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Where are all the Teenaged Snow Plowers at ?????? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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03-09-2008, 10:30 AM
I've yet to see one of these little turds out in the neighborhood doing any physical work!! :mad:

Any have an PICS of these turds actually shoveling any snow ???? :confused:

Let's see them if you do cause I don't believe they exists! :lol:

03-09-2008, 10:44 AM
Until Microsoft releases the big new game "Lets Clear some Snow" You aint gonna see a kid do anything related to work. I asked my stepkids if they wanted to go fishing and both headed to the computer to download a fishing game.

Its the parents fault!

03-09-2008, 11:19 AM
I totally agree.............teens are too selfish anymore. They want everything handed to them, and do no work for it......and the parents let it happen. Speaking of that.........I need to make my kid do some housework today!

03-09-2008, 11:20 AM
LOL Kev beat me to it. I was gonna say playing X-box 360 or PS3..

Kelly Pelrine
03-09-2008, 12:00 PM
I've yet to see one of these little turds out in the neighborhood doing any physical work!! :mad:

Any have an PICS of these turds actually shoveling any snow ???? :confused:

Let's see them if you do cause I don't believe they exists! :lol:

Ditto! I was COUNTING on at least one kid knocking on the door, now i am screwed lol. I did have 2 young kids sledding off my deck stairs out back yesterday though WTF??? I had to tell them thats a big fat NO NO. It was pretty funny to watch though, i just didnt want them getting hurt and im pretty sure their parents wouldnt approve either. These kids play on my deck all the time. I dont have kids and sometimes i dont mind them being up here but what ever happened to asking before doing? Where are the manners on these kids? One of these days im gonna forget and be walking around in my undies lol then ill be gettin a call from their parents. I feel like i cant relax in my own house?!?!?

*rant off*

03-09-2008, 12:02 PM
Until Microsoft releases the big new game "Lets Clear some Snow" You aint gonna see a kid do anything related to work. I asked my stepkids if they wanted to go fishing and both headed to the computer to download a fishing game.

Its the parents fault! :lol:

It's being reported that this generation of kids is the 1st that will NOT live longer than their parents generation. Every generation of kids (up until NOW) has managed to outlive their parents generation.

Do to lack of exercise (computer games etc...), poor diets (High Fructose Corn syrup overdose) and supersize EVERYTHING there is an epidemic of obesity and heart disease in young children!

I know I speak for most folks my of my generation when I say, we did NOT have to be nagged at to go cut the grass, shovel the driveway or wash dad's car. We knew it had to be done so we just DID IT!

03-09-2008, 12:05 PM
MT Dew and Hot Pockets with a mix of other frozen microwave eats. Hell, theyre in so much of a hurry to get back to their games that they wont even put garbage in the can!
Our generation is gonna have to work till we're 90 and raise the grand kids to take care of their parents when we're gone.

03-09-2008, 12:16 PM
Has anybody seen the Honda comercial with Jeremy McGrath. The kids are playing the McGrath video game, and Jeremy stops and tells them to get off their butts and get on a Honda. That comercial has to sum it all up, the new generation is LAZY! Take guitar hero for example, kids are more willing to "learn" how to play the game better, when they should put that work into learning how to play the real thing, and actually have something to show for it. My nephew wanted me to buy him that game, I bought him a jr. electric guitar and mini amp instead.

03-09-2008, 01:25 PM
It's not all gloom and doom, I know quite a few kids that are always on the move. Yeah they are lazy at times, but so was I as a teenager.

How about in stead of complaining about lazy kids, you shovel your own drive way. Or do like i do, put it in 4wd, and wait for warm weather.:bigthumb

Kelly Pelrine
03-09-2008, 01:32 PM
How about in stead of complaining about lazy kids, you shovel your own drive way. Or do like i do, put it in 4wd, and wait for warm weather.:bigthumb

I would but i dont have a shovel :lol: I didnt think it got this bad around here. In Jersey we used to see this crap all the time, it was normal, but out here not so much so i never bothered to get one. Plus its the first year im in my house, i just wasnt thinkin :HYF:

I will prob be asking my neighbors if i can borrow theirs today

03-09-2008, 01:34 PM
I have to say my son (Craigels) has been working his butt off during this snow. He has plowed our driveway twice - 400 ft. mostly uphill - and went thru the woods to his uncle's house to plow his drive - an even longer hill - so they could get out for work tomorrow. I bought 16 bags of salt and he just went out and salted the entire hill and most of the top while the sun is shining to get rid of this sh*t.

I wish we lived closer to Kelly, she sounds like she needs some help. Somebody take her a shovel!!

Meanwhile he has been working diligently to get the car ready for the car show. I'd like to take credit for how he was raised, but really he is just SUPER #1 Son!! Thanks Craigles!

03-09-2008, 01:39 PM
How about in stead of complaining about lazy kids, you shovel your own drive way.

YES!!!!! :bigthumb

03-09-2008, 02:09 PM
Yea, I do shovel my own. At least hes doing the dishes now.

