View Full Version : My first mustang :)
11-27-2008, 04:01 PM
Well guys, I figured its time to post my build thread. I bought my first mustang this past summer. Its an 88 gt that I paid $1500 for, I think its in good shape for the price I paid. It was basicaly stock when I got it other than BBK shorties, an o/r H-pipe and flowmasters with dumps. It ran a 14.5 at 98mph with a terrible 2.4 60' in this trim. Within a week of owning it I threw down the cash for a trick flow track heat intake, BBK fenderwell kit, MAF conversion, 75mm tb and egr delete plate. It acualy ran worse at the track with this setup, but there were quite a few things wrong. 3 days after I got it running with this setup the clutch went out :bigthumb. I have BIG plans for the winter. My original plan was to port my E7's and put a clutch in it... wouldnt you know that changed quickly. My plans are now to get a set of gt40p's and port those and put 1.7rr's on em, put in a cam, get longtubes and a short H-pipe, pull the shortblock and refresh that, clean the engine bay and hide the wires, put an electric fan on it, put a spec stage II clutch in it, put 4.10s in the rear and rebuild the trac-loc, weld in some subframes, put a set of M/T ET street radials on the rear, and lose as much weight as possible for a street car. I've started collecting alot of parts for the project, I bought a lunati 51014 cam and crane 1.7's, have a set of gt40p's with trickflow valve springs on the way, Pro 5.0 shifter, firewall adjuster (already has a quadrant), battery relocation kit, and have just been hiding wires and dropping weight. Here are the pics of it the way I bought it..
and the pics from after the first round of mods :)
Im sure I've forgoten to mention some thing but ill remeber eventaully. My goals are to hit low 13's and maybe high 12's after im done and doin it without breaking any parts lol. Its already torn apart, I'll get pics up of its current state within the next day or so
11-27-2008, 04:08 PM
Nice looking GT!
You should be able to attain you goal of 12s.
Good luck!
11-27-2008, 04:15 PM
Thanks. Yea, after a little more reading it seems 12's shouldnt be too hard to achieve. and not to mention that the next step after all this will be a trickflow nitrous kit :)
11-27-2008, 05:54 PM
Good Looking Stang !!!!
Looks Like you got a hell of a deal for $1,500 !!!
11-27-2008, 07:53 PM
Good Looking Stang !!!!
Looks Like you got a hell of a deal for $1,500 !!!
You're not kidding. I would have jumped on that in a heart beat for $1,500! I'm truely jealous. I'll give you $1,550 :D
11-27-2008, 07:54 PM
mark i got some more pictures of the motor torn down the inside and all the parts icant post if you want.
11-27-2008, 10:19 PM
Thats a nice car what a deal!
satan jamez
11-27-2008, 10:40 PM
Wow! That was a great deal. I wouldn't feel bad about dumping $2K at all in that car since you'd actually get it back out once you sell it :) Nice car :bigthumb
11-27-2008, 10:43 PM
Looks great, you stole it. This is a great place to find parts and advice. Also, if you need a part and you don't see it listed in the classifieds, post in the wanted section. Good luck
P.S., there is a ford swap meet in Columbus this weekend.
11-27-2008, 10:55 PM
Thanks guys, I know it was a good deal. I really wanna go to that swap meet, id be like a kid in a candy store. I probly wont make it there but ill try. pics of it all torn down are coming either later tonite or tomorrow.
11-27-2008, 10:58 PM
Btw, I ned some advice on the fuel system, Im thinkin about 24lbers but will that be enough if i spray it down the road??
11-27-2008, 11:03 PM
24's will be fine as long as you don't get to greedy with the spray. Upgrading the fuel pump would be a good idea too. Go with a 255 walbro intank now that way you wont have to do it again.
11-27-2008, 11:21 PM
thats exactly what I was thinkin for the pump, but if i spray it with a 150 at the most will the 24s be fine?? and will i need an adjustable FPR?
11-27-2008, 11:24 PM
You should be fine for 150 shot... i would add a adjustable fpr helps with tuning.
