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StangJuniorz [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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09-23-2007, 05:09 PM
My dad, Vinny, made up this web board to hang out and bring people together who liked mustangs. i would like to create a place where the kids of these people can get to know each other too! I know there are a bunch of kids all over the place that i havent yet met and would like to eventually meet.
My name is Amanda, i will be 15 on october 17th, and i live in cincinnati. I go to Seton High School and am on the freshman soccer team. I love being around my friends and my mom & dog, thats where i feel most comfortable, and i like listening to all sorts of music. I enjoy going to elder football games, and supporting my school at all events.
I will be attending the fall cruise in on the 14th. I dont often see any kids my age at these things, so i think it would be more fun if kids came to hang out, organize some different yard games(soccer, frisbee, kickball, flag football, etc.) bring some speakers for music. INSTEAD of sitting in a folding chair next to a car you know nothing about! :lol:
PARENTS! get your kid a screen name so they can post their thoughts on what would be fun for anything in this area. You dont always need to get a kidsitter, if you want to bring them to these events go ahead, they might have fun! IF this grows to be something big, maybe we could get our own t-shirts?!!!
Looking forward to hearing from you on here!
Amanda Changet, junior5oh

09-23-2007, 05:38 PM
Not only did your dad enjoy getting friends together, but he enjoyed spending time with family. Guess you forgot that you could spend time with your grandma, aunt dee and your two cousins that you only see a few times out of the year. I'm looking forward to driving down and seeing you, but if there's other things you would rather do, then we could stay home.

09-23-2007, 06:16 PM
all i was doing was trying to put something together for the kids of the sbz family. your post had nothing to do with the subject!
I am not going out to holly's that weekend but i will be at the cruise in, with Craig and Shawna. Looking forward to see lena and anthony.

09-23-2007, 08:55 PM
I think this is a great idea (I think Craig said something about this, in another tread).

My niece, who lives in South Carolina, lost her mom (no dad, in the picture) last year. She is 16 and likes Mustangs (thanks to me,LOL). She would probably love to join this site, if there was a place where she could be involved. Currently, she is driving her moms Malibu and she is wanting to get a different car. She did email me the other day, some pics of cars she liked, but they were Tiburons. Seems her freinds are swaying her, to the imports!

Maybe this sort of area, for you youngsters, might turn her back around.

I say, DO IT!

09-24-2007, 01:26 AM
I think this is a great idea (I think Craig said something about this, in another tread).

My niece, who lives in South Carolina, lost her mom (no dad, in the picture) last year. She is 16 and likes Mustangs (thanks to me,LOL). She would probably love to join this site, if there was a place where she could be involved. Currently, she is driving her moms Malibu and she is wanting to get a different car. She did email me the other day, some pics of cars she liked, but they were Tiburons. Seems her freinds are swaying her, to the imports!

Maybe this sort of area, for you youngsters, might turn her back around.

I say, DO IT!

I met Amanda and her mom for lunch one day. We talked about how she was doing. Amanda said fine all is well. I thought nothing of it. I was like Ok, cool!! But when we started talking about her Dad (Vinny) she started crying. It hit me like a ton of bricks...Here I was sitting with Amanda without Vinny.
I think of him a few times a week, maybe more when I do something at the shop. Here is Amanda, who thinks of her dad everyday...
One of the things she talked about was how Vinny made Stangbangerz and how it was a HUGE part of him. Amanda told me that she would love to have a part of something her dad started. Thats when and why I suggested that Amanda has an area for JRs. Her eyes lit up!! "You think so!??!"<~~That is why If I have to burn bridges, cut ties, whatever...I will do it. AMANDA has shown a geniune interest, and I will stand behind her.
She has been through way too much for any 15 year old.

We all as Stangbangerz, Friends of Vinny, came to Holly in her time of need, came together to get the Pinks win and now I know, we can all come to Amanda in her time of need. Shes not asking for alot, just a small piece of her dad which she can call her own.

