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Low life beggers [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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08-29-2007, 11:26 PM
So I stop in the speedway today for like my 3rd 44 oz mt dew and I see this guy walking up to every car, saying something and people giving him a buck or two. The problem is I saw him there three days in a row. I mentioned it to Brad the manager and he had him run off. This guy put up a little bitching but then left. Isn't it illegal to beg for money like that?
Well, I go to leave to get to my next job and I see this guy at the UDF right across the street so I pull in. I go inside trying to find the manager there with no luck. I then tell everyone in the store what the guy with the black tank top in the lot was doing and not to give him any money. As soon as I got outside the door to the UDF, I guess this guy's girlfriend asks me for a few extra dollars, I just looked at her and said a strong NO!.
This got me thinking. I work damn hard for the money in my pocket. Too hard for some low life scum to just tell me some sort of lie and have me give it up.
Then again, I watched this guy work for about 3 minutes and it looked like he made 5 or 6 bucks. Tax free cash ain't too bad but this guy is preying on the generosity of others for his own gain.
If I see him at speedway again, I am going to ask him for some money and see what he does.

08-30-2007, 12:29 AM
I know what you mean. In one sense i feel "KINDA" bad but after hearing 4 times by 4 diffrent beggers that they're homless veterens looking for some food it kinda makes you wonder. Im not thinking ever homless out there is a viet nam vet. On top of that ive been out on my own when i was 17 struggling with 2 jobs to get where i am now so it really pisses me off when people are looking for handouts. I understand some cant help the situation they're in but the guy/gal you described just pathetic

08-30-2007, 02:21 AM
Here is my .02 cents on the whole deal. Since I bust my ass for the small amount of money that I do make, if some so called homeless turd is going to ask for a free hand out. Shouldnt they have to work for that untaxed dollar or two. Ask them to play the kazoo or juggle or do some kind of bullshit trick to make you laugh. Thats worth at most a buck. I do agree with you Kieth, when I lived in California it was ten times worst then it is here. Ive heard everything from I just started a new job to I just lost my job and so on. A bullet is only like .37cents all most makes you think.

08-30-2007, 06:34 AM
The Dedpedal Begger Smackdown. ( I was back there last night and the same thing happened.

08-30-2007, 07:23 AM
I worked downtown for 9 years. The first couple of months I was a sucker, but I then realized that some of those "homeless" were wearing more expensive shoes than I was.

Stang 38L
08-30-2007, 07:37 AM
I've been hit up by this one guy a few times. The first time was when I just started working downtown again (P&G HQ) and this guy comes up, in decent clothes saying he was fired from the duke center and was filling out apps at the westin.... 2 days ago he came up to me and said the exact same story....saying he was just fired.

Obviously he has income from something, since he had on a 30 dollar ballcap.

08-30-2007, 07:48 AM
Yea I wouldnt give them a penny, I know some of them make a hundred dollars a day begging downtown, go to a Reds game and they are lined up for blocks. As soon as you give them a dollar, they head straight into the parking garages where everyone parks and breaks into the cars. Its the same people everyday and they have the same story.. "My car is ran out of gas and my familly and I are trying to get back to KY" B.S. In reality they need 10 bucks to go to Over the Rhine to buy a gram of crack. I laugh at the people that feel sorry for these poor soles and give them money..Suckers. There is free help and programs out there for them, and they know exactly where to get it! Its that it takes a little work and a tiny bit of responcibilty to get it.....Dont even get me started on the FREE health care.

08-30-2007, 08:43 AM
I've been hit up by this one guy a few times. The first time was when I just started working downtown again (P&G HQ) and this guy comes up, in decent clothes saying he was fired from the duke center and was filling out apps at the westin.... 2 days ago he came up to me and said the exact same story....saying he was just fired.

Obviously he has income from something, since he had on a 30 dollar ballcap.

LOL. I've had some dude approach me at least a half dozen times outside of Molly Malone's in Pleasant Ridge. Every time he gives the same story how he works at Montgomery Inn and he was at a friend's place but he needs money to get home to Fairfield.

I will say, he has his schtick down cold. It is a really good performance.

08-30-2007, 09:15 AM
The girlfriend and I went to New York City awhile back and pretty much the same thing happened to us. Except this guy was selling M & M's for twenty bucks a bag or two for thrity five bucks. Now these were not even the king size bags. He gave us a speel that it was to help get kids off of the street. Now he may have been telling the truth but his little speel he gave us was alittle TO good. The thing that suprised me that was he had a fist full of 20's:confused:

08-30-2007, 09:41 AM
I worked downtown for 9 years. The first couple of months I was a sucker, but I then realized that some of those "homeless" were wearing more expensive shoes than I was.

They are all over downtown. Some of them have been here since I started working down here 6 years ago! :eek:

There is an old guy that sits outside of CVS on 4th Street. He is always, there, rain, snow, sleet, or shine. Last week when it was in the 100s, I walked in CVS to get an iced tea and he was standing there counting his change, trying to figure out how much money he had to buy a bottle of water. I felt bad for him, so I gave him the $2 I had on me. He said "bless you" and I watched him, he bought the biggest gatorade he could afford with it. At least I know he did not use it for BEER or DRUGS.

