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Just dont understand [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Just dont understand

03-27-2009, 10:29 PM
You try to be there for people, help them out, look after them, even put your neck out for them, and yet you get shit on regardless. It just seems it is so much easier to just be a dick head, have brutal honesty and keep to your damn self then help people out and care. Shit, you think you have friends, then after years they show you there true colors, but that's ok, you learn lessons, and it makes you appreciate your family more. Besides, i still believe the good people get the final laugh, and them sorry mother fuckers will get there's in the long run. So i press on and keep the faith we will come out on top. People today are just not like they used to be, good genuine people are few and far between, and it is a shame my son has to grow up in a world with so many sorry ass people, but at least i know he will be one of the good ones. I hope honesty, integrity, and decency is still important to others and is passed to the ones who care about there kids, cause it gets more and more rare everyday. Had to get that of my chest, Thanks

03-27-2009, 11:31 PM
I agree 100% !!!!!! Very well said

Mista Bone
03-28-2009, 01:25 AM
How many people here still hold doors for women and older people?

I get quite a few SINCERE thanks from the older people, they see that there still are some decent people left in the world.

Yeah, some call me a hillbilly, but at least I have some respect for my elders.

People today it is the "all about me" attitude. or "I'm in a hurry to get things done........"

03-28-2009, 02:04 AM
I hold the door for anyone. I have ran out of a store and forgot to look behind me and saw someone opening the door and stoped to apologise. common curtousy is def not with everyone. My soon to be 9 year old daughter holds door and says please and thank you to everyone. She will learn as she grows as long as i can get her to look both ways before I have learned to be brutally honest with people and if they dont like it, piss off. I can be a great friend unless you get stupid and show me your just another dick.

03-28-2009, 08:43 AM
I try to hold the door for anybody, regardless of age, sex, or color. But then you go and watch other people not even have a care in the world. Whenever somebody is holding the door for me, I look up, and most of the time, it seems to be an older man or woman, like my own generation has no clue of how to do anything for another person. Example..... I ended up helping a buddy move some crap around his warehouse off of reading road, and before I went down to help him, I stopped in at this gas station up the road, I am thinking the area is avondale, so I am guessing that should have explained everything for me before I even went there, but my walk into the gas station, I practically had the door slammed in my face. I just shook my head and moved on. Then I hear the same fat ass woman hollaring at the guy running the register that they did not have anymore dub-duece cans of malt licquor on the shelf. It was not just a, "hey, do you have any more?", it was a, "where da hell all da mother f'in colt 45? I need da dub duece colt 45" and the clerk says, "I am sorry, but we are out right now." so the big fat ass decides she is going to walk down the chip aisle and knock the chips off of the shelves, and stomp on a bag or two and walk out, cursing like there is no tomorrow. Then a woman comes out of the back, and is cleaning the mess, so I started helping her clean up the mess then went on to check out. While standing there, another little skinny hood-rat walks in and was cursing up a storm about the air pump not working, and practically biting the guy behind the counters head off. So I pay for my crap, and I am walking out the door and there are some more people walking in, so I open the door, walk out and hold the door, then big ole tub-a-lard had to bump me because she was too fat to fit through the door, no thank you from her of course, then her skinny boyfriend or whatever decides he was gonna bump me too, so I shoved his ass into the frame of the door and I just started cracking up because he started running his damn mouth off but wouldn't do shit. I probably should not have done that, but after that little display from multiple people, I wasn't in the greatest mood to deal with peoples crap that day. The lovely avondale for you.

Sorry for ranting inside another rant thread, but it only felt appropriate.

03-28-2009, 09:33 AM
I hear you guys, its true and worse it seems in certain areas. It makes me feel great to see random acts of kindness in these days because it is RARE. Sometimes I get frustrated when I see how I taught my girls and many times because they were taught to be kind and thankful they get the raw end of the deal from the takers in society. BUt its for the best, and hope something will change and people will wake up. Waitress brings them a re-fill, they always say thank you, they say thank you to me whenever we go to a movie or out to eat. It makes me proud, freaks some people out because it is so foreign to them. When you open a door for someone and they dont even acknowledge it really pisses me off, like the frickin door just magically opens up for their sorry ass. I feel like giving them a swift kick in the ass as they pass through. Older people almost always appreciate it.

03-28-2009, 10:18 AM
I hear you guys, its true and worse it seems in certain areas. It makes me feel great to see random acts of kindness in these days because it is RARE. Sometimes I get frustrated when I see how I taught my girls and many times because they were taught to be kind and thankful they get the raw end of the deal from the takers in society. BUt its for the best, and hope something will change and people will wake up. Waitress brings them a re-fill, they always say thank you, they say thank you to me whenever we go to a movie or out to eat. It makes me proud, freaks some people out because it is so foreign to them. When you open a door for someone and they dont even acknowledge it really pisses me off, like the frickin door just magically opens up for their sorry ass. I feel like giving them a swift kick in the ass as they pass through. Older people almost always appreciate it.