I know Vinny wanted his daughter happy, thats all Im trying to achieve.
For ALL the drama Queens...Im on ONE SIDE, Amandas:)

09-24-2007, 02:25 AM
I think this is a great idea. I know how much Vinny worked on this place to make it what it is..and for Amanda to be a part of it I think would only make him that much happier. I dont really know anything about any kind of drama that's been started over this...but I dont think this should be even thought about...I just think it should be done...for her and for how much work Vinny put into this site. I stand behind this 100% and only think it's fair....quit crying about this and that and whatever else...and just do it for HER...

Stang 38L
09-24-2007, 08:06 AM
Awesome idea! You can easily make a section on this board and restrict all members except those under a certain age.

Of course my son is too young for posting on the internet:) He's only 6.

Brandon Alsept
09-24-2007, 08:50 AM
I think it is a great idea, just turn the kids permissions on to there forum only. Then any important board information can be saw in that forum threw stickies and stuff. This would be a great idea for the Kids to get to know each other and ultimately keep this board growing.

09-24-2007, 09:08 AM
hehehe, my daughter already gets online. She's four. She can type her name!! She'll be a Stangjunior soon...

09-24-2007, 09:52 AM
I met Amanda and her mom for lunch one day. We talked about how she was doing. Amanda said fine all is well. I thought nothing of it. I was like Ok, cool!! But when we started talking about her Dad (Vinny) she started crying. It hit me like a ton of bricks...Here I was sitting with Amanda without Vinny.
I think of him a few times a week, maybe more when I do something at the shop. Here is Amanda, who thinks of her dad everyday...
One of the things she talked about was how Vinny made Stangbangerz and how it was a HUGE part of him. Amanda told me that she would love to have a part of something her dad started. Thats when and why I suggested that Amanda has an area for JRs. Her eyes lit up!! "You think so!??!"<~~That is why If I have to burn bridges, cut ties, whatever...I will do it. AMANDA has shown a geniune interest, and I will stand behind her.
She has been through way too much for any 15 year old.

We all as Stangbangerz, Friends of Vinny, came to Holly in her time of need, came together to get the Pinks win and now I know, we can all come to Amanda in her time of need. Shes not asking for alot, just a small piece of her dad which she can call her own.

I know Vinny wanted his daughter happy, thats all Im trying to achieve.
For ALL the drama Queens...Im on ONE SIDE, Amandas:)

Why is this a issue?????
I don't think anyone should have a problem with this at all It's a great idea.
Kids come to the shows and track and get restless because their parents are racing or talkin to other people. If they got to know some other kids they would look forward to some events to see there SBZ buddiez.

Why is Craig feeling like he has to cut ties or burn bridges??????
If her mom is ok with this and it's what Amanda wants and it can be kid freindly than why not......?????? Besides I would rather have my kid on here than my space or some place were some freak is at.

I think it is a great idea, just turn the kids permissions on to there forum only. Then any important board information can be saw in that forum threw stickies and stuff. This would be a great idea for the Kids to get to know each other and ultimately keep this board growing.

I agree with Brandon on this you could also keep the Jrs. out of places like the wippin room, NWS pics and any where you didn't want them to have access.

09-24-2007, 10:16 AM
I think its a great idea as well

09-24-2007, 10:18 AM
i think this would only help the place to grow, and "recruit" younger people into our passion of Mustangs!

09-24-2007, 04:53 PM
Great idea!!!! My son absolutely loves stangs and he would get a serious kick outta being on the same site his dad is on. And to have a spot for the kid's at the events would be awesome for them. I definitely give two thumbs wayyyy up for this idea!!

09-24-2007, 04:55 PM
I'm sure my son would as well. He asked off work so he could go so he'll be there.

09-24-2007, 04:58 PM
this sounds like a awesom idea

09-24-2007, 04:59 PM
I think its also a great idea and maybe will put a damper on every kid being a ricer:lol: I know my kids might be more into this site if they had their own section. Just remember there are some sick people out there that pray on sites for kids so don't go and meet up with someone you meet on line.

Mista Bone
09-24-2007, 05:12 PM
I'd wished my son would have signed up....I mean, who here has broken someone's elbow defending a SBZ shirt?

