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How to become a cop? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : How to become a cop?

02-19-2009, 09:09 PM
I know most of you havnt had good experiences with cops, but I have decided thats what I want to do with my life. I was wondering if someone could help me out on the steps I need to take to become a police officer. Working inside a jail, or patroling the road. info on either would be great.

02-19-2009, 09:22 PM
Thats what im going to become also and the steps are different based on which state you live in.

02-19-2009, 09:33 PM
well im here in ohio, I just need to know were to get started.

02-19-2009, 09:43 PM
How old are you?

02-19-2009, 09:50 PM
well im here in ohio, I just need to know were to get started.

Wish I could help but we have just layed off 4 and maybe more to come:( UC Clermont has a very good Police Academy. Get to a smaller village department (Williamsburg is where I started, I think you know that area pretty well don't cha???) and ask them about becoming an auxillary officer to get sponsered to attend the Academy. Clermont County Jail may still be taking apps but like I said we just layed off a few. Check out to print off an app. Stay focused, it can be very rewarding but may take you a while to get started.

02-19-2009, 09:52 PM
There is nothing wrong with being a cop as long as you remember the following....

TO PROTECT AND SERVE(that means citizens)
Not to harass and abuse

Stay Humble don't be a dick and it will be fine.
Good Luck and may no harm come to you in the line of duty:angel:

02-19-2009, 10:05 PM
I am 21 years old. Harcracing: I am right around the corner from williamsburg, I will go there and see what I can get done. Thank You

02-19-2009, 10:12 PM
Eat Lots of Doughnuts:lol: J/K. It is hard right now to find a job in any public service with all of the layoffs. Best bet is to get some one to sponsor you for the academy or do it on you own as refrenced above. I have also heard that UC has a good program. Good Luck to ya and keep us updated.

02-19-2009, 10:19 PM
I suggest you watch a few of these videos before making a decision

Possibly NWS for language

Thats the difference between us and them :lol: Just kidding but those videos are funny as hell.

02-19-2009, 11:06 PM
i just watched the whole series and cant stop laughing

02-20-2009, 09:26 AM
The new stimulus package (still :lol: everytime I say that or hear it!) is supposed to interject some 35 billion for police and fire...probably earmarked for administration and new shit for chiefs. :(

02-20-2009, 10:39 AM
Leave Ohio.

But kidding aside, it all varies by department.
My personal suggestion is never pay your way through the academy. Having a department sponsor you is OK as long as you have a guarantee (in writing) of having a position upon your successful graduation.
But honestly as much work as an academy is, go to an academy where you get paid to attend.
Most of the larger departments that run their own academy's do it in this fashion.
Start looking outside of Ohio because most of Ohio departments you have to put yourself through the academy and as I stated before I think it's quite silly to pay your way through when there are plenty of places that will pay you to go through.

Get on with one of those stick it out a few years and if you don't like it then work on transferring. Lots of departments take lateral transfers.

Police hiring processes are generally very long and drawn out, can take up to a year for each process and a lot of people don't get hired on the first attempt.

There are good books out there to read to help with Oral Board questions.

02-20-2009, 11:11 AM
Cincinnati has their own academy. Most other smaller local jurisdictions use the Highway patrol and send you thru their academy.

Jurisdictions that use the OHP academy will make you pass all physical requirements up front. Jurisdictions with their own academy have loose(R) upfront physical standards and then give you up to a year to work in the dept. after graduation from the academy to pass the peace officer examination (written and physical)

With the Sherriff's dept you may work in the jail for 8 years and never get a road assignment (especially Hamilton Co) or you may go to the road after 6mo.'s its a bit of a gamble.

If you apply to the OHP you will virtually be promised a life of writing speeding tickets on the interstates. Physical requirements are a little tighter as well.

Black92LX is right, don't pay for some scarlet oaks class or an academy. Having a criminal justice, or socialogy degree from a university is a plus as well but is not a gaurantee.

I would rather work at a city and get some action every now and then, rather than babysit in the jail or assess additional road taxes on the interstates. Just my $0.02
Many local dept.s have been laying off or halting recruit classes so right now is a rough time to pursue this career. Good luck.

02-20-2009, 11:28 AM
I suggest you watch a few of these videos before making a decision

Possibly NWS for language

Thats the difference between us and them :lol: Just kidding but those videos are funny as hell.

Not only are they funny but they are legit.:cool1:

02-20-2009, 12:01 PM
I suggest you watch a few of these videos before making a decision

Possibly NWS for language

Thats the difference between us and them :lol: Just kidding but those videos are funny as hell.

I can't open you tube at work, but I am banking this is cops vs. firemen??? hahahaha Absolutely awesome!!!!!

Oh yeah, and I definitely agree that it is legit.:D

BTW: best of luck with the acadamey

02-20-2009, 04:51 PM
[QUOTE=Black92LX;449772] Having a department sponsor you is OK as long as you have a guarantee (in writing) of having a position upon your successful graduation.

