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Facts about Barrack Obama-Disturbing [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Facts about Barrack Obama-Disturbing

07-26-2008, 11:59 AM
This is for those who havent seen this yet. I cant believe people are voting for this guy. Maybe its because we are all typical white people. I saw some of my closest friends killed in action and this guy wont even put his hand over his heart during the National Anthiem.

07-26-2008, 12:19 PM
all i can say is WOW!!!!!!!!

07-26-2008, 12:45 PM
The craziest part of this whole thing is, I cannot believe that some of the people in this country are ready to hand the "keys" to an unproven politician. What has he shown, that makes him worthy to be elected to be the leader of this country? He says he wants to sit down and have talks with terrorists. WTF!! Does he think he can negotiate with people that want this entire country's people, and way of life killed? Does he honestly think the terrorists will actually carry out what would be negotiated out in a meeting?
There have been references to him being the anti-christ. Do I think he is the Anti-Christ? No, I just think he is a slick talking, full of shit solcialist politician, that is NOT qualified to run this country, except for into the ground. If he gets in, he will tax the living fuck out of us all to fund his socialist agenda.

This is MY opinion of this candidate for President. The views expressed here may not be the views of :evilflip: to Osama bin Obama.

Greg Seibert
07-26-2008, 12:57 PM
Typical White Persons, Obama doesn't like you.
Wonder if he remembers he's half White?
And, get prepared to pay reparations with your taxes.

07-26-2008, 01:02 PM
In case you missed it. He decided to go work out instead of visiting wounded troops yesterday. I guess since he couldn't take his loyal followers of the media circus witrh him to try and make himself look good it wasn't worth his time. This man is not patriot of this country. In the speach he gave in Germany he made America out to be a land of wrong doings. That we are the reason there is so many things wrong the world. Why is it the Pesident of France can come here and speak to our house and senate and say what a great place America truly is but Obama can only bash us? Like I have been saying. Liberals will be the down fall of this nation

07-26-2008, 01:54 PM
I don't trust the guy at all. But I'm not too into McCain either. One of the things I don't like about Obama is he's for abortion, and I'm totally against it....

07-26-2008, 02:10 PM
I just finished watching the video, it is quite disturbing. How can a presidential hopeful not put his hand over his heart when saluting the flag, or wear the flag pin. Oh and for his "Reverend" what a joke he is!!

07-26-2008, 05:05 PM
First, I am a democrat, I would like to vote for a Democrat, but not THIS Democrat. I would have voted for Hillary without a problem, hell, she was more conservative than either Obama or McCain. That being said, I will hold my nose and vote for Mr. McCain. I have the opposite problem as Naomi, I am pro choice and I'm sure McCain isn't, but besides that question, I think McCain is the lesser of two evils. Isn't it sad, out of 300 million people, these two are the best the two parties could offer? What happened to the John Kennedys, Harry Trumans or even the Ronald Reagans. I worry for our future.

07-26-2008, 05:29 PM
That could be the dumbest video I have ever watched.Why is it if he refuses to place his hand over his heart for the anthem that they can only seem to find one picture(or video) of it? You would think as many times as he stands to the anthem that we would be flooded with pictures of it and not just the same picture over and over. Have you ever went to a baseball game and not stood with your hand over your heart? I know I have although I always try to show respect and place my hand over my heart but look around next time the anthem is playing and see how many people don't.

07-26-2008, 05:33 PM

07-26-2008, 05:46 PM
I wouldnt vote for him if he was the only option. Way to many things against him and it has nothing to do with his skin color.

04 Venom
07-26-2008, 07:29 PM
He says he wants to sit down and have talks with terrorists. WTF!! Does he think he can negotiate with people that want this entire country's people, and way of life killed? Does he honestly think the terrorists will actually carry out what would be negotiated out in a meeting?

Not quite. What he said was that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Cuba, North Korea--he never said he would negotiate with terrorists.

