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Barack Obama - Unpatriotic? [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : Barack Obama - Unpatriotic?

11-07-2007, 08:00 AM
I found this interesting...

11-07-2007, 08:04 AM
People have way too much time on their hands.....

11-07-2007, 08:09 AM
skin color and last name scared me off:D

11-07-2007, 08:12 AM
People have way too much time on their hands.....


Obama's ideas are pretty bad...he makes Hillary look conservative. Maybe people would be better off concentrating on that.

11-07-2007, 08:17 AM

Obama's ideas are pretty bad...he makes Hillary look conservative. Maybe people would be better off concentrating on that.
I won't argue with you there but I just thought I would throw it out there as I found it interesting. Unfortunately it seems that in todays age, patriotism has been thrown out the window. It bothers me - and this is coming from a foreign bastard like myself!

11-07-2007, 08:19 AM
People just love to stir stuff up.

Who cares if he didn't put his hand over his heart? Is it some kind of law? Does it instantly make you less patriotic somehow? Is the hand on the heart the single most patriotic thing a person can do?

I don't put my hand over my heart during the national anthem. Neither do more than half of the players at any given professional sporting event. Does that make us all nazis and terrorists?

Get a life people. Worry about what your candidate stands for, not their image.

11-07-2007, 08:36 AM
People just love to stir stuff up.

Who cares if he didn't put his hand over his heart? Is it some kind of law? Does it instantly make you less patriotic somehow? Is the hand on the heart the single most patriotic thing a person can do?

I don't put my hand over my heart during the national anthem. Neither do more than half of the players at any given professional sporting event. Does that make us all nazis and terrorists?

Get a life people. Worry about what your candidate stands for, not their image.
I never said it makes anybody a Nazi or a terrorist and I also never said it's the most patriotic thing somebody can do BUT I believe as a whole, the country is becoming less patriotic it seems as time goes on, and was merely using this as an example. I think as a contender for the leadership of this great nation, patriotism should be high in the minds and the hearts of our leaders was all I was suggesting. When voting time comes I will be voting on the issues, no question but I simply posted this up as an interesting topic of discussion. Geez! No need to get so sensitive :rolleyes:

11-07-2007, 09:12 AM
Get a life people. Worry about what your candidate stands for, not their image.

Isn't that what is being questioned here? This man is running to become the President of The United States. He wants to represent us. In this position, image is everything. If he wants to win, then he has to play the game. I have no problem with skin color. He appears to be a pretty solid guy but he has not proven anything more to me than anyone else that he would be better suited for the job. Not playing the role does not help him any IMHO.

11-07-2007, 09:20 AM
I never said it makes anybody a Nazi or a terrorist and I also never said it's the most patriotic thing somebody can do BUT I believe as a whole, the country is becoming less patriotic it seems as time goes on, and was merely using this as an example. I think as a contender for the leadership of this great nation, patriotism should be high in the minds and the hearts of our leaders was all I was suggesting. When voting time comes I will be voting on the issues, no question but I simply posted this up as an interesting topic of discussion. Geez! No need to get so sensitive :rolleyes:

Putting your hand on your heart during the national anthem doesn't make you patriotic. I don't put my hand on my heart during the national anthem either, but I don't think it makes me unpatriotic.

Patriotism is in actions, not hand gestures.

11-07-2007, 09:36 AM
I don't consider myself extremely patriotic, but this guy wants to lead and represent our country. What in the hell kind of president doesn't put there hand over their heart during the national anthem? It is absolutely unbelievable that US citizens would even consider electing someone like this to the office of president. I am afraid that this country is just setting itself up for it's great fall, not with Obama, just in general. So many people have no respect or pride in what went into making this country what it is. Everybody has the attitude of, "Who cares, it's no big deal", but it is a big deal. Show this to a veteran and see what they think. Just my opinion.

Damn, I just re-read that and I sound old.:lol:

11-07-2007, 10:18 AM
I never said it makes anybody a Nazi or a terrorist and I also never said it's the most patriotic thing somebody can do BUT I believe as a whole, the country is becoming less patriotic it seems as time goes on, and was merely using this as an example. I think as a contender for the leadership of this great nation, patriotism should be high in the minds and the hearts of our leaders was all I was suggesting. When voting time comes I will be voting on the issues, no question but I simply posted this up as an interesting topic of discussion. Geez! No need to get so sensitive :rolleyes:

I agree mach u. I think the photo shows Barrack's total disregard for our customs. I mean all we hear about is how we, as americans, disregard other peoples customs and here we have a American running for President doing the same thing. He gets elected he'll probably want to paint the capital dome gold.

Oh well he isn't going to win anyway. Hey did anybody see Ron Paul on Fox yesterday? That dude is a loon.

11-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Isn't that what is being questioned here? This man is running to become the President of The United States. He wants to represent us. In this position, image is everything. If he wants to win, then he has to play the game. I have no problem with skin color. He appears to be a pretty solid guy but he has not proven anything more to me than anyone else that he would be better suited for the job. Not playing the role does not help him any IMHO.

That came out totally wrong on my part. That's what I get for typing in a hurry. I mostly agree with you.

I hate political threads. They're worse than Mustangs vs * threads. Most people around here just make negative posts/comments about the Democrats anyway.

11-07-2007, 10:31 AM
Going through grade school in like 1,2,3,4,5 grade they played the national anthem on the intercom and we put our hands over our hearts.You grow up that way,if my dad were to see me not put my hand over my heart or not take my hat off to this day,he would kick my ass.It shows respect to the people who are fighting and who have fought for our country.

11-07-2007, 10:34 AM
Most people around here just make negative posts/comments about the Democrats anyway.

That just shows that we have good quality people here. :lol:

11-07-2007, 10:59 AM
I usually do not say much...but I do find it unpatriotic if you totally ignore the the National Anthem or The Pledge, it is a simple gesture of Patriotism & it hardly takes any effort to comply with the majority of people expressing their Patriotism, I served my country in two different conflicts during my Six year tour of duty with the 101st Airborne, trade shoes with me or any other Vet & then see why it is important to we who have served our Country.
Do not forget because of people that have served & the countless Patriots is why we can have a site like this & FREELY EXPRESS our opinions & views.
Also if you can read this thank a Soldier, Marine, Airman,etc.

Former Staff Sergeant & Patriot
Kevin E. Bennett
U.S. Army 101st Airborne Division
Fort Campbell Ky.

11-07-2007, 11:10 AM
My point is that just because you don't hold your hand to your heart, that doesn't mean that you're less patriotic than anybody else, or that you don't respect the anthem/pledge.

11-07-2007, 11:11 AM
Just remember... perception is reality

11-07-2007, 12:04 PM
Going through grade school in like 1,2,3,4,5 grade they played the national anthem on the intercom and we put our hands over our hearts.You grow up that way,if my dad were to see me not put my hand over my heart or not take my hat off to this day,he would kick my ass.It shows respect to the people who are fighting and who have fought for our country.

Amen to that. If I walk into my Dad's house with my hat on he tells me about it. If I leave it on for our Anthem or the Pledge of Allegiance, he would smack me down.

I agree, it is a respect thing, not necessarily a patriotic thing.

11-07-2007, 07:39 PM
I can deal with people not putting their hands over their heart and don't feel that it makes you any less patriotic than the next person. I do think, though, that Obama has no respect for this country's ideals or anything else that most of us consider patriotic.

The thing I hate most these days is the total lack of respect for the National Anthem by most Americans period. It's pathetic. The racing crowd seems to be some of the worst offenders of this I've seen. If you don't put your hand over your heart while the Anthem is playing, fine, but you need to remove your friggin hat if you have one on and shut your yap while it's playing. It's called respect. The men and women who've died giving you the right to be so disrespectful deserve at least that much. Freedom isn't free. Someone, somewhere, has given their life so you can live a life of freedom that a large portion of the world could only dream of living. It only takes a few minutes every now and then to display that you are at least somewhat thankful.

11-07-2007, 08:29 PM
Greg, your an azzhole, you stole my soapbox.

Paul, pick a position and stick with it.

Obama- Fukk off

Greg Seibert
11-07-2007, 09:58 PM
OK, a Kentuckians' simple logic example here:

Full name: Barack Hussein Obama, Jr, apparently a muslim.
Named after: Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. a muslim.
Orgin of name: Ali's son, Hussein Ibn Ali, a muslim.
Islamic law says: If your fathers a muslim, so are you.
What's that, he's a Christian? Not how arabs and muslims see it.
Osamas certainly a muslim, He may think he's a Christian, but they don't. Even if he thinks he's a Christian, he's a man who muslims think, is, a muslim. I wonder where his loyalties will be, if Hillary offers him the VP candidacy, a heartbeat away from the presidency, while we're fighting islam?
Now, I wonder why he didn't cover his heart during the pledege?
You can call me racist, but a half white Hillary ticket vote getter won't get mine.

11-07-2007, 10:12 PM
If you understand that, you should vote in 2008. If you don't, don't.

11-07-2007, 10:19 PM
Paul, pick a position and stick with it.

What didn't I stick with? :confused:

11-08-2007, 09:50 AM
I doubt they form a ticket. Too much shit-talking about each other for that to happen.

But who knows?

11-08-2007, 09:54 AM
I doubt they form a ticket. Too much shit-talking about each other for that to happen.

But who knows?
Kerry/Edwards were the same way before they ran together. :dunno:

11-08-2007, 02:34 PM
I think it was extremely direspectful and it does make a difference to me. You may not think it's unpatriotic but in the house I was raised it is. You [U]always[U] put your hand over your heart during the pledge and the anthem. Say whatever you will but that's my belief. What's worse is that video.. did anyway hear that chick singing the anthem??? She should kicked for singing the anthem like that. I had to turn up the volume cuz I thought my computer was freaking out. Rough!!

11-08-2007, 03:28 PM
This is not in defense of Obama specifically....

But it's these types of witch hunts that cause us to have less than spectacular leadership. Because every politician is put under a ridiculously strong microscope, we are limited to people that are willing to endure that type of critisim rather than having the best leaders overall.

11-08-2007, 05:46 PM
Any one who could come out after the microscope with a clean record deserves a closer look. No one is as clean as the wind driven snow but if someone comes forward and can still be in a race with a good rep after being run through the political ringer that is saying something.

11-08-2007, 08:12 PM
Any one who could come out after the microscope with a clean record deserves a closer look. No one is as clean as the wind driven snow but if someone comes forward and can still be in a race with a good rep after being run through the political ringer that is saying something.

That's precisely my point! How many people can come through that? Not many. I would rather have a person in the oval office that I am confident in, that may not be the perfect human being. None of us are, yet we expect our leaders to be. I'm sure there are countless great people that could have run this country better than those that have tried but haven't attempted a career in politics. Many because they have some little insignificant thing everyone will over analyze about their past. But worse, there are others who probably have nothing that would come up, but they don't want to be under that sort of microscope. It's inevitable to a certain extent, but it's just so out of hand that we are left with less than optimal candidates.

11-08-2007, 08:23 PM
I went to a private school through highschool and each morning we did the pledge off allegiance. It wasn't until I was at a race that I saw people put their hands over their hearts for the national anthem. I didn't know what to think, at the time, but to this day I still don't. The pledge is one thing, the anthem is another, in my opinion. I do however remove my hat or bandanna if I remember I'm wearing one. As far as Barack is concerned, he and Hillary can continue to do dumb shit, and hopefully everyone will remember it come election time. You do not want either of them as commander and chief!

11-08-2007, 08:51 PM
LOL.. make that the pledge OF allegiance..

11-09-2007, 01:59 PM
That's precisely my point! How many people can come through that? Not many. I would rather have a person in the oval office that I am confident in, that may not be the perfect human being. None of us are, yet we expect our leaders to be. I'm sure there are countless great people that could have run this country better than those that have tried but haven't attempted a career in politics. Many because they have some little insignificant thing everyone will over analyze about their past. But worse, there are others who probably have nothing that would come up, but they don't want to be under that sort of microscope. It's inevitable to a certain extent, but it's just so out of hand that we are left with less than optimal candidates.

That's one of the things I respect about Rudy Giuliani. He has a tarnished reputation, and he just doesn't care.

11-09-2007, 10:02 PM
I agree, reputation I don't mind, it's hiding it that bothers me. If they'd be up front and honest, well as honest as politicians can be, then it wouldn't be soo bad. Take obama, claiming he is christian. He'd gain alot more of my respect if he'd just be up front and admit that he is muslim or whatever. The ones that seem like they are hiding something are and those secrets will find there way out, one way or another. Better to be forth coming than for them to surface at inoportune times.

11-10-2007, 08:19 AM
I agree, reputation I don't mind, it's hiding it that bothers me. If they'd be up front and honest, well as honest as politicians can be, then it wouldn't be soo bad. Take obama, claiming he is christian. He'd gain alot more of my respect if he'd just be up front and admit that he is muslim or whatever. The ones that seem like they are hiding something are and those secrets will find there way out, one way or another. Better to be forth coming than for them to surface at inoportune times.

