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Just another reason liberals make no sense... [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Just another reason liberals make no sense...

07-07-2008, 09:51 PM

04 Venom
07-07-2008, 11:15 PM
What's your point? Florescent lights that have been in homes in businesses since the 1950s have always had trace amounts of mercury in them.

07-08-2008, 12:20 AM
My point is that it's rediculous that the government sees fit to legislate a requirement to use them. I have CF bulbs in the house where they make sense, but I don't think Captain Democrap should be telling me I have to.

07-08-2008, 12:39 AM
All this BS for the myth that is called "man made global warming". LOL.. cow farts are killing the planet too!

07-08-2008, 12:42 AM
I use CF bulbs in most of the fixtures in my place too, but its only because I despise giving DP&L a dime.

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 08:31 AM
My point is that it's rediculous that the government sees fit to legislate a requirement to use them. I have CF bulbs in the house where they make sense, but I don't think Captain Democrap should be telling me I have to.

Get serious. The federal, state and local governments have a myriad of requirements compelling you to act in a certain fashion. If you truly want to be free and have no government telling you what to do, Afghanistan is the place for you. Unless, of course, you choose an area controlled by the Taliban, which means there may be no place to go to escape the tyranny of any form of government and you are just basically f_cked.

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 08:36 AM
All this BS for the myth that is called "man made global warming". LOL.. cow farts are killing the planet too!

I guess Bush has finally become a "liberal" (as defined on this board) since he claimed last week at the G-8 summit that he wants to lead the effort against global warming. That's the definition of irony-- like Dick Cheney campaigning for gun control legislation.

07-08-2008, 11:03 AM
Get serious. The federal, state and local governments have a myriad of requirements compelling you to act in a certain fashion. If you truly want to be free and have no government telling you what to do, Afghanistan is the place for you. Unless, of course, you choose an area controlled by the Taliban, which means there may be no place to go to escape the tyranny of any form of government and you are just basically f_cked.

LOL... you need to "get serious" if you think that the founding fathers expected the government to create laws the dictated the type of lightbulbs, the amount of water used to flush toilets, and whether or not people can smoke in a privately owned establishment. When our country was founded, they restricted government from being able to go too far. Now, all that is just ignored or loopholes are found.

This is not a democracy. Democracy is tyrany of the majority over the minority. Our country was founded as a republic. There are guidelines and rules set up to keep the government from having the ability to reach too far into our private lives. They are ignored. The "general welfare" clause is much miscontrued to give officials enough power to do pretty much whatever they want now. I guarentee Alexander Hamilton would shit a brick if he thought government would be dictating which lightbulbs we could use and which we couldn't, especially based on such junk science as global warming.

I guess Bush has finally become a "liberal" (as defined on this board) since he claimed last week at the G-8 summit that he wants to lead the effort against global warming. That's the definition of irony-- like Dick Cheney campaigning for gun control legislation.

There is no "finally." George Bush has never been a conservative. He's a moderate. Just like John McCain isn't a conservative; he's also a moderate. There's no irony there.

07-08-2008, 11:13 AM
Incidently, I have not purchased an incandescent light bulb in over a year. As lightbulbs burn out in my house, I've been switching to CF bulbs. This is because capitalism and the free market work. I also don't smoke. I rather enjoy being able to go into a bar in Ohio and not have to breathe everyone else's smoke. However, I'm completely against the law as it infringes upon the owners private property rights.

07-08-2008, 11:32 AM
I use CF bulbs in most of the fixtures in my place too, but its only because I despise giving DP&L a dime.

IM with you on that one.

07-08-2008, 11:58 AM
All this BS for the myth that is called "man made global warming". LOL.. cow farts are killing the planet too!

Next they'll be regulating how much we can breathe out. Start holding your breathe people! The planet is counting on you!

07-08-2008, 01:55 PM
Or population control. Because of course fewer people on earth would create less waste. There can be strong arguments made that for the good of the whole, individual rights must be sacrificed. However, we have a Constitution they guarentees individual rights. It's just that the Constitution is ignored, as long as it's popular to do so.

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 03:08 PM
LOL... you need to "get serious" if you think that the founding fathers expected the government to create laws the dictated the type of lightbulbs, the amount of water used to flush toilets, and whether or not people can smoke in a privately owned establishment. When our country was founded, they restricted government from being able to go too far. Now, all that is just ignored or loopholes are found.

This is not a democracy. Democracy is tyrany of the majority over the minority. Our country was founded as a republic. There are guidelines and rules set up to keep the government from having the ability to reach too far into our private lives. They are ignored. The "general welfare" clause is much miscontrued to give officials enough power to do pretty much whatever they want now. I guarentee Alexander Hamilton would shit a brick if he thought government would be dictating which lightbulbs we could use and which we couldn't, especially based on such junk science as global warming.

There is no "finally." George Bush has never been a conservative. He's a moderate. Just like John McCain isn't a conservative; he's also a moderate. There's no irony there.

First of all, you wouldn't recognize the difference between the Founding Fathers' political philosophy and camshaft. Your reference to Alexander Hamilton is counter to your own argument, since he was the strongest proponent of a strong central government among the framers of the Constitution. Check the Federalist Papers regarding the debate between a strong central government versus states rights. Alexander Hamilton's view of the role of government is diametrically opposed to yours. You would be closer to the truth relying upon Thomas Jefferson's position regarding the relative power of the states and federal government, but checking the facts, or a vague recollection of what you should have learned about U.S history in high school, would be better still.

The Founding Fathers also did not oppose vehicular manslaughter, child pornography, securities fraud or anything else that had not come into existence during the 18th century. Many of them owned slaves, but perhaps that is much not an issue with you. The point being is don't pass off your popcorn, ill-informed philosophy as being blessed by people that died 200 years ago and were far smarter than you. Your opinion counts, just don't pass it off as anything other than what it is.

In terms of whether Bush is a conservative, that's your opinion--again. He describes himself as a conservative, he espouses ideas that most political sceientists describe as conservative and most Americans consider him as such.

Maybe we should require every voter to pass the same civics test that immigrants take to become naturalized citizens before anyone can vote in national elections. Care to take your chances? To quote Clint Eastwood. "...well, punk are you feeling lucky...?

07-08-2008, 05:50 PM
You evidently missed my point regarding Hamilton. Although I'm not surprised you did, admittedly I could have done better by saying "... even Alexander Hamilton..." Hamilton took the "general welfare" clause quite liberally, and argued such in his "Report on Manufacturers." Even so, I very seriously doubt that today he'd have any part of lightbulb laws. This was my point. Hope that clears things up for you.

Also, to think that crimes you mentioned compare to the use of lightbulbs borders on assinign. Hence my comment on taking things too far.

Thanks for your comments, I expected nothing less from a liberal though.

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 08:23 PM
You evidently missed my point regarding Hamilton. Although I'm not surprised you did, admittedly I could have done better by saying "... even Alexander Hamilton..." Hamilton took the "general welfare" clause quite liberally, and argued such in his "Report on Manufacturers." Even so, I very seriously doubt that today he'd have any part of lightbulb laws. This was my point. Hope that clears things up for you.

Also, to think that crimes you mentioned compare to the use of lightbulbs borders on assinign. Hence my comment on taking things too far.

Thanks for your comments, I expected nothing less from a liberal though.

You miss my point. I did not mention the crimes to equate them with CFL lightbulbs; only to illustrate the fallacy of inferring the intent of the Founding Fathers to issues that could not be dreamed of nearly 240 years ago. My further point in this, and other politically related posts, is to drive home the point that my generation has done a wonderful job of screwing this country up by not making the right choices about a whole range of topics such as the budget deficit; finite energy resources such as oil and natural gas; and, not dealing with structural problems such as Social Security and Medicare.

I don't know you or your age, but most of the people on the board are closer to my sons ages (29 and 35) than mine (I am 55). Unfortunately, I sense no realization of your generation to avoid the mistakes of mine. After all, you will bear the brunt of my generation's mistakes, and compounded by yours, if the body politic does not become more focused, educated and motivated to deal with choices that become progressively harder to accept and consequences that grow more onerous as time passes.

Conversely, you don't know me and your labeling me a "liberal" is not only misinformed, but lacking in substance. It is a throw-off insult in the context of what is politically correct on this board. I have argued positions I don't necessarily agree with to point out errors in what is presumed or presented as the truth. Don't blame the politicians for doing nothing when they know most people don't pay attention, don't know and will lose interest. I really thought Ross Perot's presidential campaign in 1992 was the start of a beneficial trend. He discussed hard issues, promised difficult choices and offered alternative paths for the future. Unfortunately, the vast majority of voters chose political Prozac and I see no indication that is about to change. The problem will continue until voters say, "I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it any longer".

If you are so focused on labeling/blaming "liberals" and "the government" for everything you don't like, or "global warming is a hoax", you are just perpetuating the idea that "it's not my fault" and "I am not to blame". We all are.

07-08-2008, 10:35 PM
I didn't miss your point, I just felt it was null in the context of the things being compared. I still think your example was asinine (pardon my earlier misspelling).

On your point of realizing the mistakes of your generation and avoiding compounding them in mine, I completely agree. Avoiding those mistakes would include not dumping billions of dollars into the Church of Global Warming, which is based on junk science which only serves to perpetuate it's own funding. It would also not include plunging our country even further into debt by nationalizing healthcare. Furthermore, not to abandon what is the cheapest energy source by artificially manipulating supply in order to shift the market to further the agenda of the Church of Global Warming.

You made a mistake in assuming that I was ill informed and uneducated on the matters I choose to discuss. This became evident when you assumed my reference to Hamilton was in error rather than realizing the point I was actually making. You also then seem to include me in this group who "don't pay attention" etc. I assure you, I am not that.

I can also say, save your speach for someone else. Your position further indicates your liberalism (regardless of your claim that my observation was baseless). This socialistic idea that we all share blame equally is a farce. We do not. Some people contribute to the problem, some contribute to the solution, some people do nothing.

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 10:45 PM
Like lemmings to the sea.

07-08-2008, 10:51 PM
Very nice self-analization. Did your therapist teach you that?

04 Venom
07-08-2008, 11:11 PM
Very nice self-analization. Did your therapist teach you that?

Sounds like you are about to drink the Kool-Aid.

07-09-2008, 12:03 AM
lol... Not I. But do say hello to Jim for me.

07-09-2008, 12:09 AM
I agree with hardcore 100% If dont like the smoking ban we have right know either in ohio. I dont smoke but i believe if people would like to smoke while the eat they should be aloud to, if i dont like that i can either go to the non smoking section or i can refuse to go there.

07-09-2008, 12:24 PM
Like lemmings to the sea.

Obama campaign strategy.