08-03-2008, 11:32 PM
That could be the dumbest video I have ever watched.Why is it if he refuses to place his hand over his heart for the anthem that they can only seem to find one picture(or video) of it? You would think as many times as he stands to the anthem that we would be flooded with pictures of it and not just the same picture over and over. Have you ever went to a baseball game and not stood with your hand over your heart? I know I have although I always try to show respect and place my hand over my heart but look around next time the anthem is playing and see how many people don't.

Your not the president so its not a big deal if you dont put your hand over your heart. Obama is running for persident and he isnt doing it. Who know what else he isnt going to do when he becomes president. He is representing the U.S. and he cant even wear our flag or respect our flag. The flag represents our nation and our fallen heros. Why wouldnt you want to wear that? How long would a football coach last if he refused to wear his teams jersey?

08-04-2008, 08:17 AM
How long would a football coach last if he refused to wear his teams jersey?
That's a great analogy. It does put a little perspective on the guy. Personally I think there are about a million reasons to not vote for the guy besides this however it definitely adds to the image. For starters if Barack Obama if a man is defined by the company he keeps, he’s a racist and an anti-American extremist - Jeremiah Wright, William Ayers, etc. not to mention the Cuban flag with the image of Che Guevara’ hanging in his campaign ( HQ. You can't tell me 20yrs in Jeremiah Wright's church hasn't affected/skewed his perspective. His wife is an absolutely nut job and he has extremely limited political experience. Pure and simple is receiving a rockstar persona and that's about the only thing he has going for him.

08-04-2008, 08:41 AM
Not quite. What he said was that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Cuba, North Korea--he never said he would negotiate with terrorists.

Those 3 constitute as terrorists in my book. Cuba not so much but Iran and North Korea are very very dangerous countries if they are not kept in check.

As for Obama well. This country would come to an end as we know it.
The last fall of a powerful nation was the fall of the Soviet Union.
He will undoubtedly start the fall of The United States of America.

Just his tax plans are enough, let alone his stand on national security.

You think money is tight now. Just wait till this cat doubles the capitol gains tax and raises your payroll tax to 12.5%.

Raises taxes on the oil companies (which they will turn around and place on the consumer).

This guy is dangerous, and a racist.

"white folks greed drives a world in need"
Barak Obama

By the way remember to properly inflate your tires because if you do that we will save some much on gas consumption we won't need to drill:bigthumb

Have you ever went to a baseball game and not stood with your hand over your heart? I know I have although I always try to show respect and place my hand over my heart but look around next time the anthem is playing and see how many people don't.
They aren't running for president!

Then plus all of his radical connections. 1 being a man that admitted to terrorist bombings on this country and even to this day does not apologize and states he wishes he had done more.

Then there is Jeramiah Wright who baptized his kids, married him, was his spiritual advisor, but only denounced if you can even call it that after the heat was turned on him.
Hell even Oprah knew to get out of that church years ago.

08-04-2008, 10:38 AM
All I can say is he will never get my vote.


08-04-2008, 11:44 AM
First, I am a democrat, I would like to vote for a Democrat, but not THIS Democrat. I would have voted for Hillary without a problem, hell, she was more conservative than either Obama or McCain. That being said, I will hold my nose and vote for Mr. McCain. I have the opposite problem as Naomi, I am pro choice and I'm sure McCain isn't, but besides that question, I think McCain is the lesser of two evils. Isn't it sad, out of 300 million people, these two are the best the two parties could offer? What happened to the John Kennedys, Harry Trumans or even the Ronald Reagans. I worry for our future.

lol... isn't it funny that Republicans and Democrats alike will vote for McCain because he's the lesser of the two evils? Oh, and rest easy, McCain isn't very Pro-Life. This is just one of my problems with him.

08-04-2008, 11:47 AM
Not quite. What he said was that he would be willing to meet with the leaders of Iran, Cuba, North Korea--he never said he would negotiate with terrorists.

Haha... what? You're a funny guy. Isn't that the same thing... meeting with the terrorist leaders of Iran, Cuba, and North Korea?

08-04-2008, 11:49 AM
That could be the dumbest video I have ever watched.Why is it if he refuses to place his hand over his heart for the anthem that they can only seem to find one picture(or video) of it? You would think as many times as he stands to the anthem that we would be flooded with pictures of it and not just the same picture over and over. Have you ever went to a baseball game and not stood with your hand over your heart? I know I have although I always try to show respect and place my hand over my heart but look around next time the anthem is playing and see how many people don't.

