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Stirring the political pot [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Stirring the political pot

08-28-2008, 11:45 PM
This one should make you think.

08-29-2008, 02:59 AM
quite terrifying to think of what would come if he were to win.

08-29-2008, 05:20 AM
I like how they blame Clinton on 9/11 at the end. What a joke that was! I'm sure I could do a search and find all kinds of really negitive stuff on McCain on youtube as well. Its the other party's posting this crap. Politics is about slamming the other party to win the election. That being said. I'm still not sure who I'm going to pick come Nov.

08-29-2008, 09:00 AM
Obama seems to have the John Kerry flip flop syndrome. I do like how last night he stood there and announced that he would seek out and find Osama bin Laden and all the of the people stood up and cheered. Those are the same people that want our troops out of the middle east right now. Now how in the hell do you go both ways?

08-29-2008, 09:12 PM
I hate to say it but IMO OBama just has so much charisma he is destined to win.
Americans as a whole are Blind to the real issues as a result of a declining economy......

I believe Ron Paul is the best man for the job.....
He stands his ground never flip flops and is a true patriot.

08-31-2008, 11:55 AM
I hate to say it but IMO OBama just has so much charisma he is destined to win.
Americans as a whole are Blind to the real issues as a result of a declining economy......

Don't belive whet he media is feeding you my man. #;s don't lie. In the past week Obamas 3's have slipped back and at one time McCain was ahead in the polls. People are starting to pay attention and are asking questions about Obama. Like, who is he where does he come from? What about his connections to Bill Aires( the guy that helped bomb the pentagon and some NYC police stations). What about the church he went to and all the stuffthat came form that? Why should a guy that only had 149 days as a Senitor be President? Here's a little vid of his pastor if you haven't seen this guy....

08-31-2008, 12:38 PM
Obama seems to have the John Kerry flip flop syndrome. I do like how last night he stood there and announced that he would seek out and find Osama bin Laden and all the of the people stood up and cheered. Those are the same people that want our troops out of the middle east right now. Now how in the hell do you go both ways?Yeah really! :lol:

09-01-2008, 01:56 AM
It's funny that he also brought about a headhunt for a guy that many top officials believe to be dead already. He was getting so crafty with those video/audio recordings every few months but he has been silent for some time now. I would think if he was alive he would have already spoken out about the election in a country that is his top enemy with a good old fashioned AL-JEEZRA news break.

I thought he was on Dialysis for kidney failure or something. Their were photos circulating of him with an I-V bag a while back.

A genius republican strategy- if Bin Laden was already iced away on a slab at a base over there and was suddenly "killed" in early October by US forces.

09-01-2008, 07:37 AM
I'm still undecided who I'll vote for....
Picking the lesser of two evils.... McCain pretty much showed me what kind of guy he is last week.... confirmed my first initial thoughts when I first watched the guy speak... All the republicans whine about Obama's experience or lack there of but they really don't have a leg to stand on now, do they? McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate.... 44 years old....:rolleyes:

Tell me that wasn't a "political" move... he wants to snag all the Hillary Hen supporters...

Obama's pastor is a wack job.... kinda makes you wonder about the guy when he's been attending church there for so long.... oh, and wait, his name is Obama so we can't vote for him just for that reason alone....:rolleyes: from what I understand, his mom was from Nebraska/Kansas and his dad was from kenya so in some way, that's supposed to imply he's a middle east native....:rolleyes:

I've always been on the republican side but McCain is old... If that fugger kicks off and we get a 44 yr. old lady running this country, we'll be in for a roller coaster ride.... one that I don't want to be blamed for... :D

09-01-2008, 07:56 AM
All the republicans whine about Obama's experience or lack there of but they really don't have a leg to stand on now, do they? McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate.... 44 years old....

She is not running for President. They are saying Obama does not have the experience to be President. He has been a Senator for 8 years where he rarely showed up for a vote and rarely attended many of his committee meetings.
(name one thing Obama has done while in Office) Had you heard of Barak Obama prior to 7 months ago?????

Palin has been a Mayor for 4 years. Mayors actually do ALOT of work. Then she has been a Governor for 2 years while maintaining a healthy family and raising a child with down syndrome.

Mayors and Governors do far more work than Senators have ever done if that is the only position they have ever held.

Plus look what she has done in Alaska. Until she came a long Alaskan politics functioned on all levels with the Good Ol Boys Policy.
She single handedly took on the leaders of the RNC (HER OWN PARTY) in Alaska and removed most of the Good Ol Boy System.