03-09-2008, 02:26 PM
Where are all the Teenaged Snow Plowers at????

Apparently where all the teenaged lawn mowers are!
I would sooo pay $25 for a kid to cut my yard once a week!

03-09-2008, 02:36 PM
We have 2 teenaged kids in our condo complex that get paid to shovel, plow and salt everything.....

They don't do too bad of a job.

Kelly Pelrine
03-09-2008, 03:07 PM
I just came in from shoveling.... all i can say is i would glady pay someone to do that LOL. holy shit i am whooped!

03-09-2008, 04:11 PM
I have to say my son (Craigels) has been working his butt off during this snow. He has plowed our driveway twice - 400 ft. mostly uphill - and went thru the woods to his uncle's house to plow his drive - an even longer hill - so they could get out for work tomorrow. I bought 16 bags of salt and he just went out and salted the entire hill and most of the top while the sun is shining to get rid of this sh*t.

I wish we lived closer to Kelly, she sounds like she needs some help. Somebody take her a shovel!!

Meanwhile he has been working diligently to get the car ready for the car show. I'd like to take credit for how he was raised, but really he is just SUPER #1 Son!! Thanks Craigles!

Thanks mom! I will say though, that it is a lot easier... and more fun when you 4x4 ATV has 54" plow on the front :bigthumb

Is that cheating? This said shoveling, not plowing...


03-09-2008, 04:13 PM
How about in stead of complaining about lazy kids, you shovel your own drive way. Or do like i do, put it in 4wd, and wait for warm weather.:bigthumb

Wow, great example .... Tell someone not to complain about kids being lazy, and then come up with an example of supreme laziness!!! :rolleyes:

I got some good cardio in today. Matt Johnson ain't got shit on me!:lol:

03-09-2008, 04:35 PM
Just do like i did and buy something 4wd. I'll never be without 4wd again. If i have to buy a beater truck just for the winter then so be it.

03-09-2008, 04:44 PM
i plow...granted im 22, but i have been plowing for 5 years for the company i work for and few years on my own. 07 F550 with a western plow/spreader what i use for the company. This coming year i want to buy another plow truck though, used to have a chevy with one....made some good money....when i see white, i see green! Dont know why more kids dont get into though.....

03-09-2008, 05:52 PM
I allways looked ahead to the day when there would be younger males around the house to do the chores I had to do as a kid. I guess that is a lost pipe dream.

03-09-2008, 06:49 PM
I have a friend who owns a bobcat......

Gets paid $85 an hour by a sub to plow for 48 hours straight when the weather get gnarly.

Of course, if you off set the cost of the bob car haha....

03-09-2008, 08:13 PM
I shoveled about 1/3 my DW and walkway...I thought I was going to pass out.
I think next time Ill be lazy and pay someone to do it...WITH A FN PLOW!!:lol:

03-09-2008, 08:27 PM
here's proof

03-09-2008, 10:01 PM
here is my shovel

03-09-2008, 10:38 PM
I have a little Crafsman snow blower My dad gave me if there is 6 inchs of snow it does fine. It ran away when it saw 2 feet. I used to make a ton of money when I was a kid with a snow blower and a shovel.

03-09-2008, 10:40 PM
How about in stead of complaining about lazy kids, you shovel your own drive way.Before jumping on someone's ass, get your facts straight my friend. :flipoff: :HYF:

I had my (46) year old ass out there at 7:30 AM (after working all night) shoveling the driveway, sidewalks and digging wife's Jeep out of the street.

Or do like i do, put it in 4wd, and wait for warm weather.:bigthumbThat's how I got to work and back in the snow. :bigthumb

03-09-2008, 11:02 PM
I helped my boyfriend, his dad, and brother shovel their driveway on Saturday once it all stopped coming down. After shoveling most of it off they got out the ranger with the plow and a couple tractors. It took all four of us 3 hours to get the thing clear (the driveway is huge) I havent shoveled snow since I was little (Im only 21 now) and now I remember why, my back/body is killing me :dummy:

I do agree though, almost every time it snows at my house we usually had about 5 kids wanting to shovel but over the years we are now down to none, its a sad thing :( really how lazy this generation has become.


03-09-2008, 11:23 PM
I took my kids to Ft Mitchell park for sledding today and I about lost it. Here comes 4 kids, teens, 3 of them carrying snow shovels. At first I thought they were out making money but they headed to the basketball court. They worked their tails off to shovel the court. One of them even broke his shovel handle. They cleared half the court and then played ball for a few. If they put that much effort for a game, they could have made some serious money today.

03-10-2008, 12:52 AM
I havent shoveled snow since I was little (Im only 21 now) and now I remember why, my back/body is killing me :dummy:

-Patti Just wait until you turn (40) Patti! :eek: :HYF: :D

03-10-2008, 01:07 AM
Just wait until you turn (40) Patti! :eek: :HYF: :D

Yeah I have played sports since I was 6 and in middle school and high school I did cross country and track (along with Basketball and Softball) so my knees and ankles are a wreck and I get pains ever so often to where it almost hurts to walk (doctors keep saying over all these years its growing pains but I havent grown any since I was in 7th grade so that I believe is false). So I cant wait to see how things are gonna be when I get older :eek: :blink: :doh:


03-10-2008, 04:17 AM
Where are all the Teenaged Snow Plowers at????

Apparently where all the teenaged lawn mowers are!
I would sooo pay $25 for a kid to cut my yard once a week!

They wait till they get old enough to drive then buy a truck and all kinds of equipment then ask for three times that!:lol: They gotta pay for there stuff somehow!!!

03-10-2008, 06:47 AM
I shoveled mine 3 times Friday and once Sat. They let us go at work earlier so in between working on my car in the garage I would go out and shovel the driveway and then go back in the garage and kick on the heater. Well my son helped But it's a lot easier to shovel 2 inches at a time instead of all 10-12 at once.

I do know if I was a kid I would have made some major money this weekend.

03-10-2008, 07:17 AM
I had one offer to clear the drive and that was from two 40 year old guys with shovels. I have to agree with most on here, if it looks like allot of work for a teenager you can forget it.

03-10-2008, 07:22 AM
I got up Saturday to find out my neighbor using his snow blower on my driveway. So once I got out, I passed it forward and dug out my neighbors car, the guy across streets driveway and removed the 1' snow mound that the plow truck left in my neighbors driveway that did mine earlier. Then I ran out of gas and was out of 2-cycle oil before I could lend it out to a friend down the street.

03-10-2008, 05:30 PM
[QUOTE=Katmandu;353952]Before jumping on someone's ass, get your facts straight my friend. :flipoff: :HYF:

I had my (46) year old ass out there at 7:30 AM (after working all night) shoveling the driveway, sidewalks and digging wife's Jeep out of the street.

ATTA BOY, I knew you had it in ya:bigthumb]

03-10-2008, 06:03 PM
if it looks like allot of work for a teenager you can forget it.

Speak for your self or your own teenagers brother.

There are a few of us left that know how to make an honest buck or two. We just work smarter now a days, like subbing out our friends who are not too lazy to shovel to my neighbors who are lazy! :lol::lol::lol:

03-10-2008, 06:53 PM
Speak for your self or your own teenagers brother.

There are a few of us left that know how to make an honest buck or two. We just work smarter now a days, like subbing out our friends who are not too lazy to shovel to my neighbors who are lazy! :lol::lol::lol:

My own teenagers brother? LOL , it almost made sense.

03-13-2008, 10:14 PM
I cant say too much, because my Grizzly 660 plowed me, my 3 neighbors, and my street out. I can say, that due to multiple motorcycle/dirtbike crashes, that I use the atv because the arthritis is less of an issue that way lol. But then again, I used to be that kid that shoveled....As for the 4 wheel drive, I roll like Katmandu! Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 ext cab! Freakin tank in this sh!t....

03-13-2008, 11:54 PM
As for the 4 wheel drive, I roll like Katmandu! Dodge Ram 1500 4x4 ext cab! Freakin tank in this sh!t....No doubt man. :bigthumb My big diesel is unbelievable in the snow. :cool2:

03-14-2008, 07:25 AM
All through the years, generation, after generation, the adults have been preaching gloom and doom from the next generation. Most teens are inherently stubborn more than lazy.

If YOUR teenagers are lazy and worthless, it's probably YOUR fault, so quit bitching, and do something about it.

03-14-2008, 12:00 PM
If YOUR teenagers are lazy and worthless, it's probably YOUR fault, so quit bitching, and do something about it.Word up! :bigthumb

Where does it go from here! :lol:

03-14-2008, 12:13 PM
Word up! :bigthumb

Where does it go from here! :lol:

Lol...I have a "newb" teen. He just turned 13 in November, and thought he was big about 10 minutes!!
I put the clamps on him, and his "lifestyle" the instant he started acting a fool, and the nonsense stopped immediately!
he's always been a great kid, but they will all eventually test the waters at certain stages of their teen lives!

All in all, I don't have to remind him to do stuff as much as I have to remind the wife! :lol:

03-14-2008, 12:16 PM
My 13 year old son & his best friend made over $150.00 shoveling walks & driveways this past storm, people were shocked that they were out there, but were willing to pay them for there efforts. They learned what it is like to work hard & be rewarded for it, now he wants to get into the lawn business this summer!

03-14-2008, 12:20 PM
ya i droped the shovel and went for the plow truck!!!

03-14-2008, 12:51 PM
All in all, I don't have to remind him to do stuff as much as I have to remind the wife! :lol:Don't try to "put the clamps" on her OR you just may NOT get any anymore! :lol:

03-14-2008, 12:53 PM
My 13 year old son & his best friend made over $150.00 shoveling walks & driveways this past storm, people were shocked that they were out there, but were willing to pay them for there efforts. They learned what it is like to work hard & be rewarded for it, now he wants to get into the lawn business this summer!
KevinThat's great to hear! :bigthumb

In the rare chance I find a local kid to do some work, I always give them a nice tip. Reward good behavior when you see it! :bigthumb