11-28-2008, 01:28 AM
heres the pics from tonite..
nasty tranny covered in 20 years of crap
soon to be empty and clean/painted engine pay
lunati and roller rockers
Pro 5.0 :)
Soon to come.. gt40ps and the porting and polishing process!
11-28-2008, 08:46 AM
good looking car man. should make good power when it's done
11-28-2008, 12:17 PM
thats exactly what I was thinkin for the pump, but if i spray it with a 150 at the most will the 24s be fine?? and will i need an adjustable FPR?
I've got a brand new Kirban regulator that I don't need. I'll make you a good deal on.
11-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Beautiful car. Glad to see your taking good care of it.
I have a thing for black GT's. :)
11-28-2008, 02:25 PM
I've got a brand new Kirban regulator that I don't need. I'll make you a good deal on.
Ive herd those are the ones people want, how much you want?
11-28-2008, 04:35 PM
Ive herd those are the ones people want, how much you want?
I had it listed on here for $50.00. I'll take $40. Thats about half price and it has never been installed!
11-28-2008, 05:25 PM
Good Looking Stang !!!!
Looks Like you got a hell of a deal for $1,500 !!!
definatley got a deal for $1500,and i like the fact you were working with what you had to get it to run good times.good luck and remember when you plan your build stay on track cause you can easily make that thing sit for a year cause you decided,hey i want to wait on alum heads instead of my gt 40's this is just an example.i've done it and i know first hand if you're not careful you're winter build will turn into a winter and half summer project and then you'll be pissed at yourself cause you missed all the track days and good cruises.
11-28-2008, 06:04 PM
Yea, I deffinatly want to get it done with asap. The one problem is that Im a college kid and that takes some time away from it. I do have 22 days for winter break though ;). As far as staying on track I shouldnt have a problem with that, its sort of a budget build so I deffinatly wont be saving up for those aluminum heads for a while.
11-28-2008, 07:48 PM
Well I just ordered a set of 4.10s and an install kit and speedo correction. I've never really done gears and I would really appreciate some help since im not sure what im doing. I also will be rebuilding the trac-loc, is anybody familair with this too and what do I need to rebuild it?? I will probably be doing these things over winter break (starting dec 12th) so anyone that can and is willing to help please let me know. Thanks in advance :)
11-28-2008, 08:52 PM
Nice looking ride dude, just let me know when you are ready to give those wheels a little love.
11-28-2008, 09:28 PM
nice ride good deal:bigthumb
11-28-2008, 10:13 PM
Well I just ordered a set of 4.10s and an install kit and speedo correction. I've never really done gears and I would really appreciate some help since im not sure what im doing. I also will be rebuilding the trac-loc, is anybody familair with this too and what do I need to rebuild it?? I will probably be doing these things over winter break (starting dec 12th) so anyone that can and is willing to help please let me know. Thanks in advance :)
You might want to think about paying someone, with experience, to do the gear change. Andy Law does them, as well as many others. I'm sure all you need to do, is ask in the drivetrain forum and you will get all kind of replies.
11-28-2008, 11:15 PM
No problem mustangboy, I haven't forgotten. Ill give that a try, How much do you think it would cost to have someone else do it?
12-08-2008, 05:23 PM
GT40P's, walbro 255 and 24lb injectors arrived today. Ill start the port work and get pics of it soon
12-20-2008, 02:45 AM
Pulled the motor today n rolled her out for some scrubbing. There are ridiculous amounts of grease and crud built up. Im not done cleaning and sanding so no pics of it done yet. I just can't wait to put it all together and do a before and after comparison. I wish I could weld up all the holes and box the framerails while in there but I'll just save that for when it gets a new motor.
Got a nice 4x4 look goin on
12-20-2008, 03:11 AM
4x4 stangs FTW
12-31-2008, 01:56 AM
Almost done painting the engine bay, it looks awsome so far.. what an improvement. Anybody got any tips on getting the nasty old motor mounts outa there??
01-03-2009, 02:18 AM
Finally got done painting it all up. It is a spray can job so i dont expect it to be super awsome but Im deffinatly not dissapointed. The pictures dont really do it justice, 100% improvement. I also apainted the lower intake, valve covers, distributor and alternator bracket.
01-03-2009, 02:48 AM
Very nice. You should install an aftermarket K-member in there while its this far apart.:)
01-03-2009, 01:11 PM
I wish.. too much money for right now. I guess thats another thing ill save for the next motor
01-03-2009, 04:10 PM
looks good. got a good project going there :bigthumb:
01-22-2009, 04:00 AM
Man, I feel like a bum cuz I havent been doin any work on it recently. I hardly have any time this quarter to get home and do some work. However, I pretty much only have to port the heads and buy some parts, then I can start to reassemble it. Im going to save up more money and do the suspension, tires, and chassis later on.
p.s. who knows of an easy way to get those old motor mounts out? and 2 broken off water pump bolts?
01-28-2009, 09:33 PM
looking good i was just thinking about your build.. i was like who was that asking about head porting.. and then i remembered and found the thread.. couldnt find any info about porting lol. Btw is that a systemax lower? i know its not the stock or gt 40.. and you got no pic of an upper. With aftermarket intake you'll definatly benefit from some port work. You still have a few months before the tracks open again so take your time :bigthumb
01-28-2009, 10:03 PM
look up at his first round of pics, looks like the trick flow track heat upper to
looks like the project is coming along nicely! cant wait to see it in person!
01-28-2009, 10:27 PM
look up at his first round of pics, looks like the trick flow track heat upper to
looks like the project is coming along nicely! cant wait to see it in person!
ah yes your right i was just seeing the latest pics with the lower only showing.. and i know that wasnt stock ports even on gt40 lol
01-28-2009, 11:04 PM
ah yes your right i was just seeing the latest pics with the lower only showing.. and i know that wasnt stock ports even on gt40 lol
yous right about that, gt40's and cobra's is round and offset and stock is about 3/4 that size
01-29-2009, 01:44 AM
you got that right about the track heat foxxx. If i didnt have such a good flowing intake I would probly just bolt the GTP's on without porting but I figure itd be a waste not to now. You guys will deffinatly be seeing me at the track when its done, thats basicaly what Im building it for, it just happens to be a DD too lol. I have a week for spring break at the end of march so I think thats when its getting put back together, I just gotta port the heads some weekend
01-29-2009, 07:27 AM
if you need a hand shoot me a PM or a call @ 513-628-8809 an if i aint at work ill come out an help
01-29-2009, 08:43 AM
Awsome, Thanks for the offer man! Ill deffinatly hit you up on that if I need it.
01-29-2009, 10:32 AM
car is looking great. you need to make it out to the fall cruise in!
01-29-2009, 02:01 PM
Whats the date of the cruise? your said fall so if its not done by then then there is a serious problem. I checked out your car Ryan, that is one clean ass vert!
02-02-2009, 02:59 AM
You only paid 1500 for that! Good deal! Wish I would have been able to find one for that cash that looked like that!
02-02-2009, 03:11 AM
:lol:this weekend port the heads and well start putting it back together the following:flipoff:
02-02-2009, 10:43 AM
Very nice! Looks familiar. ;) Kinda like what Twisted Twins USED to look like. I always loved that solid black.
02-03-2009, 05:15 PM
I've seen some old pics of TT, gotta love that black. Maybe I'll have to throw on some welds to complete that nice look that TT had lol.
02-03-2009, 05:18 PM
Got a 90mm granateli MAF, new lifters, and a mini starter on the way. Maybe ill post up a pick of the old starter just for the hell of it, it was rusted through and somehow still worked lol.
03-19-2009, 04:17 PM
03-19-2009, 04:52 PM
Spring break is tomorrow, I cant wait!! Ive got all the parts I need to put it back together waiting for me at my house. Ive got 9 days for spring break so I hope that will be enough...
03-24-2009, 11:56 PM
Just been doing alot of little things to get it back together. Motors going back in Thursday, so in the mean time I figured it show you guys how I hid all my wires and the new longtubes going on it.
This is the wiring behind the driver side strut tower. The dash harness come out of the firewall and straight into the strut tower, while the computer harness that goes along the firewall goes straight into the fender. They connect in the inner fender.
