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Big Oil - (Email that I received) [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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07-10-2008, 11:40 AM

Bill Phillips spent nearly 50 years in the US oil and gas industry;
most of his career was with the Phillips Petroleum Company. Bill is a
descendant of Frank Phillips. Frank Phillips, along with his
brother Lee Eldas (L.E.) Phillips, Sr., founded the original Phillips
Petroleum Company in 1917 in Bartlesville, OK. Do you remember
Phillips 66 gas stations? Phillips Petroleum Company merged with
Conoco, Inc. in 2002 to form the current Conoco-Phillips oil company.

So, when Bill talks about oil and gas issues, I tend to listen very
closely. I think that you will find Bill's thoughts and facts very
revealing, very compelling and very difficult to argue with.

As you prepare to cast your crucial ballots this fall, please think
long and hard about the far-reaching, cumulative effects of the US
political philosophies, policies and legislation that have contributed
to the current and future US oil supply situation.

May 28, 2008 - "Big Oil"

Did you know that the United States does NOT have any big oil
companies. It's true: the largest American oil company, Exxon Mobil,
is only the 14th largest in the world, and is dwarfed by the really
big oil companies--all owned by foreign governments or
government-sponsored monopolies that dominate the world's oil supply.

With 94% of the world's oil supply locked up by foreign governments,
most of which are hostile to the United States , the relatively puny
American oil companies do not have access to enough crude oil to
significantly affect the market and help bring prices down. Thus,
ExxonMobil, a "small" oil company, buys 90% of the crude oil that it
refines for the U.S. market from the big players, i.e, mostly-hostile
foreign governments. The price at the U.S. pump is rising because the
price the big oil companies charge ExxonMobil and the other small
American companies for crude oil is going up as the value of the
American dollar goes down. They will eventually bleed this country
into printing even more money and we will go into runway inflation
once again as we did under the Carter Democratic reign.

This is obviously a tough situation for the American consumer. The
irony is that it doesn't have to be that way. The United States
unlike, say, France actually has vast petroleum reserves. It would be
possible for American oil companies to develop those reserves, play a
far bigger role in international markets, and deliver gas at the pump
to American consumers at a much lower price, while creating many
of jobs for Americans. This would be infinitely preferable to shipping
endless billions of dollars to Saudi Arabia, Russia and Venezuela to
be used in propping up their economies.

So, why doesn't it happen? Because the Democrat Party--aided, sadly,
by a handful of Republicans deliberately keeps gas prices high and
our domestic oil companies small by putting most of our reserves off
limits to development. China is now drilling in the Caribbean, off
Cuba but our own companies are barred by law from developing large
oil fields off the coasts of Florida and California. Enormous
oil-shale deposits in the Rocky Mountain states could go a long way
toward supplying American consumers' needs, but the Democratic
Congress won't allow those resources to be developed. ANWR contains
vast petroleum reserves, but we don't know how vast, because Congress,
not wanting the American people
to know how badly its policies are hurting our economy, has made it
illegal to explore and map those reserves, let alone develop them.

In short, all Americans are paying a terrible price for the Democratic
Party's perverse energy policies. I own some small interests in tiny,
4 barrel-per-day oil wells in Wyoming. We have 14 agencies that have
iron-hand jurisdiction over us. If we drop any oil on the ground
when the refinery truck comes to pick up oil from our holding tanks,
we are fined. Yet down the road the state will spray thousands of
gallons of used oil on a dirt road to control dirt. When it rains
that oil runs into rivers and creeks. Yet a cup of oil on the ground
at our wellhead is a $50,000 EPA fine plus additional fines from state
regulating agencies. They treat oil as if it were plutonium that has
the potential to leak into the environment. We are fined if our dirt
burms are not high enough around a holding tank, yet the truck that
picks up our oil runs down the road at 60 mph with no burm around it.
People wonder why there is no more exploration in this country. It's
because of the regulators; people who have lived their whole lives
doing nothing but imposing fines on small operators like us for doing
mostly nothing.

