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I'm voing Republican . com [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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satan jamez
09-15-2008, 09:00 AM
This is as far as I go when it come to politics, and or religion discussion.

My mother sent me this and thought maybe a few of you would get a kick out of it.

09-16-2008, 08:36 AM
I'm voting democrat becase I want "Change":rolleyes:

09-16-2008, 08:49 AM
I'm voting democrat becase I want "Change":rolleyes:
Yeah, no doubt. :lol: I pretty much stopped @ the I don't like shopping at small stores and prefer cheap Chinese crap statement. Obama's tax increases are going to hit small to medium businesses the most. :HYF:

09-16-2008, 05:00 PM
ABOUT FREAKIN TIME SOMEONE PUTS SOMETHING ON HERE THAT IS PRO DEMOCRAT. I'm voting democrat because life as a US citizen has never been worse!!!!!!!!! Facts are facts, give someone else a chance to CHANGE it, they can't possibly do any worse than what has already been done........ Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-16-2008, 09:03 PM
Yeah, no doubt. :lol: I pretty much stopped @ the I don't like shopping at small stores and prefer cheap Chinese crap statement. Obama's tax increases are going to hit small to medium businesses the most. :HYF:

not to mention he wants to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour. Think about what that will do to small business. Oh thats right, there wont be any small business left after that hit!

09-16-2008, 09:46 PM
ABOUT FREAKIN TIME SOMEONE PUTS SOMETHING ON HERE THAT IS PRO DEMOCRAT. I'm voting democrat because life as a US citizen has never been worse!!!!!!!!! Facts are facts, give someone else a chance to CHANGE it, they can't possibly do any worse than what has already been done........ Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

clearly you haven't payed attention to your history books:lol::lol::lol:

Talk to your grandparents or great grandparents dependant upon how old you are and ask them about bread lines. Or maybe the rationing of gas, sugar, milk etc etc.

If you could please explain how you are living so terrible?????
I don't know you but clearly you have an internet connection (a nice luxury), I am guessing you have a Mustang another nice luxury.

So please tell me what is so awful about your life as a US Citizen.

Lets see in the states as a whole.

Home Ownership is at an all time high even with the rise in foreclosures.
The Unemployment rate is still lower than the average of the past 50 years.

Those are two very terrible things.

I really wish people would stop listening to the media:
Stating we are in a Financial Crisis. We are nowhere near a freaking crisis. Sure the economy is on a downturn. But we have been living fat for the past 10 years it's all part of the cycle. It goes up and down. We will go up again but guess what you have to deal with the lows.

09-16-2008, 11:07 PM
i wish this was in the rant section i would just love to go off now but here's the deal seems most people who support obama want to run their mouths
("exercising their rights...") and say what they want to i allow that to them, yet everytime i "exericise mine..." they don't want to hear it well for those people :flipoff: my only regret for voting republican this year is that we just didn't let the two milfs just run

09-17-2008, 02:56 AM
Wow, :rolleyes:

ABOUT FREAKIN TIME SOMEONE PUTS SOMETHING ON HERE THAT IS PRO DEMOCRAT. I'm voting democrat because life as a US citizen has never been worse!!!!!!!!! Facts are facts, give someone else a chance to CHANGE it, they can't possibly do any worse than what has already been done........ Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wake up, man your in a fairy tell dream,
The Waterboy voice on/ Obama is the Devil, "Mama said so..."


09-17-2008, 07:21 AM
Black92lx, your still a tool. You fuck up everybodies "gas" "political" wait, every thread you put something on, you ruin. Go to and be happy, you might find someone there that may understand you VAST expertise on everything you comment about. You know your never wrong and know everything!!!!

09-17-2008, 07:56 AM
Actually, I'm done!!!!!! This will go nowhere!!!! These threads never win, somebody just gets pissed...

Delete my previous thread!

p.s. Leave the part about Black92lx being a tool

09-17-2008, 08:09 AM
Actually, I'm done!!!!!! This will go nowhere!!!! These threads never win, somebody just gets pissed...

Delete my previous thread!

p.s. Leave the part about Black92lx being a tool
Looks like somebody did get pissed... :lol: Typical leftist - Raise your hands in the air(I'm assuming by the use of your favorite punctuation mark :rolleyes:), make a bunch of noise about nothing, and finally when all else fails - throw out some personal attacks because your weak argument has no substance. :HYF:

09-17-2008, 08:10 AM
I'm voting democrat because I like to government taking my hard earned money and handing it to the masses who have done nothing to improve their position in life.

I guess if Obama is elected I will just have to work twice hard so I can help support my share of society.:rolleyes:

09-17-2008, 05:51 PM
Black92lx, your still a tool. You fuck up everybodies "gas" "political" wait, every thread you put something on, you ruin. Go to and be happy, you might find someone there that may understand you VAST expertise on everything you comment about. You know your never wrong and know everything!!!!


First if you are going to attempt to insult someone check your spelling and grammar it's a bit more effective.
I find it funny everything I say I back with facts. Yet everyone that comes against me comes with nothing but personal attacks.

Why is that???

On a side note I am wrong from time to time and I don't know everything. If I don't know about it I don't post about it. If I do I post about.
I don't really understand why that upsets you so much.

09-17-2008, 09:37 PM
Every time I see an O'bomb'a bumper sticker or yard sign...I throw up a little in my mouth just thinking about the fact that there are so many people who just don't get it!! The only history we should be making in November is having the hottest babe in the White House!!

09-17-2008, 11:45 PM
not to mention he wants to raise the minimum wage to $10 an hour. Think about what that will do to small business. Oh thats right, there wont be any small business left after that hit!

The solution is to send that labor overseas so Walmart can keep selling cheap crap to the same people that bitch about losing their job to China.

Here's a term for some mindless liberal democrat followers: Social Responsibility.

09-17-2008, 11:55 PM
ABOUT FREAKIN TIME SOMEONE PUTS SOMETHING ON HERE THAT IS PRO DEMOCRAT. I'm voting democrat because life as a US citizen has never been worse!!!!!!!!! Facts are facts, give someone else a chance to CHANGE it, they can't possibly do any worse than what has already been done........ Well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold up people, give the boy a chance.


What three things make Obama a better candidate than McCain (don't bring Sarah into this unless you want to pit her against Joe.)


You're life is so bad? Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago? How about 8 years ago? How so? Why do you think that this? What could YOU have done to make it better? Would a bigger government mailing you more food stamps (paid for by me) have made the last 4 or 8 years better for you?

Finally, don't forget that we've been dealing with a Democratic Congress for the entire time Bush has been in the White House. So if you're not happy, call your congressman.

09-17-2008, 11:59 PM
I'm voting democrat because I like to government taking my hard earned money and handing it to the masses who have done nothing to improve their position in life.

I guess if Obama is elected I will just have to work twice hard so I can help support my share of society.:rolleyes:

I vote democrat cause I believe everything somebody tells me, substantive or not, and because I like the government controlling every aspect of my life:screwy::tard:

09-18-2008, 08:13 AM
Well since no body will let this go

1. When clinton was pres, I was the sole provider and I never experienced unemployment.
2. My wife now has to work
3. I've lost three jobs in the past eight years, two closed there doors, one is still barely in business.
4. I've had to deal with no health insurance, which is about to ruin me.
5. Gas prices have caused my family not to take a vacation or do extra activities in the past few years.
6. My utilities, which used to be reasonable, is now at least double what it was a few years back.

In the past eight years, with a republican at the helm, this has what has happened.
Unemployment- all time high
health insurance- sucks
gas- crazy
utilities- thru the roof
gays are aloud to marry- god loves this one
thousands of our friends and family members are not with us, they are DEAD, because of the war not being handled properly.

Why do I need to keep going? If your life is great, I'm happy for you. But, I think things need to CHANGE, because it's not working for me and my family!!!!!

09-18-2008, 09:28 AM
Gays can marry where? And what republican alive let this happen?

Seems to me you expect a democrat to improve your station in life. Honestly man, it's no one else's responsibility. You have to move and roll with changing times and further and better yourself so you're employable.

Really, this is the common mantra of dems. They want the government to improve their lives. I have a friend, refuses to change anything, blames everything on something else. Doesn't see that most of it, is HIS fault. Incidentally, he wants free health care too.... He too, is a democrat and nearly always broke.

And, part of the problem with gas prices are the hippy ass liberals. They don't want us drilling on our own soil, keeping us locked in to foreign oil as much as possible, even if drilling our own will only have a slight impact. Any impact is good.....

Unemployment all time high ( sion:_1929.E2.80.931941)? Pretty sure the depression has "today", beat.

And I didn't check the accuracy of this ( but if even remotely accurate, we're not at an "all time high."

09-18-2008, 11:33 AM
Aah Arnold, the governor of California, last time I checked he was a Republican, and that is where gays can now marry.

I also do not expect people to cater to me, I'm tired of being a responsible, law abiding, hard working person who has had to completely change my life style because of gas, utilities, job loss ect and everyday it seems to get worse. I'm tired of it and want some change to see if it gets better. Apparently high gas, high utilities, and a high unemplyment rate does not affect you. I'm truely happy for you. But it effects me the opposite. SO QUIT RIPPING ON ME.

By the way, I'm a home owner and have lived all my life in this area. It's not easy to "roll with it and find a better place to live"

And is government meant to ruin our lives? I thought we were supposed to vote somebody into office that would make our lives better. So to answer your question, YES I expect the government to make my life better, that is why we vote for the person we think can do the best for us. What do you think the government is for?????

I don't want free health care either, But I work for a small business that can't afford to have a good health plan.

09-18-2008, 11:58 AM
Well since no body will let this go

1. When clinton was pres, I was the sole provider and I never experienced unemployment.
2. My wife now has to work
3. I've lost three jobs in the past eight years, two closed there doors, one is still barely in business.
4. I've had to deal with no health insurance, which is about to ruin me.
5. Gas prices have caused my family not to take a vacation or do extra activities in the past few years.
6. My utilities, which used to be reasonable, is now at least double what it was a few years back.

In the past eight years, with a republican at the helm, this has what has happened.
Unemployment- all time high
health insurance- sucks
gas- crazy
utilities- thru the roof
gays are aloud to marry- god loves this one
thousands of our friends and family members are not with us, they are DEAD, because of the war not being handled properly.

Why do I need to keep going? If your life is great, I'm happy for you. But, I think things need to CHANGE, because it's not working for me and my family!!!!!

That's cause Reagan and Bush Sr. set Clinton up for 8 years of getting his cock sucked in the oval office while everything went to shit behind the scenes. Bush Jr. was left to clean it up, and some how it's his fault.

On the other notes I'm hearing " down with capitalism, up with socialism"

09-18-2008, 01:07 PM
YES I expect the government to make my life better, that is why we vote for the person we think can do the best for us. What do you think the government is for?????
That's the big difference between the left and the right when it comes to the issues. The voters on the left believe Government/more Government is supposed to fix everything, make things a bed of roses, tuck them into bed at night. The rest of us realize you have to work hard to obtain things for yourself, live with your good/bad decisions and you are in charge of your own destiny. Reliance on Government is the first step to a demise of society.

09-18-2008, 02:39 PM
Mach u, in my opinion you are between the left and the right and that sir is a dick!

e5shea, you have that backwards, bill repaired and built a strong economy to have junior come in and destroy it and this country!

Look at economy, small business, plant closings, bankrupted people and businesses, foreclosures back when clinton was in and compare it now. Facts are Facts!

Bush has really helped us hasn't he!

Who cares if Bill got his dick sucked, Most men like that sort of thing. Don't tell me you wouldn't lie about either if you got with your pants down. We are human and it is our nature to react that way when we are busted

09-18-2008, 03:21 PM
It's OKAY to be a democrat....admitting you have a problem is the first step. I'm sure each democrat has good intensions at heart, but simply doesn't understand the real world enough to effectively portray those good intensions.