Is she the most experienced no but she is more experienced than Obama and plus she has the experience of John McCain to work with.

Plus have you seen her speak yet, wow what confidence. If you watched her speech when she was announced she rarely teleprompter and was spot on.

Her debates with Biden are going to be great. She is going to make him look like a fool though he does a pretty good job of that on his own.

I've always been on the republican side but McCain is old... If that fugger kicks off and we get a 44 yr. old lady running this country, we'll be in for a roller coaster ride.... one that I don't want to be blamed for...

Anytime a President is killed or passes in Office it's going to be a roller coaster ride.
But do you think it would be better with Obama.
Raise Taxes, Destroy Health Care, Destroy our National Security that's the roller coaster I don't want to be on.

09-01-2008, 12:44 PM
She is not running for President. They are saying Obama does not have the experience to be President. He has been a Senator for 8 years where he rarely showed up for a vote and rarely attended many of his committee meetings.
(name one thing Obama has done while in Office) Had you heard of Barak Obama prior to 7 months ago?????

Palin has been a Mayor for 4 years. Mayors actually do ALOT of work. Then she has been a Governor for 2 years while maintaining a healthy family and raising a child with down syndrome.

Mayors and Governors do far more work than Senators have ever done if that is the only position they have ever held.

Plus look what she has done in Alaska. Until she came a long Alaskan politics functioned on all levels with the Good Ol Boys Policy.
She single handedly took on the leaders of the RNC (HER OWN PARTY) in Alaska and removed most of the Good Ol Boy System.

Is she the most experienced no but she is more experienced than Obama and plus she has the experience of John McCain to work with.

Plus have you seen her speak yet, wow what confidence. If you watched her speech when she was announced she rarely teleprompter and was spot on.

Her debates with Biden are going to be great. She is going to make him look like a fool though he does a pretty good job of that on his own.

Anytime a President is killed or passes in Office it's going to be a roller coaster ride.
But do you think it would be better with Obama.
Raise Taxes, Destroy Health Care, Destroy our National Security that's the roller coaster I don't want to be on.

Yeah, what he said.

09-01-2008, 03:38 PM
Attention Attention

F Obama

thank you that is all!!!:lol:

09-01-2008, 08:49 PM
I personally don't think I will vote in this election. Not one of them can run on what they will do or have done. They will beat the other guy down and say what the other guy can't do or has done wrong. Personally I think McCain is to old and washed up. McCain talks about how Obama is going to raise taxes but what do you think McCain is going to do. IMO they both will raise taxes, Obama says he's going to raise taxes on households with more than $250,000 income. If that's the case I'm okay. McCain has no plan at all for pulling out of Iraq, so how is he going to pay for all the billions of dollars it takes to fund the war for another 10 years. He's going to have to raise taxes to pay for the war and imo he's going to raise taxes straight across the board. Something I've been thinking about lately is which one is going to get the most out of our middle eastern friends. I think I would have to give that to obama. Kinda shitty to have to think this way but that's what's going to effect our gas prices. I've seen all the crap on obama but I would just like to see both of them run on their own merit. I personally think 80% of people vote will be based on the war and the economy. Just my .02
I'm Kris Rachford and I approve this message:flipoff:

09-01-2008, 10:21 PM
Had you heard of Barak Obama prior to 7 months ago?????
The sad thing is, I called it the moment he got the Senate seat. I remember the amount of unusually excess news coverage he got when he first became Senator and thinking to myself that somebody had something planned for him back then. :rolleyes: I personally am very excited by McCain's choice for VP. McCain has far more experience than Obama and in a Presidential race, that's what is more important than Obama's experience in comparison to Palin.

All that being said, she does have more executive experience than Obama. She also has a track record that indicates she is intent on CHANGING government, not becoming just another politician. Obama has made little to no change while holding his Senate seat whereas Sarah Palin has had a huge history of shaking things up in Alaska and I have no doubt she could be just the kind of fresh face we need in this country and shake up the old guard. She has shown balls (no pun intended... lol) by shutting down corruption, excess spending, etc. during her political career and I am excited to see what she will do in Washington. She hunts, fishes, and is strong on 2nd Amendment issues, opposed to pork barrel spending, for drilling in ANWR, amongst a slew of other very, very impressive traits. Finally, having a son of her own on his way out to Iraq is an indication to me that she is for our troops and will do her part to make sure the best decisions are made in regards to our armed forces - not just another empty suit making decisions in Washington. Finally - she is pretty hot too! :lol:

09-01-2008, 11:14 PM
Well lets see her. Got any naked pics:lol:

09-02-2008, 07:38 AM
Nekkid pics popping up may hurt her campaign a bit... :lol: She definitely does have the whole naughty librarian thing happening though! :D

:rofl: Just playin'!

Pops Fun
09-02-2008, 08:01 AM
Palin seems down to earth..... I like that, not more of the same old Washington shit. Her daughter is pregnant and I wish them well, but doesn't that just say she is human.... it is a family matter, leave that alone!! I would vote for her for president... seems to have the good of the country in mind!! (had the good of Alaska in mind)
I don't like Nobama at all and would vote libertarian if I thought they had a chance, McCain would have had my begrudged vote, now I feel better about voting for him.

09-02-2008, 09:29 AM
Apparently Palin was the wrong choice for VP, according to CNN she was once caught fishing without a license. lmao

Black Horse
09-02-2008, 10:25 AM
...and now her daughter is pregnant...for the record, it wasn't me.

09-02-2008, 11:48 AM
...and now her daughter is pregnant...for the record, it wasn't me.

yep, 17, pregnant, and not married.... :cool2:

Mommy should've been slippin' some birth control in her apple juice! :lol:

09-02-2008, 11:58 AM
I like how they blame Clinton on 9/11 at the end. What a joke that was! I'm sure I could do a search and find all kinds of really negitive stuff on McCain on youtube as well. Its the other party's posting this crap. Politics is about slamming the other party to win the election. That being said. I'm still not sure who I'm going to pick come Nov.

There is always a lot of mud slinging, and much of it makes absolutely no difference. However, there are profound core differences between McCain and Obama. I'm not a McCain fan for several reasons, the biggest being his position on illegal immigrants. I'm not an Obama fan for basically every other issue. McCain and Obama have pretty much black and white (pun intended) differences on most issues.

In my opinion the Democratic party is the party of emotion and warm fuzzies. They play on the emotions of people concerning the environment, war, oil, etc. instead of approaching these issues from a realistic perspective. For example, simply singing Kumbaya and holding hands around a campfire isn't going to stop evil in the world, although that would be nice.

The Republicans I believe are far more practical in their solutions. There is evil in the world which will not be appeased by campfire songs, so we must kill it. There are greater forces at work on global warming than the exhaust from my Cobra, like perhaps that big ball of fire in the sky. The realization that there are things like market forces that can react far more quickly and correctly to the economy than a bunch of people pretentious bastards sitting in Washington just making things worse.

You only need to do three things after you've determined what issues the president can effect are most important to you. First, determine the candidate whose plan deals with the issue in the best way. Second, decide if that candidate can successfully impliment his plan. Third, if you liked Obama's plan, go back to step one and try again. :lol:

09-02-2008, 12:09 PM
Apparently Palin was the wrong choice for VP, according to CNN she was once caught fishing without a license. lmao

She's under investigation by her own legislature, which is always a good sign.

Have no fear though, she was on the PTA!

09-02-2008, 05:01 PM

PALIN IS HOTT!!!! :lol:

she will do just fine is old man McCain kicks off.... i let her lie to me anyday how old is she again? Hope my wife is still that Hott at her age! Oh and by the way no matter the outcome F! Obama!!!


09-02-2008, 05:19 PM
Here's a little vid of his pastor if you haven't seen this guy....

That man needs to pack his bags. I have never heard a pastor talk about politics as much as this clown. If he hates America so much, he needs to get the fuck out and i would be happy to help him leave.

09-02-2008, 06:45 PM
Yeah that guy can go fuck himself!

04 Venom
09-02-2008, 07:30 PM
...and now her daughter is pregnant...for the record, it wasn't me.

Care to take a blood test?

04 Venom
09-02-2008, 09:00 PM
The political correctness in this thread is amazing. Here's another view; McCain, in an effort to be bold and live up to his "maverick" self-image, may have shot himself in the foot. According to his campaign, he met her once before he interviewed her as a VP candidate. He better demand a refund from the attorneys who did the vetting process, or maybe he didn't give him enough time?

Her "executive" experience consists of being mayor of Wasilla for several years (a little less than the population of Bellevue, KY--or about a third of the population of Erlanger). According to the 2000 census, there are 3 cities in Alaska with more than 10,000 people. She has been governor of Alaska for 2 years, which has about 200,000 less people than Hamilton County. So does that make any of the the 3 Hamilton County commissioners better qualified to be McCain's VP because of their greater "executive" experience? Oh, by the way, McCain has no "executive" experience either, since he was just a congressman and senator.

What if the state legislature investigation concludes that she fired her public safety director,as he has claimed, for refusing to fire a state trooper that divorced her sister? Since the Republicans control both houses of the Alaska legislature, anybody want to guess how that turns out? Bold move on McCain's part, huh?

Just has the propaganda machine gears up to paint her as the scourge of pork barrel politics, she acknowledged today that she hired a lobbyist to get $27,000,000 in federal "pork" for the City of Wasilla while she was mayor. She apparently was not so distant from the "Good Old Boy" network either based upon some of the reports that are just coming to light. We are about to find out what else McCain didn't bother to check out.

Can you imagine the comments here, and elsewhere, if Obama had a 17 year old daughter that was pregnant? Comments like "what do you expect when 60% of black children are raised by single parents", or worse, would be posted all over this board. Rush Limbaugh would be cheerfully claiming that Obama's own family was an example what's wrong in America. What do we hear from the Conservatives? They applaud her decision to have the child. It really is nobody's business what she does, but the double standard here is, shall we say, curious?

I still plan to vote "none of the above", or maybe Ron Paul, but the willingness of people here to believe that Palin is the Second Coming is laughable. You get what you vote for--same old/ same old.

09-02-2008, 09:10 PM
The political correctness in this thread is amazing. Here's another view; McCain, in an effort to be bold and live up to his "maverick" self-image, may have shot himself in the foot. According to his campaign, he met her once before he interviewed her as a VP candidate. He better demand a refund from the attorneys who did the vetting process, or maybe he didn't give him enough time?

Her "executive" experience consists of being mayor of Wasilla for several years (a little less than the population of Bellevue, KY--or about a third of the population of Erlanger). According to the 2000 census, there are 3 cities in Alaska with more than 10,000 people. She has been governor of Alaska for 2 years, which has about 200,000 less people than Hamilton County. So does that make any of the the 3 Hamilton County commissioners better qualified to be McCain's VP because of their greater "executive" experience? Oh, by the way, McCain has no "executive" experience either, since he was just a congressman and senator.

What if the state legislature investigation concludes that she fired her public safety director,as he has claimed, for refusing to fire a state trooper that divorced her sister? Since the Republicans control both houses of the Alaska legislature, anybody want to guess how that turns out? Bold move on McCain's part, huh?

Just has the propaganda machine gears up to paint her as the scourge of pork barrel politics, she acknowledged today that she hired a lobbyist to get $27,000,000 in federal "pork" for the City of Wasilla while she was mayor. She apparently was not so distant from the "Good Old Boy" network either based upon some of the reports that are just coming to light. We are about to find out what else McCain didn't bother to check out.

Can you imagine the comments here, and elsewhere, if Obama had a 17 year old daughter that was pregnant? Comments like "what do you expect when 60% of black children are raised by single parents", or worse, would be posted all over this board. Rush Limbaugh would be cheerfully claiming that Obama's own family was an example what's wrong in America. What do we hear from the Conservatives? They applaud her decision to have the child. It really is nobody's business what she does, but the double standard here is, shall we say, curious?

I still plan to vote "none of the above", or maybe Ron Paul, but the willingness of people here to believe that Palin is the Second Coming is laughable. You get what you vote for--same old/ same old.

I agree..... It's pickin' the lesser of two evils...

09-02-2008, 11:12 PM
That man needs to pack his bags. I have never heard a pastor talk about politics as much as this clown. If he hates America so much, he needs to get the fuck out and i would be happy to help him leave.

09-02-2008, 11:14 PM
I'm still undecided who I'll vote for.... vote for obama...your car will be sitting outside my garage....:lol:;):popcorn:

09-02-2008, 11:18 PM
The Republicans I believe are far more practical in their solutions. There is evil in the world which will not be appeased by campfire songs, so we must kill it. There are greater forces at work on global warming than the exhaust from my Cobra, like perhaps that big ball of fire in the sky.


09-03-2008, 12:25 AM vote for obama...your car will be sitting outside my garage....:lol:;):popcorn:

I don't know who I'll vote for... Car may be sold soon to fund other endeavors..... ;) I was on Obama's website the other day and if you donate money, he asks if you are a lobbyists because he won't take money from lobbyists... unlike McCain...:D I donated a little to the cause... :cool2:

I totally agree that pastor dude needs to be deported.....

Johnny votes McCain

Curt Dawg votes Obama

It'll be like I'm cancelling out your vote.... :nono:.....:lol:

just messin' with ya! :bigthumb

09-03-2008, 12:39 AM
I don't know who I'll vote for... Car may be sold soon to fund other endeavors..... ;) I was on Obama's website the other day and if you donate money, he asks if you are a lobbyists because he won't take money from lobbyists... unlike McCain...:D I donated a little to the cause... :cool2:

A fool and his money are soon parted. :D

09-03-2008, 12:45 AM
A fool and his money are soon parted. :D

I was just messin' with 93cobra.... ;)

09-03-2008, 01:05 AM
I was just messin' with 93cobra.... ;)

Yeah, it's all good. I was just having some fun too. :D

04 Venom
09-03-2008, 08:34 AM
McCain's choice of Palin keeps getting better. Not only did she fire the state public safety director when she became governor (allegedly because he refused to fire a state police officer that was divorcing her sister), she also fired the chief of police when she was mayor of Wasilla because he offended her two main political supporters: the local bar owners and the NRA. The chief wanted bars to close at 2:00AM, rather than 5:00AM, to reduce the number of bar fights and violence. That pissed off the bar owners that contributed to her campaign. The chief also pissed of the NRA because he wanted to restrict the carrying of concealed weapons because of an increase in gun related crimes.

The police chief sued Palin, but she won. Her defense was that she didn't need any reason the remove the police chief. The judge agreed that even if the chief was fired because he upset her political supporters, as he claimed, legally she could remove him for that reason because he was an at will employee.

Let's face it, McCain blew it. The posters above who gushed that she was fighting corruption, the Old Boy network, etc., just drank the Kool Aid that the propaganda machine spews out. She is no better than innumerable other politicians that play the game to advance their career. Money has corrupted the political process and most of you just don't get it. Its a wonder some of you can dress yourselves in the morning.

09-03-2008, 10:04 AM
Money has corrupted the political process and most of you just don't get it. Its a wonder some of you can dress yourselves in the morning.


09-03-2008, 11:35 AM
Oh, by the way, McCain has no "executive" experience either, since he was just a congressman and senator.

What makes Obama so much more qualified for the position?

09-03-2008, 11:59 AM
it useless asking rob...unless a lot of people in this country who seriously believe obama is the guy we need & dont wake the f**k up...we will see some hard days ahead of us.

unlike you & i who wake up everyday and make a living off of our own efforts in our own business are not in the same mindset as so many out there that truely believe they are owed everything. not saying that this mindset is demo or repub differences...but more & more people i run into that are obama believers do strike me that way...bitch bitch bitch, give me give me give me....

i think life is good....we're busy at work, (which our sales come from 100% disposable income out there....people don't need guitar related items to survive) , gas keeps dropping, i just got killer financing on a dream home jen & i are building....

why does everyone sit around & bitch about everything everyday????

the sky is the limit in this country.... at least now..

09-03-2008, 12:08 PM
right on brother :bigthumb

04 Venom
09-03-2008, 12:09 PM
What makes Obama so much more qualified for the position?

You miss the point, entirely. The Republicans, and some of the posters here, make the argument that Palin is qualified because of her "executive"service as mayor and governor. The point being that neither McCain or Obama have "executive" experience as they define it. Hell, I have more executive experience than she does.

I repeat again, that this impulsive decision McCain made to select her is going to haunt his campaign. Here is the latest thing the Republicans have learned: she was associated with a splinter political party that wanted to have Alaska vote to succeed from the United States.

She is singlehandedly making Obama look mainstream. McCain just gave the Democrats a gift that they couldn't have dreamed of a week ago. His lack of judgment in selecting her before a full background investigation occurred makes him look like a clown.

09-03-2008, 12:35 PM
I agree that she may not have the most experience, but experience is not the only qualification to make a good leader. She is pro life, pro gun, and shares alot of the conservative beliefs that i do. I could care less if she cheated on her 3rd grade math test. McCain is not my first choice for president but it sure beats the alternative.

09-03-2008, 01:14 PM
I agree that she may not have the most experience, but experience is not the only qualification to make a good leader. She is pro life, pro gun, and shares alot of the conservative beliefs that i do. I could care less if she cheated on her 3rd grade math test. McCain is not my first choice for president but it sure beats the alternative.


Pops Fun
09-03-2008, 01:30 PM
I agree that she may not have the most experience, but experience is not the only qualification to make a good leader. She is pro life, pro gun, and shares alot of the conservative beliefs that i do. I could care less if she cheated on her 3rd grade math test. McCain is not my first choice for president but it sure beats the alternative.

:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:

09-03-2008, 01:48 PM
I agree that she may not have the most experience, but experience is not the only qualification to make a good leader. She is pro life, pro gun, and shares alot of the conservative beliefs that i do. I could care less if she cheated on her 3rd grade math test. McCain is not my first choice for president but it sure beats the alternative.

Exactly. Palin somewhat "fills in" on some of the liberal stances that McCain has on some issues. That is why I personally think she was a good choice. I'm a huge fan of how she wants to start drilling in Alaska, so we can quit relying so much on foreign oil.

09-03-2008, 06:08 PM
Here is the latest thing the Republicans have learned: she was associated with a splinter political party that wanted to have Alaska vote to succeed from the United States..

A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as to whether she was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian Rogers told ABC News that Clark's "allegations are false."

"Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982," Rogers says, providing some voter registration documentation showing her to be a Republican. "As you know, if she changed her registration, there would have been some record of it. There isn’t."

Rogers says the McCain campaign provided ABC News with all the voter registration information that exists. Rogers says that Palin didn’t attend the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when they had their convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was mayor."

He would not comment as to why AIP officials are so convinced Palin was a member of their party. When asked if Palin ever identified herself as a member of the AIP, Rogers said, "No, she's a lifelong Republican."


09-03-2008, 10:34 PM
i just got killer financing on a dream home jen & i are building....
We need to talk. We are planning on building come spring so fill me in. BTW I'm voting for Obama if your car isn't running by Nov.:eek::lol:

04 Venom
09-03-2008, 10:41 PM
A day after ABC News requested a response from Palin as to whether she was ever a member of the AIP, McCain campain spox Brian Rogers told ABC News that Clark's "allegations are false."

"Governor Palin has been a registered Republican since 1982," Rogers says, providing some voter registration documentation showing her to be a Republican. "As you know, if she changed her registration, there would have been some record of it. There isn’t."

Rogers says the McCain campaign provided ABC News with all the voter registration information that exists. Rogers says that Palin didn’t attend the AIP convention in 1994, "but she visited them when they had their convention in Wasilla in 2000 as a courtesy since she was mayor."

He would not comment as to why AIP officials are so convinced Palin was a member of their party. When asked if Palin ever identified herself as a member of the AIP, Rogers said, "No, she's a lifelong Republican."


Sort of like the stories of Obama being tied to the Weather Underground?

09-03-2008, 11:09 PM
don't know if anyone else watched her speech but damn Palin can speak.
What confidence!!!!!!!
She was solid did not stumble even once.
Wasn't too keen on her when they first made the announcement but she is growing on me very quickly. I was really hoping for Romney but we may have a winner here.

Man I can't wait to see her debate with Biden she is going to mop him up!!!

Black Horse
09-03-2008, 11:26 PM
Sharp wit and a tongue to match......

09-03-2008, 11:38 PM
We need to talk. We are planning on building come spring so fill me in. BTW I'm voting for Obama if your car isn't running by Nov.:eek::lol:

give me a buzz buddy....i can tell you all the details of our construction loan.

btw'd still be my good buddy even if you did vote for obama...

just cause i may jap my jaws about who i'll vote for dosen't mean i think any less personally about someone who votes for who they are in favor of...

speaking of my car...your just the guy i was thinking i need to talk dropping in motor this weekend & need some advice on this clutch adjustment before slapping the bell housing on & sliding the tranny in place...:bigthumb

09-03-2008, 11:45 PM
don't know if anyone else watched her speech but damn Palin can speak.
What confidence!!!!!!!
She was solid did not stumble even once.
Wasn't too keen on her when they first made the announcement but she is growing on me very quickly. I was really hoping for Romney but we may have a winner here.

Man I can't wait to see her debate with Biden she is going to mop him up!!!

:bigthumb...lots of intresting facts were made all evening...:Owned:

09-03-2008, 11:50 PM
She did great!