So, America enjoy your $4.00 per gallon gasoline. Your dollar is
now worth 0.62 Euro-Cents. The lack of American production of GNP,
the massive trade deficit (as labor markets have moved overseas to
insanely high union imposed labor costs in America) and the run away
printing of money (backed by nothing of value here in America ) has
caused the dollar to become more worthless on the international
market. And that's where our oil comes from. It's paid for with
dollars that become more worthless everyday. If we had just kept par
with the Euro we'd be paying $62 dollars per barrel for oil (42
gallons) or about $1.50 instead of $2.50 a gallon for crude oil.

What the US government also does not tell you is that it is the
leaseholder and royalty recipient of most oil production and receives
25% of the gross oil sales before we pay for electricity to lift the
oil, propane to keep the oil-water separators from freezing in the
winters. We pay a pumper to visit each well everyday plus we have
equipment failures all the time. We pay for that out of our 75% of
gross sales. The government does not share in any expenses to run
any production well. So, if the Big Oil Companies are making record
profits, then so is the federal government from it's 25% tax on every
molecule of oil sold to a refinery in this country. Why isn't the
government on the stand for "Record" profits? What you don't see is
this 25% of the sales price of crude oil being siphoned away by the
government. That money plus the road taxes, state taxes, etc.
amounts to over $1 per gallon of gasoline you are buying while the
governments only admit to about 50 cents per gallon.

To all you Democrats, when you go vote for your candidate, a blazing
liberal like Barrack Hussein Obama or Hillary Clinton, just keep in
mind that their liberal spending habits will further decrease the
value of the American dollar on the world market and your gasoline
costs will hike even higher. As they introduce more give-away
programs, raise taxes on everyone to pay people not to produce or
work, your
dollar will continue to dwindle on the world market and you will be
paying $10.00 per gallon at the next election. Cheap hydrocarbon
fuel is all over. Enjoy! Enjoy the fruits of your decision to
elect these
folks when you are there in that voting booth and you stab your pin
through a Democrat's name.

William "Bill" Phillips

07-10-2008, 11:54 AM
The part about spraying dirt roads with oil, I know for a fact Springfield Township sprayed used oil on paved roads a few years ago. They did it through my parents neighborhood. It keeps the asphalt from "drying out". Yea, a lot soaked in, but HUGE amounts ran off into the creek during the first storm.

04 Venom
07-10-2008, 12:36 PM
You are kidding, right? You honestly believe that whoever is elected President makes a difference on this issue?

07-10-2008, 03:13 PM
You are kidding, right? You honestly believe that whoever is elected President makes a difference on this issue?

You again? Shhhhh...

07-10-2008, 03:16 PM
It is ultimately going to be our pressure on any and all elected officials to get this crap changed. If we dont do it, we are screwing ourselves.

The american people are giving away this country. It is only a mtter of time, if we stay at our present course, our children and grandchildren are going to pay the ultimate price.

So if we want change, we are the ones responsible. But no one wants to step up and take charge.

If certain non patriotic people get elected this year, it may as well be over now.


04 Venom
07-10-2008, 03:27 PM
It is ultimately going to be our pressure on any and all elected officials to get this crap changed. If we dont do it, we are screwing ourselves.

The american people are giving away this country. It is only a mtter of time, if we stay at our present course, our children and grandchildren are going to pay the ultimate price.

So if we want change, we are the ones responsible. But no one wants to step up and take charge.

If certain non patriotic people get elected this year, it may as well be over now.


We are sending $700 billion to foreign governments, most of them hostile , every year for oil. That seems like the number one threat to national security to me.

04 Venom
07-10-2008, 03:29 PM
You again? Shhhhh...

Oh yeah. :wave:

07-10-2008, 05:38 PM
Liberals are the #1 threat to national security.

07-10-2008, 06:48 PM
Liberals are the #1 threat to national security.

I like your thinking :bigthumb

07-10-2008, 06:55 PM

04 Venom
07-10-2008, 07:32 PM
I like your thinking :bigthumb

Thats Hardcore's solution to everything; thinking has nothing to do with it. Oil prices: liberals; mortgage crisis: liberals; national debt: liberals; drought: liberals; floods: liberals; acne: liberals. If that wasn't the case he might have to do something besides blame someone else. The Church of Blame The Liberals has become the opiate of the ignorants and Hardcore is the vicar.