09-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Republican, Democrat or FUCKIN Independent. Its Fucking Sad that these are the best choices we have to vote for.

Serious, if the Dems put someone worth a Fuck on the ballot, I would vote that way. Looks like I will be voting for The lesser of two evils once again. Thank you goes out to the Dems for once again Fucking up!!:lol:

I wonder how we could go about getting a "I do not approve of any of the above candidates and therefore I want another option" on the ballot. :bigthumb

04 Venom
09-18-2008, 03:57 PM
That's the big difference between the left and the right when it comes to the issues. The voters on the left believe Government/more Government is supposed to fix everything, make things a bed of roses, tuck them into bed at night. The rest of us realize you have to work hard to obtain things for yourself, live with your good/bad decisions and you are in charge of your own destiny. Reliance on Government is the first step to a demise of society.

Come on AJ, that's a gross oversimplification of both positions. Are you moonlighting by writing political ads now? JFWY.

09-18-2008, 04:56 PM
Aah Arnold, the governor of California, last time I checked he was a Republican, and that is where gays can now marry.

I also do not expect people to cater to me, I'm tired of being a responsible, law abiding, hard working person who has had to completely change my life style because of gas, utilities, job loss ect and everyday it seems to get worse. I'm tired of it and want some change to see if it gets better. Apparently high gas, high utilities, and a high unemplyment rate does not affect you. I'm truely happy for you. But it effects me the opposite. SO QUIT RIPPING ON ME.

By the way, I'm a home owner and have lived all my life in this area. It's not easy to "roll with it and find a better place to live"

And is government meant to ruin our lives? I thought we were supposed to vote somebody into office that would make our lives better. So to answer your question, YES I expect the government to make my life better, that is why we vote for the person we think can do the best for us. What do you think the government is for?????

I don't want free health care either, But I work for a small business that can't afford to have a good health plan.

I think the founding fathers meant for government to have as little say in our lives as humanly possible. Especially the national government. It's why the states can break away from the union if they feel it's best for them. The National government was created only because it was realized that there were certain things a national government could do better.

I see no good coming of the government interfering with my life anymore than they have. It already screws up enough shit as is.

Further, I didn't see anyone tell you to move.

Obama is nothing more than a speech anyway. He's not going to accomplish half the shit he wants people to believe he is.

09-18-2008, 05:26 PM
When clinton was pres, I was the sole provider and I never experienced unemployment.

Again, I site that Slick Willy was riding the coat tails of 12 years of Regan trickle down economics (8 under Ron, and 4 under his VP, H. Bush). Funny thing, I remember the summer before W. Bush was voted in. We had 3 straight quarters of an economic slowdown. Why, because the Clinton Economics were starting to hit the middle class. I'm in no way saying that W. has been a good president, he has had several faults. Bill is the reason we are in this state. Simple common sense will tell you that it takes a long time for an economic package to take effect.

Why do I remember such a thing? I got laid off before W. was even sworn in. Democrats (IMHO) have economics all backwards. You cannot tax the wage payers and not expect it to negatively affect the wage earners.

09-18-2008, 05:53 PM
I think the founding fathers meant for government to have as little say in our lives as humanly possible. Especially the national government. It's why the states can break away from the union if they feel it's best for them. The National government was created only because it was realized that there were certain things a national government could do better.

I see no good coming of the government interfering with my life anymore than they have. It already screws up enough shit as is.

Further, I didn't see anyone tell you to move.

Obama is nothing more than a speech anyway. He's not going to accomplish half the shit he wants people to believe he is.
Couldn't agree more!

Come on AJ, that's a gross oversimplification of both positions. Are you moonlighting by writing political ads now? JFWY.
It was a generalization because I had to deal with him @ a 4th grade level and figured that was the only way he would understand. ;) I will give you the benefit of bullet points and research because I enjoy a good political banter with an educated(albeit misguided :D) individual. :tongue2:

Mach u, in my opinion you are between the left and the right and that sir is a dick!
:lol: Let's play democrat: I'm going to sling personal insults because I have zero platform to back anything up with... Now I am only breaking my own rule about playing nice while talking about politics because a) You are not a friend, so I don't really care b) You started it and c) You are a moronic douche. :bigthumb

09-18-2008, 06:24 PM
Mach u, that really hurt my feelings,:( we were just getting to know each other too, I was thinking BFF, I guess your not buying dinner now.

