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Happy "Patriot day" [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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09-11-2007, 02:38 AM
It was a bright clear sunny morning when I awoke to the news of 1 plane hitting one of the towers. I stumbled to my TV to see if CNN had coverage. Oh they had coverage. They had smoke, people in Chaos, fire trucks, police trying to regain some sort of calm. But what they really had, was a fully packed house of front row spectators. We ALL sat glued to our TVs as the second Plane Blasted into the second tower. Not one view, but many a view for all of us to see. It was the best pay per view (for free) the Fuckin terriorist could hope for. They supplied the show and the media supplied the Live footage to further "their" cause. <I should say how Im really feeling, but due to all my media "conditioning" that wouldnt be PC. I would hate to offend my attackers>
Low rent cocksuckers. I guess if I was a millionaire and had to live in a fucking cave, I would be pissed. If I was a millionaire and had to wipe my ass with my bare hand, I would be pissed.,,,But all that carnage 6 years ago. Guess what, they are STILL winning. Why? lets look at Dubai. Those terrorists supporters are building SKI SLOPES in the desert. They have more "American shit" than we do. Not only do they have our lifestyle, but due to our own ignorance and stupidity, they have our Fucking Money!!
WTF!! We have become lazy and a bunch of fuckin Lemmings.

We are Americans but yet we settle to Greed. We shop at Walmart to save a fucking dollar. We shop on Ebay to save a Fucking dollar. We have no loyality to any American small business owner. Guess what you Fuck, when all the Small business' are gone, there will be higher prices. (Its called greed)
Walmart, Ebay, etc etc they give No two shits about you. All they want is your Fucking money.

Lets talk Unions for a second. They were needed back in the day. But AMERICA has decided (with the help of Unions) that child labor is wrong. Working 12+ hours a day is bad (HA! KMA, I work 14 sometimes:flipoff:) So they DID do some good...Why dont we send those Union reps to India, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, etc etc Im sure they could do some good overthere....Actually, they probably would be shot.

Am I the only one who realizes that if ALL American jobs go overseas that AMERICANS will have NO FUCKING MONEY to buy this shit??
WHAT THE FUCK!!! Big Business and Unions need to re-think their policies. Hell, Im for fair wages for fair work. But paying 4 guys to do 1 guys work is BULLSHIT. Its time for ALL of us to step up and re-think our working values...
We are all in this together....You know, One Nation under GOD.

Dont even get me started on religion.

So please take a moment and say a kind word, or prayer, for our fellow Americans that were Murdered 6 years ago. They were all just doing their jobs and were looking forward to when they would be at home with their families.
They all worked to better their lives, they wanted more for their kids.
That was their American dream...

God bless America...and God Bless us All!!

Silver Bullet
09-11-2007, 02:58 AM
Some of your rant doesnt apply to all of us.... as for the ending... yep keep all those families in your mind and prayers....:angel:

Mista Bone
09-11-2007, 04:15 AM
Sorry Craig, your wrong on the unions. Only one BIG union is really fucked up, UAW.

Worked Union for 20 years, 10-12 hour days until the job was done. Six days a week, made good money but it cost me my marriage.

Six years ago, I believe it was a Tuesday as well, I remember hearing about it on WEBN about the WTC on fire, woke up in time to see the second plane hit.......

WHAT THE FUCK?????????

I went out and go gas/milk/bread just in case before the panic.

I also remember being up at Ren Fest and EVERY 3 minutes a AF tanker/cargo plane would fly overhead, the ONLY planes flying at the time.

It was eerily quiet, weird.

Pops Fun
09-11-2007, 05:59 AM
I was at work, in a test cell when word filtered through, found a tv and watched..... mad as hell.. I agree Craig, buy american!!

God bless the USA, especially our troops!!

09-11-2007, 07:14 AM
Was on the computer with the TV in the background. Hubby was working. Turned to watch and saw the second fall. Snotz lived with us at the time. We watched it fall with our mouths just hung open. Then ran to gas up the cars. I HATED hubby's and brother in laws job that day. (both firefighters) Truly sad day that was.
God Bless America!!

Silver Bullet
09-11-2007, 07:36 AM
I was at work listening to Bob and Tom... thought it was a joke at first, until we turned on the t.v., I didn't know what to think.:confused::(

Stang 38L
09-11-2007, 07:40 AM
I work at P&G as a contractor providing IT Support. I was sitting at my desk and my brother hit me on on AOL Instant Messenger saying a plane flew into the WTC. I tried to hit the news outlets online, but all were pegged. Couldnt get on to see what was going on.

Out here at P&G, they have streaming CNN so you can test your media player for when they broadcast meetings... so I logged onto that, as most of P&G did that day. Streaming CNN at everyones desk. I dont think anyone did any work that day. Seeing the towers come down live was one of the scariest feelings Ive ever had.

God Bless all those who lost their lives that day.

09-11-2007, 08:27 AM
I will never forget... This is my generations Kennedy shooting.

09-11-2007, 08:35 AM
I was driving on to campus at NKU listening to the news on WEBN when they started talking about a plane hitting the WTC. They didn't say it was a commercial jet and I thought it was probably a small 2-4 passenger plane. By the time I walked from my car to my class the 2nd plane had hit. Our classroom had a TV and we had probably 100 people crammed in there watching the horror unfold. I remember trying to get a hold of my wife while was working her co-op job and I couldn't get a cell phone call through because all the "traffic". That was most definitely this generations Kennedy assasination.

09-11-2007, 08:55 AM
I was sitting in math class at Glen Este High School when we heard the news. Everyone just stopped and watch the terror unfold.

09-11-2007, 08:58 AM
We ran our computer business out of my parents basement at the time and I remember my mom calling down the stairs to turn on the TV after the first plane hit. I watched on the little 19" TV I had by my desk as it unfolded. It honestly felt like a movie. I remember just praying that it was not the start of something even worse. My heart sunk as the towers collapsed. Even now it brings up emotions... Definitely a horrible, horrible day. :(

09-11-2007, 09:09 AM
I was stationed in Italy and sitting at work about ready to leave for the day when we heard/saw the news. After that, no one could leave base and we started prepping containers full of munitions within 2 hours. Just as a side note, we had OVER 250 20' containers loaded and ready to go by the end of week, they all were shipped to the middle east within a week.

09-11-2007, 09:30 AM
Sorry Craig, your wrong on the unions. Only one BIG union is really fucked up, UAW.

Worked Union for 20 years, 10-12 hour days until the job was done. Six days a week, made good money but it cost me my marriage.

Six years ago, I believe it was a Tuesday as well, I remember hearing about it on WEBN about the WTC on fire, woke up in time to see the second plane hit.......

WHAT THE FUCK?????????

I went out and go gas/milk/bread just in case before the panic.

I also remember being up at Ren Fest and EVERY 3 minutes a AF tanker/cargo plane would fly overhead, the ONLY planes flying at the time.

It was eerily quiet, weird.

You always have to ruin it don't you... Craig is right, ALL unions suck!

I was in high school my sophmore year, in Engineering Design class, 4th period, when the school turned all the TV's on...

09-11-2007, 09:36 AM
My dad was a union baker for about 40 years and he didn't get shit out of it other than a lousy retirement plan and lousy health insurance. I also worked in a union chemical production facility. I was doing the work as a contractor that lazy union employees couldn't be trusted to do properly to keep their company out of trouble with the Federal government. I feel pretty much the same as Craig on this. Union shave out-lived their usefulness and are going to be the down fall of U.S. manufacturing.

09-11-2007, 11:07 AM
I was a freshman in college.
My buddy Kevin from across the hall pounding on my door to wake me up. We flipped on the TV just in time to watch the second tower fall.

I will never forget though I know many will and too many already have.

09-11-2007, 11:12 AM
I was supposed to be in class, Senior year (GEHS), just out wondering the halls, when i noticed the TV's on in all the rooms, Stopped in my Math teachers room and watch the towers fall. I think that was one of the scariest things i've ever seen...

09-11-2007, 03:30 PM
i drive for a union company, and we work 10-14 hours a day, and up to 60 hours in 5 days, the only thing that keeps us from working more is the D.O.T laws. the company i work for PROFITTED 70+Billion last year. if any of our drivers tear shit up, or are caught stealing "time", or are not staying on schedule repeatedly, and pulling their weight, they are dealt with accordingly. just goes to show you, that you can pay a good wage, have union benefits and make record profits, and be a 100% debt free corporation,if the company is fiscally responsible. the union however, will keep management from harassing you, or taking work issues, and making it personal.

09-11-2007, 03:46 PM
as hard as it would be to watch at times, i think they need to show the footage of the towers at least once a week so we remain vigil in the fight against these fuckballs. too often, people just want to forget...i for one will NEVER FORGET! if i am ever in the situation where one of these fucks starts some crazy shit around me, i will NOT hesitate to smoke their ass.
i miss seeing all of the American Flags that were so proudly displayed after 9-11-01. :mad:

Stang 38L
09-11-2007, 03:52 PM
i miss seeing all of the American Flags that were so proudly displayed after 9-11-01. :mad:

Mine flys daily in front of my house. I have it a half staff today.

09-11-2007, 04:12 PM
I first heard about it on WEBN and thought it wasn't real. But when I turned on the TV I got a big shock. Its to bad it took something like that to bring the country together. And a shock that it didn't take long for people to fall back on their old ways. Pray for our Troops.


09-11-2007, 04:21 PM
That was such a horrible day! I was at work when my husband called and told me that a plane had crashed into one of the towers. I turned on the TV and there it was. We at worked watched it all day as the horor in our great country unfolded. I will never forget when my boss called me a few days later.. She told me how her sons best friend worked in one of the offices that was hit at the Pentagon but that he was on vacation that week so he was not in his office but, Unfortunately he was on the plane that hit the building. Boy if that don't stink. It is just ashame that people aren't as nice to each other as they were back right after this all happened. There was very little road rage, People seemed to care more about each other. They were more helpful and understanding. What happened? Well everyone be safe and GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!

09-11-2007, 04:39 PM
My dad was a union baker for about 40 years and he didn't get shit out of it other than a lousy retirement plan and lousy health insurance. I also worked in a union chemical production facility. I was doing the work as a contractor that lazy union employees couldn't be trusted to do properly to keep their company out of trouble with the Federal government. I feel pretty much the same as Craig on this. Union shave out-lived their usefulness and are going to be the down fall of U.S. manufacturing.

Us Lazy untrusting union employees owe you an apology for you being overpayed to do simple contract work that we couldnt be trusted to do. We also apologize for being the downfall of US manufacturing.

09-11-2007, 04:53 PM
oh boy, here we go ... the union versus non-union war ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

WHO DEY!!!!!

09-11-2007, 05:05 PM
I was on a plane on 9-11-01 flying out of Columbus. Our flight was scheduled to take off at 8:50am, just about the time the first building was hit. We just started to taxi on the runway when they shut everything down. They moved us off the runway and we sat there in limbo. They told us a small plane had hit a building in NYC. I sat on the plane for over 2 hours having no idea what was going on. They finally let us off the plane and after rescheduling my flight for the next day (never made the trip), I began to wander through the airport and my cell phone started ringing with people asking if I was okay. I didn't realize what was going on until I saw the TV's and realized the magnitude of what was happening. It was horrible and I felt sick. It took me a few hours to get a hold of my parents to pick me up, but I finally made it home safe. I feel terrible for the families that lost loved ones and I give full support to the troops and their families. I am proud to be an American!

09-11-2007, 05:12 PM
oh boy, here we go ... the union versus non-union war ... :lol: :lol: :lol:

WHO DEY!!!!!

Nope I was just generalizing contract workers as over payed fill in employees. :) Dont ask me what I think of truck drivers..... They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....

09-11-2007, 05:16 PM
Nope I was just generalizing contract workers as over payed fill in employees. :) Dont ask me what I think of truck drivers..... They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....

lmao, so true ... well i try to shower :lol: my porn is at home :o im drug free ... unless you count vault as a drug to keep me awake :angel:

09-11-2007, 05:28 PM
They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....

You say this like it's a bad thing....

09-11-2007, 05:29 PM
You say this like it's a bad thing....

tell 'em gene, nothing wrong with any of that :bigthumb

09-11-2007, 05:31 PM
I will never forget... This is my generations Kennedy shooting.

I think it's closer to Pearl Harbor Scott.

I still can't watch the shows, recalling that day, without shedding a tear, while being so freakin' mad I could bend steel. Still pisses me off.

i miss seeing all of the American Flags that were so proudly displayed after 9-11-01.

I fly one on my truck, in rememberance. I do need to get one for the house.

(Oh, BTW, I see drivers sleeping in the "Big Brown Trucks", all the time, at NSRR, Cinmar's 3 facilities, etc.........)

09-11-2007, 05:33 PM
Dont ask me what I think of truck drivers..... They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....

You sound jealous. :evilflip:

09-11-2007, 05:39 PM
I am !

09-11-2007, 05:43 PM
Nope I was just generalizing contract workers as over payed fill in employees. :) Dont ask me what I think of truck drivers..... They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....


09-11-2007, 06:29 PM
Us Lazy untrusting union employees owe you an apology for you being overpayed to do simple contract work that we couldnt be trusted to do. We also apologize for being the downfall of US manufacturing.

Well its no surprise that I ruffled a few feathers with my opinion. My expereinces with unions and union work places has not been a positive, And so much for fighting for the workers. My dad's union has done next to nothing to help him when it comes to health insurance. Sure unions have done great things, like the improvements they brought about in the safety in the mining industry, but on the other hand union wages and unreasonable demands are dragging down the American auto industry. Again its my opinion and I am entitles to that.

09-11-2007, 06:40 PM
I was on duty that day was checking apparatus walked in to the dayroom to see the second plane hit on CNN. I lost 343 fellow firefighters that day. I will never forget.

