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Hey Guy? (this is ugly and not for the youngens) [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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02-09-2007, 01:48 AM
Just what the fuck were you thinking?? Didnt you realize that so many people have been touched by you? You were an inspiration to many and a great friend to everyone. Do you have any fucking idea that you created something special?
It wasnt the site, it wasnt the car, it was YOU. You are the reason this is. You are the reason we weep like fucking 2 year olds cause your gone.
God damn you for leaving us. Speaking of god, kick that fuck in the head also. What the fuck is he thinking???
Ohhh I need Mr Vincent up here to fab up some new robes and shit.
Low rent Heavenly All knowing fucktard. I guess we should expect this from him. Hell look what he allowed to happen to his only son.:HYF:

Im trying really hard to understand this......There just aint no fucking explanation.
Holly told me what happened....Thats a real fucking shitty way anyone to go out.
God you LR!! Fuck free will and fuck this for happenin this way. No one should go out like this, especially Vinny.

It was NOT his time.

Faith is all gone on my end. There is no logical explantion for this. You have taken a truly blessed person form us all, knowing what an exceptional person he was....Thank you so much you one side fuck.
Everything happens for a reasson....HA!! So Holly and Amanda cna be fucking sad for the rest of their lives?? You sure showed us. Heres a fucking GOD sized Carb just fo ryou :HYF:

Its always the good ones. I can think of many many people that do not need to be here. But lets take Vinny. Yeah thats a Great choice. Ya dick.
I can see Vinny now, Ok Guy, sorry, GOD, hes been drinking, hes fucked up, so please dont turn him into a burning bush or anything.

Reading the posts by everyone is heartwarming and heartbreaking.
This crazy cracka has touched sooo many people in such a short time.
No hes gone....

Fucking GoNE WTF!!!
There was Shit in planning that was going to turn SBZ on it ear!! Events cruises, drives, just all kinds of stuff!! Now I could give two shits. All the events in the world aint gonna be the same without Vinny. Cruise ins, no Vinny on the mic pointing out Roba nd Craig. Raccoons, them bitches will be running rampant over at Hollys now. Catholic basketballl games, no Vinny keepin those Drunk Catholics in line!! Vegas, hell, vegas is a weepin.

Ohhh but theres a nice shinny Stang sitting in the garage ready for the upcoming season...HOW MUCH OF KICK IN THE JUNK IS THAT!! FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR IRONY. It wasnt enough that Vinny went threw ALOT of shit with that car, but lets just kick him in the balls and take him away before he can enjoy it. THATS BULLSHIT!!! and thats just a fucking car....lets talk family....Oh you just got married?? Ehh 6 months is enough. POOF! Oh your daughter is coming of age, guess what, you wont be here for her. FUCKING BULLSHIT!

Oh we pray and pray, to what? Thanks. (please see my sarcasm, as I know you are GOD, I realize you know all) Asshole:mad:

Dwell on that for a bit, I have more.....

02-09-2007, 02:31 AM
He never got to meet my Lil girl.
We never got a chance to bust off the turbo cars.
We never got a chance to make our ideas into reality.
We never got a chance to show everyone exactly how SBZ owns this fucking town.

Im sorry if I sound selfish. Im just a ventin.

Im tired and spent. Maybe God will have pity on me and allow me to live another day:rolleyes:

02-09-2007, 03:08 AM
I did mention, KMA?
Kiss My ass? Anyone? Thanks, KMA:popcorn:

02-09-2007, 05:42 AM
I know how your feeling and it sucks. I may not have known Vinny as well as alot of you but over the past year we talked alot. I was in the garage working on the cars all day today way up into the night and the whole time I kept thinking how unfair it is for Vinny to be taken away from us. It always seems like its the good guys and not the low rent pieces of shit that are taken from us. Over the years Ive lost some good friends who were great people, who actaly made this world a better place, and poof they were gone, for what? You always hear god works in mysterious ways, Thats major bullshit, why not take some rapist, Murderer, or child abuser, instead of good people. I find myself laying in bed tonight thinking of these things, why did god take these people. I will never know. All I know is Vinny made a impact in so many lives and its just not right that hes gone. This past Sunday we were talking about him coming up to my house and hanging out in the garage this weekend, and then the following week I was going to help with his car. I was so excited to know that Vinny thought of me as a friend. And now I will never get to spend that time with him, and it sucks. But Ive been lucky enough to know the man and he will never be forgotton by me. I found my self staring at some parts that he had made for me this past week, He spent 4 hours of his life machining a trim ring for my dash just because he thought it would look cool in my car. Those parts mean alot to me now, more than I would have ever thought. I guess im just tore up inside, I cant imagine how some of you feel cause I know how shitty I feel. I will miss him. Sorry for the rant but I was hoping it would make me feel better.:(

02-09-2007, 08:15 AM
I wish I could take away the pain you feel Craig. It's not fair. It sucks he was taken from us. There are lot's of things he has not done nor will ever do now. But he did so much in the time he was here. He gave us so much. I wasn't a close friend but I was a friend. Vinny was friends with everybody. That was the beauty of him. That is the legacy he leaves behind. It's up to us SBZ here to make sure that legacy lives on. We do own this town. We will continue to own this town. In his memory. Always.

02-09-2007, 08:28 AM
Wow, Craig you sure don't sugar coat anything do you....but you are 100&#37; right it is not fair.

Pops Fun
02-09-2007, 08:38 AM

02-09-2007, 08:47 AM
:angel: man it always seems that the good ones (our family or closest friends).but we got these fucked up people that blow people up and do these fucked up terroist attacks and they live?man i feel ya is fucked up man.god giveth and god taketh away?never did understand?WHY?just keep his wishes going as strong and as fast as possible?hang in there!!!!!!!!

02-09-2007, 09:18 AM
hardcore brother, but i know where your coming from

02-09-2007, 09:45 AM
IMO, I think that since Vinny was such an awesome person, he got the privelage to go to a better place sooner than everyone else.

02-09-2007, 09:45 AM

02-09-2007, 10:00 AM
Sorry guys....Its just so fuckin sad.
No words, no actions, nothing, Nothing will bring him back.

I just keep on thinking of everything, cabrewing, NMRA, the campgrounds, his parties, the cruise ins, the get togethers...VEGAS!! Only Paul, Vinny and myself will ever understand what a BLAST that trip was.

So many things that guy has been a part of, and made things hes gone.

02-09-2007, 10:17 AM
So many things that guy has been a part of, and made things hes gone.

and that sucks!!

Black Horse
02-09-2007, 10:33 AM
Craig - I feel your pain, wish we could all do something to make it right - I just know that together we all are going to get through this.

02-09-2007, 12:26 PM
Craig - I feel your pain, wish we could all do something to make it right - I just know that together we all are going to get through this.

So true.

Pops Fun
02-09-2007, 12:36 PM
Craig - I feel your pain, wish we could all do something to make it right - I just know that together we all are going to get through this.

I still can't talk or post how I feel, I keep going around and round in my head... Together yeah..

02-09-2007, 01:03 PM
I still can't talk or post how I feel, I keep going around and round in my head... Together yeah..

That's how I am too. I've sat down multiple times trying to put my thoughts into words, and I can't seem to...which is unusual for me.

Craig's words are pretty damn close to what's going on in my head though.

02-09-2007, 02:20 PM
I asked all these questions when I lost my father - it took a long time for me to determine the answers for my questions.

Now, I sit and stare at my PM inbox - at 9:57pm Tuesday night Vinny PMd me about decals - he was looking out for me. He did not want me to get the Skull and Cross piston decal since there seemed to be some gang with a similar emblem - he told me he would really be pissed if I got taken out on my new bike because of a StangBangerz logo.

I stare at that and I weep - I weep for Holly and Amanda - I weep for all of you guys/gals who were closer to Vinny and enjoyed his company.

I look throught he pictures thread and marvel that Vinny was a boy in a mans body - he LOVED life - you can tell that by his expresions, his actions and what he was doing.

My 10 year old daughter cried last night when I discussed this with her - she knew Vinny from the National Trails event a couple years back. Apparently Vinny bought her a water without asking if she wanted one - she was standing out in the sun handing out the papers and he brought her a water and thanked her.

She asked what happened to him - I wept because I was faced with that question I had thought I had answered for my dad.

God may have Vinny, but we have all of our memories and nothing can take those.

I wish I could do more for Holly and Amanda - but for now - I still hold them in my prayers and thoughts.


02-09-2007, 03:17 PM
I lost my father a couple years back I had to wrestle with the why's and how's. It is unfortunate that the old saying "You don't know what you've got till it's gone" is so true. My wife and I seperated 20 months ago I still miss her becuse I see her frequently and the image stays fresh. I just now lately have come to grips with my fathers death. It takes alot of time to heal wounds and we all will blame and question why and how. But we will all ,in our own time, come to an inner peace. When I start to miss my father I can think of times we laughed and wrenched together, my wife the same (She did help me wrench on my car!):) I am not saying death and divorce are on the same plane, but death comes in many fashions and we all will face them in our own ways. "Time heals all wounds"?? I also am still waiting, but it will come .................................................. $.02
Rest in peace Vinny you left alot of reasons to make people smile

02-09-2007, 03:20 PM
I think it's important to remember that Vinny did more in his short journey with us than most people do in their entire life. As I read all of the posts, the common theme is that Vinny was a warm, kind, caring person who thought of others long before he thought about himself. I have heard Brian, (92coupe) say something good about Vinny almost every day of our life together. Although I haven't been signed on to the website much recently, I live it through Brian because he's here every day. In fact, if it weren't for Vinny and SBZ, I wouldn't even know Brian. It is clear to me that Vinny packed so much into his short life, and he will be greatly missed.
We hurt, because we will miss him, and his life was interrupted so early and so quickly. We are sad, because we see his unfulfilled dreams, and the pain that his family is going through. I cannot even imagine the magnitude of pain that his family is experiencing. I wish I could find words of comfort and some way to "fix" the pain that everyone is feeling, but I can't. What I can say is that SBZ are a great group of people and I am proud to be a member of such a wonderful group created by such an amazing man.
Just as I was writing this post at work and listening to the Children's Hospital Radiothon, this song came on and I think it fits Vinny perfectly. I'm on my way over to make a pledge in honor of Vinny. :(

"Every now and then we find a special friend
Who never lets us down
Who understands it all
Reaches out each time you fall
You're the best friend that I've found
I know you can't stay
A part of you will never ever go away
Your heart will stay...." Jordan Hill

Mista Bone
02-09-2007, 05:11 PM
I lost my father 10 years and 50 weeks (Wednesday also!) ago to a heart attack.......atleast he didn't suffer.

Now "Pops" who we buried in Monday in Detroit, he suffered for 6 six years from cancer and fungial infection from a botched spinal tap. From 250 lbs down to 70-75 pounds......

"do a burnout!"

I can only believe in my heart they are both in heaven running 8's in the 1/4 and raising heck.

02-09-2007, 05:51 PM
I've been trying to come up with a way to express my sympathy but can't find the words, I'm just going to type how I feel...

I haven't known Vinny and Holly as long or as well as alot of you folks since I'm a ways away. But the times I did get to spend with them they welcomed us like we've known each other for years. They are both special people and it is not fair at all that this happened. Not to Vinny, Holly, Amanda or the rest of the family and friends. I wish to echo alot of the words I'v read above about Vinny always joking around and being fun. I will miss him. And for those that say "everything happens for a reason" I call bullshit. I can't think of one good reason this had to happen. Like you Craig, I've lost alot of faith...

02-09-2007, 07:03 PM
I know what you're saying Craig. I bounce back and forth between being angry and being greatful for the time we did have him here... and I wasn't nearly as close to him as you were.

I'm trying to stay positive. I know that we are all better people because we got to know Vinny, even for such a short while. I know that we have a lot to learn from Vinny. My plan is to keep Holly and Amanda in my prayers and to try and think "what would Vinny do" whenever I'm on SBZ.

It still hurts.


02-09-2007, 09:31 PM
+ 1 with trying to stay positive. remembering him and what he stood for. tonight however i got mad. i've been fighting tears all day. came from seeing it in black in white in the newspaper. but tonight, when i fired up the cobra to bring it out of hibernation i got mad. i mean at first, the sound and smell was heaven. then the thought of why i was pulling it out of the garage just was wrong. i was taking it up to alan so he could clean it up. so we could drive it in honor of vinny. who was taken from us much too soon. its just not right. i hate this.

02-09-2007, 10:22 PM
I still feel like I am in a nightmare. I did not know vinny half as good, as everyone else here. But every time he walked into the shop the day got twice as good. I feel blessed to have seen him on Tuesday, just to be able to remember how we all sat around watching it snow and talk about stupid shit, like why holly was buying bird seed in the winter, and how he tried to build a house for the cats that were hanging around outside there home because it was cold out. I am with you Craig, it makes no sense to believe in someone that is so cold and could take such great people from us. I too will miss you Vinny

towman tug
02-10-2007, 01:42 AM
I was called to a machine shop called Veterans in Lockland to move a forklift. Walked in the place and saw a guy at a machine and when I walked up, I couldnt believe it was Vinny. We hadn't seen each other since the summer @ E20. He stopped what he was doing, turned his machine off and shook my hand. We asked how each other were doing and he told me all about He and Holly getting married. He said life was better than ever and he was finally getting somewhere with his Stang. He gave me his new cell number and told me to call him when the weather broke and I could get away to go grab some beers and wings with him, check out his car and catch up on life. We stood around for about an hour laughing about shit from the old days. He said he wanted to come back to my house and drink beer and play pool again. We laughed it up for a while and I got loaded and left.

I never got a chance to make that call, although I kept telling my GF how I wanted her to meet Vinny and Holly and that I was excited to see him. I had planned on doing it in the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Its not fair that somebody with such an influence on other people could be gone so quickly. I can honestly say that Vinny was the most influential and fun person I have ever been around. Ive never seen somebody that could take the worst situation and make everybody laugh their asses off. It was just Vinny.

Im proud to ever have been associated with Vinny. There will never be anybody else like him. Thanks for the laughs and good times Vin. Sorry I never got to have that beer with ya, but someday, we will. I miss ya.