The problems isn't that he was just too lazy to do it, or busy eating his hotdog at the ball game. He TOOK A STAND AGAINST IT. He essentially said, "Fuck the U.S.! and don't forget to vote for me!"

08-04-2008, 12:14 PM
The problems isn't that he was just too lazy to do it, or busy eating his hotdog at the ball game. He TOOK A STAND AGAINST IT. He essentially said, "Fuck the U.S.! and don't forget to vote for me!"

These 5 second clips and pictures are worthless you cannot think by watching that video that all of that is true? If he was making a stand against not holding his hand across his heart don't you think he would never do it? Or was he just making a stand that day? I bet I could find video to prove John Mc Cain is hooked on meth and people would believe it. It politics they are all crooks and liars but Obama is the lesser of two evils. Voting for Mc Cain is going to be like putting another retard like Bush into office. That is all from me these threads don't get anywhere with bull headed republicans responding :lol: Yes the last line was just a joke so don't start screaming :D

08-04-2008, 12:48 PM
I'm certainly not a fan of McCain. This will be the first election where I don't vote for a Republican... I'll vote for McCain instead.

I just don't get how, with all of Obama's anti-American and anti-white stances, anyone can support him. Him refusing to hold his hand over his heart isn't the problem in itself, it's what it reflects. What it reflects if consistant with his other actions, statements, and choices. This wasn't a "one time fluke" as you claim. It's his core. Now he's willing to change the appearance of his core, like attempting to distance himself from Wright and trying to twist it into a media manipulation. I'm sure he'll hold his hand over his heart now, and wear the flag lapel now. But... what's underneath his rouse?

08-04-2008, 01:27 PM
Anyone who votes for Obama is flat out brain-dead.

08-04-2008, 01:30 PM
McCain will get my vote....

I'd honestly vote for Bush again before i voted for Obama

A few of the above comments I also agree with is that liberals will be the downfall of this nation & Obama's wife is a 100% racist whackjob.

It amazes me how many in this country will vote for Obama because he is a great speaker alone....Id rather watch letterman & leno bash Bush's occasional loss for words in his speaches than let a good polished debater run this country...

Sometimes I almost hope Obama gets voted in to show everyone just how f'd up stuff can get. You think its bad now....

08-04-2008, 01:35 PM
It amazes me how many in this country will vote for Obama because he is a great speaker alone....

08-04-2008, 01:39 PM
That is awesome...I guess I thought he was a better bullshitter than he is...LOL

08-04-2008, 01:42 PM
That is awesome...I guess I thought he was a better bullshitter than he is...LOL

Yeah I thought the same thing. Got that in an email a week or so ago.

08-04-2008, 01:49 PM
Ive always been pro life too...

Hearing pro choicers say "its my body...i can make the choice" leaves me very confused...

....its ok to take a vaccume cleaner to your baby before he/she is delivered right??? it ok to do so when they are 2 days old..????

regardless what is & isn't legal...thats just f'd up im my opinion...

08-04-2008, 01:50 PM
Wow... lol Wonder who's behind the curtain pulling his strings haha

08-04-2008, 01:59 PM
Ive always been pro life too...

Hearing pro choicers say "its my body...i can make the choice" leaves me very confused...

....its ok to take a vaccume cleaner to your baby before he/she is delivered right??? it ok to do so when they are 2 days old..????

regardless what is & isn't legal...thats just f'd up im my opinion...

A few years ago at a PETA rally, Dr Peter Singer answered this question. (Chair of BioEthics at Princeton and no doubt, an Obama supporter ( He responded with an undoubting YES! He said that parents should have up to 30 days to terminate the lives of their already born children. He said that many birth defects etc couldn't be determined until after the child is born, and that parents couldn't make an educated decision on whether a child's life is worth living or not until after birth.

He later apologized for the comments, stating that 30 days was an arbitrary number that was based on a celtic tradition. He said that parents would really need something more like 6 months to make the determination, because after all... children aren't even self-aware until after 6 months.