A guarentee is nice but not that important. The smaller villages know that they are a stepping stone for advancing careers in LE. WBurg and Felicity are two that are used alot on this side of town. They do require that you spend a certain amount of time a month working with an officer or walking throughout the village. Try and decide what route you want. Trooper, Sheriff's Deputy, Township like Union or Pierce, or your hometown village. Or you can work as a Corrections Officer at the jail (Clermont / Hamilton). Corrections has become a good career. It's all about what you make of it and how much you enjoy doing it.

02-20-2009, 05:31 PM
i live in ky but also want to be a police officer is their anyone on her that is one in ky or knows any good tips?

02-20-2009, 05:49 PM
Good luck finding a department to sponsor you. I just started the academy at butler tech last month. we started with 52 cadets. 2 of them are getting paid to be there.

02-20-2009, 05:52 PM
and your not going to get a job in corrections right now. a few of my class mates are laid off from Hamilton County and they had been there for about two years or so.

02-20-2009, 06:08 PM
thanks for all the good information.

02-20-2009, 06:54 PM
Start taking civil service exams...check all of the major/big cities. Generally, cities with their own Academy, require zero experience.

Until then, go to school and get a really opens up some options.

02-21-2009, 02:26 AM
[QUOTE=Black92LX;449772] Having a department sponsor you is OK as long as you have a guarantee (in writing) of having a position upon your successful graduation.

A guarentee is nice but not that important. The smaller villages know that they are a stepping stone for advancing careers in LE. WBurg and Felicity are two that are used alot on this side of town. They do require that you spend a certain amount of time a month working with an officer or walking throughout the village. Try and decide what route you want. Trooper, Sheriff's Deputy, Township like Union or Pierce, or your hometown village. Or you can work as a Corrections Officer at the jail (Clermont / Hamilton). Corrections has become a good career. It's all about what you make of it and how much you enjoy doing it.

with the economy the way it is any cities especially the smaller ones cutting back. I would have trouble signing up without a spot in writing.
The academy is a lot of time and effort, I wanted to get as much compensation for it as possible.

That's why I left Ohio and went to KY. Make good money and have full benefits for something others are paying to do and don't have a spot guaranteed in the end.

But everyone is different. I was willing to move from Ohio for more opportunities. Others aren't in a spot to do that so I can understand why they do it.

02-22-2009, 11:40 AM
Here's my opinion. Join the military and do 4 years as an MP. Yes, MP and police officer are different, but you come out with a military back ground. This helps alot in the job market.

With the economy the way it is right now, the military is a guaranteee of no lay offs.

02-22-2009, 11:16 PM
I am signed up to take Covington's test this coming saturday and have been looking for other departments to start taking some tests. I almost have my BA degree in criminal Justice and still don't think I have much of a shot at getting a job. With all of the layoffs I think they would be more willing to hire someone that has been laid off and has already been through the academy opposed to someone they would have to sponsor. It sucks, I am worried this degree is going to render useless.

02-23-2009, 08:36 AM
Here's my opinion. Join the military and do 4 years as an MP. Yes, MP and police officer are different, but you come out with a military back ground. This helps alot in the job market.

With the economy the way it is right now, the military is a guaranteee of no lay offs.

This man speaks the truth, however this is a very competitive occupation.

Make sure you go thru the Ohio National gaurd so that your MOS cannot be changed. Fort Leonardwood can be meat grinder and alot of guys who go regular army get swapped to combat engineer before they know it.

Having this background provides several extra points on your civil service exam (assuming honorable discharge), and provides you with law enforcement experience. It's not for everybody but can be very rewarding. Good luck.

02-23-2009, 12:07 PM
My son is very interested in the Criminal Justice system. He's 14 and wants to be either a criminal investigator or detective. To get him into it a little more Independance Police have a thing for young kids that might be interested in this area. We signed him up for it for this summer. The funny part signing him up was they asked us if they knew our son better than he knew them... LoL. Evidently parents with troublesome kids try to send them through this as a punishment which is not waht this class is for.

Good luck to those that seek this profession and I hope you have a rewarding career!

04 Venom
02-23-2009, 02:17 PM
Here's my opinion. Join the military and do 4 years as an MP. Yes, MP and police officer are different, but you come out with a military back ground. This helps alot in the job market.

With the economy the way it is right now, the military is a guaranteee of no lay offs.

Excellent advice. My son's military record in the Marine Corp was a big plus when he was hired by the Baltimore County, MD police dept. 3 years ago.

02-23-2009, 03:03 PM
This has become a great thread for information, thanks everyone

02-28-2009, 09:40 AM
I am signed up to take Covington's test this coming saturday and have been looking for other departments to start taking some tests. I almost have my BA degree in criminal Justice and still don't think I have much of a shot at getting a job. With all of the layoffs I think they would be more willing to hire someone that has been laid off and has already been through the academy opposed to someone they would have to sponsor. It sucks, I am worried this degree is going to render useless.

You are correct. Wish I would have stayed with a business degree as opposed to switching to CJ.

I will be going back to soon to get some more definatly another Bachelors and onto the Masters.

