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Depression, Suicide and Mental Health issues.... [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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01-03-2009, 11:30 AM
I feel it's greatly important to get this message out. Another thread here prompted me to this reply.

ANY suicide attempt IS a cry for attention.

My wife was recently the Executive Director of the Tri-County Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Suicide is MUCH more common than the General public even realizes. MOST all suicides NEVER get reported in the local media and/or the Obituaries..

Also, when County Coroners sign death certificates, they are VERY VERY reluctant to place Suicide as the cause of Death. Often times to alleviate family suffering.

Families also are extremely reluctant to ADMIT that a family member has completed Suicide. Often times out of DENIAL and/or their own Embarrassment.

I actually had a close Co-Worker of mine here at the Dayton VA that Completed Suicide this past August. It devastated all of us in our Lab. If you would have known Andrea. You would NEVER EVER suspected she would have taken her own life. She was an extremely intelligent, beautiful, caring individual. She also had a husband and (3) children. Unfortunately, she had some severe Mental health issues that contributed to her death.

So you can see how the number of "reported" number of completed Suicides and Attempted Suicides is actually grossly under estimated.

The lack of Public Education about Suicide leads to ignorance of the Subject.

I highly encourage everyone to educate yourselves, your family members and friends about the FACTS of Suicide and Mental Health conditions overall.

I guarantee there are members right here on Stangbangerz that have been DIRECTLY effected by Suicide or know someone close that has been!!

With the growing Economic Crisis in this Country, Depression, Mental Health issues and Suicide are likely to get much worse.

PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELVES on these very serious issues!


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

If anyone has anymore questions about Suicide, Depression and/or Mental Health issues, PLEASE PM or Email me and I WILL do my best to refer you too a place to obtain Professional Help.

Mista Bone
01-03-2009, 12:13 PM
Depression is nothing to mess with either.

Also if you know someone who takes meds, make sure they take them and IF they do stop get then to their doctor ASAP to be sure it is safe for them.

Not sure if anyone remembers "Superblue" who helped start GCFBA forums, but he took his life a few years ago, I see his brother about twice a week.

01-03-2009, 12:34 PM
We had 2 kids kill them selves in high school. Never saw it coming from either one, but I didn't know them all that well.

I'm an engineer, we designed the site for the Lindner Center of HOPE in Mason. It's the only private mental healthcare facility around here. I think you need to be pretty loaded (money wise) to check in there though. They are going to have a MRI machine to see what's going on in the head. They also do ECT (electro convulsive therapy - electroshock basically) and some new magnetic brain stimulatioin that is supposed to help with depression. They have about 70 in patitent beds and about 10 out patient rooms. Most people don't know even that place is back there, so I thought I'd throw that out. It's at Tylersville/Western Row, back on the old Gregory (Montgomery Inn family) farm with all the oak trees. You can see it from Western Row now that the leaves are down.

01-03-2009, 03:36 PM
We just had a girl from who graduated in my class (06) commit suicide 2 weeks ago.
It was a reality check for sure.

01-03-2009, 05:07 PM
Sorry but i dont think ANY suicide attempt is done for attention! more often than not its done because the person doesnt know any other way to deal with there problem.there are alot of people that go through the therapy,meds and all the counseling and still nothing seems to help for very long.thats when they just say fuck it and give up.

01-03-2009, 05:19 PM
Sorry but i dont think ANY suicide attempt is done for attention! more often than not its done because the person doesnt know any other way to deal with there problem.there are alot of people that go through the therapy,meds and all the counseling and still nothing seems to help for very long.thats when they just say fuck it and give up.

I agree with you 100%

01-03-2009, 05:20 PM
Everything in your post seemed very caring, and well thought out....

Except for this:

ANY suicide attempt IS a cry for attention.

01-03-2009, 05:27 PM
Everything in your post seemed very caring, and well thought out....

Except for this:

I think what he was saying was that it's a cry for attention in regards to the fact that the person isn't themselves crying out for attention, but that the attempt in and of itself is a cry that that person needs someone to help them through their problems.