07-10-2008, 07:44 PM
Oil prices: liberals; mortgage crisis: liberals; national debt: liberals; drought: liberals; floods: liberals; acne: liberals.

And who said you couldn't teach an old dog new tricks... :lol:

04 Venom
07-10-2008, 07:58 PM
And who said you couldn't teach an old dog new tricks... :lol:

Spoken by a true Redneck Renaissance Man.

07-11-2008, 01:53 AM
Not that there is something wrong with rednecks, but I seriously doubt I qualify. Or, is that just what the libs call people that are smarter than they are?

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 08:40 AM
Not that there is something wrong with rednecks, but I seriously doubt I qualify. Or, is that just what the libs call people that are smarter than they are?

Once again you mistake a sarcastic (don't worry you can look it up in Wikipedia) statement for a factual one.

07-11-2008, 09:02 AM
I just hope change comes from the up and coming elections either from a dem. or rep. I dont really care. Like it was said before I feel like at this point the elections really dont matter on this issue.

wasnt this a issue in the past when it was raising over $1.50? Its just always going to be an issue either way so what does it matter. you take the good with the bad for who ever you elect.

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 09:22 AM
I just hope change comes from the up and coming elections either from a dem. or rep. I dont really care. Like it was said before I feel like at this point the elections really dont matter on this issue.

wasnt this a issue in the past when it was raising over $1.50? Its just always going to be an issue either way so what does it matter. you take the good with the bad for who ever you elect.

Exactly. It really doesn't matter who is elected in terms of the price of oil. Obama and McCain act as if there are differences between them on this issue, but the economics of the oil market drastically constrain what either of them can do. The mortgage for doing nothing has finally come due after 35 years since the first oil embargo. Maybe we should elect T. Boon Pickens, the founder of Mesa Petroleum, since he is one of the few people that has shown some leadership on this issue. He is spending his own money to erect large wind turbines and has a creditable plan for generating 20% of our electrical demand and using the natural gas that is presently used for power generation (20% of our electricity comes from burning natural gas) to fuel vehicles. The limiting factor is how much extra power grid connection must be built to bring them on-line. On the other hand any solution will cost money--lots of it.

07-11-2008, 11:08 AM
Once again you mistake a sarcastic (don't worry you can look it up in Wikipedia) statement for a factual one.

*rolling eyes* Or maybe you did?

07-11-2008, 11:21 AM
Exactly. It really doesn't matter who is elected in terms of the price of oil.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Democrats vote against oil and natural gas exploration. Republicans vote for it. I can back those two statements up if you want me to. If the dems were in charge for the last 50 years, we'd be in an even bigger hole with NOTHING coming from Alaska, or the Gulf of Mexico. The President obviously can't directly change prices, but he saigns bills into laws or has the power to veto them. It DOES matter if a Dem or Rep is in office as to how much oil the US produces in the long term.

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 12:27 PM
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Democrats vote against oil and natural gas exploration. Republicans vote for it. I can back those two statements up if you want me to. If the dems were in charge for the last 50 years, we'd be in an even bigger hole with NOTHING coming from Alaska, or the Gulf of Mexico. The President obviously can't directly change prices, but he saigns bills into laws or has the power to veto them. It DOES matter if a Dem or Rep is in office as to how much oil the US produces in the long term.

Not exactly true, but I agree most Republicans have been more willing to drill in the Gulf and in Alaska. Where your analogy runs into difficulty is that for most of the first 6 years of George the Conqueror's term, the Republicans controlled the White House and both Houses of Congress. No drilling off the coast of Florida was there, despite the fact that Jeb Bush, a Republican, was governor during the time, right? The reason is that Jeb Bush, and the Florida congressional delegation, opposed drilling off the coast because it is very unpopular in that state. It would have been political suicide for Jeb Bush to support drilling and Bush the Conqueror could well have lost Florida in 2000 and 2004 if he signed a bill expanding oil exploration off the Florida coast.

Oh, and by the way, we have had Republican Presidents for 23 of the 35 years since the Arab oil embargo in 1973 to sign bills and veto bills as you describe. Whether Repubican or Democrat, local and regional politics, and the absence of a national consensus, have contrained what can be done or not done. That may change soon, since high gas prices may finally motivate some action, regardless who wins the White House.

07-11-2008, 03:42 PM
Blah blah, the fact remains, Dems vote against energy exploration and Republicans vote for it. There's a 95+% voting rate for both sides though the last 30 years. Meaning over 95% of the time Democrats vote against it, and over 95% of the time Repulicans voted for it. That's just a fact you can't dance around.

When voting is that partisan in Congress, the President's veto or signature matters, a lot. There's not enough unity to overturn a veto, so they do ultimately make the decions on whether it goes into law or not. That's not a trivial thing, go back read that again. One person is deciding if a law goes into affect for millions of Americans. Their core values matter at that point (that and the people/lobbiests they owe!). Do they think an American's pocketbook or Alaska's tundra is more important?

It does matter if the Pres is a Democrat or a Republican when it comes to exploring for oil in our country. If the Democrats in Congress had they way over the last 30 years, we'd have no oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, or Alaska, or pretty much anywhere. Let's not forget mining and forestry, all that would be shut right the hell down too if the liberal democrats got their way.

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 04:06 PM
Blah blah, the fact remains, Dems vote against energy exploration and Republicans vote for it. There's a 95+% voting rate for both sides though the last 30 years. Meaning over 95% of the time Democrats vote against it, and over 95% of the time Repulicans voted for it. That's just a fact you can't dance around.

When voting is that partisan in Congress, the President's veto or signature matters, a lot. There's not enough unity to overturn a veto, so they do ultimately make the decions on whether it goes into law or not. That's not a trivial thing, go back read that again. One person is deciding if a law goes into affect for millions of Americans. Their core values matter at that point (that and the people/lobbiests they owe!). Do they think an American's pocketbook or Alaska's tundra is more important?

It does matter if the Pres is a Democrat or a Republican when it comes to exploring for oil in our country. If the Democrats in Congress had they way over the last 30 years, we'd have no oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, or Alaska, or pretty much anywhere. Let's not forget mining and forestry, all that would be shut right the hell down too if the liberal democrats got their way.

"Blah, blah"--that's an intelligent response. Oh, about the 95% voting records--I'd like to see the back-up data that support your broad assertions. The rest of my argument you ignore. Like the 6 years the Republicans controlled the White House and Congress; we should have seen a huge increase in oil expolration by your theory, particualrly in Florida with Jeb Bush as governor. Didn't happen.

I see you worship at Hardcore's "Church of Blame the Liberals" for everything. I guess ignorance really is bliss, or, in your case, a neccessity.

07-11-2008, 04:27 PM

This has been an entertaining thread! :D

07-11-2008, 05:10 PM
I see you worship at Hardcore's "Church of Blame the Liberals" for everything. I guess ignorance really is bliss, or, in your case, a neccessity.

You can hardly point out that he blames liberals for everything and call him ignorant in the same breath. All libs have to do to stop being blamed, is to stop being at fault. We're not drinkin your Kool Aid Venom... :flipoff:

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 05:12 PM
Witty. Does your mother write your retorts for you?

07-11-2008, 05:42 PM
No, yours does. Say hello for me, would ya?

07-11-2008, 08:26 PM
Didn't Nancy Pelosi say the Dems had a plan to lower gas prices, when it was ~ $2.30 a gallon? What the hell happened to that plan?

Oh yeah, I forgot, politicians don't have any control.

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 10:43 PM
No, yours does. Say hello for me, would ya?

Another priceless gem. Since you used it in a possessive sense, wouldn't it be your's rather than "yours". Better have Mom proofread your post as well.

04 Venom
07-11-2008, 10:55 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot, politicians don't have any control.

Actually what i said is there is no real difference between McCain and Obama on the issue of the price of oil and it wouldn't matter who was elected in that sense. Not because they may not want to do something, but because whomever is elected will have so few options to influence the market forces. If you are a one issue voter, write-in T. Boone Pickens' name for President, if the price of oil is the altar you worship at.

07-11-2008, 11:15 PM
Another priceless gem. Since you used it in a possessive sense, wouldn't it be your's rather than "yours". Better have Mom proofread your post as well.