02-28-2009, 02:10 PM
I attended the Sinclair Police Academy in Dayton and got a job right out of school. Maybe i was one of the few lucky ones. Good luck!

03-01-2009, 01:30 AM
I took Covington's exam today, 420 people took the exam for 4 job openings.

03-02-2009, 08:51 AM
I took Covington's exam today, 420 people took the exam for 4 job openings.

Typical, Same thing for the Covington FD. When I took the test there were over 500 people there. Decided later that seeing a bunch of torn up bodies was not the thing for me. The blood and guts don't bother me but someone screaming in pain and dying in front of your eyes is too much.

03-02-2009, 11:45 AM

go to the employment section and you can download an application. the deadline for applications is March 11th, so hurry up. For those of you who take and pass the test, I will see you at the physical fitness assessment!!

Take as many civil service tests as you can. If you are not currently in school, start!!. Many departments in this area require a degree. The competition is extremely tough, and the economy will make it even tougher. Back in the 90's, it took me nearly two years to get hired. I was hired by the first department I tested with. Be patient and stay at it. I beleve Montgomery County has had some layoffs, so you might have better luck with municipal agencies.

Good luck!

03-02-2009, 12:42 PM
Here's my 2 cents...

I served as an Auxiliary State Trooper (here in Ohio) from 1992-1999. Yea, I got "stories"! :eek:

I suggest joining the Ohio State Patrol's Auxiliary Program as well. GREAT place to learn the ropes and see if it's really what you want to do.

That said, getting into the OSP Academy is pretty difficult nowadays.

If you're a Minority, You have a FAR GREATER chance and becoming LEOs than a White Male. This is true in most all departments. That is just a fact of life. Affirmative Action Laws govern the Hiring practices in Civil Service jobs.

At the time I was serving as an Aux.Trooper, I was also on Active Duty USAF (at WPAFB). I was coming to the end of an Enlistment and was very seriously considering going to the OSP Academy and becoming a Trooper.

There was a TWO YEAR waiting list for White Males to get in to the NEXT Academy Class. Had this not been the case, I would be a State Trooper today. Even with me working with the OSP and being on Active Duty Military, I could not move up the chain.

The OSP was having a very difficult time in finding enough "QUALIFIED" recruits to even fill the next class. :rolleyes:

So, ask me how I feel about "Affirmative Action". :dummy:

03-02-2009, 12:53 PM
Join the military and do 4 years as an MP. I'm Retired Military and have worked as a "Cop" (for awhile) will I was in.

YES! Join the Military. Becoming an MP ?? NO WAY!!

Being a Cop in the Military is NOT at all like being a Cop in the Civilian sector.

Military Cop hours SUCK! You have to be arrive for "Formation/Call" up to an hour BEFORE your shift. You can NOT go to School because of the bad schedule. 12 hrs ON/OFF, rotating shifts/weekends etc...

The Big difference between a Military Cop and a Civilian Cop is the OVERTIME PAY. Military folks are "salaried". You get paid by what's on your sleeve.

Civilian Cops are UNION Members that get paid HOURLY. This means 1.5 pay etc... Think about it.

So please do yourself a favor. Don't become a Cop in the Military. There's many, many other jobs to choose from.

And yes, the Military does have JOB SECURITY these days! :cool2:

03-03-2009, 09:28 AM
I'm Retired Military and have worked as a "Cop" (for awhile) will I was in.

YES! Join the Military. Becoming an MP ?? NO WAY!!

Being a Cop in the Military is NOT at all like being a Cop in the Civilian sector.

Military Cop hours SUCK! You have to be arrive for "Formation/Call" up to an hour BEFORE your shift. You can NOT go to School because of the bad schedule. 12 hrs ON/OFF, rotating shifts/weekends etc...

The Big difference between a Military Cop and a Civilian Cop is the OVERTIME PAY. Military folks are "salaried". You get paid by what's on your sleeve.

Civilian Cops are UNION Members that get paid HOURLY. This means 1.5 pay etc... Think about it.

So please do yourself a favor. Don't become a Cop in the Military. There's many, many other jobs to choose from.

And yes, the Military does have JOB SECURITY these days! :cool2:

Good post, I'm glad that somebody with MP experience posted up. that's while I said they were no the same. Military hours can suck for any job in the military, it's just part of the service.

I was suggesting being an MP to get his feet wet in the field, to see if he wants to make a career of it.

Honestly, my opinion, join the Air Force, become a FF with the crash/rescue guys. Get out and become a regular firefighter. 24hours on/ 48 hours off.

03-03-2009, 09:03 PM
Good post, I'm glad that somebody with MP experience posted up. that's while I said they were no the same. Military hours can suck for any job in the military, it's just part of the service.

I was suggesting being an MP to get his feet wet in the field, to see if he wants to make a career of it.

Honestly, my opinion, join the Air Force, become a FF with the crash/rescue guys. Get out and become a regular firefighter. 24hours on/ 48 hours off.No doubt.

I agree. A Military FF is a way better job than an MP. MUCH less chance of getting shot at if you get deployed to a combat zone! :cool2: