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Planning a "Euro Trip" - Any Advice? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Planning a "Euro Trip" - Any Advice?

03-01-2008, 07:21 PM
I am planning a 2 week trip to Europe this summer and I don't even know where to start.

I am curious if any one has "toured" Europe and if so, what advice they offer.

I want to see many places, but I also want to be able to see alot of the museums and what not.

The places I want to go for sure are:
London - Amsterdam - Berlin - Madrid - Paris (and maybe Monaco?) - and I would like to visit friends in Prague, CZ.

Any ways, if you have been to any these places - I would love a starting point of things to see, and any tips etc.


03-01-2008, 07:35 PM
Bring lots of cash. The Dollar is shit right now.

I did a week in Ireland last April for my birthday and damn is the Euro expensive. lol.

I went to England, France and Germany and a few other countries when I was 16.

The public transportation system is awesome. Buses usually every 15 minutes or less. You can eat cheap if you go to a cafe. Soda is incredibly expensive in outlaying cities so be prepared for that if you need your fix.

Most speak English fluently. If they will help you as much as they can. At least try to pick up the basics so you dont' look like a total idiot.

Mastercard is taken everywhere in Europe. More places than Visa actually.

I'll add more as I think of it. Its a blast and totally worth it to get out and explore.

03-01-2008, 07:42 PM
Awesome, thats exactly what I need to know.

Thanks bro

03-01-2008, 08:34 PM
My advice is to not let anything happen to you. Remember that movie Hostel?

03-01-2008, 08:46 PM
My advice is to not let anything happen to you. Remember that movie Hostel?

Not funny! Well almost not funny. lol :lol:

03-01-2008, 09:05 PM
Yup drink Beer its cheaper than water and soda. Get a Euro-rail -pass before you leave it is cheaper. 2 weeks does not sound like enough time to go to all those places.

03-01-2008, 09:18 PM
Did you hit the lotto or something? Buying a beemer, euro trip, what's the deal?

03-01-2008, 09:24 PM
Did you hit the lotto or something? Buying a beemer, euro trip, what's the deal?

Eh. Just working hard I guess.

03-02-2008, 12:24 AM
I just went to Italy for 10 days last year. It was a blast but DAMN was it expensive!!!! The conversion rate absolutly sucks. I think I spent total 7000 for 10 days.

03-02-2008, 01:10 AM
Don't go to any place called a "Hostile" and nail any hot chicks no matter how hot they are. Trust me, i saw this one movie and it doesn't end to great :lol:

03-02-2008, 04:15 AM
i spent 15 days in France when I was 16, it was kickass, but you were never in one place long enough to see everything that you wanted to (atleast what i wanted to). It was a planned trip though, so I didn't have to worry about anything that you will (hotels, transportation from city to city, and all major meals were paid for and reserved before we ever got there). Trip went from Normandy to Paris a shit ton of smaller cities in between, like Tours, Lyon, Marseilles etc., and then down to Nice and Monaco. Definately see Monaco if you can, just a few miles from the Italy border and it is the most high rent square mile you will ever see in your life, Ferrari's are like Focus's there, Mercedes are for low rents and taxis. Most public workers (transportation and restaurants) spoke atleast a little bit of english, and that was 8 years ago. :bigthumb

03-02-2008, 07:56 AM
Went to Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, Holland a few years back and had an absolute blast. Prague was by far my favorite. We also took a train ride over the border into Poland and visited Auswitch/Birkenau also. It was a life changing experience! There is so much history in Prague, it's unbelieveable. I would love to go back! St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge, Prague castle are all incredible sites you shouldn't miss if you go to Prague. They filmed a good chunk of the first Mission Impossible movie in Prague and it was cool standing in the square where they blew up the car early on in the movie. Definitely some cool stuff to see. I was told when I was there you want to watch out for gypsys. Also, keep your money, passport, etc. hidden away on your person and not your pocket because pick-pockets were pretty bad. If you exchange money, make sure you use a legitimate bank as some of the cash exchange places will rip you off. Other than that, have fun - it's a blast! :bigthumb Oh yeah, start drinking warm beer/pop - because you'll want to get used to it. lol

03-02-2008, 08:27 AM
Aj, Thanks alot! All of that is great info!

