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SBZ Humanitarian of the Year Award - 2008 [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : SBZ Humanitarian of the Year Award - 2008

Black Horse
02-15-2008, 09:32 PM
Its time to try something a little different, to spotlight those that have gone beyond the call of duty to help another out. This site was found long ago on a basic principle:

"Don't knock your brother down, reach out and pull him up"

Here's how this works - feel free to tell on one of your brethern (or sisteren) that did something that should be highly commended, something that the person expected nothing in return and gave so much of themselves. This is your chance to recognize and give a shout out to those that have helped you or helped others.

At the end of the year the mods of the site will review all the submissions select at least one overall "SBZ Humanitarian of the Year" for 2008.

Now is your chance to lift up those that have pulled you up! I look forward to reading about all the random acts of kindness and those amoung us that enjoying paying their good fortune forward.

You folks are the best!

02-15-2008, 10:12 PM
What a great idea. The world is so thankless these days, sounds like a great way to make a positive change.

02-15-2008, 10:40 PM
What a great idea. The world is so thankless these days, sounds like a great way to make a positive change.

:agree:, strongly.

02-16-2008, 08:05 AM
Awesome idea Dave!

02-16-2008, 10:11 AM

02-16-2008, 11:14 AM
Great Idea, btw, did I mention I just saved a whole family of kittens in a tree.:rofl:

02-16-2008, 11:27 AM
What a great idea. The world is so thankless these days, sounds like a great way to make a positive change.

:agree: totally!!

Great Idea, btw, did I mention I just saved a whole family of kittens in a tree.:rofl:

That made me laugh :bigthumb

02-16-2008, 01:18 PM
If there was one for '07 it would have to go to Kelly Shotwell hands down. ;)

02-16-2008, 02:10 PM
If there was one for '07 it would have to go to Kelly Shotwell hands down. ;)

I agree completely.

02-16-2008, 02:37 PM
Thats a pretty damn nice idea Dave.

02-20-2008, 10:53 PM
Great idea, many people do great things for others and it goes unnoticed!

03-02-2008, 09:28 PM
great idea!

03-18-2008, 09:13 AM
that's great. i hope we see a lot of them.

03-18-2008, 09:53 AM
x2 for Kelly

04-13-2008, 07:07 PM
For the first 2008 Nomination

I suggest:
The Wicked Woman as demonstrated here:

04-14-2008, 12:24 AM
For the first 2008 Nomination

I suggest:
The Wicked Woman as demonstrated here:

I would have to agree!:bigthumb

04-14-2008, 06:15 AM
I would nominate the wicked woman and also the umtr guys. They are both getting us off the keyboards and to the tracks!

10-02-2008, 03:53 AM
I'm throwing Craig's name in the mix for putting TT right. JMO

10-02-2008, 04:35 AM
Is there any StangBangerz members deployed at this time or during 08'? I would like to nominate them. Not many people realize the stress involved in being deployed. Not only are they risking their lives their risking everything they have. 70% of spouses cheat on them while they are gone and take everything with them when they leave. I cant count how many Marine came home to a empty house and bank account. Not many people know this stuff but its true and it is literally life changing. Some of them will have a baby while deployed and will have to wait months even a year before seeing his/her new born. Even worse, some of them will have deaths in the family and cant come home to the funeral (depends on their chain of command). I will never forget, we had two weeks left of our 12 month deployment. We get a red cross letter for one of the Marines. I get the letter and hand it to my SSgt. He opens it and as he reads it I saw his eyes open wide and he says, " Oh shit, this isnt good." I said what happened. He said its 1stLt Williams wife. She was killed in a car accident. He waited a year to see his wife and he will never see her again. He went through that for us. Sorry for the sad story I know they are alot of people who take freedom for granted. This is the stuff they go through everyday and I would like to nominate them.

Craig form Cincy Speed is a good one along with the wicked women.

Pops Fun
10-02-2008, 06:25 AM
Is there any StangBangerz members deployed at this time or during 08'? I would like to nominate them. Not many people realize the stress involved in being deployed. Not only are they risking their lives their risking everything they have. 70% of spouses cheat on them while they are gone and take everything with them when they leave. I cant count how many Marine came home to a empty house and bank account. Not many people know this stuff but its true and it is literally life changing. Some of them will have a baby while deployed and will have to wait months even a year before seeing his/her new born. Even worse, some of them will have deaths in the family and cant come home to the funeral (depends on their chain of command). I will never forget, we had two weeks left of our 12 month deployment. We get a red cross letter for one of the Marines. I get the letter and hand it to my SSgt. He opens it and as he reads it I saw his eyes open wide and he says, " Oh shit, this isnt good." I said what happened. He said its 1stLt Williams wife. She was killed in a car accident. He waited a year to see his wife and he will never see her again. He went through that for us. Sorry for the sad story I know they are alot of people who take freedom for granted. This is the stuff they go through everyday and I would like to nominate them.

Craig form Cincy Speed is a good one along with the wicked women.

Thanks again for your service.. Most people know it is hard... Your experience brings it home... A prayer for those serving.

Do we have anyone deployed???

10-02-2008, 06:50 AM
plus one on Craig and crew!

quik lx
10-02-2008, 10:44 AM
I would like to put my vote on our local speed shop owner/operator.

This guy lives to help out other people, putting his own cars/projects on the back burner to help out a friend wanting nothing in return but a faster Quarter mile time. This guy donates all kinds of money and time every year to sponsor the local websites and drag strips to keep racing fun and active for you and me. He comes to the track just to watch (and heckle) us all even when he could be home finishing up his own ride. He gives up time with his family (too much sometimes) to answer all the PM's and E-mails on how much is this? or when can I get that?. Before you call me a nut swinger here, let it be known I have known Craig for 7 years now. I still remember the first time I walked into CS to get a shifter and got the Craig rendition of a mustang power-shifting. (something everyone should hear once!) Over the years he has helped all of us in some way or another from just a deal on a part to pouring you a new Crown and coke when he gets his cause he drank it faster than any human alive!

Anyway you asked for input.....thats mine.:angel:

10-02-2008, 04:57 PM
I would like to put my vote on our local speed shop owner/operator.

This guy lives to help out other people, putting his own cars/projects on the back burner to help out a friend wanting nothing in return but a faster Quarter mile time. This guy donates all kinds of money and time every year to sponsor the local websites and drag strips to keep racing fun and active for you and me. He comes to the track just to watch (and heckle) us all even when he could be home finishing up his own ride. He gives up time with his family (too much sometimes) to answer all the PM's and E-mails on how much is this? or when can I get that?. Before you call me a nut swinger here, let it be known I have known Craig for 7 years now. I still remember the first time I walked into CS to get a shifter and got the Craig rendition of a mustang power-shifting. (something everyone should hear once!) Over the years he has helped all of us in some way or another from just a deal on a part to pouring you a new Crown and coke when he gets his cause he drank it faster than any human alive!

Anyway you asked for input.....thats mine.:angel:

I am with ya Joe! What this guys does for us Stangbangerz and for Holly is sometimes overlooked by all. I want to say thanks for the sponsorships at our local tracks/UMTR and for doing what you are for TT. You Da Man!

10-02-2008, 08:59 PM
Another vote for Craig as well.

10-02-2008, 09:05 PM
So cute, wish the whole world was that way!

11-08-2008, 11:09 AM
Craig Newport for President or Humanitarian:coo1: , he has done so much for so many out there not even people on this site go down and watch him interact on any given day with any one in CS he is truly a genuine dude and has a huge heart and would do anything for anyone he cares about and does even more for people he doesn't know , the guy has had his own trials and tribulations but he is always there to give you a smile or a deal on a speed part not only is he one of the coolest Crackas around I think he is one of the most sincere genuine people I have known and within the last two years I have gotten to know him better (he is my co announcer :lol:) ......

It is very easy to see why Vinny and Craig were best friends they almost mimmick each other and Craig has still kept that attitude and drive since the other 50 percent left us I think that in itself is worth the Humanitarian , there really is no doubt whom it should be !!!

11-08-2008, 09:56 PM
Craig Newport for President or Humanitarian:coo1: , he has done so much for so many out there not even people on this site go down and watch him interact on any given day with any one in CS he is truly a genuine dude and has a huge heart and would do anything for anyone he cares about and does even more for people he doesn't know , the guy has had his own trials and tribulations but he is always there to give you a smile or a deal on a speed part not only is he one of the coolest Crackas around I think he is one of the most sincere genuine people I have known and within the last two years I have gotten to know him better (he is my co announcer :lol:) ......

It is very easy to see why Vinny and Craig were best friends they almost mimmick each other and Craig has still kept that attitude and drive since the other 50 percent left us I think that in itself is worth the Humanitarian , there really is no doubt whom it should be !!!

Well that about sums up my thoughts as well, you rock Craig!!!