And where is your evidence that he is a Muslim? Because of his name?

Greg Seibert
11-10-2007, 05:13 PM
Kentuckians' simple logic factoid II:

In most interpretations of Sharia, conversion by Muslims to other religions, is strictly forbidden and is termed apostasy. Muslim theology equates apostasy to treason, and in most interpretations of sharia, the penalty for apostasy is death.

This could mean, Obama would make a great leader in our struggle
with Islamic extremists, seeing how he is wanted for treason for becoming a Christian, and faces death if we don't prevail.

11-10-2007, 09:57 PM
And where is your evidence that he is a Muslim? Because of his name?

Do a search!! He's not admiting he is but he was raised with a step father who was muslim, his estranged father was a muslim and he went to a muslim school for a couple of years. Yes it's an assumption but there's enough there to make me question his honesty about being a christian. You know I hate political debates because everyone has their own opinion. I'm not trying to tell you what to believe or who to vote for, just stating that there's a little missing from his story in my opinion. Don't want to offend anyone by saying that I think he's muslim. Guess we just have to pick from the best of the worst like every presidential election, unless a superhero will surface.

11-11-2007, 10:41 AM
Actually now it's twisted into a religious discussion which is even more f*cked up.

11-11-2007, 02:26 PM
sorry i heard this comment elsewhere and thought I would continue it

You can make all the arguments you want about whether or not a person in civilian clothes is supposed to put their hand over their heart during the National Anthem. But I'm pretty damn sure that you are not supposed to put it over your DiCK!

11-11-2007, 02:28 PM
Do a search!! He's not admiting he is but he was raised with a step father who was muslim, his estranged father was a muslim and he went to a muslim school for a couple of years. Yes it's an assumption but there's enough there to make me question his honesty about being a christian. You know I hate political debates because everyone has their own opinion. I'm not trying to tell you what to believe or who to vote for, just stating that there's a little missing from his story in my opinion. Don't want to offend anyone by saying that I think he's muslim. Guess we just have to pick from the best of the worst like every presidential election, unless a superhero will surface.

UT OH! That means there's a chance he may have even touched a muslim at one point!!! Hang up high!

11-12-2007, 11:02 AM
Do a search!! He's not admiting he is but he was raised with a step father who was muslim, his estranged father was a muslim and he went to a muslim school for a couple of years. Yes it's an assumption but there's enough there to make me question his honesty about being a christian. You know I hate political debates because everyone has their own opinion. I'm not trying to tell you what to believe or who to vote for, just stating that there's a little missing from his story in my opinion. Don't want to offend anyone by saying that I think he's muslim. Guess we just have to pick from the best of the worst like every presidential election, unless a superhero will surface.

You know what they say about assumptions...

I've been inside a Mosque before...does that make me a Muslim?

UT OH! That means there's a chance he may have even touched a muslim at one point!!! Hang up high!

Well said.

I don't like Obama as a Presidential candidate. But that's because he's practically a socialist. Hillary would make a better President than him, IMO. If you're not going to like the man, at least make it for a legitimate reason, not because you're scared of brown people with funny sounding names.

11-12-2007, 03:05 PM
I do think, though, that Obama has no respect for this country's ideals or anything else that most of us consider patriotic.

The thing I hate most these days is the total lack of respect for the National Anthem by most Americans period. It's pathetic. The racing crowd seems to be some of the worst offenders of this I've seen.
The men and women who've died giving you the right to be so disrespectful deserve at least that much. Freedom isn't free. Someone, somewhere, has given their life so you can live a life of freedom that a large portion of the world could only dream of living. It only takes a few minutes every now and then to display that you are at least somewhat thankful.

Well put. My Dad taught me that and if he were around today he would knock me out for doing what Obama, Osama, Whocaresa did.

Greg Seibert
11-12-2007, 07:37 PM
Not that I'm afraid of brown people with scary names...........................but:

11-12-2007, 09:34 PM
Not that I'm afraid of brown people with scary names...........................but:

Nice find. :bigthumb I'm not either though I am scared of people who put religion ahead of reality. I do however think it is foolish of some you to discount a Presidential candidates possible religious affiliation. I, myself, would actually prefer an atheist. Less blood that way.