But, he was into video games too much, looking at making it a career as a programmer.

Silver Bullet
09-24-2007, 05:31 PM
Craig, Is it done yet? :bigthumb

09-24-2007, 06:02 PM
Don't have any kids and probably won't have any anytime soon.

But I think it's a great idea!

Silver Bullet
09-24-2007, 06:23 PM
Yep, just keep it where moderators can check up on the kiddies and everything should be ok.........

09-24-2007, 06:34 PM
My 11 year old daughter is not at all interested in the car (almost) 2 year old son is!!!!! I think this is a great idea Amanda. I think it would actually help the families of those car enthusiasts that are out all the time if the wife and kids are involved in the sa3me manner. Good for you girl!

09-24-2007, 08:26 PM
Craig, Is it done yet? :bigthumb

Not up to me guy, its Hollys decision wheter or not to have Matt pull the trigger on it or not.:)

09-24-2007, 08:43 PM
Scott our son (13) has been driving us nutz to get on this site. I go through projects in progress with him now. He's got his name picked out and everything. All 3 kids (16, 13, 9) have their 'names' on their tshirts we just bought. They do attend all the events as well. I think son is actually drooling that this could happen. :drool:
If it can happen I think it should.
For Vinny's daughter Amanda.
Nuff said there.
You have our vote of yes!
Kim & Alan
Kallie (miss lou) , Scott (apejr) and Sami (midget) - future bangerz!!

09-24-2007, 09:14 PM
Rock on little miss 5oh. Your father has to be so proud of you. I think this is a great idea. I hope it all works out.

09-24-2007, 10:20 PM
im all for it even tho my daughter is only 5 months old but if we get this goin then when she's old enough she can join and be a part of this great mustang family. plus i would love for my daughter to share this same passion w/ me

09-26-2007, 12:06 AM
im all for it even tho my daughter is only 5 months old but if we get this goin then when she's old enough she can join and be a part of this great mustang family. plus i would love for my daughter to share this same passion w/ me

My daughter is almost 10 months old, I know exactly what you mean. :bigthumb

09-26-2007, 08:40 AM
This is a really good idea. My daughters would be up to it for sure. They are 13 and 16 and proudly put Stangbangerz , Gem City Stangs stickers on their cars and skateboards. The other kids at their school always ask if I have been racing and how I did. Sounds like a really good idea to me.

Black Hole
09-26-2007, 10:57 AM
This may sound like a "great idea", but I'm telling you all now that it will never happen as long as I am part of the administration of

Amanda, I'm sorry and I hate to be the one to bring the bad news, but we've gotten legal advice about this and they told us that we should not do this. Honestly, allowing you to be a member as you currently are is just asking for trouble in the first place. I seriously doubt that Vinny would have allowed his 14 year old daughter on here....I'm sorry, but that's what I think. I hope you do attend our cruise-in and/or future events and we to make every attempt to make them as family oriented as possible.

I also hope that one day my kids are interested in cars and racing, but being interested is one thing.....hanging out on a web community where the majority of the members are men aged 18-50 is another. We hear every week of some sexual predator being caught while attempting to meet an underage child after speaking with them online. I will not allow or promote to become a medium by which these kinds of things could happen. In my opinion, even while teenagers can obtain their licenses at 15 or 16, their parents should still be supervising their "internet time" until they are 18 and legal adults.

It is the opinion of SBZ Administration as well as our legal counsel that while has good intentions, this is not a "family place" that should be promoted to those who are underage. The language, images, and video used and/or posted on this website are of adult content and would easily earn an "R" rating in the movie world which requires adult supervision for admittance. To promote this as a "family place" we would need that of a "G" rating and that will never happen. If adults want to allow their underage children access to, then that is their choice and it is their responsiblity for supervising them while on here. will not be responsible for the content posted by our members.

I could go into much more detail here, but the fact remains that there's really no need. Holly and I have discussed this and our legal advice has strongly opposed this so we are not going to allow this to happen.

If anyone would like to discuss this further, feel free to PM me.