08-30-2007, 09:54 AM
A couple weeks ago I was driving one of our party busses for a bachelor party. Well I dropped them off at McFaddens and went around the block and parked down the street so I could pick them up as soon as they called me. Well I had a guy come up to the buss and said " sir I am not homeless or a panhandler, I'm from dayton, Ohio and I just need $10 for a can of fix-a-flat so I can fix my car to go home." I told him I don't carry cash. Then I asked "a can of that shit is about $5 what's the other $5 for? He just walked away...

08-30-2007, 10:08 AM
My girlfriend works downtown and see's the same guy at CVS on 4th.I get to hear about him alot.She must work down the street from you Holly.

08-30-2007, 10:08 AM
Yep I get the "my car is broke down we're here seein family blah blah "alot, you know what? Go ask your f'n family for money then.

08-30-2007, 10:12 AM
Yeah, I work in Northside and have herd it all. Each story several times over. I ask them "do you have a pan-handler's licence?" They love that, none of them do.

Hell at the ghetto car wash by Mr Gene's Dog House I had to show this bastard begger my gun in my waistband after he asked three times to wash my car for 4 bux. Then he got closer and said "can I just have a couple bux." I said "no, kick rocks man!" Then he got too close then I lifted my shirt to expose the grip of my gun and said "see ya". Of coarse he left. I could just see someone (weaker than me) letting this guy wash their car and him spraying them in the face with the high presure water and then robbing them or something.

08-30-2007, 10:13 AM
They are all over downtown. Some of them have been here since I started working down here 6 years ago! :eek:

There is an old guy that sits outside of CVS on 4th Street. He is always, there, rain, snow, sleet, or shine. Last week when it was in the 100s, I walked in CVS to get an iced tea and he was standing there counting his change, trying to figure out how much money he had to buy a bottle of water. I felt bad for him, so I gave him the $2 I had on me. He said "bless you" and I watched him, he bought the biggest gatorade he could afford with it. At least I know he did not use it for BEER or DRUGS.

I think i remember that old guy, he always just sat there with a sign. Never asked for anything or bothered anyone. I would give him my leftover change and he would say "Bless YOu". I dont mind helping a guy like that out.

08-30-2007, 09:47 PM
That's Ok, I work at DMAX in Moraine and there are a couple of them on the corners up by Wal-Mart. I went there on my lunch break and this one guy actually tried to stop me in the middle of the street so I just turned strait at him. For an begger they sure can jump. lol. I wouldn't give them a thing. There are shelters and welfare that comes out of my checks no matter what I say or what I do, and quite frankly I would rather they keep there nasty asses at home than to be in the middle of the street beggin or handling my fries at Mcdonalds.

08-30-2007, 10:05 PM
There are programs to help people that do not have any skills find work.

You all ready pay boo coo tax dollars to these worthless fuckers who use your money to buy beer and cigarettes.

Every single person that APPROACHES you and asks for money is obviously a worthless piece of crap. Would YOU ever approach a random person and ask for money? No you wouldn't.

Screw these worthless shit piles of human beings who manipulate weak minds into giving them money. They are not honest people. None of them: If they were, they would be seeking the help of a social worker.

God I get heated up. /Rant

Mista Bone
08-30-2007, 11:38 PM
What about the lady that stands right off the 71SB Smith Edwards exit?

She in NOT homeless! My exfather-in-law's second wife, its her sister out there.

Nice WHITE socks and clean clothes everyday.

08-30-2007, 11:53 PM
Honesty is the best policy. If they simply said "excuse me sir, you look to be doing rather well. Not me, I'm a crack head. The good news is that I'm only short $2.83 to buy a fat rock of the primest crack-cocaine in Cincy"

I'd kindy reply "here ya go you degenerate f*ck, don't burn your lips"

Mista Bone
08-31-2007, 05:15 AM
I've come across a bum in Detroit near Lafayette Chili in a not so good part of downtown.

He asked for change for food and a cup of coffee to warm up. I went inside and asked the owners, yes he was legit. About twice a day he would get a chili dog and coffee. He wasn't allowed inside due to the fact he was dirty and smelled. Well, it was 2am and they said he hadn't ate yet since the night before, but did have enough change for 2 cups of coffee.

I gladly bought him two chili dogs and coffee and took it out to him.

$6, I was jobless and damn near broke myself, I helped him that night.

Now the smooth talking bum at Little Ceasars, he didn't get shit from me, I figured out his scam quickly. $5 Pep. Pizzas, he asked for change when you came out, which would be about .60 if someone ordered just one pizza. Figure a 1 in 3 sucess rate he would be making $12 an hour just standing there.

08-31-2007, 12:33 PM
I was at speedway this morning and wouldn't you know it, the dumb ass was out at a pump with his car begging people for 10 bucks for gas. He got run off and he left quick. That was the 2nd time at this speedway. 3rd time he gets a ride in a cop car hopefully.

08-31-2007, 12:37 PM
Now the smooth talking bum at Little Ceasars, he didn't get shit from me, I figured out his scam quickly. $5 Pep. Pizzas, he asked for change when you came out, which would be about .60 if someone ordered just one pizza. Figure a 1 in 3 sucess rate he would be making $12 an hour just standing there.

Oh Shit Man!!!

Maybe I should do that Part Time!!! :lol:

08-31-2007, 02:00 PM
Oh Shit Man!!!

Maybe I should do that Part Time!!! :lol:

Tax free and non-reportable...just costs you a little integrity.