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Can you believe it has been 7 years? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Can you believe it has been 7 years?

09-11-2008, 08:24 AM
I can't believe it! 7 years since the attacks at the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and United 93. That was a hard day of my life, I will never forget it. But it seems a lot of people in this country have. The wave of patriotism that hit this country after that event seems to have disappeared. I think this country could really some strong patriots right now. I just wanted to honor all the people who lost their life that day and thank all the heroes in the firefighters, police and other citizens and make sure that we never forget.

09-11-2008, 08:31 AM
The flag here at the shop is at half mast. Most of the flags I have seen so far today weren't. Shame.

09-11-2008, 08:41 AM
I'm glad to hear that! It is a shame that a lot weren't though. I heard on the radio that the flags at public buildings were going to be at half mast today, I hope so. I really need to get a flag, we have a place for one on our porch. I should look into it.

09-11-2008, 08:42 AM
That was a hard day of my life, I will never forget it. But it seems a lot of people in this country have.

They were talking about that on the radio this morning - people were so nice after that happened for a long time, but it's back to the same ole.

Where was everybody when you heard about the attacks?

I was sleeping (I was unemployed at the time). Vinny called and told me to get up and turn on the TV. I sat in front of the TV all day, giving him updates of what was going on via email (we didn't have text messaging then). :lol:

09-11-2008, 08:53 AM
When I got pulled over this morning for speeding the State Trooper had the black piece of cloth over his badge in memory of the event

I think I was either a freshman or a sophomore in high school when it happened.

09-11-2008, 08:53 AM
I remember it was a Tuesday, I was home asleep because I had broken a bone in my right hand so I didn't go into work. My wife at the time called and told me to turn on the tv that a plane hit one of the WTC buildings. At that time they thought it was an accident Not a minute after I turned it on the other plane hit. I watched it live on tv and knew it wasn't accidental. I'm still angry over the events that day and will be for the rest of my life.

God bless those that lost theirs lives and loved ones .

Pops Fun
09-11-2008, 09:03 AM
I was at work in one of the test cells. Word came around that something had happen and we finally found a TV, people were gather in disbelief.
I am still MAD! :mad:
I thought it was a disservice to the country when they decided to down play the tragedy of what happen and not to show 9-11 stuff on TV after a while.

Remember I do!!


09-11-2008, 09:11 AM
i was at work, unloading the groceries off of the truck when one of our customers came in and told us about it. we turned on our tv in the office, and sat there watching it.

it is sad to see that so many people have changed back to how they were before it happened.

09-11-2008, 09:47 AM
I was on an airplane getting ready to fly out on the Columbus airport to visit my boyfriend at the time who happened to be in the air force stationed in NM. We were getting ready to take off when they shut the plane down. They told us a small plane had hit a building in NY. We were confused and sat on the plane for 2 hours before they let us off. It wasn't until I was walking through the airport trying to get a hold of my parents to pick me up that I realized what had really happened. It was quite eerie and the airport was a strange place to be. It was sad day and I am quite upset that this country seems to have forgotten the pain. It seems they have forgotten the pain of many tragic events (Pearl Harbor, etc) this country has faced that has shaped our nation. But anyway, I'll get off my soapbox. I really just wanted to pay my respects to the many people who lost their lives and loved ones that day.

09-11-2008, 09:58 AM
I was sitting in my Geometry Class in High School when the first plane hit. I watched the second plane hit on live television in my next class. I remember some idiot kid was glad that something was happening and that we were going to "whoop some other country" The world stood still 7 years ago, but now no one seems to remember. Too many people are worried about those we kill in war, and not about why we went to war in the first place. People just aren't the same quality that they were 50 years ago.

09-11-2008, 10:15 AM
I was sitting in my sports medicine class in high school and we were able to turn the tv on right after the second plane hit. It was a sad sad day in America...alot of loved ones were lost and alot of people left wondering. I'll never forget..

09-11-2008, 10:44 AM
I remember it vividly, like it happened yesterday... I was in my 8th grade History class with Mr Hannigan... such a sad day.

09-11-2008, 10:57 AM
I was in Pilot training, In Northern Michigan.. My Instructor and I were practicing spin recoveries, When the tower alerted us to land.. Along with what seemed like 1000 planes !!!
Very Sad Day Indeed......
I will never forget it..

09-11-2008, 11:25 AM
I had just finished an estimate for a customer and as I jumped in the van, WEBN said a plane or something crashed into a building in NY. Went to my shop, turned on the TV and watched the 2nd plane hit live. Glued myself to the tv the rest of the day. All sorts of emotions ran through me. From extreme sadness to extreme anger. I still feel that way sometimes. Then I look at the flag and wonder why everyone else doesn't remember.
I think the images should be on tv alot more just to remind everyone that something like this can and HAS happened on our soil. Thank God and GW that we haven't been attacked since.

09-11-2008, 11:53 AM
i was in my gym class playin baseball and i was at bat when our other teacher came running in saying that a plane had hit the wtc and she was crying and the second plane hit when i was on my way to the next class. we watched all the breaking news the rest of the day in was a terrible day that i will never forget as long as i live
i think these song sums all the feelings up pretty well

09-11-2008, 12:03 PM
I was walking through the break area, it had a TV, and saw the smoke rolling from the first hit. Then the second, then the collapse. Definite feelings of sadness and anger.

We can not forget.

09-11-2008, 12:22 PM
Was at work. Friend of mine emailed me to let me know. I turned on the radio and listened to it until I got off work. Went home and watched the replays of the hits and the beginning of the rescue operation. Every time I see those images it pisses me off. So glad we had a Republican in the White House with some balls.

09-11-2008, 12:41 PM
I was saying this morning i can't believe it's been 7 years and that POS Bin Ladin is still out there somewhere.

09-11-2008, 12:45 PM
and that POS Bin Ladin is still out there somewhere.

That coward can't run forever.

09-11-2008, 01:03 PM
I was at work and didn't know anything was even going on until I was just making a random call home and couldn't get through on both the company and my cell phones. I turned on the radio and nearly fell over when I heard what was happening. Left work and spent most of the rest of my day glued to the TV and making/answering phone calls. Sad, sad day. Really pissed me off how the major networks handled things shortly after it all went down by not wanting to show certain footage, not wanting reporters/anchors wearing The Flag on their lapels, worried about offending certain groups of people, etc. Bunch of BS. It WAS nice seeing all the flags up and down the street but, sadly, there are only a few of us still flying them in my area.

I will NEVER forget, and neither should anyone else who loves this country. This is exactly why we should stay ever-vigilant in taking the fight TO this type of scum and hopefully prevent a tragedy like this from ever happening on our soil again. R.I.P. to all the fallen.

09-11-2008, 01:37 PM
I remember it vividly, like it happened yesterday... I was in my 8th grade History class with Mr Hannigan... such a sad day.

I was also in 8th grade, coming out of 3rd bell. My buddy was like hey dude some plane just hit some building in NY. Didn't think much of it till we saw the 2nd one hit on TV. I almost got sick. I will never forget that day, ever. Periods just dragged on and none of the teachers did any thing except for have the TV on. They made an Epic announcement over the PA stating our country had been attacked but for now, we as students are safe but that many people had died in NY.
So fucked so so fucked up. It was one of the worst days of my life. I don't remember ever feeling so depressed, scared, and violated. Not even gonna lie, I pretty much cried in the car today at 0846 listening to WLW.
God bless our heros who died that day.

09-11-2008, 01:52 PM
At the firehouse sitting down watching nation news when they "Broke in " with the news. As we were watching we were talking about a possibliity of a floor collapse. I about shit when we saw wholle buildings go down.

Mista Bone
09-11-2008, 03:35 PM
Tuesday morning, my day off, heard about a fire on WEBN, woke up and about 10 minutes later watched the second planes hit.

After the second tower fell I went to the grocery store and gas station, just ahead of the crazyiness. Week and a half later I remember the erie quiet at the RenFest then Air Force plabes started flying over headed West at near perfect 3 minute intervals.

09-11-2008, 03:45 PM
I was in my 8am Physics class at Purdue when a student busted through the doors at the back of the lecture hall of about 300 people and screamed "A jet just crashed into the World Trade Center!" and ran out the door. We didnt think anything of it because there was always some odd ball coming into a lecture hall to stir things up. Then after class we realized it was true. Definitely a day I will never forget.

09-11-2008, 05:09 PM
Sitting in front of the puter talking in a chatroom. I turned the tv on to see live coverage of the fire from the first plane. I saw the second one hit and then the news from the pentagon and flight 93 rolled in later on. I was in shock. I had my moment of silence, just as I do every year.

09-11-2008, 05:53 PM
I was at work out in tri county. I had just made it to work when my boss told me. I watched the second plane hit and we closed up for the rest of the day. Such a sad day. I will always remember

09-11-2008, 06:56 PM
I was at AK Steel working. I was talking to the Crane Leader in the annealing building, and he was the one that told me that the first plane had hit the first tower, but at the time, no one could comprehend that it wasn't an accident, and that it was a passenger jetliner. Then the news of the 2nd plane trickled in throughout the mill, and evryone was glued to any radio they could find, and everyone seemed to be in a stupor of disbelief.
I will certainly NEVER forget it.

09-11-2008, 07:53 PM
Hey all, I never posted on this forum before...I just read it and enjoy, I joined a while back and have a few transactions with some guys on here. (Gearhead bought my last setup) been a Mustang freak for years, I'm sure I am quite a bit older than a lot on here but I been in the Stang game a long time....
My point is, this post has really hit home hard because I lived in NYC my whole life, worked for the NYC Transit system for 15 years and that dreadful day of September 11 changed my life forever. This might be a little long but I gotta share it with you all because from what I have read on this post, most of you have NOT FORGOTTEN...THAT is AWESOME.......I was at work that day in the bus depot in Manhattan, I was a diesel mechanic well, still am... I work for Cleveland Transit now though.... Had my radio playing ontop of my toolbox when it came over the radio about what was going on. We all had an eary feeling it was more than an accident and obviously within minutes we all knew what was going on. Every single Transit employee was gathered up to do what they can downtown. Anyone with a CDL was bringing busloads of Firemen that we picked up at the firehouses as they were all being brought into the city from everywhere. I spent the next 7 days working mandatory 12 hour shifts, along with Police officers, firemen, paramedics, Sanitation workers,volunteers, Transit coworkers. All our equipment was being used in any way needed and I must say what I saw within those first 7 days, no movie, picture, video, or article can ever dramatize what I felt in my heart. The smell was in my mind for months, if not years of that day. The way NYC and the whole world came together after such a tremendous tragedy, no words could ever describe. The amount of heroes and ordinary civilians we lost that day should NEVER ever be forgotten. I lost my mother to cancer 3 years later, and our entire family firmly believe it was due to the environment she was exposed to in that time. She worked at 26 federal plaza down the street from ground zero, she was a federal officer and spent that day and the next 3 years breathing what was floating around in the air. Perfect health her whole life, I have met so many other people who have developed issues after 9/11.
So my point out of all of this is 9/11 changed MANY lives FOREVER and we should always take a moment to pray that nothing like this will ever happen again and remember that ALL GAVE SOME, BUT SOME GAVE ALL!!!!!!!. In 2005, I resigned from my job, sold my house, took my daughters, wife and all my memories and moved to Ohio to get a fresh start. Thanks for bearing with such a long post, but I had to share that with you all who have NOT FORGOTTEN....THANKS TO ALL AND GOD BLESS AMERICA...