09-04-2008, 12:19 AM
speaking of my car...your just the guy i was thinking i need to talk dropping in motor this weekend & need some advice on this clutch adjustment before slapping the bell housing on & sliding the tranny in place...:bigthumb

Oh the irony in that statement.:lol:

That Chic from Alaska, shes HOT!!

I still say a "none of the above" would ruin alot of campaign finances!! Can you imagine if these cock suckers had to start the process all over!! BWAHAHA!! Fuck em. They make $<insert millions here!!> They can afford to truly listen to what the fucking people want. Not what they THINK we want. I place politicans up there with painters and chassis guys or was it lawyers?:lol:

09-04-2008, 12:37 AM
Craig, I love the sig, lmao. Btw Palin kicked ass.

09-04-2008, 01:20 AM
Sort of like the stories of Obama being tied to the Weather Underground?

BIG difference in going to an AIP convention once as a courtesy while being a registered Republican vs. Obama getting help for his start in politics and sitting on the same board for 3 years with a terrorist (Bill Ayers). He considered Ayers a friend. Ayers is a KNOWN (self admitted) terrorist from the Weather Underground who has even stated he wish he had done more back when he was a part of the group. More meaning more bombings and other terrorist acts. How do you even begin to compare those two scenarios? :rolleyes:

04 Venom
09-04-2008, 08:21 AM
BIG difference in going to an AIP convention once as a courtesy while being a registered Republican vs. Obama getting help for his start in politics and sitting on the same board for 3 years with a terrorist (Bill Ayers). He considered Ayers a friend. Ayers is a KNOWN (self admitted) terrorist from the Weather Underground who has even stated he wish he had done more back when he was a part of the group. More meaning more bombings and other terrorist acts. How do you even begin to compare those two scenarios? :rolleyes:

Sorry; your facts are wrong.

Pops Fun
09-04-2008, 08:42 AM
Sorry; your facts are wrong.

Links to the real facts please!!

09-04-2008, 08:55 AM
Oh the irony in that statement.:lol: will be together sooner or later....

sorry...just isn't exciting to me anymore and not really a priority....more a pain in my a** to tell the truth.....still wouldn't mind sending it down the road for a stack of cash:dunno:

09-04-2008, 09:04 AM will be together sooner or later....

sorry...just isn't exciting to me anymore and not really a priority....more a pain in my a** to tell the truth.....still wouldn't mind sending it down the road for a stack of cash:dunno:

I know what you mean.:(

09-04-2008, 11:56 AM
Oh the irony in that statement.:lol:I place politicans up there with painters and chassis guys or was it lawyers?:lol:
Keep the gloves up boys:lol:

09-04-2008, 12:44 PM
Sorry; your facts are wrong.

Not sure I understand, could you be a little more vague for me please?

09-04-2008, 12:54 PM

09-04-2008, 01:11 PM
Links to the real facts please!!


09-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Somehow I cant imagine Obama having any interest in the Military, well except to cut spending for it.:rolleyes:

And well, she does have the sexy naughty teacher look going on.

04 Venom
09-04-2008, 04:28 PM
Links to the real facts please!!

I'd check the Chicago Sun Times, Wall street Journal or USA Today--any major newspaper has carried the story. For example the 8/25/08 on-line edition of USA Today. Also, Google the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Annenberg Foundation and Woods Fund to uncover their "left wing" roots. Check the members of each of these groups to see all the radical members.

Obama and Ayers live in the same neighborhood (Hyde Park) in Chicago. Ayers has been a professor of education at the University of Chicago for some time.

From 1995-99, both Obama and Ayers served on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge which was formed to promote school reforms. They were two of many members of the committee from the public and private sector. The committee was initally funded by a grant from the Annenberg Foundation. The Annenberg Foundation was started by Walter Annenberg, who was a long-time suporter of the Republican Party and was appointed ambassador to England by President Reagan. Defintely a left wing connection huh?

When Obama was running for the Illinois Senate in 1995, Ayers hosted a brunch for Hyde Park supporters of Obama. Somehow this became the "fact" behind the Republican propaganda that Ayer's "launched" Obama's career. Hardly, this one of many meetings with potential supporters. Ayers contributed $200 to his campaign that year.

From 1999-2002, Obama and Ayers were both members of the Woods Fund, which is a private foundation that awards grants in conjunction with other non-profit groups. This apparently became the reference in McCain's ads that they served on a "left-wing" group together. Google the directors for the fund and see if you can find the "left-wing" members.