What was Holland like?

03-02-2008, 08:41 AM
Aj, Thanks alot! All of that is great info!

What was Holland like?
We were only there for a day. Didn't really do a whole lot worth mentioning. lol Most all of the time we spent in Czech Repub. By far my favorite spot. :bigthumb

03-02-2008, 09:05 AM
It can be done kinda cheap. I Spent around 2200 for the week in Ireland including my ungrateful Ex. Airfare, Hotel, Food, Random crap and a tour.

03-02-2008, 09:06 AM
Was it "dirty" or shady so to speak out side of prague?

03-02-2008, 02:55 PM
1st buy yourself this pack:
If you can't pack it in there DO NOT TAKE IT!
This pack is an excellent size with great comfort and support.
I cannot stress enough to take one pack and one pack alone.
It looks like you are going to be making some long distance runs between countries. Make sure to get yourself an unlimited Eurail Pass. You are most likely going to want the select pass that includes 5 countries. Though they have to be bordering.
The train is going to be your best friend!!! Take advantage of your longer rides use the train as your sleeping place. Granted you will not be as comfortable as a hotel but it will be equally comfortable as compared to a Hostel. Plus you will be killing 2 birds with 1 stone. And saving HUGE amounts of money. Use your pack as a pillow and make sure the zippers are not accessible without moving your person when you sleep.

If you are wanting to head to Prauge I would also suggest you venture to Croatia and Bosnia aswell.
Split Croatia is hands down the most beautiful place I have ever been. The scenery is gorgeous and the girls are amazing. Plus the food is cheap as all get out. Opposite to most peoples ideas traveling in Europe is VERY CHEAP. That is if you do it right if you don't research where you are and plan your trip accordingly (ie sleeping on trains so you don't get hotels or hostels)

Two summers ago I did a stint in Italy, Croatia, and Bosnia. Granted the dollar was doing better than (though not a whole lot) I was there for almost 3 weeks and the entire trip not including air fare (had frequent flyer miles) cost me $1,800.

Here is the sunset in Split Croatia for that section of the trip we rented a diesel minivan in Italy put it on that boat then drove all over Croatia and Bosnia.
Plus I just have to show this one. It's my favorite picture that I took while over there and I took close to 3,000 pictures.
This is a little girl standing outside the house where she lived with her siblings, parents and grandparents.
Especially in Croatia and Bosnia I spent most of my money at the road side fruit and market stands. It's hard to know that that little girl lives in a house that is not much larger than my garage with 3 generations and their sole source of income is their orchards that surround the house.

It's quite a humbling experience.

03-02-2008, 03:15 PM
Holland is very COOL. I was there for 3 weeks I stayed in Amersfort, I was at Soesterberg air base. You could not believe how nice the people are there. You can walk down the street and everyone will say hello to you. Allmost everyone speeks english except the very old. We took the 20 min train ride to Amsterdam alot. It was a blast for sure

03-03-2008, 12:47 PM
I would keep some spare cash (50-100 Euro) and not rely totally on credit cards. I was in middle of no where France a year ago for work, and their card readers require the RFID chip credit cards. None of us had a card with that chip, so we had to hit an ATM. Luckily there was one nearby. Also you have to make a purchase of greater than 10-15 euro depending on the place for them to accept a card.

03-03-2008, 12:54 PM
wear a rubber

03-03-2008, 01:03 PM
I 100-million% agree with the Packing Light concept. Especially if you're going 1 or 2 nights each place, taking trains etc. You carry it ALOT! Tim & I packed backpacks and (not super fancy ones - i got an Addidas bag at the Outlet mall for like $20). We also used those plastic bags that 'squish' the clothes down to take less space. We stopped at a laundromat half-way through the trip. We pretty much took trains & walked everywhere we went. (Tim kept saying - "aren't you glad you didn't pack all that Crap you had" - yes, I was!)

You want to make sure you read up on the areas you're going and look at the busy seasons - if it's an off season, you can probably just find a small hotel when you get to each area for ultimate flexibility - you can stay as long at you like in each area.

03-03-2008, 01:03 PM
wear a rubber

Were on the same page :lol: