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UFO sighting in Texas [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : UFO sighting in Texas

01-16-2008, 12:05 AM
STEPHENVILLE, Texas - Dozens of people reported seeing a UFO in Stephenville Texas, and a few others swear they saw fighter jets following it. Though officials at a nearby Air Force base believe a jet and the sun just created an optical illusion, those who saw it know they didn't see a jet. About 200 UFO sightings are reported a month in the USA.

Kinda makes ya wonder sometimes. They must have decided it was time to change from the weather ballon story! It was an optical illusion that dozens witnessed.;)

01-16-2008, 12:14 AM
A major at the Joint Reserve Base in Fort Worth suggested the incident might have been an illusion caused by the sunset and commercial jetliners.

I wonder if he believes his own BS? Illusion?? cmon guy:dummy:
I wonder if anything will show up on Youtube?:)

01-16-2008, 12:28 AM
With the number of cell phone cameras out there, we should be seeing this stuff the same hour it is reported or sooner.

01-16-2008, 07:02 AM
With the number of cell phone cameras out there, we should be seeing this stuff the same hour it is reported or sooner.

:agree: You think someone would have got a pic!

01-16-2008, 07:28 AM
:agree: You think someone would have got a pic!

I read that yesterday and couldn't believe no one was smart enough to take a pic. I think the one guy saw it hovering over his pasture behind his house. You would have thought he would have grabbed a camera. Another guy estimated the size at 1 mile long and a half a mile wide. That I would hope was an illusion. He didn't say how he came up with that size. The witnesses did say that it was much lower than any commercial jet would fly. And they are all reputable witnesses not some kooks or drunken bums.

On a side note I saw the very end of some UFO show the other night. I think it was UFO files and there was some guy talking about the Aurora("fictional" US spy plane) and how it could be possible confused in the future as an UFO much like the stealth fighters and bombers were. Anyhoo he had this satellite weather photograph taken over the United States that showed a strange contrail(donut shaped - indictive of a magnetic displacement motor?....or something along those lines that the Aurora supposedly has) leaving the approximate area of Area 51 in Nevada and continuing across the United States and over the Atlantic until it goes off the photo. You would have to assume that a contrail only has a short amount of time that it stays in the air before it's breaks up. So based on that the "plane" would have had to be haulin the mail. Reported speed is 8000 miles an hour. Here's a pic of a trail. I can't find the one I saw on tv but I bet it's out there the truth.

01-16-2008, 07:31 AM
na nu na nu

01-16-2008, 08:21 AM

01-16-2008, 08:44 AM
:lol: plated we all know you are from another world!:D

01-16-2008, 09:12 AM
maybe they were filming for the new x files movie

01-16-2008, 09:36 AM
can't say I blame the aliens. I've dated some beautiful chicks from Texas...

01-16-2008, 10:15 AM
can't say I blame the aliens. I've dated some beautiful chicks from Texas...

How did that make the Rooster's feel?:D

Greg Seibert
01-16-2008, 03:13 PM
Although classified, heavier than air military craft have been around for some time now. Research has been conducted to investigate the feasability of using them for surveilance, transport, and large refueling tankers, etc...
I believe their could be life on other planets. I just don't think alien life forms(except for Dedpedal) ;) ever visited us yet.
See link info below.

01-17-2008, 10:00 AM
Cool link. The craft spotted in Texas however was silver not black. Plus this craft was outrunning fighter jets. It definitely explains the one in Illinois though. I watched a show on that one.

01-17-2008, 11:13 AM
+1 on the cool link..

Greg Seibert
01-17-2008, 03:40 PM
Here's another good site tolook at.

Greg Seibert
02-13-2008, 07:57 PM
A new hypersonic aircraft is being developed which will exceed Mach6!

More on Blackswift: Additional information is available on the DARPA Blackswift test-bed program now that DOD's Fiscal 2009 budget request is out. As we reported in January, Blackswift is an outgrowth of DARPA's Falcon hypersonics program under which the agency is maturing technologies applicable to future long-range strike systems and space-access capabilities that travel at many times the speed of sound. DARPA is pumping $35 million into the project in this fiscal year and would like to spend twice that amount in Fiscal 2009. Under Blackswift, engineers are creating a reusable flight vehicle about the size of an F-16 fighter that is known as the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 3X, or HTV-3X.They will use it to conduct flight tests that will "allow for the study of tactics for a hypersonic airplane that includes a runway takeoff, Mach 6 cruise, and runway landing," according to DARPA's budget justification documents. HTV-3X will be powered by a combined-cycle propulsion system comprising a high-speed turbine engine for the lower echelons of speed and a supersonic combustion ramjet to achieve the hypersonic rates. Activities planned in this fiscal year include conducting propulsion trade studies and the HTV-3X conceptual design review and carrying out additional ground engine testing. In Fiscal 2009, the agency would like to mature and test the scramjet flow path on the ground, integrate the scramjet and turbine engine, and complete a ground demonstration of the combined-cycle propulsion. Plans are to transition Blackswift to the Air Force following the completion of flight-testing, for which no timeline is given.

02-14-2008, 07:14 AM
Sounds like there about to come clean with the new technology the Aurora is currently using. I wonder if it will be manned, remote or computer controlled. Maybe they captured a Cylon and stuffed his ass in there.

Greg Seibert
03-10-2008, 08:28 PM
May have been the orgin of the Phoenix lights.

03-11-2008, 07:24 AM
Well that was at night and had a triangle of lights. That's rectangular. Wonder how much crap that thing holds and what's the flight range?