01-03-2009, 05:29 PM
I agree that MOST attempted suicides are a cry for help. But the people that are not looking for attention are the ones that just do it and don't make a big dramatic production of it..

01-03-2009, 11:51 PM
I feel it's greatly important to get this message out. Another thread here prompted me to this reply.

ANY suicide attempt IS a cry for attention.

My wife was recently the Executive Director of the Tri-County Suicide Prevention Coalition.

Suicide is MUCH more common than the General public even realizes. MOST all suicides NEVER get reported in the local media and/or the Obituaries..

Also, when County Coroners sign death certificates, they are VERY VERY reluctant to place Suicide as the cause of Death. Often times to alleviate family suffering.

Families also are extremely reluctant to ADMIT that a family member has completed Suicide. Often times out of DENIAL and/or their own Embarrassment.

I actually had a close Co-Worker of mine here at the Dayton VA that Completed Suicide this past August. It devastated all of us in our Lab. If you would have known Andrea. You would NEVER EVER suspected she would have taken her own life. She was an extremely intelligent, beautiful, caring individual. She also had a husband and (3) children. Unfortunately, she had some severe Mental health issues that contributed to her death.

So you can see how the number of "reported" number of completed Suicides and Attempted Suicides is actually grossly under estimated.

The lack of Public Education about Suicide leads to ignorance of the Subject.

I highly encourage everyone to educate yourselves, your family members and friends about the FACTS of Suicide and Mental Health conditions overall.

I guarantee there are members right here on Stangbangerz that have been DIRECTLY effected by Suicide or know someone close that has been!!

With the growing Economic Crisis in this Country, Depression, Mental Health issues and Suicide are likely to get much worse.

PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELVES on these very serious issues!


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

If anyone has anymore questions about Suicide, Depression and/or Mental Health issues, PLEASE PM or Email me and I WILL do my best to refer you too a place to obtain Professional Help.

We may not agree on our favorite football teams, but we definitely do with this issue! In all seriousness, my mother was diagnosed with manic depression, caused by a chemical imbalance when I was little. It pretty much kicked in after my sister was born, who's 5 years younger than me. She had a nervous breakdown, suicide attempts and thoughts. She would do weird stuff when I was little. We went through a lot as a family growing up. It was pretty hard. It runs in my family also, my great grandmother had it and some of my aunts. Its sad to see people die that don't get the right treatment. People with this disease definitely needs physical and mental help all throughout their lives. Hopefully they'll find a cure for this disease.

01-04-2009, 03:26 AM
I have suffered with manic depression since I was a kid. It can be both hereditary and developmental. I think I got it from both sides. I had a bad stint with it a few years ago, and took myself to the emergency room to try to get medication for it. They asked me if I was suicidal, I said no...I was trying to get help before it got to that. They were all disappointed. If I had said yes, they could have gotten me help immediately. Since I wasn't, they had to put me on a waiting list, because all of the local psychiatrists were booked solid. I had to pay cash for visits and medication, and couldn't afford it, so I suffered through it with budweiser and marlboros instead. I still suffer through it. It sucks. The mind is a terrible thing to waste, and I continue to do so until I can afford to make it better with insurance.

Long story short, sometimes you have to show your ass to get help. I can't say every person who attempts to kill themself has a good reason, but sometimes you can't be so quick to judge. You can never fathom what could run through someone's mind to bring them to that point. Compulsive thinking is all it is. Some people can handle it, some can't. Some people feel they have no one to talk to, some people don't. There are a lot of dismissive people out there, so it's hard to judge. Not everyone is willing to listen. If I were to talk to my dad about it to this day he would say "it's all in your head, you need to get over it." Well, no shit! Nowadays, he is a bible thumper, and his new take is he should have sent me to church more. Something else he can put on someone else. Blah! Anyway.....

01-04-2009, 11:16 AM
Sorry but i dont think ANY suicide attempt is done for attention! more often than not its done because the person doesnt know any other way to deal with there problem.there are alot of people that go through the therapy,meds and all the counseling and still nothing seems to help for very long.thats when they just say fuck it and give up.