You can only teach your children the right thing to do, and hope for the best. It is too bad that that is not the right thing for some people to teach their children. Older people always say thank you when you do something for them, unless they are senile (spelling?). Then you see the new generation of punks that EXPECT everything handed to them. They dont think the door magically opens, the expect YOU to do it for them. It is sad, but true anymore. And I really do like your idea of givin people a swift kick in the ass when they are rude and disrespectful, I might just have to start doing that. :lol:

03-28-2009, 10:45 AM
That is why im probably a little harder on my son sometimes then i would like to be, i just want him to be a good man. He is a great person, i just don't want him to lose focus, thankfully he is really respectful, and yet understands a sorry ass when he see's one, and probably gets as mad as me about it (that could be good or bad lol). People today just take this life for granted and that is a shame cause there is alot of people who fought and died to give us the freedom and luxuries we have today, although times are bad i am still thankful because i know with time things will get better.

03-28-2009, 10:47 AM
That is why im probably a little harder on my son sometimes then i would like to be, i just want him to be a good man. He is a great person, i just don't want him to lose focus, thankfully he is really respectful, and yet understands a sorry ass when he see's one, and probably gets as mad as me about it (that could be good or bad lol). People today just take this life for granted and that is a shame cause there is alot of people who fought and died to give us the freedom and luxuries we have today, although times are bad i am still thankful because i know with time things will get better.

That is good the way that you are raising your son, just make sure he knows when to not take any more crap, because the nicer you are to the scum of this country, the more they will try and walk all over you. That is another thing that really pisses me off is watching people take advantage of others because of their kindness.

03-28-2009, 10:48 AM
Unfortunately i do not have that kind of faith in people anymore, i know there are still good one's out there, but we are few and far between.

03-28-2009, 10:54 AM
Oh believe me, he knows better then to put up with peoples garbage, he is a pretty temperamental fella like me and his mother, and has no problem handling what he needs to, and he makes sure he does things for the right reason (know body likes a bully). Just sad these days you got to worry about whipping some ass cause it aint like it used to be were you get it done and move on, you got to worry about weapons or there hommies.
What happened to the good ole days.

03-28-2009, 11:14 AM
The old days need to be brought back for sure. I am 23 years old, and really have not seen the "old days" so I can only go by what people tell me about it. I talk to my grandparents, my neighbors, and even my parents, and I wish I could live in a world where you can leave your doors unlocked, your car doors unlocked, and the windows rolled down all without even thinking about somebody stealing from you. I wish I could see a time where you can walk down the street and you can say hi to somebody without having the through cross your mind of being robbed. It is a sad thing to even think about what this country used to be, and what it is now.

03-29-2009, 07:29 PM
yall come to my part of the butthole of the states!you can finf alot of nice people(white and black)go 3 miles east and your in the hood.alot of nice people there of all races but if you get your ass whooped by a couple dumbass thugs your just a white guy in the wrong place at the wrong time but if your black its a hate crime .....WHAT THE FUCKS UP WITH THAT?

03-29-2009, 10:59 PM
Well I'm glad there are still some down to earth people around here. I'm 20 years old and it's really been pissing me off seeing the way people are becoming. I feel like my parents raised me the right way and it just blows me away to see some of the morons running around that are my age. I laugh when these tools throw on a tapout shirt with some gold chains and strut around like they're Rocky, thinking their shit doesn't stink. :lol:

04-04-2009, 04:29 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels that way! I see this shit all over and I travel alot with work and go to different states all the time and the worst place I have ever been for just down right rude people is Chantilly, VA. Dulles Airport. I met the most rude people and just wanted to knock the shit out of them. I held back the punches but did get a few words in to tell them exactly what I thought. Its bull shit what this world is becoming. Hopefully there are alot of people out there that feel the same way as we do and maybe it will change someday. Doubtful but its wishful thinking!

04-04-2009, 09:21 PM
If you want to know for sure, how many good people are out there, just count the members of stangbangerz. I am soooooo impressed with this place and its people. All of us and every thing we do speaks volumes about vinny and what he stood for. We can make all the difference. 5,386 strong and growing. Hey that was a flintstones vitimin add wasint it... God I love those things. Dino was my favorite. mmmmmmm purple

Mista Bone
04-04-2009, 10:58 PM
Yabba Dabba Doooooooooo!!!!!!!!

It does impress me alot that as a group we have quite a few good morals.

Not always perfect, but we try :)

04-06-2009, 12:43 AM
That's all we can do.

Mista Bone
04-06-2009, 01:21 AM
Did my good deed for Sunday. After waiting inline at a McD's in a "dark" part of Columbus, Ohio, I went three doors down to White Castle. When I got there I helped a older lady with bad hips and knees into the door.

My order was finished first, so I grabbed it and sat down, before I even got started eating her two fish sandwiches were ready. I didn't even hesitate, got right up and took her her food.

"Thank you young man, good to see some decent people still in this world, bless you."

"No problem, m'am, least I can do."

Pay it forward.......

Black Horse
04-06-2009, 06:06 AM
Pay it forward and Lead by Example!

Remeber - you can't change the whole world, but you sure can change your corner of it!