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You're a mean one, Mr./Mrs. Scrooge! [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


View Full Version : You're a mean one, Mr./Mrs. Scrooge!

08-09-2007, 02:14 AM
about the tipping scene....:mad:

People! If you want "fast" food or like buying from the "value menu" then two words for ya McDONALDS WENDY'S! Do not come to a sit down restaurant, order your kid a child's meal and then bitch about how expensive it was when the brat doesn't eat it... again I say to you McDONALD'S WENDY'S and you just made yourself look like a complete asshat... Here's your sign! :HYF:

If it's you and a couple people, plan on 15-20% of your bill to tip descently ... if it's a larger party of 6, 8 or more plan to tip at least 20% or more depending on your service... It's not that difficult and if you just don't want to come off a descent tip.... McDONALDS WENDY'S!!!

If you go for a sit down meal, be it Frisch's or the local cafe/pub, then be prepared to tip at least 1/2 ass descently! I just don't get how people can put down 30 or more bucks on a good meal but leave 4 or less bucks as a tip? What is that couple extra dollars to take care of those that have "SERVED" you? And while you're at it Mr./Mrs. Scrooge lighten up, smile, be nice or DON'T GO OUT IN PUBLIC STAY HOME BEHIND DOORS WHERE YOU BELONG!!!!

LISTEN... Pass it along and don't be afraid or embarassed to speak up when you're in the company of someone that is a cheap ass tipper! Sadly, some people A) just don't know how to tip properly or B) are just too big of a scrooge tight wad, mean, spiteful, grumpy, unhappy, or what ever their cheap ass deal is...

On the other hand, you have no ideal what a nice person you are and what a good impression you leave when you are a generous, caring tipper! If my husband ever sat there and nit picked about our bill or drug out the menu and added every single charge or if he didn't tip well, I would be so humiliated and believe me you, he would know about it! Or for those that leave "exactly" 15% to the frig'n penny (one lady brings her desk calculator!) --> :HYF:

This is pretty simple, people!

Shitty service, shitty food, etc. - $1-2 if they're lucky....
MINIMUM 15% - service "okay" or only 1-3 guests / food was good....
20% - good service and good food and if you're server was exceptionally good, what's an extra buck or two?
23% - good service, good food, and you and your guests ran your server's ass off the entire time (esp. with beer, liquor, desserts, lots of refills, this that and the other)... and again, what's an extra buck or two?
25% - good service, good food, party of 8 or more again, especially with beer, liquor, desserts, refills, etc.) BE GENEROUS!

That may sound like a lot but it's really not...go ahead pull out that cell phone, it has a calculator on it....

What a lot of people also don't realize is that your server, too, has to "tip out" their bartenders, host/hostess and bussers!!! Where I work, I have to tip out 15 percent of my gross sales (regardless of what I make) to my bartend and 5% to my bussers... I usually round that up to 20 and 7/10 depending on how busy we were, how hard we busted our humps, etc. I certainly walk with less than I was given!

Sorry to rant... I feel better. Good night.

08-09-2007, 02:48 AM
You work in the food industry. I applaude you for putting up with more than you should. When I go out to a nice place, I start my scale at 15&#37; for a tip. If the waitress even shows that she gives a sh*t about me and my family, bingo, it goes to 20%. It doesn't take much for me to realize that you are doing a job and if you do it well, you should be rewarded for it. I understand that you don't make crap on your hourly pay and you are working for tips. I delivered pizza for a few years so I understand.
[I] think everyone should have a job where you are graded on your performance on a daily basis, or even hourly. See the good or bad when it comes to customers and learn that if you do your JOB well, you will make money. If you treat the customers like crap, you getnot much. I am all for tipping a good waitress, but if heor she doesn't care, then neither will I.

08-09-2007, 03:43 AM
My mother worked for many years when i was really young serving food....she worked long hard hours and she earned a damn good living because of how she treated people and more or less earned it.

Now because of that, when i go out to eat, i pay close attention to the server. In most cases to be completely honest, i would prefer seeing my server no more than 2-3 times max....once a few moments after the meal is served to make sure things are ok, then once or twice after that for refills and that's it. Hell if he/she would bring me 2 glasses of coke with the food, chances are she could go off about her business and i wouldn't need her again at all except for the bill.

That said, i consider myself a heavy tipper. In some special cases i've actually paid 100&#37; tip...but that's a long story. I do now however feel that a tip is manditory. If he/she acts like a twat and gives me attitude or never comes to my table, they're going to get a $.50 tip just as an insult. Really young kids are the worst for this usually and it rarely ever happens.

A typical example is when me and my boy go to Frisches ('s cheap and it's actually my second favorite restaurant ever). Our bill is usually no more than $12, but i almost always leave a $5 tip. That's pretty generous considering, like i said earlier, she really just needs to bring the food and get me a refill....if i could just get 2 cokes and the check with my food she'd be done with me and make a pretty good tip for 2 trips total to my table, one to take the order and one to bring the food. (well i guess a 3rd if she cleans up after me and/or to get her tip).

Mista Bone
08-09-2007, 03:47 AM
might wanna explain to LOW base min. wages the girls at places like awful waffle get.

what, something like $2.25 a hour now?

Best way a waitress can get a good tip from me, chew the cooks out for slacking while doing nothing watching the reds game, Big Bobs in Fairfield for example. She was busting her ass at tables (not just mine) and the kitchen was screwing everything up.

Now Ms. aangel, if I have a shitty waitress who does NOTHING and too busy texting friends or to sorry to even help the other girls.......nothing. No tip, you fail, find another line of work.

About your rant........people RARELY hear your side of the SLAVE labor at times.

In Vinnyspeak. if I have to raise my voice and say "It's like this, only full!" your not getting a tip. When you ask me at 1/2 glass how should you should bring another IF I choose another beer........thats a easy 20&#37; tip.

Mista Bone
08-09-2007, 03:51 AM
For example.....our crew would invade Perkins on Route 4, we would need 2 servers/waitress.........on a Friday night.

Average tip was $100 divide between both, those girls who busted ass (never went dry on a cherry coke!) would earn more in tips from our party than they did for 8 hours on the clock @ Perkins.

08-09-2007, 04:02 AM
The case where i tipped 100&#37;....i was with my ex eating at the Red Lobster on Beechmont. The girl serving us was pretty young and i think pretty new at it, and she was really REALLY busting her sweaty forhead and she must have had half the tables and it was prom night on top of that so the place was lined up out the doors. Some older guy and his wife were across the isle from us and they were really pounding this poor girl....she was almost in tears. At one point he went so far as to pretty much raise his voice at her and cause a bit of a scene. They ended up leaving before us, and the next time she came to our table was to give us our check. I stopped her and told her to just stand there for a few minutes like she was helping us...and CHILL OUT! I believe our bill that night was around $45-50 so i handed her a $100 and told her to keep the change. She just about cried on the spot...i told her to keep her chin up :)

Mista Bone
08-09-2007, 05:01 AM
There be a country song about like that.......

08-09-2007, 07:34 AM
Tipping, isn't a city in China... :lol: I'm with ya, I've worked food service for the last 5yrs. I only served for 2 of those however and I have food ran Friday and Saturday nights ever since. You would think servers, who base their existence on tips would appreciate me carrying heavy trays of food non-stop for 4hrs without slowing down but after busting my hump for hours I get a couple of them toss me $2 - talking about pissing me off. The thing is I make sure their tables are happy once the food is out, get refills on drinks, rolls, etc. One of the biggest reasons I quit serving(and more likely than not the reason I'd quit food running) was due to lazy servers. Anybody that has seen me work @ the restaurant knows that I am a hustler - always busting my bump, running my ass off, generally keeping busy. I get so tired of seeing lazy ass servers, sitting on their butts during a rush, chain smoking outside the back door, or just bull shitting with each other. When I served I did have the odd bad tip but I generally banked almost every night(unless we were just super dead), had regulars that tipped really well, etc. but the majority of servers I work with today complain about not making anything. The problem is they come in with an attitude - which the table sees, everything is a hassle, they don't smile and to top it all off they are lazy! I'm usually a great tipper but if we are at a restaurant and I can see clearly that Sally Server only has two tables but spends 90% of her time sweet talking the "hot" bartender instead of serving her tables she is not getting a good tip. All that been said, I REALLY struggle giving less than 15-20% - I can count on one hand in the last 5yrs I have left less than that and they were HORRIBLE!

Now that my mini-rant is over... I really do understand where you are coming from - there is nothing worse than working your ass off, making 20 trips to the table, smiling, spending time making your table happy, only to get a 10%(or worse) tip. It's like a slap in the face. I have always said that every person should work in food service for at least 6 months to get an appreciation for it. It's back breaking work, long hours but it gives you a real appreciation of the job.
PS: What restaurant do you work for?

08-09-2007, 07:54 AM
I tip based on how I feel the service was. I dont give a rats ass about percentages. I worked for tips for a couple years and I know how it is. Now Im the one giving the tips and simply dont care one way or another.If Im at a table for an hour and leave a 5 for a tip, I feel that the server just made over minimum wage, anything else from the ten or more table he/shes working is bonus. Deal with it or get a better job.

08-09-2007, 08:19 AM
we usually take care of our waitresses and waiters depending on the service. There has been a couple of times where I have left about $.50 due to lack of service. Like getting your first ice tea after the meal has already come and being the only table the guy has since the place is dead. but if the service is good and they attempt to act happy we will leave $6+. Or if its a repeat waiter we will dish out some more like Rick at O'Charlies.

08-09-2007, 09:00 AM
I tip based on how I feel the service was. I dont give a rats ass about percentages. I worked for tips for a couple years and I know how it is. Now Im the one giving the tips and simply dont care one way or another.If Im at a table for an hour and leave a 5 for a tip, I feel that the server just made over minimum wage, anything else from the ten or more table he/shes working is bonus. Deal with it or get a better job.

Those percentages are just numbers that some jackass made up. I tip the same way. Usually we tip great. Some servers are just asswipes. They think because we have kids they won't get a good tip. If you take care of usbut don't hassle then you will be rewarded. Now is you let the drinks run low and aggrevate me you will get a big $1 tip...

Kevin Doe
08-09-2007, 09:13 AM
Here is my view on tipping.

Great service 25&#37;
Good service 20%
Bad Service 5-10%
Rude and or offending, 0%

My logic. The server knows they only made $2.XX an hour otherwise. They know that service is their job, and that their paycheck depends upon it. If you do your job well, you should get paid for it, if you do your job only decent, you get paid....decent. If you kinda do your job half assed, then you get half assed paid for it. If you are rude to me or my party, you get nothing. If you basically call me a liar after you fuck up my food order, and insist thats how I ordered it, you get nothing. If a server is bad, but continually gets paid for it, then they'll never change. Its definately a performance based pay scheme, and to get paid, you have to perform. Period.

08-09-2007, 11:18 AM
I know the percentages are just a number but a lot of people "just don't know"... I don't tip by percentages, I'm more like the $5, $10 depending on the bill... And it could even be construed as an insult putting up numbers. It's funny how it's all men that responded... My rant was more for the people that you bust your ass and they leave a $1.25 and say "that's all for you sweetie keep it". WTF? I'd like to throw it at them and tell them to keep they obviously need it more than I...

KEV? What an insult? Get a better job? I said it's a gig while I get through nursing school... I could go back to nursing aid work and make more on the hour...but I don't want to whipe I'm serving "asses" good food. I gave up a job of 16 years, $45k a year to become a nurse... I know, my choice and the hubby reminds me of it EVERY day of my life. How about I remember when you when you're old and gray and I'm saving your life some day? Just kidding. $5 is generous! Kudos.

A big THUMBS UP for those of you who are generous... My mother too was a barmaid or waitress so I guess I come from a background that was taught better. Same goes for your hairdresser / barber.... OF COURSE, some lazy ass server who does nothing but flirt and chit chat or play on her cell phone, neglects the customer--we got a couple of those and I could knock their head off b/c that makes the entire establishment look bad.

MACH_U -- I'm working at Main Street Cafe... Newtown. I'm told it was once the "Yacht Club" back in the day. The owner's son/the family also owns ZIPS in Mt. Lookout. AWESOME food, AWESOME service. The owner is very involved and she will not tolerate half ass or rude servers/bartenders... I've been there about two months now and I have never once had any customer complain about food or service. It's a good place, good food, good people. It's a tight fit in there and when we're busy that place is packed like sardines.

Again, KUDOS to ya'll that are thoughtful and courteous! KHARMA people KHARMA....

08-09-2007, 11:40 AM
we usually take care of our waitresses and waiters depending on the service. There has been a couple of times where I have left about $.50 due to lack of service. Like getting your first ice tea after the meal has already come and being the only table the guy has since the place is dead. but if the service is good and they attempt to act happy we will leave $6+. Or if its a repeat waiter we will dish out some more like Rick at O'Charlies.

Hey i know that guy....he serves us almost every time we eat at O'Charlies. He's a pretty cool guy...he used to always compliment my piercings/tattoos....i dunno if he's kinda ya know weird like that or just kissing ass trying to build a tip but he's always pretty fast and i like anyone who doesn't write down your order and memorizes even my picky special orders.

08-09-2007, 11:42 AM
Sorry for the double post, I got knocked off line....

08-09-2007, 11:47 AM
The case where i tipped 100%....i was with my ex eating at the Red Lobster on Beechmont. The girl serving us was pretty young and i think pretty new at it, and she was really REALLY busting her sweaty forhead and she must have had half the tables and it was prom night on top of that so the place was lined up out the doors. Some older guy and his wife were across the isle from us and they were really pounding this poor girl....she was almost in tears. At one point he went so far as to pretty much raise his voice at her and cause a bit of a scene. They ended up leaving before us, and the next time she came to our table was to give us our check. I stopped her and told her to just stand there for a few minutes like she was helping us...and CHILL OUT! I believe our bill that night was around $45-50 so i handed her a $100 and told her to keep the change. She just about cried on the spot...i told her to keep her chin up :)

I think I have a tear in my eye. You ROCK! :bigthumb Wish there was more in the world like you! Make your way down to Main Street someday! :D

Where abouts you at in Amelia/Beechmont? We're right off 125 in WT... Any pics of the ride? I'll have to keep an eye out for ya.

08-09-2007, 11:51 AM
I think I have a tear in my eye. You ROCK! :bigthumb Wish there was more in the world like you! Make your way down to Main Street someday! :D

Where abouts you at in Amelia/Beechmont? We're right off 125 in WT... Any pics of the ride? I'll have to keep an eye out for ya.

I'm down Bennett Rd which is like 2 miles from 275 heading towards Amelia. I've got pics here :D It's the only heap like it around here, you can't miss it lol.

08-09-2007, 12:13 PM
Our house is exactly two miles off the 275 exit... Is Bennett the road next to Ameri Stop? We're right off Dieckman, next to ProTech Auto care... They just paved our neighborhood streets so they could redo the water drainage system...(yeah, dig'n up my front yard!). Can't miss the 'ole rust stang the hubby is refurbishing... Our dead end little street backs up to Southwind Apts. Our boyz started football, it's faster for us to walk to WT park than to drive... We cut through Southwind through the woods and end up right in the park...


08-09-2007, 12:19 PM
Our house is exactly two miles off the 275 exit... Is Bennett the road next to Ameri Stop? We're right off Dieckman, next to ProTech Auto care... They just paved our neighborhood streets so they could redo the water drainage system...(yeah, dig'n up my front yard!). Can't miss the 'ole rust stang the hubby is refurbishing... Our dead end little street backs up to Southwind Apts. Our boyz started football, it's faster for us to walk to WT park than to drive... We cut through Southwind through the woods and end up right in the park...


Mista Bone
08-09-2007, 03:46 PM
My favorite servers.......

Veronica at Golden Corral, Forest Fair area, she's a black Jamican lady (love her accent!) and I make it a point to sit in her area if she's working.

Never run out of pop or dinner rolls (unless the bakery is behind, not her fault) or clean plates.

"Jose" at La Pinata on Briel in Middletown, not sure it thats his real name, but again great service......same with Taquira Mercano in Fairfield were you'll find the OWNER running food.

Worst service, Logo's in Blue Ash, mostly since the owner won't hire more help. On a friday night you have just two girls serving tables, not good.

08-09-2007, 05:46 PM
I feel for you. I've dated two girls that worked at Bob Evans on seperate occasions. They bust ass and get stiffed. And then you catch the bus boy pocketing their tips and meet them out back in a three-pots-of-coffee induced rage...

Some personal pointers:
1. If the cup runneth dry you're loosing money for every slurp on the melting ice I have to take. (Extenuating circumstances for busy nights)

2. If you come back smelling of cannibis and don't have the bill, for the 3rd time. You're not going to get ANY tip.

I tip well when the waitress takes care of the table. She doesn't have to flirt (the wife hates that) but they have to try and be friendly. I don't bitch, I try not to ask for a bunch of extra crap. Get me my food warm and in a timely fashion and I'm happy.

At places like Outback, where I know the glasses are small. I'll let them know I need "the big glass". (It helps I know the kitchen manager and his fiance usually goes to dinner with us there.) ;)

I usually do ~20&#37; and round up to the next whole dollar. Nice places I do more based on service and quality. Liquor/beer gets extra since they usually have to split the tip with the bartender.

08-09-2007, 07:55 PM
MACH_U -- I'm working at Main Street Cafe... Newtown. I'm told it was once the "Yacht Club" back in the day. The owner's son/the family also owns ZIPS in Mt. Lookout. AWESOME food, AWESOME service. The owner is very involved and she will not tolerate half ass or rude servers/bartenders... I've been there about two months now and I have never once had any customer complain about food or service. It's a good place, good food, good people. It's a tight fit in there and when we're busy that place is packed like sardines.
That's funny! My step-sister worked down there for awhile - Micah Jansen. She probably quit about the time you would have started. I have always wanted to check that place out as it's only 5min from my house. What's your name? I'll ask for you if the wife and I stop in (don't worry we leave more than 15&#37; :lol:).

08-09-2007, 10:40 PM
when i go to the country inn in the morning before breakfast, first thing my gal does is look to see if i'm on my motorcycle, if i'm in my car, she brings my drinks in a to go cup, because she knows i like to take a full cup to go

she brings me strawberry jelly instead of the cheap grape everyone else gets,

she does an awesome job taking care of me,

she always gets 25%

i loathe when she is not there, the other servers just pail in comparison, and i'll tip accordingly,

the one day, the gal never came back one time to give me a refill

i left no tip, i worked in service for years, you gotta take care of people

08-10-2007, 12:44 AM
I feel for you.
Some personal pointers:
1. If the cup runneth dry you're loosing money for every slurp on the melting ice I have to take. (Extenuating circumstances for busy nights)

2. If you come back smelling of cannibis and don't have the bill, for the 3rd time. You're not going to get ANY tip.

I tip well when the waitress takes care of the table. She doesn't have to flirt (the wife hates that) but they have to try and be friendly. I don't bitch, I try not to ask for a bunch of extra crap. Get me my food warm and in a timely fashion and I'm happy.

At places like Outback, where I know the glasses are small. I'll let them know I need "the big glass". (It helps I know the kitchen manager and his fiance usually goes to dinner with us there.) ;)

I usually do ~20% and round up to the next whole dollar. Nice places I do more based on service and quality. Liquor/beer gets extra since they usually have to split the tip with the bartender.

You're a-okay dude... On behalf of servers and barkeeps, THANK YOU! :bigthumb

Yep, I never let the cup runneth dry, pretty basic shit.

Smelling like weed? Shit, we're so damned busy running our asses off we don't even have time to go in the back to take a drink of water/soda...can't have it out front... eating/drinking in front of guests BIG no no! Plus it's tacky... I don't smoke cigs but our servers can't even find the time to smoke a weed. Which is a good thng b/c I think it's digusting to come back in smelling of cigarette smoke when you're serving food!

HINT and OH BOY! I'm not like this, but A LOT of women are... If I'm serving a couple (usually the younger/middle age couples)... I NEVER make eye contact with the man first, I always make eye contact with and talked directly to the woman first... not that it shows respect or I give a flying frogs' ass, I just know how some women are about that kind of crap.

It's funny how only men have responded to this rant... women, for the most part (speaking from experience), are usually the bad tippers and the men are usually more generous... that's weird???

08-10-2007, 01:01 AM
That's funny! My step-sister worked down there for awhile - Micah Jansen. She probably quit about the time you would have started. I have always wanted to check that place out as it's only 5min from my house. What's your name? I'll ask for you if the wife and I stop in (don't worry we leave more than 15&#37; :lol:).

COOL! The percentage thing, that was just me ranting... Had to get it out of my system... ;) Tonight was another night from hell... A/C still on the fritz and out of everything! I've never seen it like that! The kitchen just wasn't with it tonight, I could have strangled them!

It's a fluke that I started working there... The hubby's nephew's wife has worked there forever, lunches... We were at a party and she ask me if I was there I am. I started the week of June 25. Did Micah like it? It can be overwhelming, that's for sure. They are just real funny and nit-picky about a lot of things, but hell if it were my family business, I'd be the same way.

I go in at 4:00 Saturday...and next week I'm there every night but Monday and Wednesday... We get our rush around the 6:00 hour, give or take... usually a wait to be seated, especially on a Saturday night. I SURE IN THE HELL hope they get that frig'n A/C fixed! Gosh, I so wanted to call into work tonight!

Well, you'll see the 'ole nissan quest mini van in the parking lot either way if I'm on...proudly displaying the Vinny5Oh sticker in the back window!

If you do come, here's wishing you (as my sister and I call it) "Good Dining Kharma"! :bigthumb

Oh, and I'm Angel, a good friend of Holly's. I think I may have met you and your wife at Holly's house? Maybe not... Is your wife redhotgtgirl or something like that, the little red "my pony" avatar? Looking forward to meeting you, and sincerely, I hope you do have a good dining experience at Main Street rather I serve you or not.

08-10-2007, 01:05 AM
when i go to the country inn in the morning before breakfast, first thing my gal does is look to see if i'm on my motorcycle, if i'm in my car, she brings my drinks in a to go cup, because she knows i like to take a full cup to go

she brings me strawberry jelly instead of the cheap grape everyone else gets,

she does an awesome job taking care of me,

she always gets 25%

i loathe when she is not there, the other servers just pail in comparison, and i'll tip accordingly,

the one day, the gal never came back one time to give me a refill

i left no tip, i worked in service for years, you gotta take care of people

:bigthumb Awesome beefcake!

Country Inn in Withamsville? That's right across the street from us! I went to school with the Maher's (the owners' son). I love that place ("greasy spoon" as I call it).

I go there just for breakfast and I always get the egg over hard, hash browns, and their goetta rocks! I gotta get an extra slice of that... My family will only eat that jump'n joe goetta (? 99cents a roll)... They serve up geiler's goetta ($4 something a block), it's awesome... My grandfather was a butcher and made goetta all the time! LOVE IT!

Yep, Country Inn is a good place... Funny, one day I go in there and I'm like, where do I know that server from??? She use to be the manager at Chuck-E-Cheeses! Small world!

08-10-2007, 01:13 AM
Oh, and I'm Angel, a good friend of Holly's. I think I may have met you and your wife at Holly's house? Maybe not... Is your wife redhotgtgirl or something like that, the little red "my pony" avatar? Looking forward to meeting you, and sincerely, I hope you do have a good dining experience at Main Street rather I serve you or not.
Yup, that's my wifey! It's very possible we did meet you - I'm horrible with remembering names/faces! We'll be sure to stop in and say hi sometime soon. :bigthumb

08-12-2007, 02:05 AM
... I don't know if the bitching about bad tippers helped, the tip gods were with me tonight or just the good kharma that's in the air about the PINKS win! But it's been one hell of a good day all around...

I HAD THE BEST FRIG'N NIGHT EVER! Despite someone taking the station I was supposed to be assigned to (the "good station / aka the "make better tips" station)... I'm now thankful for the good folk out there that take care of those that give "GOOD" service. I certainly do not expect a descent tip if it's not earned, that's for darned sure but I'm not too proud to say that I give my guests damned good service!

One AWESOME family, on their way to the "Bootsie Collins" concert (Man, Wife in their 40's and their two teenage sons)... I knew they were in a hurry adn everything went swell and they were well taken care of... Left me three 20s on a $42 check! God Bless Him! :bigthumb

My last check of the night was a (what my young server friend called a "hot dad").... in his early 40s came in with his two sons 5 & 3... it was late they were hungry... again, they had excellent service b/c they were my last table... left me a ten spot on $32... I made killer money tonight! :bigthumb

My point is not to brag but to confess that I realize that there is good people out there and I should be thankful for every dime earned, not every dime not earned. I'll have to admit I've learned one of those life lessons, yet again.

Awesome way to end the weekend!

08-12-2007, 12:43 PM
If this weekend could get any better!

West Clermont Youth Football 7 year old CHIEFS kicked Milford's butt at Paul Brown Stadium today! 12 - ZIP!!!! Didn't get into bed until after 3am up at 6am and at the stadium, in the hot sun, from 8ish until 11am...

Those little guys played with heart! The season is off to one heck of a start!

WAY TO GO CHIEFS!!!!!!!! :bigthumb

08-12-2007, 07:44 PM
You work in the food industry. I applaude you for putting up with more than you should. When I go out to a nice place, I start my scale at 15% for a tip. If the waitress even shows that she gives a sh*t about me and my family, bingo, it goes to 20%. It doesn't take much for me to realize that you are doing a job and if you do it well, you should be rewarded for it. I understand that you don't make crap on your hourly pay and you are working for tips.
[I] think everyone should have a job where you are graded on your performance on a daily basis, or even hourly. See the good or bad when it comes to customers and learn that if you do your JOB well, you will make money. If you treat the customers like crap, you getnot much. I am all for tipping a good waitress, but if heor she doesn't care, then neither will I.

I'd have to agree and thats what we do. Also if they bust ass and bring drinks without asking the tip can go up to 25% easily.

08-12-2007, 08:48 PM
I'd have to agree and thats what we do. Also if they bust ass and bring drinks without asking the tip can go up to 25% easily.

i never plan on less than 20 unless the person screws up, i usually go through a lot of drinks is my biggest pet pieve. I can't stand sitting around and waiting for something to drink

08-12-2007, 09:57 PM
AMEN, beefcake! This be-atch is on the refill scene! .... don't ya just love when you have to like suck through the straw and make that gosh awful "my glass is empty" slurping sound...? and then set the glass on the corner edge of the table...hoping the dumb ass server can get an obvious hint? or even when they act put out if they have to get you a refill? I'm sorry, some people have NO business serving tables...???

08-12-2007, 10:14 PM
AMEN, beefcake! This be-atch is on the refill scene! .... don't ya just love when you have to like suck through the straw and make that gosh awful "my glass is empty" slurping sound...? and then set the glass on the corner edge of the table...hoping the dumb ass server can get an obvious hint? or even when they act put out if they have to get you a refill? I'm sorry, some people have NO business serving tables...???

100% accurate

08-12-2007, 10:32 PM
My comment wasnt directed at you personaly I hope you dont take it that way.

08-12-2007, 11:11 PM
Not at all, Kevin! Not at all! Even if it was, I do have thicker skin then that! ;)

I guess your comment, well it wasn't you at all...It's just one of those, you know, like "one of my major buttons" so I may have been a bit trigger happy on that one... I mentioned that I gave up a very comfortable salary when I "quit" my job of 16 years to pursue a 4yr (eventually a masters) degree in nursing... Well, believe me you, when ever finances are mentioned in this house... I'm all too well reminded of what I gave up and it ain't blood pressure goes up just thinking about what an ass he can be about "reminding me"... :( NO --> :mad: is more like it... actually, where's that AK47 dude!

But all in all, you know, not to sound's been one hell of a haul and the "better half" doesn't really make anything easier on me, if anything he makes it harder at times. But that only makes me more determined to get through these next two years! The Good Lord has gotten me through two years of a measly 1/8 of my previous salary. The Good Lord will get me through the next two years of nursing school. In the meantime, "eye on the prize baby, eye on the prize!".

I also like to think that those I love and miss dearly in Heaven are my gaurdian angels and they got my back through nursing school... People just don't realize how hard it is... Well shit, if it was easy we'd all be nurses or doctors, right?

I'm definitely a "peoples person" and I'm proudly in the profession of "HUMAN LIVES"!

What better, rewarding career could you ask for! :bigthumb

08-12-2007, 11:18 PM
Oh, and by the way Kevin... I've had two years of human psychology and have I ever mentioned to you that your avatar disturbs me? I think I have and you get a kick out of it.. :lol: Seriously, what exactly is that guy doing? Nevermind...don't wanna know.

Every time my older son sits by me and watches me on SBz, he ALWAYS asks about your avatar... I say, "I don't know but it disturbs me".

Is that Richard Dawson... wasn't he on the original Family Feud?


Greg Seibert
08-20-2007, 10:04 PM
Angel, Semper Fi Chick, and good luck finding your dreams!
You know, besides being a fair tipper, I sometimes tip those who normally don't receive tips, and you should see the looks on their faces. When we bought the wifes F-150 last fall, the sales guy had the lot tech come inside at 9:45 to tell him to wash the new truck. He seemed beat and ready to go home, but turned around and got the job done. When we stepped outside, he wished us good luck with the ride, and I slipped him a $20. Just the look on his face told the story that he hadn't been tipped before!
Moral is, to tip anyone who goes above and beyond and it will come back in spades. Just pass it on!

PS: The Pinks thing had intervention from above, and most on here, especially those intimate with the "Lil' Stang That Could", know that.

08-22-2007, 04:34 PM
Angel, Semper Fi Chick, and good luck finding your dreams!
You know, besides being a fair tipper, I sometimes tip those who normally don't receive tips, and you should see the looks on their faces. When we bought the wifes F-150 last fall, the sales guy had the lot tech come inside at 9:45 to tell him to wash the new truck. He seemed beat and ready to go home, but turned around and got the job done. When we stepped outside, he wished us good luck with the ride, and I slipped him a $20. Just the look on his face told the story that he hadn't been tipped before!
Moral is, to tip anyone who goes above and beyond and it will come back in spades. Just pass it on!

PS: The Pinks thing had intervention from above, and most on here, especially those intimate with the "Lil' Stang That Could", know that.

Been down and out on the Inet scene, but a big thumbs up to you Greg! ;)

08-22-2007, 04:50 PM
Oh, and by the way Kevin... I've had two years of human psychology and have I ever mentioned to you that your avatar disturbs me? I think I have and you get a kick out of it.. :lol: Seriously, what exactly is that guy doing? Nevermind...don't wanna know.

Every time my older son sits by me and watches me on SBz, he ALWAYS asks about your avatar... I say, "I don't know but it disturbs me".

Is that Richard Dawson... wasn't he on the original Family Feud?

The fact that it disturbs you pleases me tremendously.:) The guy is Edward James Olmos. Hes an actor who plays the character of Admiral Amama on the new Battlestar Galactica series. What he is doing exactly escapes me, but Im sure it was just a normal motion in the course of a scene that someone looped to creat that gif file.