Is moronic new? I've never heard that word before. Idk must be a republican thing:confused:

09-18-2008, 06:48 PM
Flaming I am clear that there are problems with our current economic situation that need to be addressed.
You initial comment that the citizens of the United States have never lived so terribly.
You lived so well under the Clinton days did you plan for a rainy day and save?? Knowing that the economy never stays high and it never stays low.
We are currently in a low spot and will be for a couple more years. If Obama is elected it will be for much longer. I restate Obama I did not state a Democrat.

The issue at hand is not either republican or democrat but the individual and their plan.

Also you commented about the death toll in our current war. Ask a family member about the death toll for World War I and WWII. This war is one of the lowest death tolls of any war ever fought.

You mention foreclosure rates. Home ownership is at an all time high so of course foreclosure is at an all time high as well. Too many people took out loans they flat out could not afford. How is that the governments fault.

I urge you to not look at it from a democrat or republican standpoint but what is the candidate actually going to do.

McCain is one of the last people I would hope would get the nomination but he is far better than the alternative.
I am not voting for McCain because he is a republican because frankly he is a pretty weak one and is far more liberal in views than I like. But the alternative is far worse.

I am about as right as I can be give me my God, my guns, and let me spend my money how I want to spend it. Don't give it to people who don't work for it, don't try to tell me how I should live my life, don't tell me what light bulbs to buy, or car to drive. That is what the left wants to do and I have a problem with it.

As A side note I have to agree that Bill Clinton was actually a very effective president. A horrible and immoral man, but that's his own business. I liked his economic and foreign politics. Take a look at his ideas and McCain's and you will see that they are very very similar. Clinton was about as far right as a democrat one can get and McCain is about as far left of a Republican as one can get.
If you liked slick Willy so much I urge to to break Obama down and McCain down and see which one shares the most in common with him. Don't just look at it from a Democrat or Republican stance. They are nothing more than labels. Take a look at the actual issues and you might be surprised at what you find.

You are worried about your money now. As someones sig line shows take a look at Obama's Tax plan. You think you have less many in your pocket now just wait till that goes into effect.

YES I expect the government to make my life better, that is why we vote for the person we think can do the best for us. What do you think the government is for?????

Do me a favor and read the constitution and all the other founding documents and please point out where it states the government is supposed to make your life better.
I hate to break it to you but the government holds no responsibility for you as an individual.
This is called entitlement which is what has made this country suffer. People feel that just because they breathe the government is supposed to provide for them. That is not the case.
If you believe this and the time comes don't rely on the government. Katrina is a prime example. You have to take care of you and yours. You are not the governments responsibility.

Also if we could refrain from the personal attacks and insults it serves no purpose and only takes away from any argument that you may be trying to make.

09-18-2008, 07:18 PM
here is a little fact about the houseing issues being faced today. The reason we had a housing bubble in the first place is because of Clinton. He and other Dems pushed for the "fair lending" that has come back to haunt us now. Also, take a look at fainymay or freide mac. They are rest homes for Dems. They have racked in Millions upon millions and all the proceeeds have gone into the pockits of the Dems that run it and the Caimpains of Dems running for office. When McCain wanted a reform for Fredi and fannie the Dem Congress blocked that.

04 Venom
09-18-2008, 11:03 PM
It was a generalization because I had to deal with him @ a 4th grade level and figured that was the only way he would understand. ;) I will give you the benefit of bullet points and research because I enjoy a good political banter with an educated(albeit misguided :D) individual. :tongue2:

Misguided? Hell, I'm a legend in my own mind.

09-18-2008, 11:22 PM
here is a little fact about the houseing issues being faced today. The reason we had a housing bubble in the first place is because of Clinton. He and other Dems pushed for the "fair lending" that has come back to haunt us now. Also, take a look at fainymay or freide mac. They are rest homes for Dems. They have racked in Millions upon millions and all the proceeeds have gone into the pockits of the Dems that run it and the Caimpains of Dems running for office. When McCain wanted a reform for Fredi and fannie the Dem Congress blocked that.

Here's something that basically backs up what you're saying.

The Danger of Government Guarantees

I’ll bet it came as a surprise to most folks that the financial stability of the world as we know it depends upon the survival of a couple of outfits called Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Yet that’s what the so-called experts are telling us. Moreover, we taxpayers are now being asked to guarantee Fannie and Freddie’s tab, one that could make the $124 billion S&L bailout of the late 1980s look cheap.

So how did we get stuck with this bill? Well, Congress wanted to “do something” about what it saw as a “housing problem.” To them that meant that they should create an even bigger problem.

So Congress passed laws that made it easier for hopeful home-buyers to buy houses … even when they couldn’t afford them. Then the Fed and other regulators helped, in the form of easy money and loose credit standards for mortgages.

Not surprisingly demand for houses grew, home prices rose, lenders financed additional questionable mortgages, fueling even higher prices and so on. You get the picture. This is called a bubble.

Then an amazing thing happened – apparently impossible to foresee. Home prices did not continue to rise forever! Home prices came down and easy money dried up, causing the above mentioned cycle to reverse. In other words, the bubble burst.

So you’d think the in-over-their-heads homebuyers and the mortgage bankers would take the hit, and the market would right itself. No reason for an international meltdown here, right?

Not so fast my friends. Years earlier Congress established Fannie and Freddie as purchasers of these mortgages, which they could bundle up, repackage and sell to investors, freeing up more mortgage money. As government creations tend to do, the two companies grew until they either owned or guaranteed about half the nation’s $12 trillion dollars in mortgages.

Fannie and Fred were “government sponsored enterprises” which means heads they win, tails you lose. If they make money stockholders, creditors and Fannie and Freddie employees – some making millions annually – get the benefit. But now that mortgages have hit the skids, with mounting losses, the taxpayers potentially face trillions in exposure. This is because there is an “implicit” (read “actual”) government guarantee of Fannie and Freddie’s obligations and both are now too big to be allowed to fail. This is called the “bailout phase,” which will probably lead to a bigger bubble in the future.

Lost in this immense, complex mess is the root problem most people are missing: the government is gradually becoming the guarantor of seemingly every important aspect of American secular life, creating incentives and bureaucracies that cause failure and invite fraud.

In Fan and Fred’s case, it was in no one’s interest to turn off the bubble machine. Just the opposite. The system induced borrowers to take on financial obligations they could not afford and lenders to lower lending standards. Fannie and Freddie went along because their managers’ compensation depended on the firms’ short term financial performance. And investors continued to buy complex security packages they didn’t understand, because the securities were viewed as government-backed.

Heavy campaign contributions by those benefiting from this scheme induced Members of Congress to avert their gaze from the ugly mess that was unfolding.

You’d think we’d have learned by now: when the backstop of the federal treasury makes it easier for politicians, lenders, borrowers, welfare recipients, government contractors, or anyone else, to serve their own self interest at the expense of the taxpayer, many will do just that.

That is why we continue to see self-dealing, moral lapses, outright fraud and lack of management and oversight in a wide array of programs and government-sponsored entities, from housing to Medicare, education and the Small Business Administration, all costing taxpayers billions, even trillions of dollars.

Our Founding Fathers knew more than a little bit about human nature. It is one reason why in the Constitution, the federal government was given certain delineated powers and no others. I hate to burst another bubble, but our government simply doesn’t have the authority or the capability to be the guarantor or insurer of our every need or desire. Isn’t it time we started sending that message loud and clear to the big enablers in Washington?

09-18-2008, 11:24 PM
oh lord, another thread on politics :lol:

09-19-2008, 07:55 AM
Misguided? Hell, I'm a legend in my own mind.
Aren't we all! :lol:

09-20-2008, 12:34 AM
Its Bbvious Who im Voting For....