Who you vote for his your business. There is definitely a political correctness on this board. What I find appalling is the inability of people here to distinguish fact from political spin, from either party. Let me go further, it doesn't seem that many people care that they are being fed propaganda from both parties. How many ads have you seen from any political candidate that actually attempt to inform and are factually based--as opposed to slamming the other candidate.

09-04-2008, 04:40 PM
Who you vote for his your business. There is definitely a political correctness on this board. What I find appalling is the inability of people here to distinguish fact from political spin, from either party. Let me go further, it doesn't seem that many people care that they are being fed propaganda from both parties. How many ads have you seen from any political candidate that actually attempt to inform and are factually based--as opposed to slamming the other candidate.

How the Fuck wanting to overthrow the entire govt and start over is PC? Fuck ALL those in power right now. Term limits, limited budgets for campaigning and a 60K a year salary. Simple. :cool1:

09-04-2008, 05:37 PM
When Obama was running for the Illinois Senate in 1995, Ayers hosted a brunch for Hyde Park supporters of Obama. Somehow this became the "fact" behind the Republican propaganda that Ayer's "launched" Obama's career. Hardly, this one of many meetings with potential supporters. Ayers contributed $200 to his campaign that year.

Whether he launched Obamas rise or not is a moot point, If I was running for office hell if I were dying and a penny would save my life, I wouldn't take a damn cent from a bastard that self admittedly participated in terrorist attacks against my country and even after the worst terrorist attack on this country wished he would have done more and has no regrets for what he did other than not doing more.

Let alone step foot in his house.

Just the fact that he had any conjunction with that piece of terrorist garbage shows how much love Obama has for his country.

I really want someone to be President that dines and claims to have a friendly relationship with self admitted terrorists. It's not like he denies the fact.
William Ayres Blatantly brags about what he was a part of and to this days claims that wishes he had done more.

04 Venom
09-04-2008, 07:22 PM
How the Fuck wanting to overthrow the entire govt and start over is PC? Fuck ALL those in power right now. Term limits, limited budgets for campaigning and a 60K a year salary. Simple. :cool1:

I feel your pain, Maximus. :bigthumb Too bad so few of our fellow posters share your anger. Judging by the political posts appearing on this forum, people delude themselves into thinking that electing McCain or Obama will change things. Sure there are differences on certain issues, but how many times have we heard from both parties that they will change "Washington". Ironically, these statements are heard from people that have spent decades in Washington. McCain and Biden being the most recent examples. What were they waiting for?

Corporations contributed over $100,000,000 to pay for both the Democratic and Republican conventions. Still think the Hockey Mom will change that?

Public financing of all elections, and eliminating any funds from lobbyists, issue groups or organizations that are currently permitted under section 527 of the IRS code will be necessary. Unfortunately, this would require a constitutional amendment, with ratification by two thirds of the states. Efforts to legislate restrictions in the past featured built-in loopholes, that made it appear that reform was the occurring when the opposite was true.

The only aspect of your post I disagree with is the 60K salaries. I understand your intent, but the consequence would be that only wealthy individuals could run for office--the opposite of your aim. A better solution might be to raise congressional salaries, but outlaw all other sources of income (such as speeches) that politicians now accept.

You may not be aware that there are strict ethic regulations governing career federal employees. Not surprisingly, Congress exempted themselves from these requirements.

04 Venom
09-04-2008, 07:37 PM
Whether he launched Obamas rise or not is a moot point, If I was running for office hell if I were dying and a penny would save my life, I wouldn't take a damn cent from a bastard that self admittedly participated in terrorist attacks against my country and even after the worst terrorist attack on this country wished he would have done more and has no regrets for what he did other than not doing more.

Let alone step foot in his house.

Just the fact that he had any conjunction with that piece of terrorist garbage shows how much love Obama has for his country.

I really want someone to be President that dines and claims to have a friendly relationship with self admitted terrorists. It's not like he denies the fact.
William Ayres Blatantly brags about what he was a part of and to this days claims that wishes he had done more.

I have no issue with your opinion. What I find disturbing is the propaganda being spread by both parties and the willingness of people to believe it uncritically. Fool you once shame on them; fool you twice, its your own fucking fault. The latest example? Just saw a McCain ad claiming the Democrats were the party of budget deficits. Unfortunately, $8 trillion of the $10 trillion debt occurred during the Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 administrations. The largest increase occurred during the first 6 years of George W. Bush administration, when Republicans controlled the House, Senate and the White House. Do you think think just forgot to mention that?