I relocated the MAP sensor under the pinch weld. It shouldnt be easily visible once the motor is in. Also, you cant see them but the brake lines are tucked under the pinch weld. The main computer harness going across the pinch weld is the only wire left in the engine bay
Not much to see here, this is just showing that the passenger side wires were tucked through a hole behind the strut tower and any extra ones were slipped through the grommet to the computer.
I put the starter solenoid inside the drivers fender. In the second pick the 2 circles bolts are the ones holding the solenoid to the fender.
Heres my longtubes :), they cleaned up nicely. I got an x-pipe to go with em, then some flowmasters to go behind that
This last pic is of 2 water pump bolts.. that broke off like usual. Does any body have advice on getting these out of there???
I cant wait to get the motor in, you guys will see that when it happens
04-14-2009, 12:35 PM
gettin there..
$1500 ... what a steal. good find on the car it looks good :bigthumb
04-17-2009, 08:34 PM
I love the junkyard!! I just went today and found some nice parts. I got a 3G alternator, some nice LX taillights, a driver side inner fenderwell since I didnt have one, a new shift knob, a passenger sun visor (also didnt have one), and a whole bunch of random stuff I needed. Im goin back to get some 4 cyl. front springs and a mark 8 fan cuz they closed before I could get em.
04-18-2009, 02:23 AM
looks good buddy the motor looks bad ass in the ford blue call me when ever your in m town and need help
10lb 308
04-18-2009, 02:31 AM
are u cuting any coils on the 4cyl springs ,mabey 1 coil in the front-half coil in rear give it a agressive look lookin good :bigthumb
04-19-2009, 03:42 PM
Hmm, I like the idea of cutting some coils for a nicer stance. Will I need a set of cc plates to go with the springs?
05-28-2009, 05:42 PM
Been a while since Ive updated this.. Motor has been in for a few weeks now, I just haven't been able to post any pics cuz my hard drive crashed.
Ive been waiting for this pic for a while now, compare to the pics in the first post
LX tails.. love em!
So Ive got a bunch of stickers laying around and I dont know what to do with em.. so i mocked em up on the fire wall. What do you think, stickers or no stickers??
Clutch will be ordered this week so it should be back on the road in a few weeks. I cant wait for that first start up!!!!
05-29-2009, 07:34 PM
No stickers!
05-30-2009, 03:22 AM
No stickers!
Unless they are paying you to put them on, leave them for the toolbox and air tank.
05-31-2009, 11:26 AM
No stickers!
:yup:...What he said!^^^
satan jamez
05-31-2009, 11:50 AM
Don't stickers add HP? Lol!
05-31-2009, 01:05 PM
Don't stickers add HP? Lol!
Only to Hondas! :cool2:
06-03-2009, 11:59 PM
Ehh I just said what the hell and stuck some on there. I figured I can take them off just as easily. I ordered the clutch on sunday night and low and behold tuesday rolls around and theres a centerforce DF on my porch.. that was quick. Should be running within the next few weeks, Im almost done with school for the year so when I get the time it'll be on the road!
06-18-2009, 04:39 AM
This update is a few hours late but what Im about to say is all that matters... SHE RUNS!!!!
It took me a half hour to figure out that the distributor was 180 out lol
06-18-2009, 07:58 AM
This update is a few hours late but what Im about to say is all that matters... SHE RUNS!!!!
It took me a half hour to figure out that the distributor was 180 out lol
congrats can't wait to see her out
06-18-2009, 10:04 AM
nice congrats on the runing car.
06-25-2009, 06:06 PM
Just thought Id post up a final motor shot.. final for now that is lol
08-05-2009, 02:48 AM
Well guys this combo was short lived lol. I expect a couple I told ya so's after this one, I put it back together with the stock 120,000 mile bottom end and a new oil pump. I have no oil pressure because my bearing clearances are too big. You can hear the rods banging around it there lol. It never ran right since the h/c/i, which didn't help the bottom end, and Im sick of dealing with wiring issues. Im in the planning stages but the idea right now is to sell all my EFI stuff and go carb.. on top of an aluminum headed 347. So if anybody wants any EFI parts off this car or some fresh GT40Ps and possibly a lunati 51014 just pm me. Anybody on here that has done an efi to carb switch or a 347 Id like to hear anything you have to say!
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