05-21-2008, 01:37 AM
I know I dont post on here much, but my friend on DSB said I should post up on here about a cruise i'm trying to get people for. My friend works for the Rossburg fire Dept. (Eldora Speedway) and there having an Ice Cream Social June 7. Usually they have a corvette club cruise in there, but they backed out on them this year and he's scrambling to get someone to fill there spot. I told him I'd try and get some Mustangs to help out. I havent got a huge response on DSB because of a Pinks All out thing, so i'm looking elsewhere for help. If anyone is interested dinner will be damn near free and then later that night Eldora is having there biggest race of the year, The Dream. Could shape up to be an excellent time! Let me know if anyone is interested. Its about 35-40 minutes north of Dayton, very relaxing country cruise!