

you beat me to it.

Those riders endangered the lives of others in addition to themselves. Not cool.

05-03-2009, 01:53 PM
osp said 100 to 110 mph at the time he hit the brakes
the guy that died never even touched his front brake
i tried everything in my power to stop these guys but like i said it was to late
neither guy had a helment on but to be honest it would not have helped at all
the guy that died hit the back of the honda so hard it knocked the windows out and moved the car 8 ft or so
osp were saying he was moving about 70mph at the time of impact
when the towing company showed up we found the guys boot under the car with his foot still in the boot
well the osp just did some braking test in front of my house
and they were doing 65mph and stopping in about half the distance of the skid marks
and they were in a dodge charger

05-03-2009, 01:55 PM
yea wes is a great guy
i think its going to be awhile before he gets a good nights sleep!

05-03-2009, 01:56 PM
you beat me to it.

Those riders endangered the lives of others in addition to themselves. Not cool.

i couldnt agree with you more!
this guy has been by my house almost every day
and he is always going at least double the speed limit

05-03-2009, 04:41 PM
This is why if you want to go fast, take it to the track.

The street is no place for that kind of behavior, especially on a bike that isn't designed to go that fast and without a helmet. There is absolutely no reason to do 100+ mph on a side street.

05-03-2009, 05:41 PM
You won't catch me on a motorcycle. I grew up on bicycles busting my face on everything, i know better than to get on something with an engine that'll go faster than i can pedal. You've gotta think twice before acting crazy on a bike without a helmet.

05-03-2009, 07:24 PM
I heard all about this shit last night Clarence...I'm a really good friend of Wes and it's just sad that this happened. My condolences to the motorcycle rider and his family.
mayb i missed it but have they released a name??? Matt you know whos bike that looks like....

05-03-2009, 08:27 PM
joe carpenter

05-03-2009, 08:58 PM
sad to hear. it never pays to ride careless at high rate of speeds

05-04-2009, 07:34 AM
You won't catch me on a motorcycle. I grew up on bicycles busting my face on everything, i know better than to get on something with an engine that'll go faster than i can pedal. You've gotta think twice before acting crazy on a bike without a helmet.

+2 on that.

05-04-2009, 08:30 AM
Just out of curiosity what was the club that the guy belong to

05-04-2009, 08:53 AM

05-04-2009, 10:04 AM
Clarence is not exaggerating, the guys ALWAYS was speeding by his house. It is sad that this happened but at the same time we all said he is going to get killed going that fast. I am just thankful that "Stinks" (my nickname for him), Clarence's son, was not out there. A 6 year old does not need to see something like this.

As for Wes, he is a good dude. I hope that he finds peace with himself. He needs to understand he is not to blame and had no control over the situation.

The other motorcyclist name is Timmy. As of last night, he is in critical condition and was moved to UC. He is my Mom's best friends brother. It truly is a small world.

05-04-2009, 11:13 AM
Amelia is getting bad I saw three accidents 2 from rubber neckers all right before Pennstation, on saturday, one was a 6 banger purple SN.......... they just keep putting up more and more houses and no way to relieve the traffic.....

Lt. Dangle
05-04-2009, 11:57 AM
mayb i missed it but have they released a name??? Matt you know whos bike that looks like....

Yeah it does look like his...

But no, I know the driver of the car.

05-04-2009, 04:22 PM
damn! Mike and i were talkin a couple weeks ago about this guy an how he is probably gonna end up hurting himself or someone else...

05-04-2009, 04:53 PM
sad thing is i also know the guy that died
i have met him a bunch of times and when he found out where i lived
i think thats when he started doing the fly bys just to be funny
he was auctaly a realy nice guy and great friends with john moorehouse [moorehouse welding] witch is a very good friend to me

the other guy i didnt know

the club they were in has a ton of good guys in it
most all of them that i know would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it

05-04-2009, 06:42 PM
the club they were in has a ton of good guys in it
most all of them that i know would give you the shirt off their back if you needed it

+1 On that, only met a couple of them. But, one day we were working on a dirt bike, and dude just pulled up wanting to know what was wrong with it. He wanted to know if I wanted to sell the bike, after telling him I wasn't interested in selling he said he thought he had a rear sprocket for my bike, and left. I figured I'd never see him again, 10 minutes later he pulled up with a sprocket, and wouldn't take any money for it. Good people:bigthumb

05-04-2009, 07:17 PM
I'm sorry you had to witness the death of an idiot. Maybe his friends will learn from his death. I have no sympathy for them. I hope everything is alright with your friend though, he sounds pretty messed up.

05-04-2009, 10:44 PM
I'm sorry you had to see these horriable events.

I had a very simmilar experience where i watched a friend Shawn, a co-worker get hit by a car doing 50 while he was sitting on his bike in front of Lady Victory fitness on 125 a few years ago. I can still hear it in my mind today.