11-12-2007, 09:58 PM
Call me whatever you want. I am not scared of anyone regardless of skin color. The point was brought up because I feel he's not being honest about his backround. totally denying any ties to the muslim community when it's obvious that he has them. I give a shit if he's a muslim. I wouldn't vote for him if he were a catholic, christian, whatever. He's shady and that was my point. What ticks me off more is that two of you are ganging up on me claiming something about me that I'm not when there are others on here who have said almost the same thing and have not been attacked. Trust me, I won't respond again since everything that I try to say is getting turned into me being a f'n racist.

11-12-2007, 10:18 PM
Not that I'm afraid of brown people with scary names...........................but:

World Net Daily is barely a legitimate news source. It's about one step above The Onion in it's legitimacy.

11-13-2007, 12:10 AM
World Net Daily is barely a legitimate news source. It's about one step above The Onion in it's legitimacy.

Come on Gene. It's a well written article quoting actually sources with highlighted links. Of course a mainstream news organization isn't going to tackle this issue. They're too scared of pissing off any advertisers who are afraid they'll be linked to the article by pissed off Muslim consumers. I think if you looked into the Quran you would see what is being said is the truth. I believe the Old Testament of the Bible is the same. Problem is Muslims are still stuck in the Dark Ages.

What's a legitimate news source? MSNBC? New York Times? :rolleyes: The same idiots who can't get war coverage right? The same idiots who accuse United States Marines of murder but when the facts come out and they're innocent we don't hear anything about it? Yeah those are legitimate news sources. :rolleyes: In fact here's a legitimate news source for you:


Some of is just funny stuff but you'll find real news about Iraq there.

Back on TOPIC

"There is no law but Allah's law" No law by man supersedes the laws or morals of Allah. Sounds like the Christian right doesn't it? Except the Christian right doesn't kill your ass anymore for not believing in what they do they'll just picket you.....:lol:

And I will say Cin Mustang has a point. He's basically getting called a racist because he has issues with the guy being a liar. That shouldn't be a surprise though since he's a politician. I wouldn't expect less.

I think the best thing that could happen for the Republican party is Obama gets the Democratic nomination.

11-13-2007, 08:54 AM
And I will say Cin Mustang has a point. SHe's basically getting called a racist because he has issues with the guy being a liar. That shouldn't be a surprise though since he's a politician. I wouldn't expect less.

I think the best thing that could happen for the Republican party is Obama gets the Democratic nomination.

Thanks for the defense!! Feel like what I said was getting twisted around here. Just one thing is that I'm a chick. No problem, just pointing it out!:bigthumb

11-13-2007, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the defense!! Feel like what I said was getting twisted around here. Just one thing is that I'm a chick. No problem, just pointing it out!:bigthumb

My bad. :cool1:

11-13-2007, 10:39 AM
And I will say Cin Mustang has a point. He's basically getting called a racist because he has issues with the guy being a liar.

No, we are giving her a hard time because she seems to believe everything she reads on the interweb.

Your quote is a perfect example

"...because she has issues with the guy being a liar".

So now, we are taking the interweb cloudy account of his background as fact which in turn makes him a liar? That's the funny part.

11-13-2007, 10:39 AM
I think the best thing that could happen for the Republican party is Obama gets the Democratic nomination.

You are exactly correct.

11-13-2007, 03:46 PM
Your quote is a perfect example
"...because she has issues with the guy being a liar".

Yeah your right poor choice of words on my part. I should have said she has issues with him being misleading. I still think she got jumped on it regardless.
To be honest i don't really care about ol' Osama. I do think it is quite funny that his preacher is a "It's all whitey's fault" king of guy. So it looks to me he can't win in no matter what direction he goes. Maybe he should be Buddhist.

11-13-2007, 05:29 PM
Come on Gene. It's a well written article quoting actually sources with highlighted links. Of course a mainstream news organization isn't going to tackle this issue. They're too scared of pissing off any advertisers who are afraid they'll be linked to the article by pissed off Muslim consumers. I think if you looked into the Quran you would see what is being said is the truth. I believe the Old Testament of the Bible is the same. Problem is Muslims are still stuck in the Dark Ages.

You're kidding, right? Do some homework. World Net Daily is an extreme right wing propaganda site. So it's well written with quotes? So is The Nation ( or The Guardian (, both of which are Left wing propaganda.