09-11-2008, 08:00 PM
Hey all, I never posted on this forum before...I just read it and enjoy, I joined a while back and have a few transactions with some guys on here. (Gearhead bought my last setup) been a Mustang freak for years, I'm sure I am quite a bit older than a lot on here but I been in the Stang game a long time....
My point is, this post has really hit home hard because I lived in NYC my whole life, worked for the NYC Transit system for 15 years and that dreadful day of September 11 changed my life forever. This might be a little long but I gotta share it with you all because from what I have read on this post, most of you have NOT FORGOTTEN...THAT is AWESOME.......I was at work that day in the bus depot in Manhattan, I was a diesel mechanic well, still am... I work for Cleveland Transit now though.... Had my radio playing ontop of my toolbox when it came over the radio about what was going on. We all had an eary feeling it was more than an accident and obviously within minutes we all knew what was going on. Every single Transit employee was gathered up to do what they can downtown. Anyone with a CDL was bringing busloads of Firemen that we picked up at the firehouses as they were all being brought into the city from everywhere. I spent the next 7 days working mandatory 12 hour shifts, along with Police officers, firemen, paramedics, Sanitation workers,volunteers, Transit coworkers. All our equipment was being used in any way needed and I must say what I saw within those first 7 days, no movie, picture, video, or article can ever dramatize what I felt in my heart. The smell was in my mind for months, if not years of that day. The way NYC and the whole world came together after such a tremendous tragedy, no words could ever describe. The amount of heroes and ordinary civilians we lost that day should NEVER ever be forgotten. I lost my mother to cancer 3 years later, and our entire family firmly believe it was due to the environment she was exposed to in that time. She worked at 26 federal plaza down the street from ground zero, she was a federal officer and spent that day and the next 3 years breathing what was floating around in the air. Perfect health her whole life, I have met so many other people who have developed issues after 9/11.
So my point out of all of this is 9/11 changed MANY lives FOREVER and we should always take a moment to pray that nothing like this will ever happen again and remember that ALL GAVE SOME, BUT SOME GAVE ALL!!!!!!!. In 2005, I resigned from my job, sold my house, took my daughters, wife and all my memories and moved to Ohio to get a fresh start. Thanks for bearing with such a long post, but I had to share that with you all who have NOT FORGOTTEN....THANKS TO ALL AND GOD BLESS AMERICA...

Great post!
Sorry you lost your mother, that's never easy.
Post up more did a fine job! ;) :bigthumb

And Decker...I'm with you, I have been saying the same thing for about 5 years now. They need to show the footage of the crashing into the towers at least once a month to make everyones resolve much, much stronger. :mad:

09-11-2008, 08:04 PM
Great post!
Sorry you lost your mother, that's never easy.
Post up more did a fine job! ;) :bigthumb

Thank you, and it definitely is not easy especially when she was just 54 years old. I'll try and post more often, there are quite a few interesting NYC type characters on here:D

09-11-2008, 09:22 PM
You know....there is not one person that you talk to that does not remember EXACTLY what they were doing and where they were at on that horrible horrible day. It has made an impact on all of our lives. God bless the ones that were injured or lost on 9 11. GOD BLESS THE ONES WHO ARE NOW SEEING TO IT THAT IT NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN.

Mista Bone
09-11-2008, 10:45 PM
SAme thing can be said about what happen 60 years before with Peral Harbor.

09-12-2008, 08:18 AM
Hey all, I never posted on this forum before...I just read it and enjoy, I joined a while back and have a few transactions with some guys on here. (Gearhead bought my last setup) been a Mustang freak for years, I'm sure I am quite a bit older than a lot on here but I been in the Stang game a long time....
My point is, this post has really hit home hard because I lived in NYC my whole life, worked for the NYC Transit system for 15 years and that dreadful day of September 11 changed my life forever. This might be a little long but I gotta share it with you all because from what I have read on this post, most of you have NOT FORGOTTEN...THAT is AWESOME.......I was at work that day in the bus depot in Manhattan, I was a diesel mechanic well, still am... I work for Cleveland Transit now though.... Had my radio playing ontop of my toolbox when it came over the radio about what was going on. We all had an eary feeling it was more than an accident and obviously within minutes we all knew what was going on. Every single Transit employee was gathered up to do what they can downtown. Anyone with a CDL was bringing busloads of Firemen that we picked up at the firehouses as they were all being brought into the city from everywhere. I spent the next 7 days working mandatory 12 hour shifts, along with Police officers, firemen, paramedics, Sanitation workers,volunteers, Transit coworkers. All our equipment was being used in any way needed and I must say what I saw within those first 7 days, no movie, picture, video, or article can ever dramatize what I felt in my heart. The smell was in my mind for months, if not years of that day. The way NYC and the whole world came together after such a tremendous tragedy, no words could ever describe. The amount of heroes and ordinary civilians we lost that day should NEVER ever be forgotten. I lost my mother to cancer 3 years later, and our entire family firmly believe it was due to the environment she was exposed to in that time. She worked at 26 federal plaza down the street from ground zero, she was a federal officer and spent that day and the next 3 years breathing what was floating around in the air. Perfect health her whole life, I have met so many other people who have developed issues after 9/11.
So my point out of all of this is 9/11 changed MANY lives FOREVER and we should always take a moment to pray that nothing like this will ever happen again and remember that ALL GAVE SOME, BUT SOME GAVE ALL!!!!!!!. In 2005, I resigned from my job, sold my house, took my daughters, wife and all my memories and moved to Ohio to get a fresh start. Thanks for bearing with such a long post, but I had to share that with you all who have NOT FORGOTTEN....THANKS TO ALL AND GOD BLESS AMERICA...

Thank you so much for posting your story! I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there. I am very sorry to hear about your mother. I hope that your fresh start in Ohio has been a good thing for you and your family.

09-12-2008, 10:33 PM
Thank you so much for posting your story! I can't imagine what it must have been like to be there. I am very sorry to hear about your mother. I hope that your fresh start in Ohio has been a good thing for you and your family.
Thank you so much for that.
I usually try and share my story with people when I hear them doing so much complaining. One thing I have learned is that life is definitely too short. If you live to be 100 you have not "lived" enough. Not a day goes by that I do not think about mom:angel:, but it has also served me as a reminder to not forget about how quickly life can change. So just give people a simple smile and be humble because you never know what that person may have gone through or is going through. This truely is a small world we are living in.
Ohio has become my new home and we love it, lot's of nice people here, beautiful scenery, lot's of fast cars...Check out some awesome street car action from my hometown at My white notch on page 18 of photo section
its been awesome here so far, although I still do not speak fluent "OHIONESE":D.....You know, things like:
1) piece of pizza....not a slice of pizza
2) A pizza or sheet?....not a pizza pie
3) Pop.....not soda
4) hoagies....not heroes
5)tennis shoes????......We just call'em sneakers:lol:
Well you all get my drift....But hey, they love when I tell them I'm from NEW YAWK cuz everyone loves NEW YAWKAS!!!:rolleyes:

09-12-2008, 10:37 PM
Oh and the kicker so far was I took my daughters to a fish fry and they asked us if we wanted "Hushpuppies" with our meal and we all just looked at eachother and did not dare say yes.........

Mista Bone
09-12-2008, 11:50 PM
plus you Yawkers can't say Lancaster right :)

Lanc-as-ter is how Ohioans say it :)

09-13-2008, 12:26 AM
plus you Yawkers can't say Lancaster right :)

Lanc-as-ter is how Ohioans say it :)


09-13-2008, 12:31 AM
Welcome to our little board here. Hang out, make a few friends and have fun. I know I have.

Pops Fun
09-13-2008, 04:00 AM
Thank you so much for that.
I usually try and share my story with people when I hear them doing so much complaining. One thing I have learned is that life is definitely too short. If you live to be 100 you have not "lived" enough. Not a day goes by that I do not think about mom:angel:, but it has also served me as a reminder to not forget about how quickly life can change. So just give people a simple smile and be humble because you never know what that person may have gone through or is going through. This truely is a small world we are living in.
Ohio has become my new home and we love it, lot's of nice people here, beautiful scenery, lot's of fast cars...Check out some awesome street car action from my hometown at ( My white notch on page 18 of photo section
its been awesome here so far, although I still do not speak fluent "OHIONESE":D.....You know, things like:
1) piece of pizza....not a slice of pizza
2) A pizza or sheet?....not a pizza pie
3) Pop.....not soda
4) hoagies....not heroes
5)tennis shoes????......We just call'em sneakers:lol:
Well you all get my drift....But hey, they love when I tell them I'm from NEW YAWK cuz everyone loves NEW YAWKAS!!!:rolleyes:

That is some funny stuff..... I am originally from upstate NY and I remember the same stuff!! Oh Yeah!! sodas, heroes, sneakers, oh how about a black cow.. (chocolate milk shake) Oh yea, I remember!! now I've been here forever though.... sneakers are still sneakers!!:lol:

09-13-2008, 10:19 AM
Thank you so much for that.
I usually try and share my story with people when I hear them doing so much complaining. One thing I have learned is that life is definitely too short. If you live to be 100 you have not "lived" enough. Not a day goes by that I do not think about mom:angel:, but it has also served me as a reminder to not forget about how quickly life can change. So just give people a simple smile and be humble because you never know what that person may have gone through or is going through. This truely is a small world we are living in.
Ohio has become my new home and we love it, lot's of nice people here, beautiful scenery, lot's of fast cars...Check out some awesome street car action from my hometown at My white notch on page 18 of photo section
its been awesome here so far, although I still do not speak fluent "OHIONESE":D.....You know, things like:
1) piece of pizza....not a slice of pizza
2) A pizza or sheet?....not a pizza pie
3) Pop.....not soda
4) hoagies....not heroes
5)tennis shoes????......We just call'em sneakers:lol:
Well you all get my drift....But hey, they love when I tell them I'm from NEW YAWK cuz everyone loves NEW YAWKAS!!!:rolleyes:

So true! Don't you love the different terms in different regions of the country? Down here in SW Ohio, some of us call sneakers gym shoes. Oh and for the record, hushpuppies rock!!! They are deep fried balls of cornbread...mmmm!! Glad you folks are doing well.

09-13-2008, 12:23 PM
That is some funny stuff..... I am originally from upstate NY and I remember the same stuff!! Oh Yeah!! sodas, heroes, sneakers, oh how about a black cow.. (chocolate milk shake) Oh yea, I remember!! now I've been here forever though.... sneakers are still sneakers!!:lol:

:lol:Imagine telling people you just downed a chocolate cow and feel stuffed
I actually owned a house in Rockland County next to Bear Mountain in upstate...
This site is getting better by the minute:cool2: Hey who wears tennis shoes to play basketball?:tard:

09-13-2008, 12:29 PM
So true! Don't you love the different terms in different regions of the country? Down here in SW Ohio, some of us call sneakers gym shoes. Oh and for the record, hushpuppies rock!!! They are deep fried balls of cornbread...mmmm!! Glad you folks are doing well.

Gymshoes? I was always told you could not wear shoes on the nice shiney wood floors of the gym:confused:
Wow, thank GOD they are of......cornbread:lol: Maybe now I'll try some...I normally won't eat anything I can not identify....
Hopefully I'll be a learnin' to speak better Ohionese.....the family and I are all livin', lovin', and learnin' everyday