He lived for 3 days before he passed. His whole body was yellow with black and blue spots.

I like to ride and i borrow my dads Harley sometimes. I just dont think i can get over the fact that i can not control other people and their actions. I am going to get my motorcycle lisence, but i dont think i will buy a bike. I just have not made up my mind 100% yet.

If you need anything let us know.


05-05-2009, 01:01 AM
good point 2kblacksleeper. If you dont feel comfortable or ready to be on a bike. Dont get one. Your either a bike rider or your not. I dont care what you ride. If its not in you and a part of you dont get one. Its a fine line between being fearful and aware. You have to be smart and all knowing of whats going on around you. I think riding a bike is one of the dumbest things you can do, and on the same hand I couldnt see not riding. I get alot out of it and I enjoy about 95 percent of riding. When it gets down to 80 percent I will hang it up and be done with it. If you think your ready get with someone who knows what they are doing and be smart and you will have a great time.

Mista Bone
05-05-2009, 02:26 AM
Reason I never got a bike, or dad would have killed me if I did, other drivers not paying attention.

This was 20+ years ago before cell phones and texting.

I've had a few riders THANK ME for giving them room, both HD's and crotch rockets.

05-05-2009, 04:10 AM
man, I nod a thank you at every person who had enough room to go and wated for me to pass. Those jerk offs that inch out there and you cant tell if they are going to stop or not have no idea what they are doing to us. I have a hand on the clutch and another on the brake ready to do something if need be.

05-05-2009, 09:55 AM

Madiera Family Medical Group? Sorry i don't know the abbreviation

05-05-2009, 09:58 AM
Madiera Family Medical Group? Sorry i don't know the abbreviation

Mother F' Motorcycle Gang..;)

05-05-2009, 10:22 PM
Just because someone drives like an idiot doesnt mean they deserve to die. How do you know that this same individual doesnt have family members who are part of this mustang site? My sympathy goes out to all people involved too include the family members of the man who died. Sounds to me like he was a nice person who made a bad choice and it cost him his life. The accident speaks for itself so why insult the guy?

I'm sorry you had to witness the death of an idiot. Maybe his friends will learn from his death. I have no sympathy for them. I hope everything is alright with your friend though, he sounds pretty messed up.

05-05-2009, 10:56 PM
i second that,ur right,just because he made a bad mistake does not mean hes a bad person.I am sure we all make mistakes that bite us in the ass,just like myself and others that i know.just like the man upstairs says,HE WITHOUT SIN SHAL CAST THE FIRST STONE.:rockon:

05-05-2009, 11:16 PM
Sean, I know what you mean by being ultra aware, I love to ride every moment of being on the road with just 2 wheels under you and the feeling of the wind across your face.

I just dont think i can get over the fact that there are so many people around here (this area not the board) that do not pay attention or set out to hurt someone. How many times have you had someone ride you ass like they want you to move out of there way when there are 2 complete other lanes open?

I have in addition to watching a friend die, also known alot of people have really bad accidents and not make it. Most of which were not their fault at all. Its always the well i did not see him/her attitude. Really you see to catch that f-n purse or car by the side of the road for sale about a mile away.

I guess you could say i am slightly jadded, but everyone is the way they are after the life experiences they have faced in their short time here. Well thats my wisdom or lack there of for tonight.


05-06-2009, 06:10 AM
Eddie was telling us about. its a damn shame but people need to be a little smarter when it comes to decisions.

05-06-2009, 07:27 AM
Eddie was telling us about. its a damn shame but people need to be a little smarter when it comes to decisions.

Agreed. It's a damm shame people don't think more before they do something that could hurt themselves or someone else. The sad thing is that this guy probrobly never thought he would get hurt or be killed but doing something so senseless by racing. He's a father and i'm sure he would never mean to hurt the one's he loves or anyone else.This is just another prime example that racing no what form could lead to death if under the wrong conditions.

05-06-2009, 09:16 AM
When it comes down to it, our entire lives are nothing but a ledger of decisions, good, bad or indifferent. There are many unforseen circumstances that could have done any of us in at any given moment in our lives. It could range from crossing the street, to passing the mail man in his AM General. Certainly, there are poor decisions made by people that dramatically increase the likelihood of accidents or tragedy, but seldom do the people who make poor decisions honestly think they will be "the one" that gets killed doing it.
Thoughts and prayers for the friends and family members left behind.

05-06-2009, 11:34 AM
BigBadStang = Very well said in the post above .


05-06-2009, 11:39 AM
I agree! It also doesn't matter if he was on a motorcycle or car. It can happen. My condolences to the families

05-07-2009, 02:22 PM
wow.. thats rough. Condolenses to everyone that had anything to do with this. Makes me think about getting rid of ny bike. My family needs me more that I need a motorcycle