If the mainstream news media was that scared of pissing off advertisers, they would be much more likely to be pandering to the Christian Conservatives than the Muslims...considering that Muslims make up .6% of the population, while Christians make up 79.8% (source American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) 2001).

What's a legitimate news source? MSNBC? New York Times? :rolleyes: The same idiots who can't get war coverage right? The same idiots who accuse United States Marines of murder but when the facts come out and they're innocent we don't hear anything about it? Yeah those are legitimate news sources. :rolleyes:

Comparatively speaking, yeah, they are. You don't see articles like "Soy Milk Makes Kids Gay" in the New York Times.

Take a look at the Wikipedia entry on World Net Daily ( Then start Googling...

"There is no law but Allah's law" No law by man supersedes the laws or morals of Allah. Sounds like the Christian right doesn't it? Except the Christian right doesn't kill your ass anymore for not believing in what they do they'll just picket you.....:lol:

No argument there...believe me, I have no love for Radical Muslims, but so far I've yet to see REAL evidence that says that Obama is one.

And I will say Cin Mustang has a point. He's basically getting called a racist because he has issues with the guy being a liar. That shouldn't be a surprise though since he's a politician. I wouldn't expect less.

I apologize if I called her a racist. That wasn't my intention. But I also haven't seen anything that actually proves that Obama is a liar except stuff written by obvious right wing zealots who's opinions are probably based in racism to some extent.

The beautiful thing about the Information Age is that everyone can express their opinions in a public forum. But just because someone says something doesn't make it true. You have to pick and choose what sources to believe. Just like I'm highly unlikely to believe anything that Thomas Friedman from the New York Times says about the American automobile industry, or Jon Stewart says about a Republican Presidential candidate, I'm probably not going to believe anything that World Net Daily says about a Democrat. You have to consider the agenda of the writer before taking what they say as gospel.

I think the best thing that could happen for the Republican party is Obama gets the Democratic nomination.

Once again, I agree with you. He would to be way easier to beat the Hillary.

11-14-2007, 01:54 PM
All good re[plies Gene. I personally don't trust the mainstream media. I feel Fox is more balanced than CNN or MSNBC. Too much idealogical leanings. I read drudge practically every day and I know he is more conservative than some would like. And i still suggest if you want accurate reporting on the situation in Iraq your best source is the Pat Dollard site. You will need to click the view as a blog button on the right side for everything though. For an example they were reporting the Sunni militia working with the coalition forces a month before I saw it anywhere else. Give it a look and make your own decisions.

Anyway appreciate the great response.

11-14-2007, 02:04 PM
All good re[plies Gene. I personally don't trust the mainstream media. I feel Fox is more balanced than CNN or MSNBC. Too much idealogical leanings. I read drudge practically every day and I know he is more conservative than some would like. And i still suggest if you want accurate reporting on the situation in Iraq your best source is the Pat Dollard site. You will need to click the view as a blog button on the right side for everything though. For an example they were reporting the Sunni militia working with the coalition forces a month before I saw it anywhere else. Give it a look and make your own decisions.

I was looking the Pat Dollard site yesterday...very interesting.

I don't think the mainstream media is reporting accurately from Iraq, but I also don't think that Fox is balanced. ;) If anything, I think the MSNBC is the best of the national news networks. Personally, I get most of my international news from the BBC or from the International Herald-Tribune.

Anyway appreciate the great response.

Quite welcome...I alway appreciate a good debate. :)

11-20-2007, 08:51 AM
Even though this isn't technically the thread for this I did mention the situation in Iraq and the lack of coverage by the main media outlets. Looks like the NY Times has seen the light:

About two months late though. I wonder what the Dems are going to do now. In a couple of months I bet we see positions change on the war and i hope the American people remember where they stood in the beginning.

Greg Seibert
11-20-2007, 10:11 PM
Thanks 02.
Just in case any of you forget which side you're on, check out this site.
This is shocking material.
I back anything this country does to these ragheads.

Greg Seibert
11-20-2007, 10:12 PM
Try this.
Sorry 'bout the F/Up.

11-21-2007, 08:58 AM
And to think Osama Obama thinks we should talk to our enemies.

11-21-2007, 09:03 AM
double post.

11-23-2007, 11:02 AM
i lived in illinois for a while and they thought he was gods gift to politics down there. i didnt like him then and i dont like him now.