Silver Bullet
11-09-2008, 02:33 AM
Craig Newport for President or Humanitarian:coo1: , he has done so much for so many out there not even people on this site go down and watch him interact on any given day with any one in CS he is truly a genuine dude and has a huge heart and would do anything for anyone he cares about and does even more for people he doesn't know , the guy has had his own trials and tribulations but he is always there to give you a smile or a deal on a speed part not only is he one of the coolest Crackas around I think he is one of the most sincere genuine people I have known and within the last two years I have gotten to know him better (he is my co announcer :lol:) ......

It is very easy to see why Vinny and Craig were best friends they almost mimmick each other and Craig has still kept that attitude and drive since the other 50 percent left us I think that in itself is worth the Humanitarian , there really is no doubt whom it should be !!!

Well said!

Craig has my vote, my wifes vote, and my two little girls votes!:angel:

11-09-2008, 08:30 AM
+1 for Craig! Between all the WW stuff, the work on TT, etc. I think he deserves it without a doubt :bigthumb

Pops Fun
11-09-2008, 09:12 AM
Craig is a great guy... Has my vote!!

12-04-2008, 12:07 PM
My vote is for Craig as well.

I have known Craig for the past 8-9 years and I honestly couldn't pick a more perfect person for this. I think we have all been touched by his generosity in one way or another. He's a great person, obnoxious at times, but that's why he is who he is. :lol: It's been a loooonnnngggggggg 8-9 years, with many ups and downs but lucky for us, Craig has never lost his willingness to bend over backwards for friends AND strangers. Even after being burned several times by his generosity...he still keeps on trying to help in any way he can.

:) :bigthumb

12-04-2008, 12:23 PM
that's beautiful Daney! I bet he's blushing now. :tongue2:

12-04-2008, 02:45 PM
Fuck'n Craig!

got my vote. ;)

12-04-2008, 02:54 PM
Craigs got mine also.:bigthumb

12-04-2008, 03:23 PM
I vote for Craig too!

12-04-2008, 04:43 PM
:bigthumb:bigthumb's up for Craig

12-04-2008, 06:24 PM
Craig has my vote and I'm sure he'll have Jana's vote.

12-05-2008, 12:55 AM

Are we talking about the same CRAIG that gives us a hard time everytime we're around him??? And the same CRAIG that gives us good deals are speedy parts??? :confused:

Yeah, okay he's got my vote:D

01-12-2009, 02:48 PM
Has anything transpired on this topic ???

01-14-2009, 05:38 PM
This is the reason I joined stangbangerz. To be a part of something bigger. It was cool when I had my vette and everyone in their vetts waved and nodded, but never went past that. I love riding my motorcycle, and I wave to all other cyclists as I pass, even though some are a$$e$ and dont wave back. If I was on my R1, only other sports bike riders waved. Now I am on a honda 1100 and the rockets dont wave. Not that I care. I guess what I am saying is you guys are real. I read (on here) about a z28 build and you guys, as was I, were interested. Dont need a mustang to be a stangbanger... huh. I cant wait till spring gets here and I can meet more of you. I have already met a few of you and have been long time friends with a long time member. I am very proud to be a part of all of you.

01-14-2009, 09:36 PM
I vote for Craig too. He helped me get my 'Stang's clutch squared away so I could drive it to training in Oklahoma and bent over backwards to get it done.

I cant wait till spring gets here and I can meet more of you. I have already met a few of you and have been long time friends with a long time member. I am very proud to be a part of all of you.

I agree. Im going to try to make it in to town at least once or twice for a UMTR race. I just hope I dont break something and have to rent a car to get back lol.

01-15-2009, 09:18 AM
^those are some nice words about a great group of people sean.

01-23-2009, 07:38 AM
So, did Maximus win the damn thing or not?

01-23-2009, 07:40 AM
I would like to nominate Plattner01 for the 2009 award for his efforts in helping with his niece, nephew, and their mother after losing everything in a house fire.

Black Horse
03-28-2009, 08:34 PM
This thread is now closed.....the winner will be announced at the Spring Cruise-In.

Thank you everyone for your input and making another's day brighter!

06-03-2009, 08:11 PM
I finally got to Cincy Speed today to give our winner his plaque!

Congrats Craig, you earned it! :bigthumb

06-03-2009, 11:17 PM
Thanks Holly and everyone that posted the Awesome comments. :)

06-03-2009, 11:22 PM
wow thats cool!

06-04-2009, 07:10 AM

06-04-2009, 08:12 AM

06-04-2009, 08:46 AM
Congrats Craig!!! You earned it!!!!

06-04-2009, 10:00 AM
Congrats Craig