08-04-2008, 02:09 PM
They need a "none of the above" on the ballots.

McCain sucks. Obama sucks just as much...Hell ALL the politicans Suck. Term limits should be placed on ALL politicans, that way they should be able to do something in two terms.:bigthumb

But its still better than any other other country in the world!!:rockon:

08-04-2008, 03:07 PM
They need a "none of the above" on the ballots.

McCain sucks. Obama sucks just as much...Hell ALL the politicans Suck. Term limits should be placed on ALL politicans, that way they should be able to do something in two terms.:bigthumb

But its still better than any other other country in the world!!:rockon:


08-04-2008, 03:18 PM
They need a "none of the above" on the ballots.

McCain sucks. Obama sucks just as much...Hell ALL the politicans Suck. Term limits should be placed on ALL politicans, that way they should be able to do something in two terms.:bigthumb

But its still better than any other other country in the world!!:rockon:


EXACTLY!!!! All I ever hear from any of these political threads is BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!
They never get anything accomplished.. They just get everyone bashing one party or another.. I am by no means for Obama, But that doesn't change the fact that Bush is a bumbling idiot and has been a disgrace to the US for the past 8 years!!!!

08-04-2008, 03:49 PM
Now's the time for a third party person to stand-up. As long as they make a lick of sense and are well grounded they may actually win!

08-04-2008, 04:12 PM
EXACTLY!!!! All I ever hear from any of these political threads is BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!
They never get anything accomplished.. They just get everyone bashing one party or another.. I am by no means for Obama, But that doesn't change the fact that Bush is a bumbling idiot and has been a disgrace to the US for the past 8 years!!!!

I'm not a Bush fan. I like some of his policies, I don't like others. However, it's ignorance (not an insult, but used litterally) to call Bush a disgrace to the US. Is he a bumbling idiot, but I don't believe public speaking is as important as many other things.

Now's the time for a third party person to stand-up. As long as they make a lick of sense and are well grounded they may actually win!

No one believes a 3rd party can win, so they don't "waste their vote" on one. The most a 3rd party can do is hurt one or both of the major candidates. It's a shame this is true, but for the time being I think it's better to work within the party which is least likely to destroy the country.

boosted 98
08-04-2008, 04:33 PM
obama sucks a big ****** dick!

08-04-2008, 04:36 PM
i say everyone should continue doing what they need to do everyday to make things work & make sense for them... vote for obama or mccain or don't vote at all...have abortions or keep your babies...i could care less what anyone else does or thinks... i'll just do what it takes to take care of johnny k & miss johnny k...there will always be people bitching & complaining about something...we'll just wait & see who makes everything perfect...

08-04-2008, 04:42 PM
I'm not a Bush fan. I like some of his policies, I don't like others. However, it's ignorance (not an insult, but used litterally) to call Bush a disgrace to the US. Is he a bumbling idiot, but I don't believe public speaking is as important as many other things.

Now I've heard it all!!! You don't think that a President needs to be a good Orator???
That is what I want as a President, Is someone who can't come up with words to say what they mean.... Just like the best one MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !!!!!!! LMAO :lol:

08-04-2008, 05:42 PM
i say everyone should continue doing what they need to do everyday to make things work & make sense for them... vote for obama or mccain or don't vote at all...have abortions or keep your babies...i could care less what anyone else does or thinks... i'll just do what it takes to take care of johnny k & miss johnny k...there will always be people bitching & complaining about something...we'll just wait & see who makes everything perfect...

Life is a little more complicated than willful complacense. If you don't support other people's freedoms and defend your own, then you have no right to freedom. One day someone will come along and say, "Johnny K, you can't have what you need, or even what's yours, to be okay anymore because we've decided differently."

I believe in protecting people's freedoms to live essentially how they want to live as long as it isn't infringing on someone else's rights. That's my problem with Democrats, they want to regulate how everyone lives their lives MORESO than Republicans. I know I'll get challenged on that by someone, but it's easy to defend so bring it on.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 06:20 PM
They need a "none of the above" on the ballots.

McCain sucks. Obama sucks just as much...Hell ALL the politicans Suck. Term limits should be placed on ALL politicans, that way they should be able to do something in two terms.:bigthumb

But its still better than any other other country in the world!!:rockon:

Now you're talking. But we can hardly blame everything on politicians when we keep electing them, but term limits would shake things-up. A national "None of the Above" campaign would be a great first step to getting their attention. Imagine if 20% of the voters did that.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 06:22 PM
Anyone who votes for Obama is flat out brain-dead.

McCain is no better; "None of the Above" gets my vote.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 06:25 PM
That's my problem with Democrats, they want to regulate how everyone lives their lives MORESO than Republicans. I know I'll get challenged on that by someone, but it's easy to defend so bring it on.

Better take a close look at the Patriot Act before you make that assertion.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 06:48 PM
McCain is no better; "None of the Above" gets my vote.

On the other hand, Will Ferrell could win the election if a majority of the voters, including the majority on this board, believed he could reduce the price of gas to $1.50 a gallon. He would also be funnier during news conferences than McCain and Obama to boot.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 06:55 PM
Those 3 constitute as terrorists in my book. Cuba not so much but Iran and North Korea are very very dangerous countries if they are not kept in check.

As for Obama well. This country would come to an end as we know it.
The last fall of a powerful nation was the fall of the Soviet Union.
He will undoubtedly start the fall of The United States of America.

Just his tax plans are enough, let alone his stand on national security.

You think money is tight now. Just wait till this cat doubles the capitol gains tax and raises your payroll tax to 12.5%.

Raises taxes on the oil companies (which they will turn around and place on the consumer).

This guy is dangerous, and a racist.

"white folks greed drives a world in need"
Barak Obama

By the way remember to properly inflate your tires because if you do that we will save some much on gas consumption we won't need to drill:bigthumb

They aren't running for president!

Then plus all of his radical connections. 1 being a man that admitted to terrorist bombings on this country and even to this day does not apologize and states he wishes he had done more.

Then there is Jeramiah Wright who baptized his kids, married him, was his spiritual advisor, but only denounced if you can even call it that after the heat was turned on him.
Hell even Oprah knew to get out of that church years ago.

Don't vote for Obama if you don't like him, but your "facts" are seriously flawed, which happens when people get all their info from the Internet.

08-04-2008, 07:23 PM
I'm certainly not a fan of McCain. This will be the first election where I don't vote for a Republican... I'll vote for McCain instead.
Couldn't agree more! McCain is hardly a conservative candidate by any stretch but definitely a far lesser of the two evils situation. I still struggle to believe with the millions and millions of people in this country, these two were the best we could come up with. Hell, McCain was pretty darn close to the bottom of the list IMO out of the Republican nominees. :rolleyes:

Barack however is a straight up left wing racist nut job with an agenda and if he gets elected it will be because we have a nation of idiots who would rather vote for "different" than "qualified." He has a rock star persona, thanks to MTV and an extreme left hollywood and media portrayal and is a good public speaker - that is the extent of his qualifications. I have yet to see any proof to the contrary.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 08:59 PM
Barack however is a straight up left wing racist nut job with an agenda and if he gets elected it will be because we have a nation of idiots who would rather vote for "different" than "qualified." .

This and the other "racist" posts just crack me up.:lol: Whites are scared shitless that a black is running for President. Who on this board has not told a racist joke or laughed at one someone else telling one--many times? Are you a racist? For most of these posters, it is probably the first time they ever said the word racist. It's anyone's right to refuse to vote against or for someone because of their race, just man up enough to say so.

If you are going to tag Obama for Wright's statements, you better look at some of the associates of any other politician. For example, Ted Stevens was just indicted for federal corruption charges. McCain has called him a close and dear friend who he has worked closely with for many years, so I guess that makes McCain dishonest and a crook too--certainly no one anyone could trust.

I don't care much for either candidate, as I said before, because they pander to any issue they think will get them elected. They would rather talk about the price of gas than, for example, deficit spending or Social Security (the next BIG meltdown). But hey, no one is asking them about it either, right? If an informed electorate is necessary for an effective and responsive government, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.

08-04-2008, 10:48 PM
Venom, you're a straight up idiot. I'm going to just start ignoring you.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 11:12 PM
Venom, you're a straight up idiot. I'm going to just start ignoring you.

Being ignored by you is a compliment.

08-04-2008, 11:29 PM
This and the other "racist" posts just crack me up.:lol: Whites are scared shitless that a black is running for President. Who on this board has not told a racist joke or laughed at one someone else telling one--many times? Are you a racist? For most of these posters, it is probably the first time they ever said the word racist. It's anyone's right to refuse to vote against or for someone because of their race, just man up enough to say so.

If you are going to tag Obama for Wright's statements, you better look at some of the associates of any other politician. For example, Ted Stevens was just indicted for federal corruption charges. McCain has called him a close and dear friend who he has worked closely with for many years, so I guess that makes McCain dishonest and a crook too--certainly no one anyone could trust.

I don't care much for either candidate, as I said before, because they pander to any issue they think will get them elected. They would rather talk about the price of gas than, for example, deficit spending or Social Security (the next BIG meltdown). But hey, no one is asking them about it either, right? If an informed electorate is necessary for an effective and responsive government, bend over and kiss your ass goodbye.
I have no issues with a black guy running for office, it has nothing to do with it. I really don't appreciate you inferring that I do. I do however know a racist comment when I see it and sure as hell don't want a President who utters comments like it. Comparing Wright to Ted Stevens is almost laughable - 20yrs sitting in a pew listening to somebody preach from the pulpit to you is a HUGE difference. There's a big difference between having a friend indicted for federal corruption charges vs. listening to hate speech every Sunday! I GUARANTEE if John McCain was found to have attended the equivalent service bashing black America even once or twice he never would have made the nomination. All the same if you have an issue with references to Wright's hate speech then why not just consider Obama's own quotes from his book. You have to be ignorant and/or blind to ignore the fact that he is incredibly racist(don't even get me started on his wife)...

In his book "Dreams of My Father."
Barack Obama writes, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Bull Connor out there."

"White folk's greed runs a world in need"

"That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some.It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at leadst thought you deserving of their scorn." pg 80

"..I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites..."

"whites are so heartless and devious that we can no longer expect anything from them"

"I will never emulate white men. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela"

Show me one "white folk" successfully running for any public office that would get away with any of the same rhetoric and I would be shocked.

04 Venom
08-04-2008, 11:57 PM
I have no issues with a black guy running for office, it has nothing to do with it. I really don't appreciate you inferring that I do. I do however know a racist comment when I see it and sure as hell don't want a President who utters comments like it. Comparing Wright to Ted Stevens is almost laughable - 20yrs sitting in a pew listening to somebody preach from the pulpit to you is a HUGE difference. There's a big difference between having a friend indicted for federal corruption charges vs. listening to hate speech every Sunday! I GUARANTEE if John McCain was found to have attended the equivalent service bashing black America even once or twice he never would have made the nomination. All the same if you have an issue with references to Wright's hate speech then why not just consider Obama's own quotes from his book. You have to be ignorant and/or blind to ignore the fact that he is incredibly racist(don't even get me started on his wife)...

In his book "Dreams of My Father."
Barack Obama writes, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Bull Connor out there."

"White folk's greed runs a world in need"

"That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some.It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at leadst thought you deserving of their scorn." pg 80

"..I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites..."

"whites are so heartless and devious that we can no longer expect anything from them"

"I will never emulate white men. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela"

Show me one "white folk" successfully running for any public office that would get away with any of the same rhetoric and I would be shocked.

I've seen these on the internet before as well. One of the remarks is a quotation from Wright, not Obama, and I never saw any references to page numbers on any of the other quotes. I never read the book, but now I am curious as to whether they are actual passages or somebody's "authoritative" entry on Wikipedia.

08-05-2008, 12:18 AM
I've seen these on the internet before as well. One of the remarks is a quotation from Wright, not Obama, and I never saw any references to page numbers on any of the other quotes. I never read the book, but now I am curious as to whether they are actual passages or somebody's "authoritative" entry on Wikipedia.

Surely your not denying he's a racist. How do you feel about statements like, "my grandmother is a typical white person"?

08-05-2008, 12:19 AM

LOL,, he's skirting his own statement.

08-05-2008, 12:22 AM
I have no issues with a black guy running for office, it has nothing to do with it. I really don't appreciate you inferring that I do. I do however know a racist comment when I see it and sure as hell don't want a President who utters comments like it. Comparing Wright to Ted Stevens is almost laughable - 20yrs sitting in a pew listening to somebody preach from the pulpit to you is a HUGE difference. There's a big difference between having a friend indicted for federal corruption charges vs. listening to hate speech every Sunday! I GUARANTEE if John McCain was found to have attended the equivalent service bashing black America even once or twice he never would have made the nomination. All the same if you have an issue with references to Wright's hate speech then why not just consider Obama's own quotes from his book. You have to be ignorant and/or blind to ignore the fact that he is incredibly racist(don't even get me started on his wife)...

In his book "Dreams of My Father."
Barack Obama writes, "there were no cigar chomping crackers like Bull Connor out there."

"White folk's greed runs a world in need"

"That's just how white folks will do you. It wasn't merely the cruelty involved; I was learning that black people could be mean and then some.It was a particular brand of arrogance, an obtuseness in otherwise sane people that brought forth our bitter laughter. It was as if whites didn't know that they were being cruel in the first place. Or at leadst thought you deserving of their scorn." pg 80

"..I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of twelve or thirteen when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites..."

"whites are so heartless and devious that we can no longer expect anything from them"

"I will never emulate white men. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela"

Show me one "white folk" successfully running for any public office that would get away with any of the same rhetoric and I would be shocked.

Well said, sir. But it will only fall on deaf ears (figuratively of course, since this is posted in text.)

08-05-2008, 12:43 AM

08-05-2008, 07:40 AM
I've seen these on the internet before as well. One of the remarks is a quotation from Wright, not Obama, and I never saw any references to page numbers on any of the other quotes. I never read the book, but now I am curious as to whether they are actual passages or somebody's "authoritative" entry on Wikipedia.
These were not "Wikipedia" entrys, these came of off Fox News, CNN, his own recorded comments, etc. Any one of those comments should be enough for him to be off the ticket. I'm not going to bother wasting any more time on it but google each one of the quotes - Barack was nice enough to provide an audio version of his book and you can listen to his voice reading almost every one of those. - "White folk's greed runs a world in need" - "Grandmother Typical White Person"
"cigar chomping crackers" comment - PG229 - "White Folks" + many additional quotes
Unless you are going to deny that is his voice or a stunt double, I think my point as been accurately made.

08-05-2008, 12:53 PM
EXACTLY!!!! All I ever hear from any of these political threads is BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!!!
They never get anything accomplished.. They just get everyone bashing one party or another.. I am by no means for Obama, But that doesn't change the fact that Bush is a bumbling idiot and has been a disgrace to the US for the past 8 years!!!!

Actually he's also the greatest conspirator in history and a bumbling idiot. Quite a feat actually. I thought he has done quite well and the only thing I disagree with is his going back on his convictions.

08-05-2008, 01:08 PM
I've seen these on the internet before as well. One of the remarks is a quotation from Wright, not Obama, and I never saw any references to page numbers on any of the other quotes. I never read the book, but now I am curious as to whether they are actual passages or somebody's "authoritative" entry on Wikipedia.

These were not "Wikipedia" entrys, these came of off Fox News, CNN, his own recorded comments, etc. Any one of those comments should be enough for him to be off the ticket. I'm not going to bother wasting any more time on it but google each one of the quotes - Barack was nice enough to provide an audio version of his book and you can listen to his voice reading almost every one of those. - "White folk's greed runs a world in need" - "Grandmother Typical White Person"
"cigar chomping crackers" comment - PG229 - "White Folks" + many additional quotes
Unless you are going to deny that is his voice or a stunt double, I think my point as been accurately made.

CHA CHING!!!!! Way to go Mach u!

I personally don't care if Osama Obama is Caucasian African-American. He's a fool who if he does win would have a four year presidency like Carter. It is discouraging that Democrats or "liberals" will blindly follow an obvious flawed individual who borders on socialism. I have serious issues with McCain and his immigration policy but it will never pass so it doesn't bother me too much. I'd have voted for Condi personally but she'll probably never run. Also, has anyone seen the information about how the Dems are holding up an energy policy until next year so they can get all the credit. Really, WTF? So we suffer because of an agenda.

I am still waiting for some proof from the other side of this argument instead of "it's not true" or "internet information". My guess is they don't have any.

08-05-2008, 05:38 PM
Ever read the book Animal Farm written by George Orwell?

I agree about the carrot but unfortunately it isn't running for office, therefore I must take the lesser of two evils and vote for McCain. He is a pea-wit as well, but only slightly less than the other pea-wit B.O.

Put old B.O. into office and see what happens. Animal Farm - The reality series, It only takes four years to knock a country back to the stone age. Regardless of the outcome of the election this fall there will likely be a lot of riots, either from the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.

08-05-2008, 06:30 PM
Obama will tax us all into the poor house to pay for reparations...errrr I mean "social programs".
What amazes me, is that the general populous demands that corporations be taxed more. Are people that goofy? To think that ANY corporation will eat those taxes is a pipe dream. The fact of it is, the corporations WILL pass those higher corp. taxes right along to every customer they have.

08-05-2008, 07:35 PM
Also, if you look at all the huge fux up social programs from the past, once you create them, you can't get rid of them. What happens when he nationalizes healthcare and destroys the system we've currently got in place? It would take decades to rebuild the infastructure and recover losses, and that's IF we could get rid of it at all.

08-05-2008, 08:07 PM
This thread is like buying oats for a dead horse...... WORTHLESS!!!!!!

04 Venom
08-05-2008, 08:32 PM
Wow. Just when it appeared that the housing market might bottom out and start a recovery you guys are going to sell your houses, buy gold and ammunition and move to Idaho to ride out the Apocalypse. There will be a glut of houses and Mustangs for sale any day now. On the bright side, it would improve the gene pool.

08-05-2008, 08:56 PM
lol, subscribing

08-06-2008, 03:40 PM
This thread is like buying oats for a dead horse...... WORTHLESS!!!!!!

Yep. The same as your opinion :lol:

08-06-2008, 03:46 PM
Wow. Just when it appeared that the housing market might bottom out and start a recovery you guys are going to sell your houses, buy gold and ammunition and move to Idaho to ride out the Apocalypse. There will be a glut of houses and Mustangs for sale any day now. On the bright side, it would improve the gene pool.

I don't think anyone on here has said any such thing. But I will add the survivors of said calamity probably would be us "lesser members" of said gene pool. Because we, when faced with a situation where deadly force may need to be used will use it.Whereas you, and others like you, will hesitate and die. So in the end it would be a good thing.

08-06-2008, 03:50 PM
Venom must be on vacation this week with nothing else to do. Last time, he claimed he had a job that did not allow him to post during the week.

04 Venom
08-06-2008, 06:01 PM
I don't think anyone on here has said any such thing. But I will add the survivors of said calamity probably would be us "lesser members" of said gene pool. Because we, when faced with a situation where deadly force may need to be used will use it.Whereas you, and others like you, will hesitate and die. So in the end it would be a good thing.

Sorry buddy, that's not how evolution works. You have been judged and found wanting. You will soon be part of the food chain. :(

08-06-2008, 09:12 PM
Yet more liberal rhetoric being spewed without a reply back about the factual remarks posted up by mach_u.

Go figure. :rolleyes:

08-06-2008, 09:25 PM
That's what he does. He thinks he's being witty or something.

04 Venom
08-06-2008, 10:07 PM
That's what he does. He thinks he's being witty or something.

Sorry, Hardcore, you wouldn't recognize witty. Is someone helping you with your posts AGAIN?

08-07-2008, 10:29 AM
Sorry buddy, that's not how evolution works. You have been judged and found wanting. You will soon be part of the food chain. :(

Can't wait until I see you and you follow through! But I'll probably be disappointed.