09-11-2007, 06:57 PM
I was sitting in front of the puter all day.

09-11-2007, 08:48 PM
Nope I was just generalizing contract workers as over payed fill in employees. :) Dont ask me what I think of truck drivers..... They dont shower, they hang out at the lions den porn palace, lots of drugs to stay awake....

Hey...shouldn't you be trying to find a nice quiet bus to go take a nap on the back seat in?:lol:

09-11-2007, 08:50 PM
Hey...shouldn't you be trying to find a nice quiet bus to go take a nap on the back seat in?:lol:

+1 :lol::lol::lol: you've been sniffing too many bus fumes ...

09-11-2007, 10:52 PM
+1 :lol::lol::lol: you've been sniffing too many bus fumes ...

It's that biodiesel. See, it's really not good for you either! :rolleyes:

09-12-2007, 12:05 PM
Luckily, I was off that day. I had many friends who were flying and they all said it was pure chaos when they were told to land. It didn't matter where they were, they had to put the plane on the ground immediately. My thoughts are always with those passengers and crew members who went through hell that day. I pray that it never happens again.

I was in JFK yesterday (the 11th), and it was very eery flying in there. When we left after dark, they had the spotlights shining up from the WTC site and that really hit home.


Kevin Doe
09-12-2007, 12:14 PM
It was my first day of work at GE. I was taking a tour of the shop and it was like a ghost town, NOBODY there, they were all huddled aroudn TV. So we went back to our office and went into the meeting room adn turned on the TV. We watched for a bit, then realized it was terrorist attacks, and decided to the fuck out of dodge since we were in the building where in the military building, and well aware that we were possibly a potential target if they wanted to hurt our military in terms of the airforce.

09-12-2007, 02:27 PM
(Oh, BTW, I see drivers sleeping in the "Big Brown Trucks", all the time, at NSRR, Cinmar's 3 facilities, etc.........)

oh, btw, things arent always as they seem.
cinmar,, and any other direct ship customers have the software to print our labels and upload to UPS when the loads are released/loaded. between that, the GPS, and the computer in the truck that logs everything from idle time, to swerving maneuvers, as well as our 50 minutes of break and meal time (can be taken all at once, or 1/2 hour for a meal, and 2 10 minute breaks), the company knows if you are fucking off, or sleeping.
the drivers that do you see are either using meal/break time, are on load layover, or waiting to be "live loaded".

you can see how well they can provide tracking information for a box, hell shippers can even change the destination of the package now even after it has been shipped with the click of a button. you are fooling yourself to think that UPS doesnt know where HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars worth of equipment is at any given moment. they track EVERYTHING, and the supervisors get printouts daily of all the equipment tracking data.
i'm not saying it never happens when it shouldnt, but it is not a problem that is rampant, because they will step on you for it, and they know when it happens. they'll give you enough rope to hang yourself with.

09-12-2007, 09:27 PM
Scotty, I'm not going to continue talking about this, in this thread. If you wish to further debate, we can start a different thread, PM, email, etc.....

I know Craig mentioned unions, but I feel his true meaning was the hurt, sorrow and anger we all felt that day.

I'm still pissed! :mad:

09-12-2007, 09:40 PM
i'm with ya there Jeff, i'm still pissed too.
I will never forget.

09-12-2007, 09:47 PM
I am with Jeff. I got out of hand with bashing others while being sarcastic about Truck drivers. Sorry to everyone.

09-12-2007, 10:28 PM
Have you seen this?

I borrowed it from Hardcore50.

Never Forget (

09-13-2007, 12:26 AM
Have you seen this?

I borrowed it from Hardcore50.

Never Forget (

that is very powerful, that needs to be broadcast on every tv station in the country...we cant afford to forget.

Black Hole
09-13-2007, 08:35 AM
I was here at UC working.....I remember exactly where I was. I spent the rest of the day working while next to the radio and on the computer.

09-13-2007, 02:08 PM
Wow. Powerful seems like such a silly word for that but so true.
Hubby's union magazine that came after 9-11 had a story in it about notes left at the various firehouses who lost brothers. One was about a budlight and a pack of smokes left with a note on it. Note said, I know how much your enjoyed your beer and ciggy after work. Thought I would bring them to you. Love, your wife.
That will always stay with me.

09-14-2007, 08:43 PM
For anyone intersted, I'll be going to see this exhibit. It is to be at the Firefighters memorial the 29th and 30th.

My sister (who passed away, in april, 06) worked for the company that is doing the structural steel. She was an estimator, for Owen Steel. She was so very proud, to have worked on that project.

09-14-2007, 08:50 PM
Sorry about the loss of your sister.
Maybe that's what missing now, proud to be american. Like we were after 9/11.