View Full Version : Broken Ipod

06-03-2007, 03:34 PM
I'm looking for a broken IPOD 5th gen (Video). I would prefer the screen not be broken, but if it is, we may be able to work something out. Lemme know what you got.

Basically even it's a POS, lemme know.

06-04-2007, 04:36 PM
OOOoooohhh are you gonna do a hard drive swap? I was reading about those....definitely going to consider it if mine crashes and can't be fixed.

06-04-2007, 05:29 PM
I need some spare parts. HD swaps I thought were kinda tough because the physical drive sizes were a bit different...?

I remember reading where someone was comparing drive sizes, but that's been a while.

06-05-2007, 05:18 PM
Well it's not very cost effective unless your iPod is just plain old screwed, then you'll save money compared to buying a new one. At $280 for a 100gb drive, it's definitely something i'm going to think about once mine is dead. This site has pretty much anything you need, including longer life batteries.

Here's the hard drive:

Here's the site home page:

06-05-2007, 11:13 PM
Nice site for sure... I bookmarked that one!

Still interested in buying a broken ipod, so if someone has one... lemme know.

06-27-2007, 09:12 PM
Still looking.. Broken Ipod, 5th gen (Video) color doesn't matter. Or if you have a working used IPOD you wanna sell lemme know what you want for it and I may consider that option.

06-30-2007, 09:17 AM
Interested in one of the Nano's 4GB? If so let me know.