Once again you prove your lack of worth. You must be the product of that liberal public education system, or maybe you're just going senile. No wait, you're probably one of those guys that don't think that English should be our official language aren't you?

Yours vs Your's
What's the difference between yours and your's?


Yours is the second person possessive pronoun - it replaces "your" + noun.

Is this yours or theirs?

He found a book - is it yours?

I can't find my wallet, but yours is on the table.

Yours is a better idea.

Yours sincerely


Though you may see your's written even by native speakers, it is incorrect. Yours should never have an apostrophe.

The Bottom Line

The idea that yours needs an apostrophe comes out of the fact that on virtually every other word, 's indicates possession, so English speakers sometimes think yours should be spelled your's. However, this is always incorrect - yours is the only correct spelling.

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 09:42 AM
Once again you prove your lack of worth. You must be the product of that liberal public education system, or maybe you're just going senile. No wait, you're probably one of those guys that don't think that English should be our official language aren't you?

Thank you, Hardcore, or your mother. See, that wasn't so hard.

07-12-2008, 10:05 AM
I have to ask.Im not sticking up for any one,but how did it go from Liberals and republican bullshit to Hardcore's mom?? Did you run out of shit to say?

07-12-2008, 11:38 AM
He doesn't even make any sense. I mean, spelling mistakes are quite common in this type of forum. I have to admit it gets on my nerves a little when people that post are so careless that the spell every other word wrong. However, he posted a smartass comment and corrected my spelling, which wasn't incorrect. That's pathetic. Then when I point out his error, he says, "See, that wasn't so hard." ???????? What the hell? He must have been insulting himself, since it wasn't so hard but he totally made an ass of himself.

Half the shit the guy said in the other thread was just words strung together he probably considers "fancy" and didn't even form a complete sentence or convey a coherent thought. I doubt any of his posts encourage anyoen to take what he says seriously. Oh, and his apparent problem with my mother leads me to believe he probably hit on her once and got turned down or something.

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 01:23 PM
He doesn't even make any sense. I mean, spelling mistakes are quite common in this type of forum. I have to admit it gets on my nerves a little when people that post are so careless that the spell every other word wrong. However, he posted a smartass comment and corrected my spelling, which wasn't incorrect. That's pathetic. Then when I point out his error, he says, "See, that wasn't so hard." ???????? What the hell? He must have been insulting himself, since it wasn't so hard but he totally made an ass of himself.

Half the shit the guy said in the other thread was just words strung together he probably considers "fancy" and didn't even form a complete sentence or convey a coherent thought. I doubt any of his posts encourage anyoen to take what he says seriously. Oh, and his apparent problem with my mother leads me to believe he probably hit on her once and got turned down or something.

Hey, let me say it more simply. I meant it wasn't so hard for me to say "thank you" for pointing out my grammatical error.

Now it terms of making sense, I realize it is tough for you to understand some points when your mind has been outsourced, no doubt by the BBL (Big Bad Liberals).

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 01:24 PM
I have to ask.Im not sticking up for any one,but how did it go from Liberals and republican bullshit to Hardcore's mom?? Did you run out of shit to say?

Look at it this way, Hardcore and I are providing free entertainment for the people reading the thread.

07-12-2008, 03:11 PM
Hey, let me say it more simply. I meant it wasn't so hard for me to say "thank you" for pointing out my grammatical error.

Now it terms of making sense, I realize it is tough for you to understand some points when your mind has been outsourced, no doubt by the BBL (Big Bad Liberals).

I wasn't pointing out your gramatical error. I was pointing out your pathetic attempt at making yourself look smarter by correcting me, when I wasn't wrong in the first place.

Have you ever heard of psychological projection? You make comments about "lemmings" and "Kool Aid" (you missed calling me a sheep) insinuating that I am a follower or have been brainwashed. Then, you talk about how something might be tough for me to understand something when my brain has been outsourced? You're the one who's bought into the popular fad of beliefs and conspiracy theories. It seems that every comment you make, is actually true about yourself, right down to the spelling error. Seek help. :lol: You're a joke.

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 04:44 PM
I wasn't pointing out your gramatical error. I was pointing out your pathetic attempt at making yourself look smarter by correcting me, when I wasn't wrong in the first place.

Have you ever heard of psychological projection? You make comments about "lemmings" and "Kool Aid" (you missed calling me a sheep) insinuating that I am a follower or have been brainwashed. Then, you talk about how something might be tough for me to understand something when my brain has been outsourced? You're the one who's bought into the popular fad of beliefs and conspiracy theories. It seems that every comment you make, is actually true about yourself, right down to the spelling error. Seek help. :lol: You're a joke.

Oh c'mon you have to do better than that to keep this thread going. That was as witty as "my dad can beat up your dad". Careful about straying into psychology Hardcore, because it is pretty evident that you have suffered from insufficient breast feeding when you were young. :wave:

07-12-2008, 05:08 PM
Wow, you're really stuck on this thing about moms and now dads too. Judging from your previous demonstrations of psychological projection, I'd say you had some kinda problem with your parents. Why don't you tell us about it? It's okay, no one will make fun of you.

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 06:14 PM
Wow, you're really stuck on this thing about moms and now dads too. Judging from your previous demonstrations of psychological projection, I'd say you had some kinda problem with your parents. Why don't you tell us about it? It's okay, no one will make fun of you.

Tired; very tired. Try harder!

07-12-2008, 07:52 PM
Well, get a glass of warm milk, have someone change your Depends, and go to bed for Christ's sake.

04 Venom
07-12-2008, 11:37 PM
Well, get a glass of warm milk, have someone change your Depends, and go to bed for Christ's sake.

Actually Hardcore, you caught a break. I'll be off the board for a while, since some of us work for a living. I'll be back. In the meantime, you'll have to carry on this witty repartee with yourself, which is the only chance you have of winning.

07-14-2008, 11:58 AM
Thats Hardcore's solution to everything; thinking has nothing to do with it. Oil prices: liberals; mortgage crisis: liberals; national debt: liberals; drought: liberals; floods: liberals; acne: liberals. If that wasn't the case he might have to do something besides blame someone else. The Church of Blame The Liberals has become the opiate of the ignorants and Hardcore is the vicar.

Sounds like the Dems excuse for everything though (BUSH). That would be The Church of Blame Bush wouldn't it?

Spoken by a true Redneck Renaissance Man.

I remember you whining about personal attacks not so long ago. What really gets your guys goat is the rednecks get the same amount of votes as you. And there's more of them.

Didn't Nancy Pelosi say the Dems had a plan to lower gas prices, when it was ~ $2.30 a gallon? What the hell happened to that plan?

Oh yeah, I forgot, politicians don't have any control.

I notice on 04's retort he left out the top part of your quote. Democrats are good talkers but not so good at following through. I would agree that the President has less control though than Congress.

08-10-2008, 01:28 PM
Maybe we should elect T. Boon Pickens, the founder of Mesa Petroleum, since he is one of the few people that has shown some leadership on this issue. He is spending his own money to erect large wind turbines and has a creditable plan for generating 20% of our electrical demand and using the natural gas that is presently used for power generation (20% of our electricity comes from burning natural gas) to fuel vehicles.

His own money? Isn't that how it usually works? Who else's money would you recommend he be investing in his company? Shown leadership in what exactly? He's leading his company, which he gets paid well to do I'm sure. You act like he's donating the power from the wind farms or operating Mesa Power as a not for profit.

T. Boone Pickens' company, Mesa Power LP, is investing money into a business venture. He's riding the financial wave of the "green industry" boom. The "Pickens Plan" commercial is an advertisement for his company to market their business plan.

I'll be the first to admin it's absolutely ingenious. He gets to be viewed as noble by the lefties because he's "saving the environment." I certainly admire his incredible knack for being an insightful entrepreneur, as he's shown over the years in the oil industry. Now he see's the government threatening to punish oil companies for turning a profit, but giving enormous grants and tax incentives to green industry companies. Hell, by textbook definition objectivists will view him as noble based on Rand's idea that a man's "...productive achievement as his noblest activity."

08-10-2008, 01:50 PM
Sorry to have dragged this thread back from the dead, I just started thinking about this after Obama envoked Picken's name and company slogan, "I've been an oil man all my life, but this is one emergency we can't drill our way out of." Obama has no clue what he's talking about, and neither does Venom.

08-10-2008, 01:53 PM
Hey Venom, is your name Nick?

08-10-2008, 03:05 PM
Looks like no one got that...

04 Venom
08-10-2008, 03:20 PM
Sorry to have dragged this thread back from the dead, I just started thinking about this after Obama envoked Picken's name and company slogan, "I've been an oil man all my life, but this is one emergency we can't drill our way out of." Obama has no clue what he's talking about, and neither does Venom.

Everyone is ignorant of something, but you continue to astound me with the range and depth of your ignorance.

08-10-2008, 03:29 PM
I think everyone knows, including yourself, which is the ignorant one between us. Even people who don't agree with me don't claim I'm ignorant, as I'm clearly not.

Maybe ignorance is the reason you never intelligently respond to anyone's challenges of your splooge. All you ever have to say is smartassed remark that usually doesn't even make sense.

08-10-2008, 03:40 PM
Buy a tire pressure gage, it'll save abunch of oil and the earth. Hell I bought two so that I could save twice as much...and twice as fast.

04 Venom
08-10-2008, 03:42 PM
I think everyone knows, including yourself, which is the ignorant one between us. Even people who don't agree with me don't claim I'm ignorant, as I'm clearly not.

Maybe ignorance is the reason you never intelligently respond to anyone's challenges of your splooge. All you ever have to say is smartassed remark that usually doesn't even make sense.

I wouldn't think it would make sense to you, but if you don't strive you will never improve.

08-10-2008, 03:50 PM
Buy a tire pressure gage, it'll save abunch of oil and the earth. Hell I bought two so that I could save twice as much...and twice as fast.


08-10-2008, 05:00 PM
What Barack and the Democrats are all about

08-11-2008, 11:55 AM
Buy a tire pressure gage, it'll save abunch of oil and the earth. Hell I bought two so that I could save twice as much...and twice as fast.


08-12-2008, 02:22 PM
chain mail FTL

04 Venom
08-12-2008, 02:38 PM
chain mail FTL

A factual post for a change.

08-12-2008, 05:19 PM
Factual posts would be a change for you, however you did not post it... so what are you talking about?

04 Venom
08-12-2008, 10:15 PM
Factual posts would be a change for you, however you did not post it... so what are you talking about?

Even though you do not know the difference between irony and ignorance, you manage, without knowing it, to demonstrate both in the same sentence. Amazing.

08-13-2008, 12:42 AM
Has anyone else noticed that the price for a barrel of oil after dropping from $150.00 to approx $115.00 has done so w/out the price for a gallon of gas changing much? I was trying to find a comparison of what we were paying when it first hit the $115.00 mark.

08-13-2008, 09:33 AM
All you'd need is a graph plotting the price of oil per bbl and another plotting the average price of gas at the pump covering the same time periods. It wouldn't surprise me if the price of gas didn't receed to it's previous amount. Despite high prices of gas, gas stations have been losing money and a lot going out of business. They might see this as an opportunity to make some money since we're getting used to, or at least willing to, paying the higher prices.

08-13-2008, 09:34 AM
Even though you do not know the difference between irony and ignorance, you manage, without knowing it, to demonstrate both in the same sentence. Amazing.

The true irony is you calling me ignorant.

04 Venom
08-13-2008, 09:53 AM
The true irony is you calling me ignorant.

Never bring a knife to a gunfight kid.

04 Venom
08-13-2008, 09:59 AM
All you'd need is a graph plotting the price of oil per bbl and another plotting the average price of gas at the pump covering the same time periods. It wouldn't surprise me if the price of gas didn't receed to it's previous amount. Despite high prices of gas, gas stations have been losing money and a lot going out of business. They might see this as an opportunity to make some money since we're getting used to, or at least willing to, paying the higher prices.

As much as I dislike defending oil companies, I think Hardcore is right. For political reasons and public relations, the oil companies did not pass on all the price increases as they occurred--particualrly when oil zoomed from $120 to $147 per barrel in very short order. Now they are getting back some of the costs they did not pass on to the consumer. The independent gas stations are hurting to the point that some charge extra for credit card purchases because the 3% that the credit card companies charge end up wiping out any profit on selling gas.