As any of the fire guys on here can say, we see both sides of the attempts and the other side of that. Those who attempt ARE calling for help. The ones that set out and say I will kill myself, those are the ones that are found days after the fact. I have taken many to the hospital for help, but for everyone I have taken in the last year or so, I have also called or pronounced dead in the field, (sorry Ohio guys, in KY a medic can pronounce a person dead). I do agree with the other comments, this will get worse until you see an up turn in the economy. If you or someone you know even thinks they may have a problem or need help, find it ASAP. It sucks seeing the person that said they didn't need help and never got it.

01-04-2009, 02:17 PM
i have known several people who committed suicide. very sad for everyone involved. about a month ago my relative took his life after a long battle with drug addiciton. our family is pretty torn up about it.

it's a severe problem that affects not only the person but everyone around them. never turn your back on someone who's down b/c you don't know how bad it can get.

01-04-2009, 04:31 PM
it's a severe problem that affects not only the person but everyone around them. never turn your back on someone who's down b/c you don't know how bad it can get.

Exactly! One little thing can change a persons view of their world. I have been through a lot and still am but I can not let myself get that down. One act of kindness can help beyond words.

01-04-2009, 06:06 PM
And if you think someone you know is having a hard time call them and talk to them. Somthing as simple as a phone call or taking somone out for a beer can really help when somone is depressed.

01-04-2009, 06:11 PM
Just get blazed. Solves all your problems...for about an hour.


Mista Bone
01-04-2009, 07:11 PM
taking somone out for a beer can really help when somone is depressed.

VERY VERY bad idea!!!!!! The last item a person with depression needs is alcohol.

Just get blazed. Solves all your problems...for about an hour.


Doesn't solve anything, just creates another "crutch" which makes getting the needed help harder.

I know this from my "dark period" that lasted about a year around 2005.

I was never suicidal though, but did have issues with panic attacks, not wanting to go outside in the daylight, etc.

01-04-2009, 07:23 PM
I meant take them out and listen to them. You dont have to get toasted to have a beer and talk.

01-04-2009, 10:05 PM
I actually had a close Co-Worker of mine here at the Dayton VA that Completed Suicide this past August. It devastated all of us in our Lab. If you would have known Andrea. You would NEVER EVER suspected she would have taken her own life. She was an extremely intelligent, beautiful, caring individual. She also had a husband and (3) children. Unfortunately, she had some severe Mental health issues that contributed to her death.

When I read this post, I couldn't believe it. I have been debating whether or not to post in here. Andrea and her 3 children are the Cousins of my Children. She was the 1st Cousin of my ex. The reason why I am posting is because her family and friends knew she had mental illnesses. They had been trying to get her help for years. She was in denial. She might have been depressed, but that was underlying. My point is, you saw her one way and her family saw her another. If anyone thinks there may be ANY issue with someone that might lead to a suicide, they should try to get them help. She left behind two young teenagers and a very young son who doesn't understand and her death was very violent. Those children, her Husband, Parents and her Sister will have to live with the "what if's" for the rest of their lives.

01-04-2009, 10:41 PM
Sorry but i dont think ANY suicide attempt is done for attention! Sorry, wrong choice of words on my part.

I meant to say that all Suicide attempts ARE a cry for HELP.

01-04-2009, 10:56 PM
When I read this post, I couldn't believe it. I have been debating whether or not to post in here. Andrea and her 3 children are the Cousins of my Children.

The reason why I am posting is because her family and friends knew she had mental illnesses. They had been trying to get her help for years. She was in denial.Wow.....small world it is.

Yes... I did know "Both" sides of Andrea. I saw her at extremes. Denial is one of the main factors in Bi-Polar disorder. No one can help an individual IF they do NOT want help themselves. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

My older sister and mother-in-law have both have Bi-Polar disorder with Manic depression.

The difficult thing about Mental illness is that the Conditions vary greatly in each individual. Throw in environmental, health, family, substance abuse issues and you can have a real problems to deal with.